THURSDAY, AÜOUBT fl. 102(5 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS •p en d day up W illam ette—Mr, and Mra, I’, G. Wooda, Mr. and Mr». Lu, I a ml Bubanlta, Mr, and Mr». W ayne Clover and Mr. and Mra. Glen Lyons of Cot­ Fall C rash Man In— N h k M«i«r of Goss to Albany— Mr«. A rth u r Hob- ta«« Orov.e «pent Hun-lay up the WII F all t ’rse k was In town Friday. < rts r«tuin«d Hunday «vetting front lansnlta, Mr, and Mr». Lyon» were Albany wh«r» aim visited h er sister, week-end visitor« at the Kubunk« Fall C reak Man In—It, W Cnlllaon homo. Mr«. VI« Davis, sin«« Frliluy, o f Full ('re e k *»« in town Huiunluy, V isiting Son H ere— Mr, and Mr».. R eturn from Florence — Floyd H e r e fro m M a rs h fie ld — M i n . Maili« TinimpHi»n und A rth u r Itn b erts r* W, It. Win« u re visiting with th eir I'rik ln a la visitina lu-ro fruiti Murali I. , . llu r t iiu l Hutitlu y « v en ’n« from Florence * ° ° ' •,;uK"nB Wlrur. front fum« fl-aeli. field California. They plan to stay here I w hole they «pent the week . nil ' f»r I wo m onth». Hpm» for W s s k g n d — Slew sap of Full Creek was In lowu Hutur Kulti*.», th eir new ad d ress hoti'g IS ) i h iirin Ilon » fe e t. a.T, neeonipmiled by h e r aon. Morris, day left FYI lay (morning | r P o'G and. I Ha» Minor O peration— Mrs, J L, w here they are visiting with Mr. an d ) Visita at C oait—J W Hieven» loft y esterd ay for Newport and T oledo to Zehner of W u lt-rvllle underw ent a Mra, T h o ran Hnusser. visit for aevurat days. 'm in o r operation at the pacific C h rist­ ian ho.-f>ltal Monday. F o rm e r Mill O w ner Here— -Ni Ikon Go on W »ek End T rip — Mr, un i Mr», I A, .«k eel« of Portland was a Spring-1 K K Morri» left Huturduy for a week Spende Weak In P ortland — J F, field visitor lost T hursday -if'ernoo.t I end riattili« trip on th e Cainpoola river. ¡ K•-« r of W e lti' R eturn» from Oregon City— Wllllum one of tin- form er ow ners of an « id ! ling ia seriously III ut th e Ionio of I'olAird retu rn ed from a visit In Ore- aW'itill which stood on the e 1« > of the r.v r n ear th>- presen t Hpt-'ttRflnd i gon city. Lit patent* Mill i t d Grain com pany building». PAGE THREW Hera from Donna — Ray Stafford •p e n d s Vacation in S w itzerland— was In town on business Monday from John N. Hamlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. I hla bom« a t Donna. F. B. Hamlin of th'a city w lf spend I TOWN AND VICINITY sis weeks in Hwltxerland, according Vlalte P a re n ts Here— Virgil Hara- to word received by his parents. Mr. I I’n of P ortland »pent S atu rd ay with H am lin ha» bei n secretary a t th e hie p arents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hanx- A m erican legation a t T irana, Albani«, lln. for a year. B reaks Leg— H enry B aker of Fall C reik broke his leg In an auto acci­ d ent at Fall C reek T uesday evening. From San Diego— Mra. O. J. Ragon and son of Han Diego sloped a t the Hpong hotel T uesday. Go to Belknap — Mr. and Mrs. Jam es 0 . Newland and Mrs. C harles Fields and d au g h ter M argaret of | R oseburg passed through Springfield Tuesday on th e ir way to Bd knap -springs to spend th eir vacation. Will Go to Coast — Mr. and Mrs, I Steve Bowl- s will leave the *ast of I this -week for a vacation to various IF YOUR SHOE SOLE coast points. W. E. Kates will ta k e IS LOOSE -Mr. Bowles’ place a t the M orris bar­ ber shop during his absence. or heel worn down, or any part Gunnar Kasson, and hi* famous dogs which helped him carry the precious antitoxin to Nome last winter are in the states appearing in vaudeville. Pictured is Kas­ son and Balto—the great lead dog Postal R eceipts R aised— Postal re- which found the way through the jcelp ts for th e m onth of Ju ly were Arctic blizzard. ’W a y O v e rw e ig h t bown fro m W a lte rv lll» — X» ' :»’» !• F rcm W ln b e rr y — M i ». M. E. Golden League Gives E n tertain m en t—In OF M r • I* i T r o tte r and ih i- iu h lr * . and » m u li min » e re In to w n .Mouduv tier to raise money to send d elegates M < iv , w e re Ut to w n tro n i th e lr beu a ì fro n t W ln b e rry . In W a lte r v llle Frlduy, Baby G irl G orn Mr, und -Mr» R tot» House H ere—It, W, Lau« ha, .G eorge J , C am p of Mohawk uro tito reni d the J 1. Clmk h o u r- n 'tu p a n tit» o f a seven-pound baby g ir i rumi r of H-i-on-l und 11 stre e t . Mr ih o n i S aturday. lain,- It from Folsom. t'a llfu r i .1 P-cnlc a t Fall C reek— Mr. and Mr» From Mohawk D istrict — Mr. nn<. I f . A. tiw urla and fam ily, Mr. and Mr«, Hay Baugh of the Mobnwk rivet .Mrs, J. II. Will und Mr, and M rs, Wm, valley w ere Springfield visitors Hutur- • Hieurutor and eon, Hoy, enjoyed a pic­ day. nic up F at C reek Hunduy OUR ICE CREAM IS PACKED R etu rn s to Comstock — Ml“» Mao W oodruff, » h o has been vlaitln« h ere with h er au n t and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. R e tu rn » fro m P o rtla n d — G. II, Tur- R eturns from V acation— Ml«» Lulu h e r retu rn ed home Hnturduy m orning - M<-Ph< rsim retu rn ed Monday to h er Cl. If T u rn er, r, tu rn ed to h er home In a fte r u sh o rt business trip to Port : pouith>n nt th e .Moue.tulu H tutrs l'ow CentstiM k Sunday. hind. je r coiuiuny office nftor a vacation of Co»g Does Damage — A w andering cow dam ag' d several g a rd tn s in the When Jack Dempsey appeared R e tu rn s fro b P o rtla n d — W . F , W « lk - i • before the N. Y. Boxing Commis­ e r r< turned Friday evening from th e j R aturne Hom» from V isit—C. Kes- e a st end of town Friday night. It sion, immediately upon return H tate Kintuilm ers (examining board !M y, w|„ , has been visiting w ith hla was tak en by C, H tolnheuer, of the from his honeymoon trip to Eur­ Springfield police force, and lodged ope, he was plainly overweight n o s ting at Portland. «on, (). It. K easey, for th e p ast week, a t th e livery atahlu a t th e w est end and facing an ordeal in training left W ednesday for his homo In Mil Goee to N ew port—Mr, and Mr*. I. down if he is to meet Tunney and of Muin stre e t until th e ow ner pays Wills, as he promised the "com- II H ilb e rt and family left H utuntay ford. Iowa for th e damage. mish” to do. evening for N ew port to »pond two v is it from S anta B arb ara—Mr and : week». { Mra !.. Ingram s a re visiting a t th e > Knamel ware, cooking utensils, hom e of M rs. In g ram s parent», J sm oking goods and m any o th er ar- Dr. S. Ralph DIppeL D entist. Vitus Hud a- T. V isiting from Goble— W Mrs. *"’■ '•'^••‘'h er. n ear Leaburg. tid e s a re to be found lo our sto re building. Sprlngfi»ld. Oregon. peth and Mr», K, I Irion a re visiting 'a t money saving prices. Springfield w ith Mr, and Mrs M I,. Rewey from T h eir home Is a t S an ta B arb ara, 'N ovelty Store. Goble. Oregon Boilers for P lan t Received — Two Rent H ouse H ere— Mr. nud Mr». O. ste«l hollers, w ith com plete fixtures K W illiam s have rented th e K an were reived by th e C arbollneum Moore house on D stre e t near (ho high »’reserv in « com pany T uesday They will be used for th e new plant. school. T hey moved la Sunduy, Stop a t H otel—Mr, and Mrs. J. C P erry and Mr. and Mrs, <>. l . Fisher of » ite m Stopped a t the S pang hotel ! Saturday. Go on Picnic— Mr. and Mrs W alter G ossler and Mr, and Mrs M. L. Rewey spent Sunday picnicking at R iverside park Baby Boy Ole»—The Infant son of Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Miller of Marcola died a t th e Pacific t'h rlatlu n hospital early S aturday m orning. Injures Arm— H. K, Sm all bruised his arm badly when he ft« I from a flatcu r on which he was loading ties. Mr. Small was employed by th e Ohrl- Ing and F o ster Lumber com pany a t W alton. V is it s B ro th e r H ere — M r and Mrs Dangerous Days " ,Urm" ,,f 'have any Pointing or decorating | Summer complaint, Dys­ our J entery, Colic and other We dp painting by day or contract. Bowel troubles are preva­ F o rm e r R e s id e n ts H e rs — M r and I A ll work guaranteed. lent during warm weather Mrs. W. W. Chesm nan. accom panied ' by th eir d au g h ter. Mrs. T u rn er, an d ! VASBY BROS, and If neglected they are son. Merle, visited In Springfield Main 321 ReB. 660, F St. apt to result in serious dis­ T uesday. They a re forms-r resident« h ere, th eir p reso n t hom e being In | orders of Stomach and Portland. Bowels. Sunday w ith Mr. anti Mrs, " » » t o ,jo> c o m e (n a n ( j get 1er G ossler. Mrs, H arm s Is a sla te r of prices on paints and oils Mr Gosslt-r. Here from M ontana— Mr. and Mrs, A rth u r J, Buchan of D eerlodge. Mon­ tana. visited with Mr. and Mr» W alter G ossler l-Ylday and S aturday. They cam e here frion S eattle,-w h ere Mr, Bu­ chan atten d ed th e K night T em p lars' ci-T. cation. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Main St. Between 3rd & 4th Go to Bandon— Mr. and Mr- M M- Male and d au g h ter G race le ft S atu r day for Bandon for a sh o rt visit. to th e Epw orth i.engue In stitu te a ' C ottage Grove next w eek, tin- M etho-' dtst lenxue sponsored a carnival at the - h u r ih basem ent T u-.-day evening " C " i'te t and C itm e lla " a short play, was p resented, and sideshow s, m usic and refrex h m en ts furnished fu rth e r en ­ tertain m en t. If you *57j».26. as com pared to for July. 1924. F. U. H am lin, postm aster, 1 reports. T his Is a gain of 19.7 per , cent, the larg est for any m onth this ! year. of the upper torn or worn, I can fix it up so you cannot tell it front a new one- I ant thor­ oughly skilled in both simple and complicated shoe repairing. All work quickly done and at very moderate prices. so perfectly w ith ju st th e rig h t - proportions of ice and sa lt th a t it will keep hard and firm fo r a long tim e. B ut th a t is n 't its only v irtu e. I t needs b u t a ta s te to prove it the m ost de­ licious ice cream m ade. Call o r phone your o rd er to us. EGGIMANN’S IC E We deliver Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Keep Cool— Phone 80 SANITARY MARKET HOLVERSON BROS. Phone 80 505 Main S treet • FALL WOOLENS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY We are showing now the most exclusive |iatterns and designs In a great variety. Place our order now for September or October delivery. We would . appreciate having your order now so that we may keep our tailors busy,. Dr. Habran’s Blackberry Balsam is composed of ingredients that will quickly regulate the affected organs. It acts gently but with remarkable certainty. Price 50c PURE DRUGS— SUPERIOR SERVICE — RIGHT PRICES MILES TO TH E GOOD. H O fF 'S T H A T V ' Phone 250 The Ladder to Success Take one step at a time towards assured wealth and pntsperlty. It may seem like a long climb, but the first step is the hardest. We Invite you to take the first step now by opening an account In our Savings Department. First National Bank S P R IN G F IE L D , O R E G O N You can get from IJ to 30 miles more to the tankful of “ Red Crown” if you follow the practical instructions in the Red Crown Mile­ age Card. Here’s one motorist who got more: 36 West 8th “I’ve been following my mileage with a Red Crown Mileage Card, and I’ll say th- Standard Oil Com­ pany knows how to make real mileage gasoline. I’m getting 280 miles on a 20-gallon tank against 220 miles just a month ago, so I’m 60 miles to the good. H ow’s that?” Let “Kodak” Pictures won’t let you forget those vacation memories— Let your kodak save them for the years to come— You, too, can get extra mileage from “ Red Crown” — start “saving miles” today. Buy from any Red Crown pump in town. ALL SIZES KODAKS AND FILMS Baker-Button Kodak Shop 7 West 7th Developing and Printing Pictures _____ á^-bry miles STANDARD O i l COM PAKT (CJURxrnla) • »••J Is Our Business— Not a Side Line o