P aisley, 30. aa eld prow who has spent many years In various parts of Oregon seeking min •ra t property, was accidentally killed a t Glendale, when he was struck by the locomotive of the second section o f a southbound Houihern Pacific train. W illia m H OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Classified Advertisements *•11 w hat yeu w ant ta aall, buy w hat you w ant Io buy thro on eolumna. W rite or phone T W O I w ill pay no bill only thoee con- Irut'li-d by tnyevlf. W J. Lepley. J. 23 30 A. 6 18. Foil H A L E --C a rh o ti paper In large sheets, 20x30 luche», »ultable fo r making tracing». T he N e w » O ffic e . ' NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL» ACCOUNT Money l>> loan on ib-nlmbl» c'ty In th e C o u n ty C o u rt o f th e S ta te of properly. M onthly paym ent*. 3*1 to Oregon for Lane County. In the m atter of the estate of C ath­ Ini months. erin e M llo g a r t, ( llln g n H e r on R oseburg II». tim e nnd plm . for h e a rts * obje. llcrasn lag number If*. N o tify lion», If any, to »aid final account. J O H N T. BO G A R T. Hpr ngfleld PoetulWce. Ailg 6 Admin la tra tu r ¡F re d E. S m ith . A tty fo r A d m r. Sen our linn o f »Ilk hosiery, 70 Jc 25. Jl 2 9 16 23. ren t» per pair, W e tinve le n u tlfu i fancy good», a rt gotals. beaded pur»* ♦ I lo l’ PICKKRB HOOKS PRINTED «ml perfume». Springfield Novelty A N D IN STO C K FO B IM M E D IA T E Store. D E L IV E R Y AT T H E S P R IN G F IE L D Sen our line of vlalung card», N E W S O F F IC E . pntiidwl or plain. «1 the New» nftti >• Standard form hop pickers book» ready for the hop yard o w n .r at the Return« from Vacation W . I ’.Ty Springfield New» ron resumed hl» poeltlon at the Go»» to C a lifo r n ia — O. I I J a rre tt, Booth,Kelly company Monday a fte r a vacation »pent up lh< M c K e n a e w ith hie fam ily, left T u m d ay for C all fo rala , where they w ill »pend two N O T » "E T o C R R niloH rt week» M r. J a rre tt I» superintendent, Notice I», h»roby given that tha undersigned ha» been appointed by of th e Booth-Kelly m ill here. th e County Court of lam e County. Goes to Florence— ite n ry Richard- Oregon, a i a d m inistrator of th a last w ill and tn»t»uurnl of F A. Itankln. »un drove to M orm ice and back Wed • deceased. nueday. All per»»n» having claim» agaln»l raid »»tale arn hgruby notified to preaent the »ame duly verified to the A n s w e r te laet w ee k's p u u te . ander»lgiind adm lnlattator at the law r [ h 1 a ?" office» of w illia m » A Bean. »#0 W l • □ r i c A L u lam ette Street. Eugene Oregon, with □ □ □ c L f 0 L £ A0 In »1« month» from the date of the a T A N £ Aj 1 L f A flra t publication of thia notice The □ □ A h ] p c □ □ s D date of the flrat publication of thia notice la July 30. 1025 B f G □ a □ n R ft J O H N M W IL L IA M S □ 0 □ T £ □ 2 5 £ £ 2 Adm lnlatrator. □ □ « A T 0 a 1 S D W illia m » A llean 7 N ¡A Attorneys fo r Em ate 7 □ □ A a □ □ _L_ Jl 30. A 0 13 2017. a □ □ ra b T □ e □ A □ a □ B □ □ R D L Telephones: O ffice 612 Rae. 2075 □ □ □ a n A □ 2< Ü □ 0 0 0 [ l [F u r ÍL 1 1T M H 0 6 N A | g | 0 4 ■ 0 O f . John Simons Onteopatby ntamln fo r the tru th wherever It Is nclentl- flc a lly proven. Osteopathic Phyolelan end O ur □•on O ffice 404 M A W. Eugene. Oregon Osteopathy »tend« fo r the tru th where»*» It la scientifically . BARBER Call SUTTON TRANSFER Full Auto equipm ent Phono 57 W O. W block O ffice Phone 62 J R ea Phooa «M GEO- DR. N. W. EMERY O B N T IB T Phone tO-J Residence Phone I M SHOP D IR E C T O R Y } F U N E R A L O IR tC T O R My M M c L IA N b u s ln e ta le ^ to p ro te c t y e v r business i >00 W illa m e tte St. Eugene4>regon ■prlngfletd. Oregon “The Loop N, Autom obil». F ire and L ife IN S U R A N C C Surety BOnde,. Phone 6J7 II VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating in all Its branches Your Home When In Springfield 312 Main Street J O H N M W IL L IA M S Attorney for V e t. State Aid Com., Soldiers Bonus Loan». L. B. B E A N A ttorn *y State Land Birttrd, Plate School Fund Loans. WILLIAMS & BEAN DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phono 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. ATTORNEYS 860 W llll» m c tto St. Eugene, Ore. Licensed to practice In all Court» of the Sint . nnd United Slates. W M. G. HUGHES F IR E AND AUTO NO TARY , D. W . Roof IN S U R A N C E P U B L IC O ffic e at. F IR S T N A T IO N A L BANK S p rin g fie ld , O regon JEW ELEU Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance City Hall Springfield, Oregon Contracting and Building GEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D Streets Springfield, Oregon Plana and Eatlm ntea Furnlahed Free. W ill Help You Flnanca Vour Building. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road wor,k. We mnke a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRV W. CHASE, Prop. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTO RNEY AT LAW N O T A R Y P U B L IC Button Buldllng Springfield Oragon. Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Cottage Grove 1« to have fro« snail dellv»*ry a fte r October I. Ml»» V»-ra llruner. 16. of \ \ ’ o<»dhurn, wn» drowned while bathing at Ocean Park. Waith. Building permit« la«u»-d In lin k e r ro ll tor new oonatruction valued at Clone to *300,060. , Plan» are now under way for Rose­ burg'» second nnnunl home unit land products »how, K»-pi *• labor 21. 25 and 26. The bnrn on the farm of W . A. M uller, nenr Kliedd. was burned to the ground w ith tta contents, 3» tons of hay. The attendance st the fifth annuel eamp meeting of the Oregon Metho- dtst conference in Cottage (»rove reached 1500. Hurney county Is planning a round­ up. to be atagi-d S e p te m b e r 10, 11 and 12. at Burna, at which $6000 w ill be given In prlxea. Iteauty specialists hereafter must have licenses to practice In this state, the law pasaed by the last legislature being now effective. Silverton w ill stage her aerond an­ nual Com m unity fa ir again this year on Thursday, F riday and Saturday. Septem ber 10, 11 and 12. S urrey of the route of the proposed extension of the Oregon tru nk line south from Bend to K lam ath Falls w ill be completed this week. Portland business men have been tnvtted by the Ashland Cham ber of Com meres to vtsR the Rogue R iver valley to Inspect the wonderful pear crop. If city expenditures continue for the rest of the year as they have Tor the first six months. Eugene w ill be $60.- 000 “ In the red,” (be auditor's report »hows Property valued at 390.000 h a t been purchased by the Oregon T ru n k ra il road on the west bank of Link riv e r tn K lam ath Falls, and w ill be used a» a passenger station. T he Rev H . C. Stover, who ha» been pastor of the Freew ater F ed er­ ated church four years, has resigned tn accept a sim ilar position with the First Congregational church of Salem. A. A. ANDERSON W. F. WALKER •u tto n Bldg. ■ 0 LADIES! Try that expert hair cutter at Anderson's Barber shop. proven. ! b u sin e ss PAGE ELEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST «. 1925 The plant of the C h erry C ity M ill­ ing company of Salem, which burned recently w ith a loss estim ated at 3120.000, w ill no t be rebuilt. This was announced by directors of the corpor­ ation , Klaina K lam ath county's grain crop this ’ year r w «dll ill yield close to 1.000.000 bush ela. according to estimate» of farm ers and otherww bo have made a survey of farm ncmdfttons during recent weeks. Recent ».»say» of the ore from the Stiver Jones claim tn the Greenhorn district show $51 tn gold and $1776.87 In stiver to th e ton. T h e sample was la k a e fto m a stx-tnch vein In a ledge 72 feet wide. F M G illiam of Fossil Is six months older than the Idaho woman who re­ cently was acclaimed a» the oldest living native Oregonian. He was horn March 7. 1617. at the old Mission farm below Salem. W illia m H. M ille r, tw ice elected mayor of Gold H ill, and the most widely discussed m ayor In the state over the Gold H ill speed cop question, has tendered his resignation and will remove to Salem. Salem officials are In a quandary as to how to provide food and necessi­ ties for persons sentenced to terms In the city Jail. T he appropriation Is ex­ hausted and the city has no legal au tho rlty to Issue w arrants. E. I,. E llio tt, who was named dis­ tric t atto rn ey of Klannith county, was Indicted on a charge of malfeasance In office w hile prohibition commis­ sioner last year In a secret Indictm ent returned by the g’lind jury. Rhea Luper, state engineer, has signed n Contract entered Into he- tween the state coil the United States gologlcal su rv e y f - r completion of tin- tor* ra p h lc su rv e y of th e Rend quad- rnngl . The expense w ill be $5000. State agents In vr.rlcus counties nre reporting many abandoned stills, nc cording to V. tjllnm S. I.ovcns. state prohibit Ion commissioner, who be lleves that the p enitentiary sentein—s have done much to discourage the small s till owners. The state highw ay commission an nounces that construction work on the Pacific highway Just north of O ak­ land, Douglas county, makes It neces­ sary thot the highw ay be closed to tra ffic from 7:3D a. tu, to 5:30 p. m, for about three weeks. F. A. Rasch, for the past 12 years employed as exam iner by the Oragon public service commission, has re­ signed to accept a poeltlon aag^entor exam iner for the Interstate commerce commission. H e w ill moke his head quarters tn W ashington. pectnr The city of M arshfield gave about 1100 m ajority for both measures on the good roads bond Issue, the state tnii'rh money for paying the highway commission $1 STOOD loaned money and the $700,000 for constructing la t­ erals and u bridge from M uishflclu to House Gusst H s rs — M ie s G la d ys Return from Marshfield— M r. and M rs. John W in ten retd have Just re ­ Scott of Eugene was a house guest M onday an d turned from a week spent a t Marsh- of Miss O live Estes (Held, and other beaches. T h e y plan Tuesday. to spend most of Beptember there. N O T IC E N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N th a t V is itin g from Bend Mrs. K . L. ASA L. PA R K * Barber, Mrs. Oeorge Stonge and Mrs. the undersigned, H U R S T , has filed a petition w ith the H V. Barber and small daughter, «11 , County Court o f Lane County, Oregon, of Bend, are visiting here thia w tek . ' petitioning tho said Court to vacate T hey »pent tw o days the first of the all of the lots, block», streets and alleys In and adjoining blocks one (1 ) week a t W »»tflr with T. A. Barber. to th irty four (31) inclusive, of the I P la t o f Nim rod. I*ane County. Oregon. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that I the said ASA L. P A R K H U R S T w ill apply to said Court, at the expiration 1 of th irty (30) days from the date of i thin notice, for an order vacating a ll o f the lots, blocks, streets and alleys I 'd said plat o f N IM R O D , cons t in * of block one» (1 ) to T h irty four (31) In­ clusive and the streets and alleys running th ro n g / the same and bound­ ing thereon D A T E D this 23rd day o f July, A. D , , 1925. ASA L. P A R K H U R S T . Women of Deschutes county are Go to Coast— M r. and Mrs - W illia m J 23 30 A 6 13-20-27, contributing to a lund to be m ud for Burnett and fam ily left Wednesday erecting a woman'» building on the for a two-day trip to T ria n g le lake N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Deschutes county fa ir grounds at Red­ N ltlc e is hereby given th a t F in e !» a r.d New port. mond. The m ovem ent was started by M cD erm ott. A d m in is tra trix of tha ¡estate of W . T. M cD erm ott, deceased, th e Ladles' Pioneer club of T e rre ­ N O T R E F O R PUBLICATION has filed her F in a l Account 'n the bonne and thl» organization Is ca rry ­ m atter of the adm inistration of said D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E IN T E R IO R ing on the campaign. estate In the Count Court of Lens U. 8. L A N D O F T U 'E at Ro-eburg County. Oregon, and that Saturday. Members and r»-pre»entatlv»-s of the Or* ton.. July 30. 1925 . August 8th 1925. at 10 oclock In the Oregon public service commission N O T IC E Is hereby given th a t K a r' I forenoon o f said day a t the t'oun- w ill conduct an Investigation of the K ru k of M arcóla. Oregon, who, on tv Court room In the Court engineering features Involved in the December 31. 1920. made homestead House In Eugene, I^ane County e n try . No. 013586. for N .W .% N .E % proposed railroad development pro­ i Oregon, has been fixed as the S N EA4 and S E .’4 N .W . 14, Sec- tim e and place by said Court for gram In Lqke and K lam ath counties. t'on 11. Tow nship 16 Bou'h, Range 2 (he becking o f objections to sajd A survey of trib u ta ry tra ffic also w ill W est W illa m e tte M eridian, has f$ed F in a l Account and s *ttle m e n t of sa'd be made by the commission. n rtlc e o f intention to m ake three estate. And any and a ll objections year proof to establish claim to the Irrigated lands In the Deschutes to said Account and the fin a l settle»- land above described, before E. O. m ent of said estate must be filed country slid farm land of the north Im m el. V . 8. Commissionef. at Eu­ w ith the C lerk o f said Court on or b » unit project In Jefferson county w ill gene. Oregon, on the 10th day o f Sep­ fore said date of hearing. he Inspected August 12 by the Oregon tem ber. 1925. D ate of firs t publication July 9th, C la im a n t names as witnesses: 1925. delegation In congress. T he party of F annie M c D erm ott . legislators visiting w ill Include Sena Fenton E. Dorsey. W illia m M cK ay. Fred Dorsey, Charlea H. M orrow , all A d m in is tra trix . tors M cN ary and Stanfield, Represen­ of M arcóla, Oregon. J 9-16-23-30-A. 6 tatives Slnaott and Crum packer, and H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y . In a ll probability Representative Haw- Register. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E N o nco al A 6-8.3. 8 T A T E O F OREGON FO R T H E ley. COUNTY OF LANE The Salem city council at Ita next J U L IU S F L E T C H E R , P la in tiff, SUM M ONS meeting w ill consider an ordinance v». providing for a special election Octo­ IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E ¡B E R T H A F L E T C H E R Defendant. S T A T E OF OREGON FOR ber 20 to vote a epectal tax to ap­ SUMMONS LANE COUNTY T o Bertha F letcher, D efendant above praise (he property of the Salem W a­ Ida M arie T r itt, P la in tiff nam ed: ter. Light A Power company, and in­ vs. Y O U A R E H E R E B Y R E Q U IR E D to vestigate Ik e propoeal to obtain a m n S. H. T r itt, Defendant, appear and anew er the com plaint nlclpal w ater anpply from the moun­ To S H. T R IT T , T h e above named filed against you In the above en­ defendant: tain districts. title d Court on or before six weeks o f th ” firs t publication IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E from th-» Records tn the offices of the secre­ O F O R E G O N : You are hereby sum of this Summons, and if you fall so tary of state show that a total of 180,- moned, notified, and required to ap ­ to appear and answ er said c e m -la ln t, 067 automobile and 11.778 truck li­ pear and answ er the com nlaint of the fo r w ant thereof, the n la in tiff w ill censes have been Issned. Receipts above named p la in tiff filed against apply to the Court for the re lie f de­ from thbse llceoses aggregate $5.057.- you In the above entitled suit w ithin manded in «I'd com plaint to -w lt: fo r a decree o f this Court forever 953 95. as against $1.552,997.90 for the *lx w w k s from the date of the f rst publication of the summons herein, dlseolv'ng the bonds of m ”—'m ony same period In 1921 T he secretary of and you are hereby notified th a t if now existing between p la in tiff an l de­ state predicted that 200.000 license you fa ll so to anpear and answ er said fendant. and for such o th -r and fu rth ­ required the er reV ef gg to the Court m ay seem plates vrfll have been Issued before com plaint as hereby p la in tiff w ilt ask the above entitled equitable. Septem ber 10. T his Summons is puhl'sh”'* once Court for a decree as prayed for In Notes executed by farm ers of east­ said com pla'nt now on file w ith the rach week for six succeslve w ee’ s In ern and central Oregon tn favor of clerk of said Court, to-w lt: for s de­ the Snrlngfleld News by o rder of the the state to secure paym ent of loans cree forever dissolving the bonds of Honorable O. F. Sklpw orth. Judgp of said Court, which order hears date authorized under what Is known as m atrim ony existing between this de- ffn d a n t and p la in tiff and fo r Judge­ the 7th day o f July. 1925. and the the reseeding re lie f MU. enacted at the m ent against tbs said defendant fo r 'd a te o f tha firs t publication ot this last session of the legislature, have the costs ad disburesments o f the Summons is Julv 9. 1925. P O T TE R & FOSTER. been sent to the various banks of above entitled s u it A ttorneys for P la in tiff, T his summons 'a published by order which the borrowers w ere patrons, for Residence snd Post O ffice Address of the Honorable G. F S klp w orth . collection. The notea were accompan­ Judge o f the above entitled Court duly Epgene, Oregon. ied by mortgage releases. J. 9-16-23-30 A. 6 13-20._ m ade at chambers on the 9th day of Dtvoroes are becoming so expensive July, 1925. requiring that you appear N O T IC E T O C R L D I1 G R S In Oregon th a t the divorce colony ap­ and answ er said com plaint on of be­ fore six weeks from the date of the N otice Is /hereby given th a t the pears to he qp In eria s as eviden ced firs t publication hereof, which said undersigned has been appointed by by the mandamus soft filed in circuit date of flra t publication Is July 9. th e County Court of Lane County, court tn Portland by M m . M a rg a re t 1925. Oregon, as executor of the last C. N. J O H N S O N . w ill and testam ent of Dora C, G ray, B. W rl< b t a g a tn « Oounty C lerk Jo­ A tto rn ey for P la ’n ttff. deceased. seph Beveridge, alleging that the ex­ Residence and Post O ffice Address. AI1 persons having claims against tra $5 fIMng foe required In divorce Eugene. Oregon. said estate a re hereby notified to cases Is “ class tagtstaU oo. In d ire c t present the same duly verified to the — „ 9 18 23 30 A 6-13-20. taxation and u no c-s fltu tle c a i." undersigned executor at the law N O T IC E O F C O N T E S T off'ces of W illia m s & Bean, 860 W tf- A nticipating the »«crease in interest (F o r Publication) lam ette Street. Eugene Oregon, w ith ­ tn boys' and girls' club work In Ora­ 012518 in six months from the date of the gon. the state fa ir board Is witnessing Contest 3879 firs t publication of this notice. T he tlie completion on the fa ir grounds in , Departm ent of the In te rio r, U nited date of the firs t publication o f this Salem of a large and modern building fltates Land O ffice, Roseburg. Oregon. notice Is July 30. 1925 July 23. 1925? R. C L A U D E G R A Y . which w ill be devoted exclusively to j T o George E. M o rrell, o f Eugene. Executor. the housing of the grownups of the Oregon. Contestee; W i l l 1« ms & Bean state who come to the fa ir each sea­ You are hereby n ctified that Hugh ¡A tto rn eys fo r Estate. Jl. 30. A. 6-13-20 27. son accompanying the exhibits which W . Robinson, who gives M otor Route have brought them recognition at I "A “ Box 71, Eugene. Oregon, as his post office adilress. did on July 13. county or local fairs. 1925, M « in this office hi» dulv cor- Expression of Oregon sentim ent on lo b o ra t'd application to contest and a tax reduction program at the next secure the cancellation of your home- S erial No session of congress w ill be sought by ■ steed entrv No. 012518. 012518 made M ay l4 . 1920. for lot 3 of Portland business men who have for­ See 7. T fv n s h in 17 S. Range 3 W .. m ulated a resolution at a conference W illa m e tte . M erld'nn. and as grounds here, to be subm itted to representa­ fo r his contest he alleges that sa’ d tive taxpayers of the state for approv­ G to rg e E. M o rre ll never established al. T he resolution urges the elim lna- his residence on asid land: that lie T h e fac ilities here at the- nev«-r resided ubon. cultivated or Im ­ totn of the Inheritance tax from the proved said Is n l In anv m anner, or F irs t N a tio n al afford every federal tux laws, leaving this source nnv nnrf thereof, but has w holly of revenue to the v a rio u s states, and abandoned said land: th a ' the entry- needed banking service plus our man's absence from the land was ro t rudr.c’. ion c i the surtax rate. <'o ■ to em ,-‘ tiym•'•v In, 'the A rm y, personal interest in seeing that T h e appointm ent ot a stale com- Nnvv. or M urine Corps of the United m t jlo n of Am* rlcauh.atlon. follow ing States as a prlvat scld’er. officer, they are p ro fitably and prope state be heard, eith er b e fo re this o f'le e or through a state director, to be ap­ on nppecl. If you fa ll to file In this pointed by tho commission. 'o ffic e w ithin tw en ty day» a f or the Savings Departm ent G overnor Pierce has called a ses­ F O U R T H publication of this notice, ns shown below, your answer, under sion of the state text book commis­ Com m ercial Departm ent onth, specifically responding to these sion to consider the m a tter of letting ¡allegations of contest, together w ith T ru s t Departm ent contracts for books. The governor ¡due proof that you have served a copv vetoed a bill passed by the 1925 legis­ of your answ er on the said contestant Safety D e p o iit Vaults latu re empowering the state board of e ith e r In person or by registered mall. You should state In your answ er the education to enter Into contracts w ith ¡m inis of the post office to w hich you publishers a t the bast possible prices, ¡ desire fu tu re notices to be sent to which were to be no higher than the vou. HAMILL A. CANADAY. prices in any other state. Publishers Register have refused to renew c o n tra c ts st D ate of firs t publ ication July 30. 1925 the old ftguviw. and the governor D«»e of second publication Aug. 6, wants new contracts lat hy compau- 1925. OF EUGENE Jtvs bids. D ate of third publication Aug. 13. 1925. D » t" o f fourth publication Aug. 20 1926. from Vacation — N orm an EastH ide. How ard returned to hts work as gen- The fish commission's hatcheries of ••r ( forem an of th«- pinning m ill Tillam ook cou- ty p ro b a b ly w ill be e x ­ .Monday a fte r h!s vacation, a p art of panded, a c c o rd in g to J. K -C la n to n , which was spent a t Yellowstone park. r - " i-n’ ly appointed dir» < '.or <»f hatcher- b » of the state commission, who was Baby Bern Friday— An l l l i baby a »;>»..,-ker at ill«- m onthly m eeting of g irl wax born to M r. and M r». W ade lli<< Tillam ook Fish and Game Protec­ Spurltn F riday evening tive s»soClatton. R e tu rn s What Service Do You Need T h e F irs t N a t io n a l B a n k