From The Sorry Spectacle the Shop Lifters Paint if Eugene Does Not Get the Shops One Wonders ‘Why is Eugene* ■ DIVOTgO TO INTCRIBT OF SPRINGFIELD ANO THE FARMERS OF THR WILLAMETTE VALLÏŸ THE SPRINGFIELD NE f t T W E N T Y -S E C O N D Y E A R SPRINOFISLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. Program Yeggs Explode Big Charge of Dynamite Which Shatters Safe Friday Morning; Thlrcf Robbery in Six Years. After blowing III» iliwir off of tin Hprin«fitl«l Mill und Grain company I eufti, lootar« took >40 worth of anno Un» tickets. rhecka amounting to >400 i.hti two Mtronsho>«M full of irnpnrtunt ! company (taper« Friday night. An ex lu ru e portion (»f tx pi OM Ivo Wit* used, and the uufi ’ wii« alitu.>*t tom ph tel y < rt. Itortttlrn'M Hv-t'V near the building Thin youthful sleuth, now just and campera In th e nulo park nearby tacorteil h mini? Ih» »xplnaititi nomo TO, la chief of the U. 8. Secret Service, »uccee.llng Wm. J. Hum», tifile between 3 1 4 In th» rnoriitnx r*-lgned. He i« J. K, Hoover, of A reward 1« b»-lIng uttered by the Washington, who won the place by company for th» recovery of Ihn iia great work in important gov- inrnent cases. paper« whit It wore In the «trotIgboX'-n This 1« the thirdi tluia sn «i i y«mrn that th* »«af»» hau !»«’<• n blown up at th» tq>rlngtl»ld w ill, tìffb-tal» of the A U T O S T R I K E S W O O D « «»m pa n y plan tn raplnra the iu i(< with W A G O N ; D R IV E R H U R T on« <’ith< r i ffiKiul with au « h ctrlc alarm or »Uh tb«i «alla fill)«1 with l ‘ H Lawaan, temmster for the dc «illy gas. Stewart Fuel company. I» recovering fo n t injuries received h id Friday E N T E R T A 'N FOR ’ 81st «h m h «aa , Un over by hla logon A,‘ " “ '•'mobile rau Into Mr Lawson's ¡ wagon as he was returning on the Log Rolling and L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N KJ THURSDAY, AUGUST », 15*25 LABOR DAY CELEBRATION SCHOOL WILL OPEN IN S P R I N G F IE L D S E P T . TO BE HELD AT WENDLING FLOUR MILL SAFE AGAIN BLOWN IIP tra "Ths People’« Paper” LL Library N U M B E R 29 17 Bucking, Board« Maata F o rn itu ra Salaaman for Baseball, Athletics and Speaking Furnlahlng New B rattaln School Being Prepared l3 Would Be Janitor ON LEGION GARDS ' A labor «lay celebration to out o the Hprlngleltl schools will open Thurs­ Carl Martin and Elza Cavitt to one held last y«ar wan planned Mon­ day, Septamher 17, according to the Mix in Six-Round Main Event thly nlxht l»y a joint comm ittee or announcement of the school board at with Many Clever Boxers In Springfield and Wendling 4-1. mem­ It« meeting Tuesday evtnlng. The Five Other Scras. ber# at the WendPng ball. board .discussed furnishing of the new The enli rtnlnnient will be held at Bi attain school. Four representatives Twenty six rounds of boxing will be Wendling, mm It wmm lu»t ytar. of furniture supply houses were on on the cards Friday night when the Tree topping, <• g-hucklr.g, tug o’- hand to present prices for the same. Springfltd post, American Legion, war. bM«»ball. log rolling, «wlmmlng, Thirteen applications for janitor of p tfl the first of a series of contests movie« and races of various aorta will the school were received but actiory |i nthe open air arena at Second and provide amusement for the crowd la* to selec t on wus referred to nef.t Main street«. Headliners on the fa»t The W endling team will me t some meetlng. The resignation of Miss card arranged are Carl Martin, the oilier baseball team, and Ih pencil-1 Libelva Elkins, of Eugene, who w as battling blacksmith of Wendling, a n l pushers of the Wendi ng offi-e „„ |1 to teach »fit nod gymnasium In ' ** tAIAooeà-FWPj Elza Cavitt, of Springfield. Both are thoae of the Scringfllt ld and Eugene p h o high a< h< was received by the “--------------- --------------- s I experienced and clever boxers of the o m e n will tard. Sh will teach In Hie Eugene in t ingle for the pen- Mabel Clare Orr of Blackwell, hard bitting variety. hoola thia year Instead. artists pt rinarri, Norman F Coleman Okia., is the only v/otnan oil well Eddie Hathaway and Curly Watson drilling contractor in the world. In former head of f l the Loyal Legion of eight years she has built up a big i will put up a tough scrap in the semi- . Loggers and Lui .tunherm en, anti now B O N T O N C A F E S O L D T O business— spending most of her ; finals. Every man appearing on the president of I l e o i tl 1 1 tlege, will apeak time in the oil fields with her , card is a fast fighter and fans will W OM AN FROM ASHLAND A free barberu staunch army o f workers. nd eoffee W ill be j get more than their money's worth an aildtd attraction, and the commit- The Bon Ton rrntauraut changed . Legion officials declare. ; t( e reports that a hand will be pres hands for the second time In a fort­ P L A S T E R IN G W O R K O N I The card follows: ent. The entire Celebration Is open night Wednesday when Mrs. Mar­ Main Event, 6 Rounds NEW SCHOOL STA R TED to the public. garet M. Hall of Athland purchased Elza Cavirt, 155. Snr’nLield, vs. Carl Hpr ngfi»td committeemen who ut It from Mr and Mrs. B. M. Joslin. Plastering on the new Brattaln Martin, 150, Wendling. • lin d e ! the meeting were D. W. Mc­ Mr. and Airs. Joslin, who came here ch< I house was ’started Monday i Sem i-Final 6 Rounds Kinnon. A, C. Pvttlcord, Moody Neel from Portland, left Wednesday fot morning, and when this work Is com-! Eddie Hathaway, 140, Eugene, vs. and It C. lib hardson. C. A. Hardesty. < anada, Mrs. Ha. I is accompanied pb-ted the school will only lack the tn- j Kid Curly Watson, 140, Coburg. A W. Wooley and Wolf Allen were ’ by her (laughter. Dorothy, and a son. terlon finishing. It will be ready for Fast Four Rounds W e n d lin g d e le e a l- .. , ., . .. i° r v f le, who will enter the Vnlvey- occupation by the middle of September. Ike Beason, 135. Coburg, vs. Johnnie fan. She “ • ...i f . ..i «• it i, j i f 'r'! George Perkins, the contractor, Totnseth, 135, Sringfield. tad camp 34 and W. II. Randall. | merly operated the Bon Ton cafe in states. Honoring the xlat birth lay of C M. highway from Eugene, He A nother Fast Four Rounds wax ISirlfy, Mrs. Frances Averbeck of Han knocked from his seat in tM tongww Ivan Ricker and Fred McCornack at- Ashland. Kid Wilson, 110, Westfir, vs. Kid A new four-inch water main and tended from camp 35. Otego und Mrs. I». f) Fisher i nter- of tb fire hydrant is being put in by the Smith, 110, Eugene. wagon, and the frightened A permanent chairman to have tatn»d Sunday, (lunata for the occa- horses began to kick and rear. To Fast Local Boys in Four Rounds city from the alley on Ninth street i Leaves for California elon were Mr. and Mrs. T. E Morse save himself, Mr. Lawson fell to the charge of the celebration was appoint­ Hugh Cowart, 120, vs. Earl Stewart. between C and IJ to the school bouse. ed, A. W. Wooley being chosen. G. C. Fred C. Montgomery, who g ro w s of Pleasant Hill, Leluni) Morse, their ground under the wagon, and 120. ,w o Sumner w ill be the seeretary-trens ~ bulbs and cu' flowers in S p rin g fie ld . S E C O N D S H I F T W O R K I N G A T Also a hair raising curtain raiser. grandson. Henry Hmllh und Mr. and » h eels pAised over his chest. Brer and It E Daniel, O. F. Thatcher ■ w th his son James will leave today! I ______________ Mrs W Mathews and family of Lost He was taken Io (he Eugene and Fred McCornack on the woods ^for California, where they will spend S P R I N G F IE L D LUMBER CO. Creek, and Miss Ikirothy Fisher of tnl. from which he was dismissed MANY HEAR BAND CONCERT committee. :a week looking up new bulbs and var- Hpringfleld. Saturday. To accommodate an Increasing PROGRAM GIVEN FRIDAY ----------------------- j ioua flowers. Mr. Dinner, originator The day was also the 3Xth birthday amount of business at the Springfield Broom Found Q ullty ! ,,f the gladioli«, will be visited ns of Mr Mafhews, and the second birth­ A large crowd attended the concert 4-L Booklet« Hera Charged with Illegal posseslon of I W 'oM y. "nd other connoisseurs of Lumber company, a second shift was day of Ills little daughter Marreie. added to the force Monday. This ar­ Last Friday evening by the Spring- Hovland booklets containing lh « 'lbinor. Mark- Broom. MhKcnzie vat-1 J»ulbs and flowers. rangement will probably lis t through­ field band. Following are the turn- Ixiysl Legion of M in ers and Lum- ley farmer, was found guilty by a Jury * -------------- !------- BAPTISTS TO PICNIC AT out the summer at le a s t R. H. P ar-, bers played: bermen constitution and other Infor- 1,1 Eugene Justice court Tuesday.' Display of Gladioli«« sons, president of the company, has March— Lights Out" .................McCoy MYERS PARK SUNDAY matlnn pertaining to the organization 1 Three gallons of moonshine found In D. W. Roof, the Jeweler next to the stated, and if the output demand co n -! Overture— “Dawn to Twilight"__ wer* received by the loral group Mon- car the night of the arrest was the The Bethany class of the Baptist day. They w ill b . attrib u ted among ......... .. ------------------------------------ Bennett used In the case. Sentence ' h” UnUSUa' <,lsp'ay f<* ' ‘lnUea- ^ e «econd shift whl probably c h n rth will picnic Sunday after the 'he mem ber., Waltx—‘‘Kiss of Spring"_______ Roff ,w lll he pronounced Saturdav wlndow ,h,,, week tw elve be retained permanently. will be pronounced Saturday. morning services ivt Meywra' park Dvorak vases of gladlolas. Mr. Roof grows Mill-ln-transit work to the amount Selection— "H um oresque" The object o f the organila lion, the Families of member, of the r a s a will March—" R esu loto" __________ Moses these In his spare time and has more seven or eight cars a week are duties and prlvihgns of membership V isits In Springfield also attend. than sixty varieties, all registered being handled by the firm Overture— ‘‘Bohemian G ir l" __„ B all and offlcershlp. the «lues nnd a1« was a half brother of J. H. More- ren have returned from > visit to Practically the same lineup will be | lock of Springfield and had visited Lakeview. Mr. Weber says there are Used as has been used In former here many times. good crops in the Lakeview section games. this year but he is glad to be back Visitors In Ity— Mrs. Anna Davis in Springfield. Motor to Sum m it Cascades and Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Vida «were In Sprlngfhed Tuesday on Here from Orland— H. E. Johnson William Donaldson. Mr. and Mrs. L. business. of Orland, California arrived here E. Basford, Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Bas- W ednesday for a business visit in ford and Mr nnd Mrs. Al Montgomery Sell Homs— Mr. and Mrs. Theron Springfield. He will stay several motored to the McKenzie puss on the Cogill have sold their home at £Rxth days. summit of the fn srad es Sunday and and I streets and have moved to the spent the day. home of Frank Cogill, at Seventh and Attend F lo w er Show J streets. D. W. Roof, local jeweler, and Fred Ill at Hospital attended the gladoll Mrs. G. M. Plummer, operator of Portland Representative Here — Montgomery the cleaning shop In connection with Charles Hursh, representing the show at Vancouver over the week­ seeing Mrs. A. R. Sneed's millinery shop, is Bishop Hide com panf o f IXortlhnd end, wtiero they reported anrlously ill at the Pacific Chrlatlan visited the local meat markets Wed­ many remarkably beautiful blossoms. Mr. Montgomery left th is morning hospital after an operation for appen­ nesday. for Kentfield. California, to visit a dicitis. Mrs. Plummer had heen unwell for Evans Houses Rented—W. P. Bak­ large gladoll farm there. som e time, but she «was taken vio­ er and G. B. Kendall have rented the Here from Winbery—W. B. Scott le n tly 111 Tueadny afternoon, and a two houses belonging to Dr. M. G. hurrAul operation Wednesday showed of Winberry was In town today^ His Evans In Douglas Gardens. daughter, Mrs. Nathan Chaffee of her appendix to bn ruptured. Go to Crater Lake— Georgy Per W endling will return home with him Injures Foot at Mill— Frank Bain­ kins, accompanied by his sister, Miss on a visit. bridge Injured hla left foot painfully Phoebe Perkins and Miss Vera Per Wednesday when he ran a picaroon kins, his niece, left Monday for Cra­ Drive to Medford— Mr. and MYs. Into It. He wan employed at the ter lake, to be gone a week. F. C. Perkins and Mrs. Perkins' sister, Booth-Kelly mill. While the Injury Miss Belle Headlee, drove to Med­ Is painful, it will probably not de­ Visiting at Walker Home — Mrs. ford Wednesday. Miss Headlee Is velop serious complcatlnns. Kate Kester and her daughter, Isa- returning hom after a visit here, and lene, are visiting at the W. F. Walker Mrs. Perkins will remain with her From Camp Creek—H. I. and A. E. home. Their home Is at AJhany, for several weeks. Davis were In from Camp Creek Wed­ nesday for medlcR1 attention. At Spong Hotel— P. Lorenxen of Painting School .Roof — Vasby Albaav, S. D. Farrier of Portland and Brothers, local painters, are painting H a e jife -c te d Fnger— Mra. H arry J. N. and W. M. Llnster of Bend the roof of the new Brattaln school, 'Anthony Is suffering from an Infected stopped at the Spong hotel Wednes­ and the roof of the high school gym- I naslum. finger caused by a felon. day B IR T H D A Y O F M R . D O R IT Y E Leach and O. F. Thatcher rep | »tty Of Oregon this — .A»'» •' * Mbs" .. i.............. . - ■ .m » ... » .« 4