The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 30, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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The Springfield nine w.'n a 5 to 4
Victory over th e W end 11 ng aggrega
tlon in Sunday aftern»x»n's game on
th e local ground« on Fifth street. Thf
gam e was hard fought throughout
A t the beginning o f the eighth inning
th e score stood S-0 tn Springfield's
The gam e scheduled with Coquille
fo r Sunday has been called off. At
tem pts a re being made to secure a
gam e for Sunday, according to re­
Lineups for Sundays gam e were
G arter
F o rtier
1st base
2 base
H ufstader
A. Mulligagt
T aylor
M eats
R asm unsen I
H ardesty
Allen !
Move to Eugene—Mr and Mrs. L.
K. K eithley have moved to Eugene
The K eithiey's w ere form er residents
of this placa.
H ere From C ottage G ro v e-M iss
Dee E tta D rury of C ottage Grove Is
▼'.siting at th e hom e of R obert D rury
of Springfield th is week.
!arly elected.
J e a n e tte
Hank In.
M ontana—reg-
itarly eleetixl,
W inifred
Mason Murk
fathers* term ,
i Mae Nolan, C alifornia h u sb a n d s
I term ,
Mary T Norton. New Jersey reg
(ularly elected.
Florence IVng Kahn. C alifornia.—
husband's term .
hji'lth N mirse Roger«. Maaanctiu
i se tts husband's term .
V isits W ith T u rn er'a— Miss May
M .xxlruff of Comatnek Is a visitor at
¡the hom e of Mr and Mr». O. H .Tutn
• r for the w eekend.
H ere ' r i m Comp C reak—Al t i n ­
men* of f s tn p Creek w«< .-» k-eul
visitor W ednesday.
L e t i ' * a» V isits
N advornlk was a W estfir visitor Sun
Two widows, both elected on' merit, will ait tn the next session
of Congress, to serve out the unexpired terms of their husbands.
A t left, Mrs, Edith N. Rogers, who defeated former Governor Fosa
of Mass., nearly 8 to 1. A t right, Mrs. Florence P. Kahn who w ill
represent the fourth California district.
Election of Tw o W idows to ^ 1 rs aa<| * “ '»• to bo th the o p p o rtu n ity
N ext Congress Indicates New ,o t'r" v" ,h“ ' ,h,v wcre qu»HHed for'
O rder fo r Women in Politics. *'"Us *“ con’ rcM'
H ere F ro m W endling— Will Catner
on and F red Hanke w ere In from
W endling Snturday.
V isit From Lebanon II. A Ander­
son was a locai visitor from Lebanon
L o cal
G ir ls
H ik e
elected to serv e ou the unexplred ag ain st a dem ocratic opponent. Eu-
term s of th eir late husbands.
gene Noble Foss, th ree tim es gov if .
H owever, sentim ent has died In n" r " f Ma-sa« bust tts. She defeated
polities—and th e woman elected to him. n e a |y 3 to 1.
C ongress now— goes th ere ,ui m erit
R o h r's
•tur» a re quite
Such is th e p»tt<cal evidence of IMS f ...’
t h e bel
t she will be a
O ne of th e widows is from Mass­ " r e a l ' eotigre-sw-
S he
ach u setts, the first ever to be sent forc i d to m ake a
fight for eleo»«
T h e W a y o f a W o m an
from the New England states. She Is tlon
She m ade m any political
Digc rs —"W hat was th e excitem ent Mrs. E dith N ourse Rogers of th e flf>
ste e e h e
and aurprlsod all by hap
down in the haiL Did you have words d istrict T he o th er Is Mrs. F lorem ■
g rasp of national questions and Ihe
w ith the landlady?
Drag Kahn of San F rancisco, elect»--!
w orkings of congress. Sentim ent wo»
Roommate "! had w ords—Dig 'ol from the fourth C alifornia district,
forgotten aa ! she rolled up vote» on
d e a r—but no chance to use them ." > The th ird m em ber Is not a w dow .
m erit—enought to win handsom ely.
th erefo re has to go out in an Inten-
It Is tru e th at of th e seven woman
CALL AND SEE Dr N. W. Emerv sive cam paign and b attle Ler way to
nn pH-.w m Olafcf and o th e r work »t victory. She is Mr« Mary T. Norton elected to congress since Inaugura I
——— — —- -
o f New J e rse y —whose husband is tlon of equal rig h ts, not one h as tn ,
LOST—L adies gold w rist
watch. alive and In th e cooperative besiness any way distin g u ish ed herself. How­
ever. woman has shown h erself to be
Initials K. C. D. on case. Mrs. K ath a t Je rse y City.
an ap t pupil and recen t elections In­
erin C Duncan. V itus A partm ents
W hile sentim ent prom pted the can ­
d icate th a t she has a rriv ed —to ma k -
Phone 12» J. Rew ard
J. 30.
didacy of both Mrs. Rogers and M rs
K ahn, a t th e d eath s of th e ir hus-
The seven women qfected to con­
Speeial a t W hite F ro n t G rocery bands, both encountered stro n g op-
L ifebuoy Soap. 2 cakes for 15c. and position to th e ir elections
which g ress:
one cake free.
Alice Robert “o - —O klahom a, regu-
m ade the cam paigns w hllrw ind af-
Uncle Jo h n ---- *
The things thut “grow on a
feller" ain't alw ays an
t of
dread . . . unless It's tohai her or
whiskey—or sumethln' that tiles
to his head It coultl Is» a passel
of w hisker» a eovey .if wrinkles
or w arts, for, the things that grow
on a feller m ust l»> reckoned a*
different aorta. , . , B ut—when
It's the habit of savin', or the
.sitin' of regular uuxil«. or— of
Inkin' one's breakfast a t sun-up.
no tuatler how luay he feelst It
«Mild Is» a hunger for reudln* or
solvin' Hie problems of life, like
raisin' the boy» as they should
bo, or of gettln* along with the
wife. . . . It might as well he
somethin* nohlv as som ethin' d is­
ruptive and had. for the things
that can grow on a feller ahould
render him tram pill and glad I
lu tlu» eaiwlde way of »electin'
It's resky to Jedge with a wills—
for. the Idea that grows on a
feller, will make hltu the man
th at he la.
¡ran Legion.
A fast card lias been a rra n g ed bv the
! rommltM» for the sm oker which will
' lie held August 7 In the open a 'r
¡pavltllon al the corner of tteeond and
Main S treets T he legion expeels Io
! put on boxing cards regularly In th s
U nder a N ew
M other "F 'r heaven sakes, m dear
why does that young man. Joe Brown
w ear such a wide heltT"
Ih»ughter--"1 don't know, m o t h e r -
hut I think for the same reason that
President Hooaevie t wore red white
I ami blue suspenders "
I' 8. “To keep his pants up."—Kill*
to r's note
Dr 8
The Indlcattone
Guest "Q uite some hoy you have
there. Bill
W hat do you think ho
will do when he grow » up*"
Hill—"1 think lie Is going to be a
lion-tam er.
H ere Teddy, »how the
Ralph Dlppel. D entist. Vitus
gentlem an how you run c a t anim at
S pringfield, Oregon.
saving <&£
Try This On Your Grocery Bill
For nn entire m onth select every Itetu
of food in person. Go io the «Lores, coin*
pare values, m ake your purchases where
you i.nn get the most In quality uuil
quantity for your money.
D is trib i.l ion
W ith o u t
Keep a careful record and nt the end
of the nionth-ctunpure your expenditures
with those of the month before. T here,
a fter you will he a confirmed personal
.hopper. And we venture- you will do
your shopping a t Skftggh.
D istrib u tio n
W ith o u t
Two Day Features---Friclay and Saturday
Market Day
Seedless Raisins,
fresh (|fock
•Hb. Pkg. 2 for
Printing in all of its
m any branches gets
prom pt and accurate
attention here. You
will be proud of the
good appearance of
any printing done by
A b alin g eo’nnilsslon has been S|V
: pointed hv Mayor (I (I Bushman In
compì luu.c with til» law
Those ap
pointed to serve on the i-ouimtsslon
are (’. E W heaton. •’ F Mwsrls, W
J S c o lla m i Dr. W C Hebhan. modi-
ra i exam iner
The rotnm lsalon will
all boxing and
ath letic
inati hex to be held under the simple»«
'o f the HprlngflAd Post of the Altieri-
Mrs. Rogers' victory at the recent ( Misses Ma*' and Mildred I'rm h .r |, ft
W ritten Specially for The News i election was m ost notable. S he w ent Tuesday m orning for llen.l They In
By R obert Fuller
into a th ree cornered fig h t a*. tend Io hike the e n tire distance.
R eturns
From C o b u rg -F ra n k lin
1 *■ p rim aries (nr tli.' R epublican
— ■ "1
J. D rury is hom e a fte r spending over
T h ree women w t| .-it l a tk s n. v
tm tag l' ,i
.......... . w
tw o w eeks visiting th e D rury's in Co- Congress.
feated tw o stro n g men candidate«. Lifebuoy Soap, 2 ra k e s for 15c. and
Two of them a re “political w idow s," T hen Into the fight for election one .cak e free
. Im not saying th a t P ete Dexter ri
a fool but if he Isn 't th en he's a
tu rn e d good w arden—th e way he
keeps thought« locked up in hl» brain
Certo For Jelly mak»
Ing 2 Bottles
P ure llerrv Cane
"All Bran,”
25 lb. hag
Large pkg. 2 fo r
(One to Cuatomer)
Mrs. S tew art's
the best liquid blue
2 bottles ..........
24 bars
K ra u t— Libby's— No. 2' . tins,
- fo r
Kipptjred H erring front Scotland
M arshall's 1-lb. oval tins
M arm alade — "C hivera” —
1 -ib. jars ......................................... 35c
2 pkgs.
Del Monte,
larg e b o ttle 3 for 72c
T o ile t
Paper— 1,00(1
sheet rolls of fine Ils-
Hite. 6 rolls .....
Coffe— Skaggs No. 1 Blend—
I n ■>
flavor, delightful arom a, always
fresh - ground when you buy It
I pound
3 pounds ........................ .
Peaches For Canning
History repeats Itself- Last year the lowest priced pearlies were the Cali­
fornia Elbcrtah. Crop > onditieijH In the N n th w eg t Plicate th at the same
will be true this season. California Elbertas a n net«.
We alviEe you to
Buy Canning Peaches Now !
C a lifo rn ia Elberta Peaches
The Willamette Press
............. ............... ................ .................... box $1.43
If you prefer to buy peaches already put up, here is your opportunity.
They are finest yellow freestone peaches in rich syrup. Safe to buy your win­
ter supply
they will be higher later.
H unt's "S uprem e” Peaches
No. 2>/z tins, dozen
Per case (two dozen).................................................................. $5.69
C ity Delivery— Orders of $5.00 or over free— Orders less than $5.00 10c
delivery charge
321 Main Street
No. 213
Springfield, Ore.