The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 06, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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Campaign on for Driving Safety
Uncte John
For iNadonai A utomobile
Wh le we reckon Evolution is
a rig' t stnart institution, if not
a <>«ost important one to us,—
•r biggest minds have*
! —fairly
popped their
no* shouted, till they near­
ly i.-.ake the opposition cuss! It
keeps u« small-folk nettle.!,
cause they never g et it settled
— it leaves us blindly gropin' in
the dark.—and we wonder if
our cousins entertain the crowd
Stop!— Danger!!
by dox<«s, in an evil-sm ellin’
cage in Central Park? I don't
know much about it,— I am half
Traffic ex p erts in all p arts of the
no less person than Tomm y Milton,
inclined to doubt it, as I con­
template the baboon in the aoo
U nited S tates a re virtually agreed
th e w orld’s fa s te st autom obile driver,
Illustrated Above
— I can’t discern affection »’hen
(or facts about handling a car—an*
th a t a "N ational Code of driv in g slg
T urning left c o rn e r — ip.
he looks in my direction, so I
for the aim plest and best
sidle off toward the kangnro..
plenty of l roe th ru st out
■Ignata for general driving.
‘Into drivers of autom obiles.
It air it my inclination to disown
your arm with index finger
my pore relation, nor to snub
The reason for th is is th a t th e sale
“tTny lessnvsa kills.. not speed."
extended and point to loft.
a decent feller that's my kin,
of autom obiles each y ear is far o u t­
Milton, w ho is In fu I accord
but if Adam w as a monkey—
T u rning rig h t co rn er—raise
stripping the developm ent of new
and his great-grandson a on-
with the Idea th at a national code
key, can't ye see the so .i o f
ro ad s; th e congestion Is becom ing
should be a ¡opted
to w ;.n,! , a l» y paint the
fix that w e are in? Let us come
worse and w orse; and the increase
"Of fo u rs - th e re Is a lim it to
to some conclusion that will
index finger to right.
In the num ber of accidents is grow
* o i l . " co: tlnues Milton, m il this a p
settle all confusion as to
ta g at an alarm in g rate. T his, too
m e" — th ru st
was tadpoles at the
I lie s io ra rin g ns well
At 100 to lln
d esp ite the fact th at th e autom obile
hand a id wave it w ith for­ mile-» an hour any racin g driver can
is becoming so common th at v irtu al y
ward motion
He sure to ih a n .il" bis c a r on a decent track
every d riv er— is a good driver.
sound horn w in n
passing ¡even if he docs have a blowout. A t'
from rear.
In som e c 'tie s and som e states
ISA to is s miles an hour he's alm ost
speed lim its hnve been raised In the
backing — helpless.”
effort to "g et traffic out of the way,"
th ru st out hand with palm
"tn g driving it Isn't ape-1
This seem s to be practical — and
forw ard and h u ll th at wav.
’■> much ns reck lessn ess that kil »
would be m ore so w ere ail drivers
Look around Itefore back­ When America, the first nation that
o perating th e ir cars under a national
t-iik to wheels learns th e ••inside”
I code of signals—so th at all drivers
of driving— we will all knew as nn
I would know a t all tim es ju st what .four s ln ig e sig n als—which If adopted axiom, th at It Is not n ecessarily th "
Drive to Pas«— Mr. and Mrs. L. E. i o th e r drivers w ere going to »io.
jn a tlo ra tly — and used by d riv ers
fast d river, but the self'sh. ret klc -
B asiord and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ba
T here is now a m o v .m en t on to • vervw her would Insure unpnPatlv* lor Ignorant driv er th at kills.”
ford drove to the lava beds Sunday. ‘th is end.
C ollier's, th e N ational safety and perm it d riv ers to o p e ra te j
lead tn '
f c a rs w ith a f -c lin g of r e \
Then Milton suggested and demon-
Goes to Colorado— Ralph Sweeney J Week!
« irate! four sim ple driving aignal*
in Its Issue o f, hence.
left W cdnasanv for D enver, Colorado, 'm ovem ent
August 1. p resen ts and r« com m ends
Th editor of C ollier’s has gone to as U lnstrated here.
to visit his p aten ts.
"Signal In plenty of lim e.” «a«»
m orning and night, advises th e s ta ­ Milton. "D on't flop out a layv hand
Will Go to C rescent Lake—Mr. anti
R em em ber—you
This. If m ade by th e ow ner, is at th«- last mom ent
Mrs. Ja c k H endcrer will leav e tom or­
row for C rescent lake, w here they
NEED COMMERCIAL FEED m ade of two p a rts w heat, one part are iry lrg to tell som eone behind that
com , and one p art plump oats. A th ere -g danger ahead. A'our signal
wili meet Mr. and Mrs. D. W Murphy
In handling th e sm all flock in Ore- sufficient am ount la ft-d In (he m orn­ Is ju st as llf-«wavlng as a railroad
and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Moshier.
The p arty will re tu rn to Springfield gn. unless it is kept on a farm o r In ing to lust th e birds two hours— It sem aphore signal. Du your laxy
connection with o th er ieestock where should be cleaned up in th at time. minded days— when your b rain —your
considerabe feed wovJd be used, use In th e afternoon a sufficient am ount arm s—end hand feel floppy and
The lim e
of a com m ercial laying feed is rec­ Is given to Insure th e chickens go'ng flabby—DON’T
A tte n d Scbocl B oard
M e e tin g —
ommended by th e experim ent station. to tthe roosts w ith th eir crops fuk. will ccm e that laxy minded anti flow
Mrs. O ra R. H emenway and J. O.
py arm ed sigrta'era will hnve th« tr
By so doing th e ow ner will be reason­ T his m eans th a t about one-fourth of
B urchan. principals of th e B rattain
license and perhaps th eir c a rs taken
ably su re of g ettin g a well-balanced th e total grain is fed In th e m orning
and Junior high schools. were h ere
away from them .”
ratio n and lim inatinx th e possibility and three-fourths In th e late a fte r­
T uesday evening from C ottage Grove
T he C ollier’s m otoring sig n a ls—!|
of g e u tn g poor Ingredients
with noon.
to atten d the school board m eeting.
Instrated with photographs, hnve been
w hich to mix the feed. A good lay­
Enam el w are, cooking utensils, m ade Into large postern for display
ing mash Is k ept before th e chickens
R eturn from Lake — The M isses
oking goods and many o th er ar In garages and filling station*. T here
In a box or trough so they can eat It
M argaret and Maude G orrie returned
tid e s a re to be found in our »tore are »m ailer prints Io be carried In I
a t will.
W ednesday evening from a three-day
th e pocket or pasted on the wind­
A scratch grain should be fed a t money saving prices. Springfield shield.
trip to C rater lae.
N ovelty Store.
Card of T hanks
We wish to lhank all III» d e a r rs ls
A tract of 3» aero» nonr Gladstone.
betw een Moldrum siattou mid l'.r n t l t . a mid kind film d a who rendered
ridge, has been sold by Mrs. J. I’ th eir b lip In the burial of our d ear
Thom pson of P ortland lor J:t • o o t v ' hudim id, bi'oilnr. fath e r and unci«.
the R iv e r D riv e Auso P a rk v ntpany '
„„ Gioughifully «ent
for Uss na a park.
Kaser« a t ion of a «mall tract of pub
lie land for tow nship purpoa » m ir
Algoma was authorised Pi an eve.-it
tlve order Issue.! ou lhe recom m ends
I I I ' t i l l IIA A i K
lion of th e s.'.cic ury of the Interior. M il AND MHS JO HN M AN W AH IN G
The tra c t contains approxim ately nine
acres lu K lam ath county.
All! AND MHS I.M iY D K l.t.llH T
Twenty-tWO carload» of broccoli
have been shipped out of Douglas
l»ne of th ese was shipped
Th* section of The D alleaC alltor
from Roseburg, th ree from M yrtle nla highway In th e n orthern part of
Creek and Is from Riddle. Il la an
K lam ath county which Is unim prov­
llclpaled th at th ere will be about If ed. has h e onte a loll road Toll». th"
more cara Indore the season ends.
maximum of which la 15 for a four
wheeled vehicle, will he charged for
— 1 ....................... .
all vehicle» and stock passing any
Ree our 110»’ of visiting cards,
of th e toll gales along Gils road by
paneltxl »»A plain, at the New* office
Clears« and Fred Duke, stage com
pany proprietors
Dr S H aliti Dippel. D entisi. Vllua
( M l. AND SNE Dr N. W Enter*
building. R prlntft*Id, Oregon.
on or» • a « xisa, »h* -»th«,- w*»rk * i
Bow Back Kitchen Chair6
while they last
Just received, a shipment of
100 Pahcolin Floor Mats
Size 28x50 Inches
Wright & Son
You will never pay more at your home
printshop than elsewhere for printing
You will get prom pt service.
W orkm anship and material that is of
the best; and another chance at y o u r$
The Willamette Press