T H U R SD A Y . JULY 30. 1U2K PAGE SIX ting The lllackwell. t'oeur d'Al.n», to 104 per coni of oneahlft capacity > rlct an J the migration continu»» will add a night »»»'ft August 3. It In thia city and m«M of the outside | continued shortage ’»* ,„,> ri „ | The usual quota uf loaf- mitts are sawing There I. almoat Sp, >kMllw ) . . | week • rs who ars unwilling to work Is in surplus of common labor bore and More than 1500 men are lighting for­ evld. n,« h> re III aplte of the fact that Portland, July SO.—(Speclall Em­ scarcity of »oma klnda of skilled help ent firea and demanda for help from ployment which two weeks ago reach­ seasonal orders for slmrl lima Jobs was noted last week fnrniera hove Increased. Railroad- cal f()|, u |Br(IP nom l>«r of men dally ed th« high peak of the yenr in the Pacific North»»»! I* holding «truly S « a « l» - I.ogg ng In the Puget have many crews doing track main and th en 1» even a ahortagu of help Sound district» 1» 85 per cent of ca tenanre work. There are calls for Te Help Farm Home tn a lev district». «cording to reports parity and clue* to 4000 u »n are at .minera from the Wallace districts The liM-al W C T. V w l( sell lew | from 41. employment ««rvlc« oft.cea work In the camps, not Including more The Winton Lumber company Is opsr 1 ■ took an hour from m.v work dur- they tohl it ouulde. „ In various n northwestern , e s o . e iv than no 800 who are employ,q| In truck slin g eight campa ui*d practically all cream at the band com er! al Hecond — . ivelwh, I *n u o e « ,” n in , cities h >™ h i , inali tng the week to OH my regular eo -s h e * gonna marry Curtiss " r ig t <( i.vadquarlor» her. to.’a,-. The logging. a operations In the Empira I ___ „ . . . . . I«— «•> - - - - - - - - ......... — .-. — fra c ttc a lly a ll saw m ills t wood -----------»------- ■---------- - ■ Inland — ----— - and M a lli »tree! Friday n igh t The gagonent at the beauty-shop my one Has the moot gorgeo » • ► • |at»or ,j,.ertage Is reported from the Saatti». Everett, Bellingham and near •‘■•hqr »re running or are fighting fire. proceeds of the sale will go lo Ihs concession to my former life. On the pht Inland Empire. by towna are operating. There are Experienced woods help la extrema y t'hlldrm's Cairn home sponsored by afternoon of a day that had been very That was the last straw. Becaus» In Reports from the various 41, offices few unemployed In 8ealth> The scarce. All large sawmills are cut lhe Siale W C T V near Corvallis. hard. I asked Collette for a facla| discussing r'ngs one. I had told Cur- are as ioilows: wheat harveat In the Inland Empire pack It always refreshes me. the tias that the ring of my dreams was Mars . « Id . O re ie.r In hM »•» rro“ this diet- [ sweet-scented cream, the hot towels, l a single square sapphire with danc- A I the Co. v bay district are good .« i CAg QN STOMACH the massage and the pungent witch- ¡ng lights. Activity haael. fcl owed by Ice. "Com» on back Ssllle and took at reeldent labor Is employed WON’T LET YOU SLEEP Everyone went to Collette's, In- IL I think Anne still there, she continues |n building, hlghwav con The regular fall term at the Kugene Ituaiiiesa College structlon and the government Jetty 1 deed it w as more like a salon with Its tugged at my arm. begins on the above date, Gns presatug oil h<\irt anti buss of small talk Each operator 1 couudn't speak. I couldn t When work, with quarrlee for Jetty fills In O ther enrollment dates are Septem ber 8. 14. 21. had her own little room but It was one Is cru.hed In spirit slid sot«, little full swing Coal m ine, are working Other organa sometime» eauaea qu te costorary for anyone recognlr do they think what effect «he.r mov at capacity and the dairy Indu.try Is a real leas nervous feeling and All inquiries for Information promptly answered. ing a voice to scream the l.te st bit of m ent. will h .v . on the crowd, nor using . Urge force of men. Logging p r e v e n ts sleep. Adlerika help« EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE gossip from one booth to the other, .thinking care 1 did the only thing I Is st 60 per cent and lumbering at »5 lin y rage gas on the stom ach. A. K. Roberts. President unless due to dee,«tented The room w a, unusually quite this « « M have done. I drew away from per cent of capacity. causes. The QUICK action will Kugene, Ore. afternoon and I was relaxing under a I her and walked straight out of the Portland—D igging along the Colum 992 Willamette St. I’hone tilit! towel weighted with steam that com j « « * » lth ,n ,h,‘ B,r ¡bla river anu R, adjacent dlatrlct» Is 'n n ^ x t e ,^ pletely enveloped my face. I don't know why the shock was s o l , , w per cent Seventy *“ BUC" aH •*5t“ ln t * « tln a l EMPLOYMENT PEAK HOLDING STEADY .p tation s Temptat Salite Learns of an Engagement Monday, August 31 évacuant It 1« wonderful for Suddenly. I recognixed a voice It enormous. I had known that AB*B |tw o out of a total of 131 »Idea. In constipation it often works In and Curtis« were together most of the ' (.)ui, | nK j,o ,h n,m nnt, independent came from the next booth. "Oh. I say. Valerie, have you s e e n ; 1*“10 *nd h ostesses had been P«»‘ iB» J operation», are running • 8 x Port one hour and never grl|n*s. H g iiify ’i Drug Store land sa w m lls are down. Three of my ring?” It was Anne Coddiagtoa s ‘" « " her for mt,n'h* But It's one thing to expect a thing (kese have been down for periods voice. •‘Your ring? What do you mean— or even dread It and another to have ' V!irj-|ng from two months to over a _ ring? I'm that __ excited. What is this B actually come about. I tried to year, two are closed for repairs and 7way. an anouncement party? Walt. i k>se iB my work' but wh,,n one for rebuilding because of fire I II get this darn clay off and I'll b e * ° u *re ,wenty ther0-* som ething yon Therr Bre pjen tv of j,,hs on employ right in.” ‘ wont more than work to fill the empty men, boards here to care for all men Mv heart stood still. What rin g ' iB » youB< S’rl'a heart- In this city who want work. The h a v e ally Painting or decorating What? Then all the courage, all the > Thtn'rs » ere reminding me always j Cl„ .o ff continues to require ,,o c o n , e a n (, g H O(|r Indifference I had built around m v- i*'f lo're A l niRht ,h e *oft' Jl,s jmany replacements and several hund prices on paints anti oil« We •e lf in the last tew months were as !U ne » O“IJ sw a k w strange rwl nrp fig h t« « were hired for nearby tlo painting by day or contract. naught .longings iu my Innermost being. A districts dur ng the week. Could It be that Anne and Curtis* »train of m usic would n : .,'• !,a . s >>r g , ymol„ |, w n .—AH s tv m llls on All work guaranteed. were re | y engaged and that I should !>>n l laesf. stand In my eyes. And a W1|,apa Hnrbor except the Hart-Wood VASBY BR O S. hear It in such a place? Oh. I was . !he ,llue 1 had ,h *‘ ’ -at ’ ' ' are operating The N’emah River Re«, titii», p St. grateful for that towel and for its 8b’alin S over Anne conquest of c9mp8 haT„ resumed logging hut log. Main 321 kind folds which hid mv face. [Curtis» Wright. !ging operations on the Milwaukee are Silence for a whilo. The operators 1 ■* w#sn < !llat 1 w* n ed 1 u r ,!,i '* | „ w!. T h ere Is a »light sn rp ln j were oh. so quiet that they too. might j*10 was 5» tisf>»'d »' th th e g irl of hi» c(MBmon labor on Willapa Harbor gather in the details of a story that i r" ’''ce Pr,lie keP* irom Aberdeen - Hoquiam Logging In clientele. Bui there was nothing to prevent Harfcrr dJftrlct ,g n„w „ would entertain their fashionable l0Te f° r hiru »'bich 1 knew was eterna. pw> of capttclty. Thirty-two Light foot steps—Valerie going to and uouud never die. operations with a total of 51 sides (To Be Continued» Anu I counted ther ' they fell. are op-ratlng and are employing a Special Prices on "Ohhhh Anne! 1C« a dream! W e ll total of 3R«0 men. All sawm ills In File Lien on New Hotel Pianos and Phonographs I don't Have to gurss whose it ts. i this district are cutting; six Aberdeen the wav he's been rushing you about I and Hoquiam plants are operating two • at A mechanlces' lien for $-4.535 50 has i shifts and one Is running three shifts. You lucky girl, larding the catch of _ Ä r a n » « » ™ been filed by »k« B a k e r - H . r k n ^ , R a|lroad h ,ghw ay w()rk the «tas-on. Dog gone ” M A R S H A L L 'S .company against the Eugene hotel c|(y congtruc, (on „„d Anen snickered. company for work done on the new >cI(Te. Thpr„ are IS sweet.” she s a .l Stanley Bldg. 56, *J Ave. \V. -Sw eet," so that was «1. she thought; building. Electrical fixtures, wiring Jobs being offered here and there Of him. : was sick V ,. the thought Iabor for which » 1W>0 ha’ are but few men seeking work. f.nd eo «thing w as -h • matter w lth ;b 4 > * < u > n 4 il< l* !»»W r o u n d tr ip » v ito a I I * k e l • < n m I. i e v e r? d ay . H e iu m lim il K I»» xM h « » t***U *W - Atk tiheni Investigate CARL OLSON. Agont Jolliff-Scaiefe Motor Company Gas Oil Acessories TODAY! Not Tomorrow The 1925 Star Car is the greatest value buy in its price class—today — not tomorrow. The new Million Dollar Motor has swept the Coast with its real power performance. This is the car for you, the car with a hun­ dred and one advanced features—today — features which competition may have to­ morrow. High class features which set the Star in a class by itself. It is the car for you. It will save you money in every mile. D ixtinctiie Features oj the Sew Cottck The Million P liar M otor Four-W heel Brakes Full Balloon Tires * • 4.95 Disc Clutch • Dome Light Spring-Type Silk Curtain» O n e-T urn W indow Lilts One-Piece W indshield Cowl Ventilator - Bumper Boyce Motometers A lum inum Kick Plates G enuine Gray Spanish Leather U pholstery • • Optional Compare it with any car, detail for detail. Then you’ll know — positively — why its the greatest value buy in the world today. A Convenience Feature We have just received a carload of 10-20 McCorinick-Deering Tractors, if you are thinking of using tractors we would be pleased to refer you T h e fr u tt watH, contrary to c u r tom, fold in toward each other, thus clearing a wide avenue for entrance and exit of passengers. to users in your neighborhood. Springfield Garage S. O. S. Implement & H’dware Co. Phone 1840 EUGENE, ORE. 73 West 9th Ave. J W IT H THE M IL L IO N u D O L L A R M OTOR