PAGE ELEVEN TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS Cl assif ied Advertisements This W eek’s Crossword Puzzle Sell wbat yau want te aall, buy wbat you want to buy thro >on « •••» columns. W rit» ar phono TW O FOUND- Pair of gaunUtt glov»» F O It K A L B - 1 Second band Axm lnlst- nr rug. 10x15. M r» C. E. Swart«, 6th and K. J. S3 30. I w ill pay no bill only thoao con­ In Woodman H a ll O w ner may have i>uuio by paying (or thia ad *. It. tracted by uiy««lf FO R S A L E —Carbon pup«r In largo i abort a, 28x30 Inch«», nullable for making fracing». T he Now» O ffice, j IV. J. Lrpluy. J 23 30 A. 8 13. E at worn Peril« lion Bread, a» na­ tion» most com plete ration. 1C« home mail«. J I. SO For Sale, IN 1921. Star Touring cur. been tt«et! Inn little ; best of c o iiil.g i'iii; 5 good (Ires. A bargain lo r cash or will g iv e S T A T E l- lt O llE IJ I N F u l l T H E CO UNTY OF LANE E L L A M A E W A D D E L L . P la in tiff te rm s . Standard Furnitrue Co., Eugene P hone E ugene 1M9 N O T i 'E T n r i i K O n n i i r t N olle« I* h«r«by (tv « n tbai r i t e circuit court o r the Ih« undar»lgr«d ha« b««n »ppolnt««! by ih « County Court of Lau« County. Oregon, »s a ilm la la tra to r o( the laai w ill and U'Hlionint of F. A. Ila n k ln . dncaaaad. A ll p«r»on» luivln« rla lm » n«aln*l rald «»tat« a r« hereby nollfled Io pr«*ent the »»in« duly vcrlfn-d to Ih« undcralgned a d m ln la tta lo r at th« law off'co« o f W illiam » A ll«an. *80 W l • lam ett« H ir«ai. Kngene Oregon. w lth Io »ix monih» from Ihn dat« of Ih« flr» t publlcallon of ihl» n otlr« T he d a l« of Ih« ftr«t publlcallon of thl« notice I» July 30. 1925 J O H N M W IL L IA M S . A d n iln litra to r. W illia m » * B«»n A ttorney» for Batate. Jl, 30. A. 8 12 20 27. Telephone»: Office ( IS R»» 1078 Oi John Simons Osteopathy stands for th* truth wherever It Is scienti­ fically proven. O»t»opathic Phyalelm and Bur­ geon O ffice «0« M. * . W . Bldg . • Eugene. Oregon ()»teopathy »lands for the tru th w herever It 1» scien tifically proven, 'B U S I N E S S F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R F ull Auto Equip:«»"1 W . O. W block O ffice Phone 82-J R e a Phon» IM dr . n . w . emery D E N TIS T Button Bid»- F>Ofta » -J Rasldanea Phone I M M Springfield. Prägen SHOE REPAIRING Work Promptly and Carefully Done 34 1 zo l.’ d M l 1Ö TT 4 8 37 39 41 42 44 47 48 TT MB 44 45 46 49 s T ’.fc A «quar of men Before ( poetical) Sm allest of the five great lakes (abbr.) To urge Devoured French p ainter who founded fam- oum French school An ancient proverb T o charge w ith gas or a ir z Used for rowing A ltitu d e (ab b r.) Goddess of the moon and month» Mosaic law (H e b re w ) A soothing application , A set of three I-urge T o go astray Preposition H a lf an em. H O R IZ O N T A L Im plem ent used to hold ship In • one place T o recollect N o t fat A native m in eral A girl'» name A color To spoil Meadow And (abbr.) Meddles A state (ab b r) A lim b I'm A tallesa. Jumping am phibian resem bling the frog fle x ib le stem of a palm G rain to be ground A girl's name A child's game A t sea Stand (la lIn ) F annie 119 feet on 7th St 9 16-23-30-A. 8 IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H U S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E COUNTY OF LANE Bachelor of laws (ab b r) 'J U L IU S F L E T C H E R , P la in tiff, F it to be eaten vs. Abbr. o f famous president B E R T H A F L E T C H E R Defendant w ith T o rem ove or pass over SUM M ONS T o Berthu Fletcher. Defendant above fric tio n and pressure '■ nam ed: CO H e asks (la tin ) Y O U A R E H E R E B Y R E Q U IR E D to SI Epoch . ,appear »and answ er the com plaint S3 A single perzon or th ng filed against you in the above en­ title d Court on or before six weeks 64 R elative (ab b r) from the date of th ° firs t publication 68 H e w ill be (la tin ) of thl« Summons, and If you fa ll so 66 A m anufacturing c ity of Japan ¡to appear and answ er said com nla’ r t , f o r . w ant thereof, the p la in tiff w ill 57 Last name of a president a p tly to the Court fo r the re lie f de- cs. i . t - i n . v n c v n ¡manded in sat'd com plaint, te w it: N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G H N A L f r j. a decree of this Court forever ACC O U N T dissolving the bon!« of m atrim on y In the County Court of the State o f;n o w existing between p la in tiff and de- Oregon fo r !a»ne County. fendant, and for such oth»r and furth - In the m a tter of the estate of Catb- e r r e l‘ef as to the Court may seem erin e M. Bogart, deceased. equitable. Notice 1» hereby given by the under- This Summons Is published once signed adm inistrator of said estate! ra th week for six surceslve weeks In that he has filed his final account the Springfield News by order of the therein , and th a t the said court has Honorable G. F Skipw orth. Judge of fixed July 25th. 1925, a t ten o’clock ¡said Court, which order bears date A. M. at the Chambers of said court as i the 7th day of July, 1925. and th« the tim e and place fo r bearing objec- > date of the firs t publication of t h l, Summons is July 9. 1925. tions, If any, to said final account. P O T T E R & F O S TE R . J O H N T . BO G ART, Attorneys for- P la in tiff. A d m in istrato r Residence and Post O ffice Addre»» F red E. S m ith, A tty for Admr. Eugene. Oregon. Je. 25, JL 2-9-16-23. J 9-16-23 30 A. 6 13-20-^ N O T IC E N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that N otice 1» hereby given th a t th« the undersigned, ASA L. PARK­ H U R S T . has filed a petition w ith the undersigned has been appointed by County Court of Lane County. Oregon, the County Court of Lane County, of the last p etitioning the said Court to vacate Oregon, a» executor all of the Iota, blocks, streets and i wlH and testam ent of Dora C. G ray, alleys In and adjoining blocks one (1) deceased. A ll persons having claims against to th irty -fo u r (34) inclusive, of the P la t of Nim rod, Lane County. Oregon said estate are hereby notified to N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that present the same duly verified to the law th e said ASA L. P A R K H U R S T wR! undersigned executor at the apply to said Conrt, a t the expiration of fe e s of W illiam s A Bean. 860 W h ­ of th irty (30) days from the date o f p am ette Street. Eugene Oregon, w lth - thls notice, for an order vacating a lii* » six months from the date of the of the lota, blocks, streets and alley? I f'r» t publication of this notice. T h e of said plat of N IM R O D , consiting of ° t the flra t publication of this block one» (1 ) to T h irty -fo u r (34) In ¡notice la July 30. 1925. elusive, and the streets and alleys I R- C L A U D E G R A Y, running through the same and bound-! Executor, i W illia m s A Bean Ing thereon. D A T E D this 23rd day of July, A. D.. Attorneys fo r Estate. 1925. Jl. 30. A. 8-13-20-27. A S A L. P A R K H U R S T . J. 23-30 A. 6-13-20-2". Devoured Tire State School Fund Loan«. WILLIAMS & SEAN ATTO RNEYS 860 W IH ln m etta St. Eugene, Ore. Licensed to practice In all Courts o f the S t a t i, and U nited States. ¡plans D. W . Roof ¡O rdinance of Said C ity for the build 1 Ing of side w alks, and according t > i the specifications of the C ity Siir veyor ns to grades and lines. Con ¡1 tractors to furnish all m a te ria l 1« g ¡bu ild ing said walks, and furnish nil I labor in connection w ith the huildl"g JEW KLEH Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Oregon City Hall Springfield. Oregon Contracting 2 GEO. W- PERKINS Corner 5th and D Streets and W ill Help You Flnanoa Your Building and specifications outlined b y ’ FRANK A. DE PUE ATTO RNEY AT LAW N O T A R Y P U B L IC Sutton- Buldllng Buhiung_________ Springfield Oregon. CLEANING, PRESSING AND SEWING Mrs. G. M. Plummer THE MODE Between 5t,li and 6th ! of said walks, and do all excavating •« fillin g In connection w ith the grlnglng ! the surface to grade according to the j plans of the C ltv Surveyor. Bidders w ill specify the amount pet j square or lineal foot of said w alk and the price per cubic yard for excavat­ ing or fillin g. Bids iwlll be opened at the regular m eeting of the Connell, August 10th, 1925, at 8 o'clock P. M . Passed by the Council July 13th, 1925. R. W . S M IT H . Ctty Recorder J. 23-30. Official Goodyear Tire Repair Service Station Expert Balloon Tire Re­ pairing Eugene Vulcanizing Works ( thPrerorPRf ,irth P r „„C fted : J“ d«® ° f th® «»J«’ ® »»titled Court duly block 104. On G St. in front of 'e ith e r In person or hv rowtsfere-J- m"il. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T lots 3-4. Block 103. On G St. In front Ton shot,Id s»nte '« «o„« «n*we» th« N ltlce is hereby given that Fannie o f 14 of lot 18 and all of 17. block " * ” ” i* ” * to w hl h W i i M ¿ D e í¿ c u . “ Adm 'ínirt’r ñ trlx of the HO? On O St In fro nt of lots 9-19. ,, r ’,,re future notices to h» s*>nt t o ‘ e!,(n(p of rp M cD erm ott, deceased ¡block 104. On G St. Block 110. f r o n t . / 0“ u A llí I A C AN’ DXV ^ a s filed her F in al Account in the , ,, . t t A M iu i. a . ( A use. m atter of the adm inistration of said 'In g lots 18-17-18. and along the e a s t¡_ ?»«ri * f »r. e s t a t e in the Count Court of I,ene ¡Ride of lot 18. block 110. On the east Date of first onhUeaHon J n lv 30. 1J)?8 County. Pregón, and that Saturday, ! side of lot 10. block 4 from M ain Si. r " of second pnbl'eatlcn Aug 6. August 8th. 1925. at 10 oelock In the forenoon of sa’d day at the Conn j N orth to A lley on 2nd St. On South n " ; of third publication lu g . 13. tv Court m om . In the Court Im S treet, fro n tin g lots 6-7-8, block 9. House in Eugene. Lane County ¡O n O St fro nting lots 14-15, block n-,»-, of fourth nvhllrntlon Aug. 20. Oregon, has been fixed as the tim e and place hv said Court for \ 108. On G St. fro nting Vi o f lo t 4 and 1925. 'lo t 5. block 100. ------ Sealed bids w ill be received by the KEBu C ity Councl op to a n l In c lu d in ’ August 4th. 1925. for the bulld'ng o( a said Side W alks, according to I l i c l S Loans. Justice of the peace and notary public. Insurance You ¡P ro p erty On the N orth East Corner , haf a)!e — ----------------------------— ............- • Office w ithin tw en tv davs . f o r the d^ » o f flr8t Publication Is July 9. On D St between 7th and 8th. front- F n U R T H publication of this notice, ns 19“6 TnH vqnv Ing lota 14-15. block 83. On E St. block shown below vonr a«»wpr. tinder A tto rn ey for P la 'n tlff 3. F ro nting lots 1-2. west from 4th "»th . soeclflcsllv r - . - o n d n s to '» « « « 1 RegidenC(t ond Pogt o fflce Addresa. Wt. On K St. In front of lots 5-8. block l»llovn t'on s of r o n f-st toset.her with Eugene. Oregon. , doe nroof that von have s-"-ved « conv J. 9-16-23-30 A. 8-13-20. On F SI.. In front of lots 19 and of von„ on , pM ro n , „ , fln, >1 R. W. SMITH Am erican Legion mcdermott , Adm inistratrix. ! J * IM M E L . I «■>» b» con.tructed along the .tre e ta Attorney» fo r P la in tiff, of S p rin g field , Oregon, h e re in a fte r Resident and Post O ffice addre»». E u -; specified, and the property abbutttng 14 1 said proposed sidew alk, and liable for 16 gene. Oregon Ju -18-25: July 2 0-18 -23 ■aid Im provem ent being described as 18 - follows, to w lt:E a s t side of F irs t 18 I S treet, between E. and G. St.. 83 and 10 LADIES! Try that expert 33-100 feet fro n tin g the T . C. B arker 20 hair cutter at Anderson'» property. Along west side of lo t 0. 22 Barber »hop. block 04. from F. Street to a lley. 1st 23 8 t. On 2nd street along the west A. A. ANDERSON N O T IC E O F C O N T E S T si dp o f lot 10. from E. street north ««.*, BARBER SHOP (F o r Publication) alley, block 03. L ot 5 Block 26 from 0)2548 C. street north to it ley, 2nd street. Contest 3870 Along the west side of lot 4 Block Departm ent of the In te rio r, U n ited SUMMONS 27 on 2nd street and 49Mi feet front- States Land O ffice, Roseburg. Oregon. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E Ing on C. street, lot 4 Block 27. From J u ly 23. 1925. S T A T E O F O R EG O N FO R T o George E. M o rre ll, of Eugene. I South I) street, north on W est side LA N E COUNTY Oregon, Contestée; : of Second street. East side of block Ida M arie T r tt. P la in tiff You are hereby notified that Hugh V8. 14, and east side of block 17 from It. W . Robinson, who gives M otor Route R right of way south to alley along A ” Box 71. Eugene. Oregon, as his S. H. T r lt t, Defendant, Call To S. H . T R IT T , T he above named the H u n tly property. W est side o f lot 4 P"»t office address, did on July 13. defendant: block 10. South 2nd street. On 3rd ’ »®6 H * >><» duly cor- SUTTON TRANSFER ' , .. . . c ioborat«d application to contest and IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E 8 L , along the west sh.e of lot 5 Becure t (,e cancellation of your home- O F O R E G O N : You are hereby sum Phone 57 block 3. from D St. north to alley. Rt«o,| entry No. 012548. Serial No moned, notified, and required to ap- Alnng the west side of lot 5 block 1 012648 made May 14. 1920. for lot 3 of pear and answ er the com plaint of the on 3rd St. Along the west side of lot ’ • Tow nship 17 8. Rang« 3 W above named p la in tiff filed against .. . . ____ . . . W illa m e tte . M ertd'an . and as grounds ¡you in the above entitled suit within 4 block 3 on 3rd St. Alo g tne . I for rontf,Bt he allefges that »aid six weeks from the date of the first tid e of Block 28. lots 4 and 5 on 3rc George E. M o rre ll never established publication of the summons herein. QEO.. N, M eLEAN St. On 4th 9 t. on the east side of his residence en said land: that he and you are hereby notified that If Autom obile, Eire and L ifo lot 8 block 29. On the east side of lot never resided upon, cultivated or lm you fall so to appear and answ er said in s u r a n c « , i r . » v . » hh , h . wu«) Proved said land In anv manner, or i com plaint as hereby required the Surety Bonde. Phone 8J7 1 block S. K » I > . Add OB the west >ny who„ T I p la tn tlff w in agk the aboTe entitled My buotneea "le^to protoot yow» •Id e of lot 10. block 100 on 4th St aban()one<| M ,d ianq ; that the entrv Court fo r a decree as prayed for In buelneas On the west »Ido of Block 91. lot 1C n,an -g absence from the land was not ■ 8aid com plaint now on file w ith the ■80 W ill» m atte Bt. E uq *--« Jgr-u on on 4th St. On A St . west from R. It., i due to em,rtoj«metT In. She Arm v. clerk o f said Court, to-w lt: fo r a de- In fro nt ‘of lots 7 and 8 Block 2. On N avy, or M arine Corps of the United forever dissolving the bonds of n Q. I . ne lot. k .n d x block s ta ‘ e* aa « private s«l 1'er. officer, m atrim ony existing between this de- i ' seaman, m arine, national guardsman, i fendant and p la in tiff and fo r Judge- 128. In front o f lo t 1 block One on or roember any other organization men< »train»* the said defendant for ¡11 St. On the east side of Lot 1. Block for o ffr or defense authorized b y , •*>* costs ad dlabureamenta o f the ‘ 8 Kellva Add. On North East CofTler Congress during any w ar In which the 1*^2’ ® entitled s u it . . . . . . o f block 73. 100 feet on B St. and ^ „ v e ’ "¿ S n T g n g T d en‘raKe<1, ” '« * ’ H T o T b .e ’ CK F’ ^ w o r t " L. K. B E A N A tto rn e y s ta le Land Hoard, Frea. — a n ” ^ " po TTE r ’ fo STER J O H N M. W IL L IA M S Attorney fo r V et. State Aid Com.. Plans IS l§ 32 23 34 35 »aid Court, which order bear» date t h - Bprlngfhdd doe» hereby declare It» 15th day of June 1025. «nd ih« date of j intention. and doe« hereby declare to the firs t publication of thl» Sum m on», ((J expedient that a cement side- Your Home When In Springfield Bonus J R U S S E L L A. W A D D E L L , Defendant SUMMONS V E R T IC A L T o ltu«»oll A W addell, defendant: 1 Chang«» IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E 3 T id y O F O R EG O N . you are hereby required lo appear and an»w«r th« com plaint 3A tin container filed agalnat yon In the'above entitled 4 High noon (ub bri court and m u»« on or before »lx 6 To wander w. rk» from the dale of (he flrat publl Nicknam e for Irene cation of ihl» »ummona. and If you full so lo appear and un»w«r for want | Ahbr. for one preaidant Iherm if, th« p la in tiff w ill apply to W h o ), quantity 111« Court for the re lie f remanded In ‘ Settling» o f liquor, dregs »aid com plaint, to w it: for a decree o' llila court forever cllaaolvlng the bond« 10 Laden of m atrim ony now «xl»tlng l»«lw««n jj To make ripe the p la in tiff and defendant and de- A loo«« or ragged edge creelag that the p la in tiff have care and custody of Thoma» J. R 1 ‘ T o endeavor W addell, the m inor child of the plain- 20 To make a w ill tiff and defendant, and «uch other and 2i To fu lly aatlafy fu rth e r re lie f a» to the court may I ,.S 3 Bend» for aupport »com «qullable. Including the co»t* and dl«bur»ement» of thl« »ult. N O T IC E T O C O N T R A C T O R S T hl» »ummona 1« published once each week fo r «lx «ucceaxlve weeks In Notice I« hereby given, and the H o n o « b ie fO.,