I In Confidence By Flo THURSDAY, AUnUKT, 8, 1>?S THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX wb«t it 1» to h< lonely aud unloved; I !l , » .' a - k i l l '» » hm II Frvaiuvtit (Not Keating On Vacation I ¡to have love to g.v* and nobody to jgive It to ; th e woman who ha» | ■ earned how linpiwslhle It 1» to mak > I. a real home for one An I when some 1 < •■*“« *’’h •’“’J When A Widow Is in Doubt enough *»’•’ to ap p reciate her fine quail ties ami w ant h er for a wife, »he spends the balance of her life wor shipping him So th ere you are. lion T ake your choice. A fter all. It is th e woman with the m other heart th at you ar<> looking for—th e woman who will love you and your youngsters-- th e woman who Is big enough to re a llie th a t she has no b e tte r way In the world to prove h er love for you than by moth erin g your children as she woul I m other h er own. And believe me, the woman who can be a real m other to an o th er woman s children does one o* the f nes w orks on earth and on» th a t surely en titie s h er to a reserved seat In heaven. ... Dear Mis» Flo; I am a lonelc widower— in search of a wife—slot c d y because I crave com panionship but also because I have two sm all children, an d they need a m o th er's cure. D on’t yon think I should m arry again for th e ir sak e? W! a t kind of a woman would m ake the best wife— th e young girl, a widow, or an old m aid? It seem s like a lot of nerve for a w idow er with children to ask a woman to m arry him. but I have a com fortable income, and feel sure f could make a woman happy. Don. Well. Don. 1 certainly agree with you th at It would req u ire co n sired ab '^ nerve to ask a woman to m arry y< u m erely because you think it is your duty to provide your children w ith a m other. If you m arry a woman only because you think she would m ake a An unusual picture of th s President end Mrs. Coolidgw aboard gixxl m other, you cannot exp«?’ niu.-h the M ayflower fo r a short cruise along the New E ngland Coast. D espite th e fact th a t the P resident is badly in need of rest and happiness On the o th e r hand. It relaxation, rep o rts from Sw am pscott. .Mass., a re th a t he has again would be very foolish to m arry a throw n him self into aiT airsof »late with im portant conference* woman, regard less of how muco you SPRIN GFIELD Ore Aug 3. 1S2S. scheduled alm ost every day. care for her. if you ihink h. r incapable — Kditor of th e New- I suppose th e of m othering your children. tim e never will be when city councils w ent t i l e r way f. Hr.e liiey have -—they m ake the tow n no frt< n«tn. but The only solution is to find WV- p articu larly of th e sm aller tow ns wiii been done a rank in ju stic and a lot d r h e tiw iy, They art» th© m an whom you can love, and a wo­ cease m aking them I ve« r diculotis nder a t the gr. wing coo souicv of a lot of n c e d h e Irriu tlo n . m an who will make a good m other. by grinding out g rists of potty or are unjuxt utnl unvall»» 1 for amt tem pi or i h . T h a - choul n ’e be very u-tr»l to no dinances which clu tter u p ordinance « > 4 ra id not I n f ago, ‘‘1 tv-uld bo repudivi, T ell Onv T hat shouldn't be very HfLcult. be­ books w ith a lot that a re n ev er en ­ a» I» a supposed n enace Glut does h eard of u r town down in Call cau se the m ajo rity of women a re good forced and o th ers whose only m erit oi exist. to ra ia and . A m others Instinctively. TSis fact is Is to bring ridicule and contem pt and T hat some other t< tw n lia s s 'u t ila r you c t r u i V re t a black «n© freno proved in no b etter way th an by the driv e «wav business. I’ g u la t ns is Co Jus' I flc .u te n ( o r , ti» th e tourist* < u uecnULl of yotlt tra f num ber of women, who. because they On my way hom e Sunday evening It« result* we a re g e ttin g a re de- a re denied children of th eir ow e. I saw our speed cop ta g tw o out-of- fie regulnti ididly bad. T he en.it ; ri ft rr td to er.H I nave adopt them to satisfy th a cravings of tow n Ford cars for being p arked with- I »uppo*« il would be too much to life or property th e ir m atern al heart. Why, then oueht lights, the ow ner o f one wn« ar«» ti'* prot shoud not women with th is sam e in- evidently h e re to attend church while stint t welcome an opportunity of th e o th er w as m aking some needed »avlshltig th eir affection on ’he little purchases, both car« a p p a re l to be ones of th e m an they love. C ertainly old models th a t have lights (only m otherhood is the su p erio r Job. and m ost women, if they loved a tr-ar. when running. One m an who for y ears has done won'.d Jump at th a ch ance of m other­ practically all h!s business In Spring ing h 's children. As to the kind of woman you should f eld w as hailed before the city re m ar-y. I would advise th at you choose co rd er revenpy for violating th e park- a woman n ear your own age. The ,n < ordinance and so keenly feels a young girl Is not fill ' ;o be th e wife in ju stice was done him th at he Is do of a widower—nor is she fitted to be in g hts business elsew h ire and I am a stepm other. R earing children is a told th at a num ber of o th ers have difficult Job. even when they a re your done likewise. I have n ev er know** a single In­ own. but when they are step children th e troubles a re even g reater. S tep s ta n c e of a so b er m otorist running children do not often take kindly to a into a car parked at the curb w ithout step-m other. They resen t h er auth o ri lights and have yet to find anyone ty , and in many cases a re ungrateful else who does. T his ordinance covers such a re­ and unappreciative. F or th a t reason, it takes a woman with a knowledge m o te possibility th a t it has th e sam e of life, and a g reat deal of se" feontred ' m erit one would have providing for and dignity to m anage them . T he a steel roofing over the pavem ent to young girl, lacking these qualities be- p ro tect it from falling m eteors. No cause she is young would be unable falling m eteor has done any dam age to deal successfully w ith children, ¡y et but they might. i —Save— ? - S a v e - J Save $ The widow offers every elem ent of i a num ber of m o to rists have been safety to the m an who is looking for fined for speeding (m ore than tw enty Conscience talks to a!!—but few have th ■ cour­ a wife. She does not e n te r m arriage m iles an ho u ri on E a st Main stre e t w ith the im possible ex pectations and a n affairs to condition« aa they exist h as had experience w ith one man. co u n try roads and w here driving a t * and she has learned from him th a t th irty p ile s an hour is Just as safs, and saves regularly soon finds that conditions no man is a demt-god. and th at they ag on >ny o th e r highway, but having all have th e ir faults and w eaknesses, ,tone ,j,e aw ful thin g of violating the th a n g e — and always for the better. as wed as th eir good qualities, so she or(jjn3n<.e they have been •’pinch d." sh u ts h e r eves to th e fau lts and pa id t f-eir fines, cussed th e tow n and Conscience says SAVE!—So why don’t you th in k s only o f the virtues—w hich i s _______________________ ____________ th e only w ay in the world to get along start this waek? This Institution pays 3 ': on w ith any m an. Then too. she know.« savings accounts and stands ready to assist its how to tre a t a husband, and can laugh at dom estic difficulties over depositors in m any ways. w hich the young g ‘rl would have hysterics. T he widow w ith children, of course is out. Mixed fam ilies do not get along in peace. But th« safest bet of all 1? th e old $ - bave—S— Save—$— Save—$ , m aid—the woman who has known Communications expect (hat a sm all (own council bam. ami believe me. »he ia it sing could eo er hi* elected NhiMS first sum«. loo. auier Durham will «peak on the otttclal acts would not bo rvvtvuplng iw e n lie lu eentury »Ign» of the soon dog uud traffic ordinance«. eoin'ng of the laird. It espuct fully, I think this Is h er beat serm on, and M M I’EKWY she uses m ore »«rlplure on Gil* sub Jeet I hull any evangelist llial I huVa E ditor; bo that tire people <*l h eard »o fur, Thera 1» no use in us Springfield may know why .Mrs l*ar bant the evangelist. Is holding eloslng our eyes to fait», so coma Mr, b k ' pile and bring a lllble and see moi lings in the lloll Ihv.ilcr. I wish to sta te th a t first of all she w ants in (or yourself. Thia will be her lust visit Io Spring- see people saved from slit. Ilion «lie ) w ante Io advertise her m eeting* ai field. so you Just tom e ami le«l at leone, for we never a»k anything ; I lie big tout in Kugolie She stated last evening that she was not p-euell« about what church you belong to. we I* ok at the church, as m ade up of In­ ! lug ehurchanity. did not ask them to Join any one church, while she be- dividual«. belonging le o f S p i liig f le ld , an d has your b est So (hen If you church people In Springfield want to see people save« Interest at heart. A. A. ANDEitHON. from »In. why not tako an Interest •JHLaKwsaws. ■ ■ ------ - — --- - ---1 - . - in - -i in - liven get them to join your ehureh 8PBCIAL I h lf 'E on plate work Dr. Tile gospel of Jesu s t'h rlsl Is Just N W Emery. den tist Sutton Bid«. the »ante w herever It Is preached It has nearer (hanged, ami never will ehaiig« Wo have no new theory. It’» Just th e sllule story of Jesu s, ami his love for m ankind. H ere Is the program for n tx t Mon S|n'i lltl 1‘rlion mt line evening. August 10. nt th« II* I Piano« and Phonogrnphs theater. Music tiy the orchestra, and singing, special song by .Miss nt W .ssl "1 Walk and I Talk with the K in g " Five tnlnul talk by R n M A RSH A LL’S Fred llornshiih, on what Is m eant by th e four square gospel, Ei.itili v llltlg ■ ’•'*. Av«- W. bong by the evangelist. Mrs. I I Investigate Monday, August 31 The reguhtr fall I r i n at the Eugen« Iltmlin•** College begins on (he abuve (lute. ( » lite r e n r o llm e n t tittle s lir e S e p te m b e r S. I I. L’ l . All inquirl«-« for Inforuiutloii promptly an- wered. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. E. Roberts, ITeshlent Commercial State Bank o ra PETERS & LE BUFF Bumps, Bounces, Thrills and Spills BILLY GROSS & CO. in “ Oh You Flirt!” . IiAP-FARN’ELL and FLORENCE-FLO in A 5 .• - CREAM! j Recommended as an efficient I laxative for the relief of heart-j bum , constipation, indigestion, etc.; when caused by excessive a'fldity and ferm entation in the! stomach. Useful as a dentirice| and m outh wash. Harmless, highly esteemed ami extensive­ ly UBed by young and old. 50c DON-SANG & CHUNO-AH C hina’s Only Exponents of H arm ony and Fun LOTTIE RULE A Musical T reat on Accordian and Saxophone Motor Company Gas Oil Pint Bottle Roundtrip Excursion Fares > every day throughout the summer season. Stopover wherever and as long as you please within final return limit —October 31st. Now plan your vacation journeys to the east. Let our agents assist in fixing your itinerary. And include BRING US YOUR AUTOMOBILE TROUBLES. If You H aven’t Secured Your Victrola Investigate Now! G enuine VictrcJas R educed 30% to 40% T his Is tint a ale * . < . cnnGnucil mml *lx , , .r anmpl.'K, but a disposal nf every Victrola In our en ­ tire store (portables ex­ cepted). E very one Is a lute model—every one Is now. And— In addition to the low prices offered— special term s of cred it are being extended hy Weth- •rhee-I'ow ers which will enahie everyone to owe u Victrola—now! Springfield Oregon «W * kis!*, U 10 U pright Victrola $65.00 $5 Cash—«4 Month C A L IF O R N IA Many Others Proportionately Reduced $110 Con«o!e Victrola—Now $75 $5 Ctuh—$5 Month $150 Console Victrola—Now $105 $5 Cash—$7 Month Drug Store D rug J fore * either goingor returning,or both ways, if you choose. See it’s manifold won­ der at little, if any, additional expense. FLANERY’S 77»« Acessories AND GUARANTEED REPAIRING All of The I.ateit Models Upri -ht an 1 Console I In Any Dosired Finish Wednesday, August 12 O re, Jolliff-Scaiefe insciente. S a tfs ^ M IL K OF M A G N E S IA Eugene, 9»2 WUlamette St. Phone 6ijli Uss Southern Pacific Lines Your Credit VETHERBEE -POW ERS • t«»f w>«rw aw ,. ,.aw • W» Charge No Interest CARL OLSON, Agent Symptoms of ? ? ? _____________________________________ i