PAOB F IV » TlIVKHOAY. JVLY 3ft, 1025 and W est Booth Central states. In all FARM POPULATION DE­ other divisions, except New England, Fatally bernsd wh»n ksvossne needi CLINED IN UNITED STATES the percentage ot decrease due to the ■v •geeiel to light e fire In the kitchen etovi A CorreseonSents cityward movement waa equal to or czplodHd. O. H. Wlgmore. 1». The farm population of the United j lh<> b leie until bis rench home we» less than the average for the whole flu te s doen.-aaed approximately 192.- United States, 2 3 per cent. New I an veil, hut dl.d a» » reault. OOU during 1921, according Io eall England alone showed a gain of .8 O. K. Itrooka, manager of the lilac» mate» based on a aurvey of 25,000 THURSTON NOTES per cent, sin ce more people moved UPPER WILLAMETTE association, announced tbai I representative farms made recently Brief Resume of Happenings of Cherry from cities to New England farms the asRiHlatlon member« netted It by the United States D"-| artmwit of than left the fatm» for clttea. cents a pound on one car of blae» Mio Week Collected for Orlo Glll«-t. fijriuer teacher and Last Thursday « lin in g Mr Price Agr'eulture. This Is a drop of .8 per TU«' movement from farms to cities Cherries sold In tit» Chicago market. ' cent during that year, the estimated Our Readers. athletl,. coach at Union High aehool from Eugene had his car t»he«k««l on was found to be at the highest rate Itida on »n eight »lory hotel, to coal No 1 was at Pleasant Hill Sunday the . oruer near the high acho-r which fa m population on January 1, 1925 lu the Mountain States. 13.8 per cent, $ exclusive of land, and to h- being 31.131.000 compared 'with 31.- followed by the Pacific. New England, About ot><> third of th» n»w imvlng erected at Klamath Falla, will be call vl Ring frh tide. Ha 1» employed at resulted in his death 318.040 on January 1 1921. Thia the Terminal hotel It. Eugene for th- Mr and Mrs. H er. W e a v e r moved Middle Atlantic, and East North Cen­ laid hetweeu Mnhattta nod Hlayton ha» ed within 3o ilaya by tba Stage Tor ‘ " •’r *»«u»ehold f u r n .lu r e to M arsh ¡estim ate» Included not only the azrl- tral States in order. In the movement b»«n t-ompl»l»d. initial and Hotel company of Oregon u n .m e r m o n th s c ltu r u l w rrkers, but all men. women Wayne Gverholaer. a Union Hlth I f «’<1 last Sunday w h -r. th e y h a v e to farms from cities, the Mountain Follow ing a pretest received frott Mr». M. Ivina Wlllla e»l»brnt*d h«r ■and children living on Iho farms on alm -d g ra d u a l« at I'leaasiit Hltl has J bought In t. < r,-U n g house. States again lead, with 9.5 per cent, Htuii tiirtiiiliiy eunlv«'r».iry In Cutten« lha Amity Cum -m-rcli.l club, the pub «ken „ centra, t a» agon for tba G-orgo Wtll’an baa laid olf ,om e of tha' date. followed by the New England Pacific. lie »ervlce coinm l- »Ion »impended t l 1 Grov» last week. Th - tuovecrent from farms to cities, of Knowledge.” a condens'd hl» loy.glug crew. Middle Atlantic and East North Ceo- Mu proposed new ta r iff of the Ami With 70 natn«« tin th membership ■ Mrs Blanton I« spend! . g some timo towns and villages In 1924 1« »«t'raat- ral States.« lopoedle and was at Pleasant lunl Telephone company tor a 1« rim ed 2,075.00«; tbip movement to Hat, Junction City ho» ikon d ofln lte1 11111 the fore part of the woek taking w ith her daughter. Airs. Rennie, of no days ali'pa to form n oontm«' Ini club. (,'llftorl O ' «1er. Lor en Edmlston, tanh - was 1.298,000 making a nH BRANDING 6HEEP WITH n order» for Ihe book. Rein that fell In I t Grand« laitt I H u rv en tln g <»f c h errle« hua !»«■ a F lou t» H'-rrlngton and Hat' ! E< ini '- «movement from the farm population The board of directors of the Pleas- TAR INJURES WOOL com pleted lu I ’nlon c o u n ty with wri It tiro up lit mllxf to fnritu'r« ami yield of about 15 Io 20 per cent nor ant Hill public school m 't the fore I tor motored to T ria n g le Lake last of 679.400 perron», or 2.2 Per tout Births among Ihe farm population dur­ lv»»<-ned for»»l aril grain fir« hsaerd. mal Lome won grower» In the W est have Cove »hipped two carload» ol part of the week and prepared the 1 8 • Ml Fra;, k T a y lo r and »on Her- ing 1924 are estimated at 783,000 and Two «11»« «1 moonshiner» and ltir««l fruit thia year compared with 12 car budget for the coming yeur been uaing tar and other objectlon- Mrs. from Eugene m otored out to (Laths at 266.000 leaving a natural I- large »till« wore i-upturrd at llrlghi• loads In 1921 ah e paint« for branding their «h«*p. Edith Hay and Mr» 'Jcde Phelps. Increase of 197.000 which reduced the The worst electrical storm In Bend's teachers of the aebool were present | Thurston edn.aday wood by CluckutuuN county amt atato T.’ .' toftena duii ig the »touring pro­ Mrs. Alberta Weaver und- rwent a loss due to the cityward movement to cess and spread» among the wool officer«. history occurred last week and was ac al the meeting and way» to Improve 1*2.000 or .6 per cent at Pacific 1.1«litnIng »turtntl 25 new for««' i c.m panl 'd by a near cloudburst the school from a material and educa- very sryt re operation A slmlllar estimate made hi 1922 f (jera instead ot being absorbed by Christian hospital last Monday. She fire» In the Crescent district ami did wblch also came cloa« to breaking tlonal way were discussed, showed a loss In farm population of the washing liquor. This Injury to In getting < ng well at l e t reports. datna«:) to lumber mill» «»tlmnted a t ' all records. The rulnfall amounted tc yor the next three works Rev W 160.000 as against 1*2,000 In 1921. The «he wool Is can (tag wool manufacture Miss Flossie Herrington spent the llOO.onu. ers Immeasurable difficulty. It re­ half an Inch. A. Elkina, pastor of the Christian week-end with Hazel Edmlston gross movement from farms to cities duce« the value of the wool, and tha Con trad for the eonatrurtlun of a The huckleberry crop In Union and church will bo at American Lake The In 1922 was 2.000,000 compared to Ml»» Maude Edmlston returned new public school at Hpruxit« river Wallowa counties la not of much con pulpit w lj tl be filled on Augual August 2 bv ov - f,pnf||e(()n wher# ghe h#, 2.075.000 in 1921. a slight Increase. prejudice of wool dealers and manu­ was awarded to Bollomloy it Kiefer, i sequence this year, »«-cording to re President Sanderson of Eugene Bible * ttl,pn,1|n)f school. .,.hfKll, |aH( Saturd(iy. The gross movement back to the farm facturers will result In lower price« been attending Iasi Saturday. to growers h) the locality or region Klamath contractor». port» arriving al lot Grande. H eckle University, on August 9 bv Mr Harm Ml«» Ethel Harris from Brooks 1» In 1922 was *60,000 compared to 1,396,- where such branding Is practiced. No bide have yet been received In herrle» nr» ripening and many pick »aker of San Diego, California, and 000 in 1921, a very dec'ded Increase. visiting at Ihe Rusxell home. There are eheepbranding fluids on the August 1« by David Eugene Olaon of Portland for handling the air mail or» are In the hills. The net movement from farms to Little Edna June Yarnell has the aervlce on Ilia Pacific roeet. accord­ Judge John C. Kendall refused tc Eugene. cities In 1922 -was 1.120.999 or 3.6 market that disscjve readily In the whooping cough. scouring process, and It will be to the ing Io Po«tmaater June«. grant an Injunction agaln«l Ihe city ol j Aa Sunday August 2 Is the 75tb Roy Edmlston plana to start the per cent and In 19212 879.000 or 2.3 advantage of wooLgrowers as well as Mora than 50 farmer« and agricul­ Marshfield council, preventing ihe pro anniversary of the founding of the farmer» thrasher machine next Mon per cent. tural «paclallata atade up the fifth an­ gress of v.-bat 1» called ihe Mill »lough (^jjr’stlan church at Pleasant Hill, day. Two geographic divisions, the New wool manufacturers to use such pre­ nual farm crop* excursion held In drainage system. which will be a a«w BtM.(.,a | «ervlce» will bn held W. L. Mr n Morgan who England and South Atlantic States, parations. Mr gn(J and Mrs. all. Sam Some ranchmen have raised the Union county lail Tuesday. •r system as well. Bristow will give a brief history of , hgye bgen ln Washington th e showed a net Increase In farm popula­ Tha lug Coquille of lha Knapplon Eight hundred acre» of land In th» the church and It» founders, the choir ■ [)git month are expected to arrive tion for the year 1921. of 9 per cent question as to whether the brand som e apeclall mualc and ’home week Towboat company waa «unit on lha fertile Tule lake section are ore» „ m and .2 per Aent reapectlve$y. All marks made from a liquid that wtn Columbia rl»er when «he rammed Into run with army worm». The ravages p-miident Sanderson of Eugene Bible | an(j f umm who have spent other divisions showed decreases, the scour out o f the wool will keep the of the peat are on the Increase University will give the sermon ¡ )hp pMt aeTera, months in Washing- Mountain states leading with a loss sheep properly Identified. The I nlted a Io« raft aha waa townlng. States department of Agriculture has MUl| jjerth. Manning Is packing I ,on grB Tla)t,nK th(l,r daughter Mrs of 2.8 per c e n t Joseph llawer. who ha» tba distinc­ throughout Klamath county and field» been branding thousand« of Its range of second growth hay are being atrip nousehiSd goods planning to make j Gray. The decrease in farm population tion of living In Salem longer than ¡Ira Gray sheep for many years, and It has in Springfield In the future. fu tu re., jj her home In „ r gJ)(j . M . tou ia Rlzzle have aay other man. observed hl« H«th ed. Mrs. Ixtuls have due to the cityward movement, not found that the right kind of branding Tourists are visiting Crater Lake i Poultry Demonstration taking Into account births and deaths, birthday anniversary last week. purchased a new Chevrolet car. liquid Is satisfactory for maintaining » . E» Cosby of O. A. C. Mr«. Walter Edmlston has bought was highest In the Mountain States. Four horses ware killed by light­ National park In greater numbers the identification of the sheep than ever before In July, according to pOU|pry extension department gave a 1.3 per cent, followed by the Pacific ning and two homes were hit In tha a new piano. Mr and Mrs. George are enjoying Ilaker district last week. Hall severe- figure» given out by C. O. Thomson. pouRyy culling demonstration at the auperlntendent Up to July 17. 53*5 ranrh of E r . Tinker. Wednesday, at a visit from their two daughters who ly damaged the crop* In the field. autos bearing 1S.I92 persons had en g ¡,0 A M Th(, |a,nea „p the auxll'ary motored In from Pendleton. Tha work of surfacing with crush , wh„ came to th« demonstration County Agent Fletciher held his ed rock the IS milt» of uncompleted tered the park. The stale highway commission left brought their basket dinners and demonstration of culling ch'cken» r, Au|fUet p. Everyone la invited Wednesday that Alta Joos. who trict. line. to attend and bring their pocketbooks. ,n , he hospital at Portland has had lack in g but a month of being *1 ‘ Harvesting operations began In the ^-hn<1 p |oyd John leave fh le Triangle lake. atone. \ tenslvely Ip the W elle Walla river die- wtM>k for g a m a Clara to work on the Mr. and Mrs. P. R Edmlston and Miss Margaret Tynan of Portland trlct east of Milton, has finished 180 (i^^ehlng crew with Ernest Schenk « WS-W.V- -- -------- ---------- Mr. .-V*g . n and il-1 .-VW Mz-s. na w John aaae Edmlwton ------ and — was elected president of the Oregon acre« which averaged IS twishels to Mr and Mrs. Webb of Tuscon. Ari- d„uahter Maude and son James spent S lats Noreea' association, which clou Fact 1—The Buyers of thia Nation-Wide the acre. m .u . . . Sungt we<.k. and Mrs. Thomas Wllllan. Institution of which thia Store ia a member, be-* week. that the Drain Reedsport highway be , ------------------------ Portland ranks third on the Pa­ made Into a slate highway, to ronnect ing constantly in the country’s largest markets» g Rglph pgppet. Dentist. Vlln« See White Front Grocery for Llfe- cific coaat and 11th In lha United with the Pacific highway at Drain bu|](j |n< gprtngfleM. Oregon, assure the latest of the worth-while goods. buov Sosn, Snec'al this week. Statea as a port baaed on the ton­ and eweotuany wtth the Rnoeerelt ne«« of goods handled In foreign com­ highway al Reedeport, were obtained Fact 2—There being 40 of these Buyers, merce. ' — ft a meeting held Drain recently. I little escapes them. r p. f f Acton, a resident of Salem, The e«?ent of state aid that may be j told of how he waa treed by a buck expected by the Tumalo Irrigation die Fact 3—Buying for our 676 Stores, they deer while fishing on the north fork trlct and other s’millar projects In ( get every conceivable advantage. of the Santlem river, els mile« east eastern and central Oregon, probably of Mehama Fact 4—Their huge orders assure standard i will be determined next month when "*AII children It rears of age and the members of the stats securities tquality merchandise at the lowest possible coat. under will be admitted free to the commission will make a pereon-tl In- | Multnomah county fair to be held In spectlon of tho lands under develop | Fact 5—Because of this immense buying Gresham throughout the week of July mcnt,_ „e»i> - - power, this Store is able to pass these advan­ IS to August I. ~ — Consideration of various proposals tages along to you. Fires In Portland during June caus­ looking to the elimination of ninny ed the death ot two men and plied up legal complications and at the same Fact 6—That these advantages are real and a financial loss of »217.13*. according time simplify court procedure In this j that they are passed along to the public, you to the monthly report of Edward Gren­ state to the advantsge of clients, courts »ml attorneys occupied the at­ fell, fire marshal. can easily determine by making Quality and Reedsport la »hipping fish by water tention of members of the Oregon Price comparisons where you will. thia summer. One cargo of »000 case» Judicial council at a meeting ln Salem of »had and cltlnook salmon wegit Io last week. Fact 7—You can do this every day in the Astoria last week on the gasoline Oregon pensions have been granted year. as follows: Edna B. Welker, Port­ schooner Roamer. Sale» of public land». Including land. $20 n month; I'hlnls A. Slonn, Let these facts guide you! Tempting, Appetizing, Satisfying and Thirst Quenching fee» and com ml «.-«Iona, produced $12.- Portland. $1* n month; Sarah, Paul. Grand Rondo. $30 n month; Samuel 801.15 In Oregod during the quarter ending June 20. 1925, tha Interior de­ T. Hardman. Cottage Grove, $12 a month: Albert J. Rnmey, Bend. $15 partment announced. A $1,000,000 theater, the fine«! of , a month; Samuel L. Butler, Goble, the circuit of 21 operated on the Pit I $12 a month. Try a bottle of Porto Jclly.Er ut, m akes jelly in 5 m inutes. rifle con .1, will I»- «reeled In Port- . II. II. Kipp, manager of the market ling deparlment of the Portland chttm- Irtnd nl once by Ackerman ft Harris. | Try a bottle ot P o rt-0 for a rt freshing drink these mmiiaer j her of commerce, wilt bold a series or theater operators. ' conferences with the prune mott of A contract for construction of n evenings’. inllllmwuillon water storage reservoir Douglas county relative to co-opern Six deli i.i's Fruit Elavers— Ini» boon lot by the Coltngu Grove tlve marketIng In tills year’s crop city council to Godard ft Randall at I Conferencos are being arranged in PEACI’., ORANC-E. GRAPE. LOGANP>ERRY, Cl'.ERR'V I Roseburg, Myrtle Creek, Dillard a price of $18,708.08. ; Sutherlin and Oakland. AND STRAWBERRY. The Oregon hop crop of 1921 has I The prune market, whjch has been been denned up by lb® purchnso of iho throe remaining lots In 'be slate. I poor for the last three years, will be It is estimated, there were 76.000 bolus I good Ibis year, and there will be a I strong demand for fruit of all types In the total 1921 crop. throughout tho year, according Io C. Heavy fog. coupled with cooler A. Tonneson. executive secretary of weather, allied In subduing the fire the Pacific Coaat Association of which In the last few days has burn­ Nurserymen, which held Its 23d an­ Eresh vegetables, the best of fruits, m akes thia sto le the ed over several acres of old logging nual convention In Portland last week. Announces that a number of changes have taken place in 2V4 tnllso south of Sandy. Ten railroad corporations poRted moat popular in Sprigfleld. the way of preparing and serving meals. The restaurant The variegated cutworm, epidemic bonds with ihe Marlon county clerk over acettons of western Grugon and In Ihe amount of $65,000 following ap­ will remain open evenings. the cause of severe damage to truck peal to the supreme court of the de­ PHONE gardeners and farmers has appecrod cision of the Marion county circuit Meals as usual Short orders at al times. PHONE (n the Hood River district. nourt dtseolvInK an Injunction restrain- Threshing of the Hood River va, mg the public aervlce commission ley's wheat, eat and barley crops la from onforclng an order reducing now in full sway. A sepr.r.-.tor 1» now freight rates on grain, grain products, engaged on the crop of Lev. William potatoes and onions approximately 15 A. Sunday, who has lhe largest acre- »sr cent. age of grain In this section. I' OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST foughlj Community P U C j yr> Facts, Not Fiction, Should Guide You! f Port - O The Bon 1 on i Quality Groceries 8 • WHITE FRONT GROCERY. • 3 J. 23-30. I P Formerly known as Coles Restaurant B. M. Joslin, Prop.