TUB SI paos »'GF1F7 J) NBWß severael days but is improving Henry Hart, who had a stroe of paralysis s few days sgo. is la a very serious condition. quakes, yet nobody says, "1 shall ’ nut go to Italy.” A «losen kille« in California, and “ vicious pub- | licity" makes of the event 1 G IG A N T IC D ISA STER . By Arthur Brubana TKIASSIC ROCKS. LUTHER, CALVIN, BRYAN. SAFETY IN THE AIR. NOT TO WORRY. — I.Jglje.wiWWS The Be ve re ml Dr. Strnton wants tho low uguifutt («-itching •volution introduced Into New York State. Illi «nr nr «tin- * ntay puzzle other F u tn Ian io n t al i at * when he nay» he run prove the evolutionists are wrong, because 'T iiti*» lc rock” antedate* by million* of year* tho time of man'« evolution a* rniu, the property destruc­ tion In Banta Barbara Is like los­ ing one noil Irv a null fuctory, '( ' •• locko "snappeil” hack again, l»nd the panic promoters had their 1 >;cra pinchcil. Hazel Edmlston is spending a few day* with Mildred Price al McKenzie Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kreamer from Chicago arrived last Saturday to visit their mother and brother. They have been touring the west and plan to maxe tbeir home here. N«'w York Tim«1* Ih part >f i t . front pavo to “ a thlr.l fur Coolldg«j.’ « « can t bo any Coolidge term «1ineuMirloti util I'r resident M.ull have 1 been élect­ 1 in t!'2H. He hu« bei 1 a* I* !y once tbuM far. if. ,í», he should bo ri !M, that woubi be h TERM an«i the ri« »««lining of a T H IR D term. Mrs. I Only T H R E E have been killed, ' K r. Hyi'e will return to Eugenp for t t r Dora and son A rthur, Mr. and ought to know, deny flatly that although pilots have turned end­ busnsa. . j Mrs. Ross Calvert and Anda Calvert cancer is here«Utery. Nature pro­ less somersaults ami committed tects the unborn child. Study of — ——— — — ;#nd children from Junct'on City, vls- much other foolishness In tha air. thousands of cases proves that Sixty rears hence cautioue old UOP PICKER,s D O tu S P ltlN T E b R«“l relatives In Thurston last Sun- the disease Is not Inherited, also ladies will refuse to ride In auto­ AN D IN STOCK FOR IM M E D IA T E day. it is NO T C O NTAG IO U S. Unliks mobiles or earth trains. They will MY and < Arch ShouFh and consumption and other diseases, D elivery at the sprlngfhsld say, "A t my age they are too dai>- you cannot "catch" cancer from ! NEW S OFFICE. Mr. and Airs. John Price moiored to ervua. I only fly, and at a safe its victim. I t Is important to have eight.” Not! last Sunday and spent the day 1 1 I this known. ! Siandard form hop pickers bSXs “ «»> «■ *"■ This “humorous" paragraph I* I UlUsm R-nnle h a. been quite Missionaries to Africa take a ’ ready for the hop yard owner at the published: , .. . . . . . ,111 for several days. Dr. Mortenson A coast» editor, having worked | tame menagerie, including chick­ ' ens, pigs, cattle and goats. Aa ‘ p n ’ ’ ’ g »» / from S ir ngflcld called to see heT hard for thirty years, retired with they travel, the missionaries will »50.00« capital. He explained as SPECIAL PRICE 00 plate work. Dr Saturday. observe how these interesting ani­ follewe: N W. Emery, dentist. Button Bldg »’ • H. Edmiston has been ill for mals all represent E V O L U T IO N . “ I attribute a y ability to retire The White Leghorns and Rhode w ith 140.00« to the fact that I island Reds come from Jungle worked very hard and sated every fowl. Cows are improved sisters re a l—and to the death of aa uncle of the auroch, the buffalo, or the who left me »4».»»0-50.'' isbu. The pigs have their rela­ tives scattered from the tapirs in Ten thousand country editor* South America to the flerce. ’«.jjf- could testify that there la more toothed w art hog of the jungle, or avqjmghwm truth than humor In that anecdote. the hippopotamus. The most useful, underpaid and Everything proves that constant earnest body of men in the na­ change, or evo'ution, exists in the tion are the editors of country « —«I »-«•»— i>< n. Only the blind newspapers. 1't . . . it. The pathetic fa rt la that they would be highly prosperous non if business and advertiser* realised the truth that the country news­ paper, In proportion to its circu­ lation, IS T H E BEST A D V E R T IS ­ IN G M E D IU M IN T H E C O U N ­ TRY. Mrs. Margaret M. Hall, an experienced restaurant woman of Ashland, Oregon, announces she has taken over the Bon Ton restaurant, and will conduct the business along the same lines as heretofore. Restaurant Open Evenings depends largely on your MEAT f COURSE • Our meats are carefully selected from young stock and they will cook quickly, retaining their delicate flavor that is so essential to a good roast or steak. W A R N IN G ,! Au PIW0HÎ TX . Our delivery serviefe is prompt and efficient. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. * '¿¿¡¡k The Home of Good Meats Corner 4th and Main Springfield, Ore. Phone 63 An Increase In the price of rub­ ber drive* manufacturer* to plan fo r »mailer tire*. Some man of intelligence will And a way to sub­ stitute steel springs for rubber and produce u tire better than a rubber tire. DEADWOOD COACH V/MMÆB ' u S Í . V Due I«) the presence o* ! audit.» t'1' - -'o-tc ,n are hereby warned tl.i.t the ro m p u e be responsible for tin lo-e o? money or « a V deadwood . I VziVî IV ilA SOUTH DAKOTA That is tho thing N O T to worry about. "The Lord arranges it so that the trees shall not grow into the heaven .” And Ho bus undoubt- ly arranged it so that the earth mir nut. breed l i t " no’ oreen morn m o rn people p -opii: than on . . . _____ i A.. the ...„.(.I MWIW. can support. As world grown ler ami its people know more, >er children nro BORN; more TOM’S GEE.VYl'ST i’ll Tl “THE ; - DEADWOOD COACH” " -•< I tVE California earthquake « P ? * * Indio down, as was re times as many deaths in all section of a big Eastern y, «fle to some disease outbreak, u d attract no attention. --« Those that know Calliornla ew that thia misfortune of a jment will be wiped , and soon f o r g o t t e n .It will no. eck California's growth by a* ueh aa an hour. The Kalian X”" £ i Sa “ "3 ’ b « u *« w « a SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY •I A. Under New Management personal valuables «5»;; «93 rt Short Orders at All Times A GOOD DINNER C M r. and M r*. Howard Manee, who have nine children, gavo a party for those children and their offspring. One hundred and one cnnie to the party. I f everybody did a* well, If the million* In China raised their gigantic fam ­ ilies, for Instance, ami If plugues and Hood* ««topped killing them, how- soon would the earth be over­ peopled ? R I 4 II. W. llRnson. an experienced laundryman, announcces he has purchased the Springfield Laundry from R. C. Markee and will conduct the business in future. Prompt Service and Efficient Work I* Rough Dry (Flat Work Finish), 9c per pound. Wet wash, 85c for 20 pounds. Economy Service, 7c a pound with a minimum of 50c and an extra charge of lc for handkerchiefs. A TRUE ROMANCE OF THE OLD WEST THE Helen W ills, National and Ol­ ympic singles champion, is going “ great guna" again th i* year and is favored to retain her title. She is typical American and la a prime fuvorite with tennis fans. . nva REGULAR PRICES Thur. Fri. Sat- M c D onald 3 Days EUGENE H. W . Han»on, Proprietor