-4 THURSDAY. AUOUBT <, IM S THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ?AOE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L • P U B L IC A T IO N LANS C O U N T Y U N IT « O . 1« Church at Pleasant Hill Observes 75th Anniversary I Local Reportera • O F F IC E R S O F DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 LANE COUNTY • • Canary ............... J- I* Northup • • F A R M E R ’S U N IO N * Ray Bower • • * Cintral • • • , • • • • • • Two llm olovlna trop» In O regon Mrs. L. J Gftchell • "" j.. Cloverdale Ralph L aird, C r ts w tll, President. • »h aid tii’v ir lie >Wn In nun esalon Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Jennings and , co a st Fork Mrs. Geo. Kebelbeek • II W h eeler, T rent, V le e P r s il- ♦ • w .... Mrs. M. A. Horn • daughter. Mrs Fern Kirk, and Mr. and • vrv^well ! • dent, ♦ even nf er liming i l h l i s ' lime applied tin s le u 1 M l - • IV « SMI t h g esp eri .. Mrs, Ada Jennings • Mrs. C. I). VantaUa attended the N« « Dorena i* Oetty Kappauf, Cottage Grove, * Aa August 4 Is th e 75th anlveraary nielli i of loyalty to the church, nient au tio n . D ifferent »«Ils may ro ....... Mrs I». Baker • braska picnic al Corvallis Sunday. • ||c c e ta . • aec..Treat.
    the resu lts fro u ter. and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thontasot; • Trent ____ _____ E. B Tinker • gave a brief and h ghly Interesting tin I Preslib t S«m|i rsen of the Ilihle the use of lime o i l grain ar» »ery ...... Mrs, W. K. Post • history of the church. His report was un tvcn lt) ve u fitting »ernon and daughter. Mrs. T hilm a Wicks • V d a narked the first y ear," suy» J J Doer- HADLEYVILLE LOCAL dw ell ng t>n the f ilth, vlslnu and ho» as follows: visited at the Chas. Teeters home tier ot th< Inylau Karla farm hmm I’realdent Into tb pttalfly of I c pioneers. "Elijah Bristow went Sunday. Silverton, "bul our . re» h i ,s show that at ItianiJittvillo. Saudi rann per» tiul’y knew several of Mr. and Mrs. Wicks of Eug' ne were C h r is tia n c h u r c h CANARY LOCAL The llatlleyvllle local will m e-' I! iltii-s lacro sse y ie ld s even on grains in Dorena and Star a few hours catl­ 1848 he • • i lillinota. l i t lin o ls . In In 1M7 1837. In 184« He came the c h a rte r m -m he-s of the church T hursday • vetting. August 5. for their th e » ic u iid a n d !h « folio*Ins y«ar».“ ______ from Caifornia to Oregon and aettiol an,l '’J*1 much to sav In praise* of ing on relatives Tuesday evening social m eeting It is hoped to »e» a Threshing has been completed this Brother K. E. Potter was a Eugene at what is now Pleasant Hill. On 'hem Growers In the Wlltemetta valley hlg crowd. The ladies will serve re the fourth of August |„ i « , i twenty Th*' •*»»* r«*t’"ri «•» W, L. Bristow season from Mr. Sheets' to C. D. visitor Saturday and Sunday. will apply 'he third cod Ing moth Our regular meeting Sunday was ¡three persons with Elijah Bristow as » » ’ taken from a very valuahe book I Vanvalen's. and the «m in Is turning cover spiav not taler Ilian August 8. W J F rais I» busy lm' I t s hl» ha) well attended. Matters of vital Inter- organiser, met and organized the of his tit which he has pip p in g » , cop out pretty well as did the hay. The f r-t moths of th« second genera Mr» üoo, Unwell I» at Divide ta k ­ Florence Land went to Cottage est to the union were discussed and Pleasant Hill Christian chureh. tu a '*•» of songs, poetry Uftd le tte rs dat lion appeared In the rearing cage Grove Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. acted on and after the meeting the small school house built on what la ,n< hack a« far as 83 Th« collection ing caro of Mr Powell'» mother who July 35 It la » » tlm a te d that the max ladies served an excellent dinner that now the southwest corner of the * “» begun in 86 and contains pic- I» very »Ick. Everett Wright, a few days. ImtMii number pf moths will appear Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hands left Mon- was enjoyej and appreciated by all. cemetery, taking the Bible alone as lures of the pion ers Master Lloyd Soul» I» visiting his during Die flrst week in August The day for Newport on an outing and Rrolher Holsapple and family will their only rule of faith and practice. Although on account of threshing gran Ipuri nts. -Mr mi l Mrs. J Hen egg hah hlng period will begin nbnill fishing trip. move to another location soon. We The following were charter mem the chnrc*» was not lilted there w e re | ,l f | .o r B n ,. August 3. anil the peuk of the egg Mr. and Mrs. Vern Challis and r,> will pre».- , pounds of powdered arsenate of lead Those who visited the J. J Hooker burned Tuesday. nested White Leghorns. We hope to man. Wm. Bowman. Robert Calllson. of Eugene were present. Mrs Fox. to 300 c sfo n s nf water In thia spray The road work In this vicinity is aunounce som„ official scores soon. ¡Pollv Calllson. Harrison Shelley Jane daughter of Mr and Mrs Johnson ramlly Sunday were Mr and Mrc. C Is a frequent prartlca. progressing nicely and the scarifier Brother Sylvester is doing some Shelley. EPar Briggs. Mary Briggs. Basket, the first couple married In C ‘ Hayes and children, peter Peabody. In going through the potato fields k , D . I , , 1, a place l a a . and a „ . I a . g preparatory __ - to Ellrabeeh - - . Bristow. . . _ " teaac g tM lC J Briggs. t r I g t' I . Lane a Q e e county, A > * M * ** a, I the la A « congre A B a M B a a ' t I ' 1“'» has got to U Mrs. Baker's a I ! leart anJ ¿ „ th in waa atoo l In " ‘"»her. Mrs. M Gillespie and often outstandingly vigorous plants It Powell and deughtir. Mr and Mrs rock eruaher it being instg led at enlarging hia canary grass acreage Elisabeth Hendricks. Mtrtme' Shel gallon mav be se e n - large growers, that are children Cerro Gordo. I Brother Grant Flak was a Eugene j ley, l.ena She ley . h e« ih y and not next to any dlsra«ed Mabel Moaby of this place ia visiting visitor over Sunday. Mlss Lcia Henderson returned | w . V Adams preached the first I plants. Ruch healthy plants should a few days at Cottage Grove. home after visiting bsr sister, Mrs. Brother Fred Buss Is pipeing sratei ; germon after the church was organ- be marked with a stake for separate Mr. and Mrs Xlchote and little to his house. W. I Seals. | lied. He came to Pleasant Hill to digging If these are good producers, daughter and Mrs. W illiams and Open air Sunday school session at | pronounce the marriage ceremony of they should be saved for next year’s children picnicked at the bend of the ■ g ^ h e r Herrington a grove Sunday. ■ Johnson Basket and Mis« Katty seed plot, says the extension service. river Sunday. c enzie local August 9. Grace Farnham, missionary i n rlatow This Is supposed to tie the Most everyone In the community tQ j a pa n will address us after dinner. flrse COUp]„ married In Lane county Marriage L lesnsss of Weak SS a t »» A a-1 I L ,,V « A V « l W S3 f /» IIW O ' attended the g funeral of VE Mrs. Loury, Y(JU are ^ rd tally Invited to attend. A preacher by the name of Davts England at the Presbyterian church ,unch at noon The McK'-nsle Rlvsr local will meet During the last week County Clerk preached a few sermons. | A right smart hand at a t Cottage Grove Wednesday m orning., ____________ In regular session next Wednesday It K Bryson has Issued marriage thawin' is my friend Ban Lar- Prominent among the first preach- Everyone is invited to attend church i night. August It. President Emmer­ licenses lo the following' abaa— He aas baa «hawed In­ C. J. services every Sunday evening at the s De,lt,1,ti v ltu * ers were John Rlrdon. Gilmore Calil- ick asks all members to be present I’eerce and Alma Jack, both of Eu­ cessant, sanca the fall of stxty- Dorena chureh. Rev. Mile« Pitcher bu» dlng- 8prlngf >ld. Oregon. son. Chas. Bradshaw, Jas. Fisher. <• thraa We nicknamed him "To- as mutters of Importance come beforn gene; William Howard Lunch. Har­ O. Burnett. Bro. Elder. J. E. Murphey. barker Ben”— ha raisoa It, ye of Star will preach. this meeting that need the considers- risburg. and Bessie M Keck, Junc­ know—an' they say ha swallers Alex McCarty. Dr. Perkins. John lion of-every member. • TIM E AND PLACE OF * Powell and Philip Mulkey. tion City; Stephen H Ford and Hasel half the Juice, but I hardly Butter wrappers printed according • LOCAL MEETINGS • think its so. Watkins. both of Eugene; Rulph The Indliw are asked to bring cake The congregation continued to Dock sex— If Ben should mas­ to regulations with name. w t« g h t • Canary—First Sunday and Third * or pie. ice cream will be served Gibbs. Eugene, and Merle Oliver. Hol­ meet In the old school house anti ticate a single scruple more, and address. 11.25 a hundred at the • Saturday. Farmers Union Hall l.et*a make thia a good meeting In lywood. he'd flop his »rings an* soar • Cloverdale— Second and Fourth • the summer of 1854 when Ihe new X ews office. attendance. away to some eternal shore .. • Fridays. Cloverdale School House. • school house was built by Robert Ami. while the sober thinker Work on the new Hendricks Croswell—First and Third Tuea- Í Calllson on the present school site. Entertained at Cottage Grove— J.X THE COUNTY COURT OF THE may concvsie that Itock is right. STATE OF OREGON FOR Ben's wife declares he takes a bridge ts progressing rapidly. The Mrs Leland Eubanks. Mrs. I*, f). The old stile block that served In • day». Creswell. M. W. of A. Hall. LANE COUNTY twist to bed with hug at night! piling are all driven and excavation \Va«sl. Mrs Wsynn Clover and Mrc Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • ladies mounting their horse» at the In tbe matter of Harriet Nye. In- I t ’s euriua how a habit forms, tor the piers will start this week ' Morris Berg motored to Cottage • Thursdays. Hebron Church House. • church 1» now encased In a glass competent: aa* hitches onto men,—controls Foreman Johnson says the ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE AGAINST • Dane bo— First Tuesday. Danebe • cabinet in th e Endearvor room at bridge Grove Wednesday where they w ere ’em sole and body, like toback- SALE er’s done to Ben And etill— • School House. * the Christian church The steps In w!|| be completed by December 1. luncheon guests of Mrs. Glae Lyons. This matter coming on for hearing we’re bound to recognise the Dorena—Second and Fouth Tuea- • this old block were cut by E. L. Bris­ th is 3rd day of August, 1925. upon the wheat among the tare»— you’ll tow and J. W. Parks. petition of M. Svarverud. guardian o f,* days. Dorena Churan. scarcely And a better man the personal estate of Harriet Nye :• Hadleyville — First and Third • Jno. T. Gllfry was one of the fra t around hero anywheres! incompetent, for permission to sell \ • Thursdays, Hadleyvtlle School • clerks of the church and heW office I reckon that the most of ua th e dower Interest of said Incompe-; . » with failin ’s of our own, had tent in and to L ot. One <11. T h ree, ’ « e c U - F l r s t Sund.y of each for 22 years, resigning when he left better regal ate ourselves, afore (3), Four (4) and Five (5). Block * month, Heceta School House. the community. There were no Sun­ wa east a stone. » Eight (8). Amended Plat of Fair-, • Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- • day schools in the eary days, peotJe mount. Lane County, Oregon; and I t ' . neiMjay, w O. W. Hall, Jasper. • came to chnrch In ox wagons and appearing that It would be beneflc'ai . . ____. to the ward that said property should ' L °«™ ^ -S econ d and Fourth on horseback. be sold. * W ednesdays. I. O. O. F. Hall. • The rongregat'on met In the new IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the • McKenzie local, second and • school house until 1875 when the next of kin o f said ward and all peraons . fourth Wednfta hal1, " alterv.lle. , building was erected The dedicatory of September. 1925. at the hour of Ten • Mt Vernon—First and Third , i sermon was preached by Elder T. Wclork A. M. In the Court Room ot • W ednesday. Erasfield Store, this Court, at the Court House in Eu- ’ • Silk Creek M eet. First and Third • F < a «"P^»- Pn »ide.it of the Mon gene. Lane County. Oregon, then and • T h u rsd ay a . C edar School H ouse * Butter wrappers printed according i co ,,*«e ’ ‘he ,,n'' Sunf “y there to shov cause, if any there be . s o o n e r C re e k -T h ird F rid ay . • *“ Ju,Jr’ 1,76 io regulations with rame, »Vight i H ’ * S" U k ‘ " Spencer Creek—Third Friday. why an Order should not be granted from R evelations 21-5; “And he that and addr«-«s, <1.25 a humlred at the/ for tbe sale of the dower Interest of • Pine Grove School House. • said Incompetent In and to the above • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- * sat upon the throne said: Behold I New» office. described real property. Pleasant Hill High • make ail things new." And It Is further ordered that a • nesdays. Returns from California — Miss The first minister employed In the copy of IhisO rder be [ ubllshed at B ast • School Bldg. new building of 1875 was I*. R. Bur­ Viola Nf-her Is visiting her parental once a week for three gUfr sw re • yid a—Second and Fourth Ratur- In Douglas Garalens after attending , w e e k s before the said date of hearing . d a, Minn, y Ha|, nett. in the Springfld l News, a newspaper . „ , ,,, , . . During the 5 years the Pleasant I summer school ut LaVetne, Callfnr-' of general circulation published In i* Secretaries will pleas» send In • time and place e f meeting and • »«»« 'hurch has only on a very few tils, where she will teach this winter. Lane County, Oregon. C. P. BARNARD, • changes of date as »hey may oc- • ; s'x clal occasions fallml to meet on i In about six week», County Judge, t • cur. * the first day of the week to attend | Order to show cause against sale the ordinances o' ’t!:o Lord’s house I In from W altervllle— I J Cube of A «-13-20-27' . El Jah Bristow. r« e ng the nei Is I W altervllle was u Springfield bust- of th com m unity a n d following hi» ne« visitor tmlny. M K _ Uncle John a EARLY HARVEST BRING WITH DEMAND AND YOU Wll.L Subscribe For the Farmers Union News New members and other Farm ers Union Mem’ in who are not subscribers to the Farm Union News are r oq,. t( ;| to cut this blank and mail it to the Springfield News, Springfield, Oregon. DAYS ARE HERE AN!) THEM THE USUAL FDR SUPPLIES IN’ A HURRY FIND THEM HERB l!'vli( : t ¡trie« :t paid for your produce. M ike c u r store your store headquarters while in town. Eggs and Poultry ¡ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ^Farmers Union Subscription) We alw ays have Fresh Vegetable», Berries, Com and Produce in season. D ate......................................... Name .......................................... - ............................................... Sher Khan P. O. A d d ress............................................................................... ... Union Locai ................ ;.................................................. ............ 4 From .............................192......to ................................... 192 Mfrmber F. E. C. U. of A. Eugene, Oregon 662 Oak S treet t For services rendered by the Farmers Union and <........................ this receipt aattUea tbe holder to auhacriptton to the Springfield New» * PHONE PHONE » * 1C WHITE FRONT