The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 06, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    P lbllifctd Every Thursday at
8prlngneld. I-aoe County. Oregon. by
T H « W IL L A M IT T I P R E S *
B M A X E Y . E d ito r
F C. W KSTKRF1EI.I) Mauagai
B n trre d as aarood claM matter. February 14, 190S at tba
poati'KIee. Springfield. Oregon
One Tear In Advance
11 35
Three Months ...
Biz Months „________ __
Single Copy
T H C R S D A Y , A U G U S T «, 1925
E d ito ria l Program
We p ity a man w ith an alib i when he «m ies
A B ro o k ly n man is suing because his w ife
w on't cook. Over In England a man is suing before a • Jury o f 12 women.
• • •
W hat w ould the people o f Eugene say and because his w ife does cook, thus presenting to
th in k If S pringfield started a cam paign among the Judiciary a gastronom ic poser.
E d ito r ia l
Co m m in t
the fa rm e r Stockholders In the Ruggite F ru it
• • •
G row ers’ association to have them move th e ir
Some o f the New Y o rk girls who ro ll tlie ir own
plant to S p rin g fie ld * W ouldn't w onder If they are now p ainting th e ir knees so that the scenery
In »pile of periodical inveaiigailon« and burdoanam«
w ould feel Just the same aa we do about the shop jin the street cars m ay be more a ttra ctive . Art lax»*« which II mu»l poy. the «’II lndu»U ry «-«»lUlnu»» to
aite proposal.
* students nr»» increasing in num ber.
’ «TOW.
• • •
• • •
D u r in g tie - I h M th r e e ni n’h». A pr’l, May wml Ju n e ,
A vis itin g prince tells us th a t man may have 1 1 h r re w ere 100 O»w oil voinpalll« ■ pii-urporulml under tba
The shop lifte rs calk'd the ro ll o f the Chamber ’ come fro m m onkey hut Am erican women eer luwn of Hi»' vurti-u» «Into». huvlu« it total • apllal Xallou of
I ,oiue $75.000.000.
o f Commerce fo r th e ir com m ittee o f 100 More ta ln ly dame from heaven, and o f course there
I Gnnollne output III May brohn »•• ’•'•«•"nl« will» «Si.ooq,.
than a dozen men who are supposed to b«> on i cannot he any dispute about that
IdOO «Uliana, «1,000.00« «altonn more than llle prevlmia ItU;»
com m ittee have to ld us they did not approve »if
’ record of April
'the actions o f the shop lifte rs. The campaign
New Y ork lias now Introduced the jazz fu n ­
C tin a u m p llo n o f «««>11«” d u r in g M a y in e n w M d 21 p re
to put over the issue to buv the shops should eral, hym ns Itelng syncopated to fox (rot tempo
r e n t o v e r » n in e lu v lilh o f 1921
start hi the com m ittee itself.
In one o f the select Broadway fu n e ra l chapels.
P n slo rtln n of «aa and fu I ell» In May wa» I S7f. ooo,.
At least tills should make us feel th a t congratu­ 000 «niton», a »tally average »>« 4J.IOO.000 gallon». more
And now th<« black and w hite agreement w>* lations were in order fo r the star of the cere record figure«.
have been to ld about was a fake. The shop niotiy.
P ro d it! lu g . r e fit " g -»»id n.,»i ketlog petroleum am: H-«_
lifte rs had no w ritte n aureenieni u n til thev re ­
p ro d m I ■ 111 lb " Vlllfe.| S la le a re q U lii-» th e aervli < .if*
ceived on August a le tte r from the Assistant
•ini^i’v. • Tic i n e a ii - Ibnl m ore Ilian J . t o 'i " n|
Scientists are now w o rkin g on the production
General M anager R u re kh a lte r o f the Southern Of th,» syn thetic brain, so there m ay In* hope pqraona are dependent upon oil for a livelihood The
Padlfic saying tlia t the S. I*, w ould agree to a fo r congress a fte r all.
M anufacturer.
trade. A S pringfield com m ittee was told that
by General M anager D yer nearly tw o m onths,
• • •
Make Springfield the Industrial Center of Wes­
tern Oregon.
Develop a Strong Trading Point; Bu-ld a City
of Contented Homes.
lit. Improve Living Conditions on the Farm. Pro­
mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and
the Growing of Fruit: Work for Better Markets
IV. Tell the World About Oregon's Scenic Wonder­
Below we quote the instrum ent w ith w hich the
The Southern P acific w ill repay Eugene e v e rv :
shop lifte rs proposed to “ jim m y " the c ity treasure
o f Eugene to secure $175,000 to buy the 8. 1*. three years In taxes the am ount to he given il I
in buying the $175.000 shop site the shop lifte rs
shop and te rm inal sites:
are te llin g th e ir people. Funny how they a re i
‘‘Shall the ch a rte r of the city of Eugene. O re­
going to do this when all the land am i improve-;
gon. be amended authorising the common council
menta w ill he outside tha* c ity |*inlts.
to acquire real estate and such other property
another one o f those cam ouflage argumentes.
and rights w ithin and without said c ity as may
• • •
be necenaary o r itoeirubB-. for -municipal and
ra ilw a y term inals, m unicipal belt line railroad.
m unicipal parks and othei municipal purposes,
and to issue and sell the negotiable bonds of said
c ity In sums not exceeding one hundred seventy-
fiv e thousand dollars for such purpose« *“
“ Yeggs H it S p ringfield .” says Eugene news­
paper headline. No. they d ln ’t mean the shop
lifte rs. Yet there is Utile difference in what those
yeggs did and the Eugene yeggs are try in g to do
to S pringfield.
• • •
An innocent sonding thing.
Doesn't say a !
w ord about railroad shops. M erely says a “ mu-1
n icip a l and railroad te rm in a l” w hatever th a t la. I Clarence D arrow , regarded as the greatest ag­
And also it w ould m ake one th in k th a t a c ity nostic in the U nited States, backed by Dudley
park is to be somewhere's located In the neigh­ Field Malone, anothe r arch enemy o f the fu nda­
m entalists, U nited States Senator Royal Cope­
Doesn’t say th a t H» is to be traded to t h e 1 land. and a num ber o f prom inent crim inologists,
Southern P acific R ailroad com pany fo r shops psychologists, psychiatrists, surgeons and prison
sites. O f course th a t Is none o f the voters' officials, are now to lead a m ovem ent to abolish
business. He is n 't competent to express him self capital punishm ent in every state o f the union.
on th is sort o f a trade.
It is planned to open the a tta ck on “ legalized
B ut, when the< shop lifte rs m ake the deal bv m urder” in the state o f New Y ork. E ight states
tra d in g the $175.000 shop site fo r the $100.000 already have abolished state k illin g . F our states.
one a t Springfield, we w onder how they w ill get Oregon. W ashington, A rizona and M issouri, re ­
around the fo llo w in g :
established capital puinshm ent in 1918. but this
action it is believed dame as a result o f hysteria
“ A R T IC L E X I. Sec. 9— Constitution of Oregon
d u rin g the war.
— No county, city, town or other m unicipal cor­
Penologists, p re tty g ifie ra tly . regard capital
poration, by vote of its cltixens or otherwise
punishm ent as a relic o f barbarism , and they
shall . . . . raise m oney for or loan its credit
produce a mass o f sta tistics to prove that the
to. or aid of. any company, corporation or asaocla-
penalty fa lls c h ie fly on the poor and the helpless
tlo n .”
The religious aspect w-ill not be o fficia lly In tro
duced in to the argum ent, though It is expected, if
opposition develops am ong the ranks of the
“ A ll fo r one and one fo r a ll” is the C alifornia church-goers, they w ill fin d themselves on the
s p irit th a t Oregon Chambers o f Commerce are horns o f a dilem m a. O fficially o f course the gov­
a tte m p tin g to Inculcate in the cities o f th is state. ernm ent has no religion. U nofficially, however,
C a lifo rn ia has gTown because the whole state the Am erican people are recorded as a C hristian
has boosted its e lf and the cities have not tried people, and it is pointed out th a t C h ris tia n ity and
to te a r down each o th e r by stealing industries. capital punishm ent cannot stand on the same
T h e self-appointed shop lifte rs in Eugene have p la tfo rm . It is held th a t even though man m av
fo rg o tte n th is principle in th e ir nefarious scheme have the rig h t to fix punishm enut in this w orld
• • •
he cannot Justify his rig h t to ca rry his Judgment
in to the next w o rld : th a t it is Impossible by Ju­
dicial ru lin g , to fix the ho u r o f possible repent­
T he Southern P a cific says th a t a tw o-dav ance. and so safeguard offenders against the cer­
fre ig h t service fro m P ortland is now in effect ta in ty o f eternal punishm ent.
T o k ill o r not to k ill w ill be a question that w ill
b y using a through ca r instead o f reloading at
m ore than average interest.
Eugene. A checking up o f the schedule fo r the
• • •
last several weeks reveals th a t th is is p ra c tk tilly
A frican natives were disappointed befeuse the
tru e , only a few tim es has it taken three or
fo u r days. F reight loaded before fo u r o’clock in Prince o f Wales would n o t allow them to con­
P ortland one day should be in S pringfield by tinue dancing fo r him u n til one o f the num ber
9:30 the next m orning. T h is is god fre ig h t ser­ propped d**ad^ a< fo rd in g to custom .
vice and the d is tric t o fficers say when you don’t w ouldn’t m ake such objection if a few kings
started to dance.
get it to le t them know.
Why Easterners Eat More California Pears
c a p ita c o n s u m p t io n oP P e a r s J o r
C h ic a g o
B o s to n
1 9 9 0
P h ila d e lp h ia
C h art by courtesy of" California Rear Growers A sso c ia tio n
When i t ’x all »aid ami don«, the
num ber of jwnr» th a t are e a ira per
capita In the large renter» in the
c a rt and middle wei»t la the de­
term in in g factor in bow murh the
crop w ill b ring to the grow er. The
tw o brothers “ Supply“ and “ I»e-
m snd" have the last word in the
m a tte r
I t la in t e m t ip g to are w hat ha»
happened in the-« m arket» during
the last few years. T he inrroasing
num ber o f pou id» o f pear-» eaten
per capita give u> 3 reaannahle loud»
fo r hope fu r thia year and the year»
to come.
In Chicago the last fo u r years
have neen the per capita consump­
tion o f pears almost doubled. In
1921 the per capita consumption
waa SX1 pound* amt tn 1924 it had
riw n to 4223 pound*.
Barton »hew» alm ost aa good a
rot-» n l a» Chicago w ith 2 25 pounds
con u-ied per perwon In I'.'Ju and
4 03 pound» In 1924.
In staid old P h ila d e lp h ia where
thiiqr» are «uppowil to move m
«lowly, the per capita ctmmmpOsn
ha» jumped fro m 2215 pound* In
1921 to 1 4 8 piaind» a» Lite reciavl
fu r last year.
The average N ew Y orker, fo r
example, ate in 1920. 3.02 pound« of
peara. ls u t year he ate over ¡LSI
pound» of peara, or alnioet one third
again as much.
N a tu ra lly there are r « 4 reasons
fo r thi» I n r re a d ng demand fo r
pears In these cl tie». M rs. Chicago
see« In her morning paper an ad
vrrtisem ent which tall» her th a t at
her grocer'» nhe will And <altf»»rni»
B a rtle tt pears for sale ."he is told
th a t they sell I he three fo r only a
few abort week» and then aha w ill
g et none t ill next year.
She doe» her morning m a rk H in g
and at U » store atw> la confronted
i w ith ugus and hanger» a»» I placards
tellin g her tnat here are the pear»
that she bail read ahuut a m i has
been w aitin g for.
I t la just (anadble that d ie h a s a t
been aw are all w inter that she
I waa w ajtm g fo r the chance to buy
C a lifo rn ia pears, tail ah* buy» them
- she takes U h - i i i home and »hen
they are eaten, M r Chicago and all
the little iJticagoana tkranand mure
This ha» been happening In aome
■even of the large eastern m arket»
fo r the p tu t fou r year». H ie rsseults
> |s-a k fo r them-seiwe» mure people
are eatin g peara, w ith the exmae-
quence th a t the grocer dispose» o f
hi» pear» w ith g re a te r rase, and
the g r o w e r 's m arket is «ta hl luted
aad hia crop bring» him a g re a te r
return aa hta invnatmcnL
T h e M in io n D o lla r M o to r
Demands “Passing” Space
M ake w a y
for the Powerful
S ta r !»» No matter the grade — no
matter the road «— clear up “pass­
ing” space for the oncoming Star
Car. Pull to one side — let the Star
Cars rush by to the top.
P o w e r — real power for the first
Lindy Admits
Sb« Made
A Biundes
time in a low-cost car — in the Star
Car’s Million Dollar Motor. Don’t
try to match this amazing power —
it is new, a radical improvement in
performance. Make Way!
To appreciate, you must ride be­
hind the Million Dollar Motpr.
For prooff, tackle any “test” hill
— take the wheel of the 1925 Star
Car. Results will astound you.
* /
A t the New Reduced Prices