Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LAN« COUNTY UNIT PtO. 1« SHOWS CLUB MEMBERS Canary ............. HOW TO JUDGE CATTLE * FINE RACING PROGRAM FOR LANE COUNTY FAIR COOKING CLUB STARTED • • • • • • • OFFICERS OF LANK COUNTY • BY GIRLS AT COAST FORK FARMER S UNION A home ifo h ln g «luh has bom — —— • Ralph L aird. Cresw ell. President. * formed at Co«»' Kork and th" girl W ill W h eeler, Trent, Vice Preai • mem neis Will exhibit at the Lai." dant. * rnuuiy fall- and lake part lu the Betty Kappaul. Cottage Grove, * hr ad baking coiile ,ts. a, coni nk lo Arnold Collie . <»nnl> dub Iwoler. stc.-Tress. it» th» I o'' Is ' ' '■ N. A. Horn, Cottage Grove. Door • wi,,. . . day. CoUb. ad.lnm- d the farmers Keeper iiulmrs H. C. Jackson. Wnltervllle, Con • uni, n and m-V Hi«' cl ut dueler. afterwards , O, L. Clem ent. Chaplain. MIM Helen (' «gill, don», tile •elenco director »' «' A. C . »Ill bo In latim county August 11 and I* 11,11 will visit this dub Sim »Hl »l»>> «'“ II CANARY LOCAL 189 on the throe «mohín« . luh- at C re.wul and Iho canning dub «I Glenwood J. L. Norlhup Ray Bower Central Mrs. I- J- Q ftdielt Cloverdal«» Instructions in Judging both Jersey Ci'nsi Fork Mrs. Geo. K»belbeek and holstoin cattle were given 3S Mr». M. A. Iloru Croswell boys and girls in livestock club work Eugene. Oregon. July 30, tSpeclall May I ay Hal H II. Bat» H attic. Mrs. Ads Jennings Dorena . J o Ate » B II Ball. 8 attic. Waai> a t the L. D Griggs and C W. Swango Mr*. B Hakt v ¡T he fastest rae« horse» in the North Wash. farms ’ast Friday by Arnold C ollier.! | u n it are included io the ?.» race Mrs M. Gtlh’sple H silleyt ilici I entries already In for the U m - Couth I r u n X II I, WHI Will'.» n». Cant» county club leader. Mr. Collier was Mrs. Grace Jon s Jasper prejarlng the club members (or Ju-ig ty Fair at Eugene Septem ber 2.’ to 25. Gr y Hellman, Mrs. Paul M an cilla. Mrs. C M Foster Lona» Vane, liver 11 I' ing at the county fair. according to Kelly} C Brans’ lt»-r. Harry C. Jackson Mi K. nxk- secretary of th« Fair Board. Eugene is Rambling Kid C It Morgan. I.c Jerseys s e r e Judged at the Griggs Mrs V. A Reynolds Mt, Vernon Angeltet. Call included In the regular circuit of the farm and holsteins at the Swango Bulsh-Sm lth Silk Cr- « k K. Montgoni ry. North P»< fie Racing Askoeintlon. duo Carolyn Logan. farm Many prises will he given this K B Tinker 1, to the fact that th» dates are ar- Pat Is. Cal year at the county fair for the best Mrs W. K. Po»t ' range! so that the hors«» can be Thelma IL. W, 8 Towner. Fort 11, u exhibits and Judging done. The larg­ • • • • • ... ' i brought here for the event. It is slat • • • ton. Mon est representation of dttba the fair hos • • » • • • «si by Chet lluulels. In charge of th« Hal Mann, H C. Slants. Salem. ever had will be on hand, according » a • Farm-»n are harvesting Ir canary Baron C„ Will Williams. Canbv race program bore. COAST FORK LOCAL to Mr. Collier. gras« s -e«l now Thl« gr»*« sm-ne to • • a • • In addition to the many new horais Friday, Repi. 2». J. 10 trot, J la 5 » a • • CLOVERDALE LOCAL give g.HMl satisfaction as a dairy fowl. • most of the old favorites of former I'halpa Is entertaining her Coast Fork local met in teg«»ar years wil be hark, tl Is -aid. Several llondaliue. Ivo lVahlht-in. Greshaiu MT. VERNON LOCAL session July 23, with a good attend- . horses are expected to use the local Royanna Mac, M C. Keefer, Pisaan- mother and eist«*r this w-wk. Cloverdale («ocal will have a pie Neighbor Mathews has relum ed unco. ton. Col. , i (track for training purposes, since th- and le» cream social et the school from the Elk-» convention »ml report« County Club Leader Collier spoke ! turf Is already in fine shape Alicia Lilas I»-e. Wlll William'«, i'anhy The Ladles Auxiliary met Wednes house on Saturday evening. Augnai it very ifvixl time. day. July »2. at the Brasfield Hall for to the membership on the benefits ol y .n iy o . owned by A. Edstrom la The Northern, Joe llubvr. Boseman. One of the llllle Fred Buss twins 1 Everyone la lnvlte«l in «anne la d le s work, which on this occasion was to clubs for boys and girls. Afterwards now being worked out here Mont. The I Wesley l fell from s chest and cut are to bring pi,-« Tlx- local will i Tonco Bell, Joe Huber. Boseman. q u it a quilt that was pieced fifty-two plans were made for a cooking club track Is one of thu best in the stale hie Up badly »nought lo require medi­ furnish the cake and Ice cream for Moni. years ago by Mrs. Taylor, the mother The g"o«l of the order commit let ¡ The racing program will Inst three cal aB in lln n . Iasi Saturday. The the »ale. of the sheriff. ! reports plans complete for the play daj.g this season. On Wednesday, the The Kxtx’us, R. M Dunsmore. Orea! There were a few more present at doctor sewed up the sound and he la - - - of - July - ------- (-'»It«. Mont. During the business session Mrs. and m'nstrel on the night 30 secoBd of the fair. 25 horses are m ir Ia si r«-g'1»r m e r lin « Hi - l» l Jacoby joined the society. The Chas W hites have loaned their , en, Wwj ln t|,e (wo main eveals, th« Friday. Sept. 35 Fre«--for-ali pace 3 In 5 g«*'"ng b«tler. was planned Report« of county Saxon Boy. W L Masters. Salem The dance at the Canary ball J u y A t the close of the m eeting eleven piano for the occasion S:2o trot and the 2:13 pace On Thurs Stoney Logan. Francis M Anderson 36 well attended and everytmdv meeting were given »ml there wae a members and one visitor were pres- Very welcome guests were Mr and day, 27 horses are already tx Hiked Hal Paxton, J r . Frad Woodcock. I who attended seem «! to have a goon •bori dlacuaslon about an eih lb lt at ent. Mrs. Dobbenstein and two daughters for 3:14 trot and the 2:17 pace. the County Fair Salem " m* ,k . . , The Farmers Vnlon dance was h^d of Silk creek locd Mr. Dobbersleln The fast races on the last dav. the Monbelt, DUInn. »Ted Oullck. Gridley. Neighbor Turner report, that h l. at Thurston Hall Smurday night. ¡Is interested In the Pyrtol offer and j : io trot, and the free-for-all pace. Ca, ’ | third crop of Clark See«! Ing straw Miss Fledtth Scrlvner of Eugene 1. «t**« ° n lh« order ,o poo,ed ,h e i h“ ” > 20 entr,M berries for this seawm Is con in g on Hal Brown. J. J. Kadderly. spending the week at the Davis home, j Hr«t part of August rill The largest purses ever offered ---- , e .j j - .i, Brother Ekner Hues Is cutting tempt the racer«. A total of »3.000. ’"ny * ‘ ’ brush for brother Laa Austin. Mr and Mrs. Sam Tyler of Port-1 A committee has been appointed will be divided s . fc»ow e: 3:20 best. ,,rln~ Zotock' Mlaner * land visited over Sunday with Mrs. for Coast Pork l» c a l and all member. The community Sunday school Portland. T yleT s ancle's family, Mr. and Mrs wishing to order may do so by tele- three heats. »400; 3:13 pace 3 heats. picnic, held Sunday at lh» Herring Cvncofleld. T R Howltt. Greaham. L ee Davis. a phoning Oscar fie Dale or F. E. Fubr- »500: 3:14 tro t J heata. »500: 2:17 Hal Fltaalmon«! Wh! William». Canby. ton-Patterson farm was a complete pace. 3 beats. »400; 1:10 trot. 3 In 5. •ui-ceas There were 46 present and Mrs. Charles Kunl of Aumsville, her er' Mary J.. Will WUHama. Canby daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mr. | After the bus:ne.s session lunch »600: free-for-all. 3 In 5. »600 Arkbell, Jamea Rlrhardaon. Vancouv. tbs bountiful dinner was enj<>yed by •11. After dinner Ulster Hevter talked Officials of the races wilt Include Robertson and three children called « ’ s-Tved by the refreshment corn- er. B. C. W. W. Branstetter, local race en­ Braondale. J E Montgomery. Davie. to ua on h ,c mission -work in Alaska on the Eyler family Sunday. mittee. and Broiher Phelps. 8 r . on “ I volu­ thusiast. and Clarence Sim ons The Kunfa lived on a part of what Is ' Personal Items Cal. now the Quackeebush farm, thirty-! W W Thai krah has improved the old faror1, M who will race again x , S | | k, , J,,«. | lu ber. Boxeman. Moat tion “ Both talks w««r«- ably given and five year, ago and were looking for * » • « “ « • ** hl* building, very much |nclude ston ey Logan, owned by F M Muggln.. Joe Huber. Bo»'man. Mont, Interesting A collection lo aid In re shingling Ihe Glenada church netted old acquaintances bjr a coat ot pa,Bt ¡Anderson; Hal Paxton. Jr., a real D1(.k n „d|e y. John Blimm. Salem (5 27 We desire to thank our gsnlsl The George Kebelbeck's returned , Winner owned by Fred Woodcock: Bondellne. Ivs Dnhleln. Oreshsm Mrs. Eyler returned from a two (Joe Ansel. Oregon Bond. Northern. Sadlne, M. C Keefer. Pteasonton. Cal. "” *u an‘1 h,” ' , e"«a' f<”' ’bv»i many from a three weeks vacation ln East­ months trip to California last Thurs­ , kiniinesn«*» and a so all others who ern Oregon Monday, by way of Me- 'Exodus, Hal Nann. Lilas Lee. Prince Red! Chknas. Will Williams. Canby. day, and Sunday twenty-four friends Zolack. Hal Fllxalnjons. and others Bonnie Ferra. Paul Marxeolla, Van >'clpe«I to make on- plcnl- a sarceae. and relative« celebrated her home- Kenxle Pass. In addition to the regular races, run-1 eouver. B C. I -NWghbora Herrington and Pa. Johnni Perrni and family are spend coming with a big dinner and a Jolly en l»rF*r ,hplr holdings Ing the w«»ek-end on Smlth_rlver with nlng races, with overnight entries, will MandelU. C H Morgan. Loa Angtfee. •*r,0B day. ftK SL'4! '’' be a feature. These will be unusually Ca. by Ihe purchase of another quarter the Gunters. Mrs. Perenl'. people. » Mrs. Arthur Taylor and four child- ' . . „ . „ section of land and aro making ex good this year, as several owners have Slnco Be 1. Joe Huber, Boseman. Me Dole Bros, began thrashing jen»lv« improvements. rtsiU n i ^ l a ^ ^ i n ’ c r e s ^ l« ^ d Thursday and stacking is under way already declared they will enter, sa y . Monl 4.’ visiting relatives in ( r e s w < and v s ie y Branstetter, secretary. - 1 Sis Richard. 8am Moyle. Great »billa. Springfield for the past week, spent «vnerally In the vasey. j Many at Poultry Masiina Sunday with Mr. and Mrs R e f o ld .. C*«r«e » Kebelbeck attended th e, Tbe !^ n e County Fair wi.l have a j Monl. ______ , Attending _ the five poultry ... ........ nulling then left for Portland'Monday where 1 meM in' ot ,h e Lane C“ "‘y “ U/ nber of » - » • nd unuau.l features W.-dn. s.lay, S.-pt 23 2.13 pace. 3 heals hr,d (h, -- — --------------------------------— vv— this year, say» Mr Brans,etter More Name of horse “ Owner — *' they will visit friends before return­ Fanners Union C ooperative Wi In the county were l»s p«,ople, ao ! house Company at the home of direct- j space has been prepared for agrlcul- Stoney Ixigan. Francis M Anderson ing to their home. cording lo County Agent (). 8. Fletch ; or Laird at Pleasant Hill Monday tural exhibit a, and the automy>bhe Pollyanna, E. M Thomas, Greaham er II. E. Canby, poultry specialist of A picnic supper was held at the 1 and automotive power show will be a Hal Paxton, Jr.. Fr«»d Woodcock. ' evening. A. C. ««iducted Ihe m eetings, R eynold, home Sunday evening. P Will do more than any other Mrs. Minnie Nichols bus ae a guest main event. A large number of en­ Gre» liant. I which m/l were held at the George Gil­ one thing to add to liaby’a com ­ Those present were Mrs. Arthur Tay­ tries and spare reservations have al- Edna M. J J Kadderly a brother from Los Angeles more farm at Junction City; B. B lor. Harold. Vernon. Donald and Doris fort and happineaa. Mra. John Kebelbek spent Tuesday r«wdy been made. It Is stated. Boys Vince Tinker furra. Pleasant Hill; II. V. Taylor. Mr and Mrs. Bryce Posey. No more Borene«« or chafing; •fternon with Mrs. Oeorge KappauZ and girls clnb work, under Ike dl- land Rogers. Han La Clara; E. A. Taylor, Pureteet Zinc Stearate aheda Maxine and Verlln Posey. James tton of Andrew Collier, club lea d er; Cyncofield. T. R. HowIlL Gresham Hampton lasne; and Ray Rennie, Shaub. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds. • for Lane county, will also receive Joe Anael. Geo. 8wlsh»r. Gresha«n Thurston. water. The Missionary Society met at the • ! special attention May liay Hal. Geo. Swisher. Gresham c enzie local home of Mrs. Ira Gray last Thursday e e e aj The fair grounds have been exten Hal Fitxalmons. Will W'lllama, Canby See White Front Grocery for Life afternoon. Cut and pieced almost • • • ------ , sively improved, a new rgst cottage Mary J. Will Williams, Canby. buoy Soap. Spec'«I this week. enought blocks for a q u it. McKenzie river local met in regu lar! built, and the entire grounds -will be 1 Baron C. Will Williams, Canby Three member« and five visitors session Wednesday evening. July 22 fence«! A record crowd for every Ark Bell. James Richardson. Van Them's tbs Miles were present. in spite of the busy time 15 members i day Is expected. It, Is said, by those | couver. B. C. Proud Motorist—««I <«t twenty two Mrs. Gray served refreshments were present. , In charge. I AI Silke. Joe Huber. Bozeman. Mont. ¡ mile» out of every gallon «X gas«illne which were greatly enjoyed. Delegates to the County convention | The '1st of race entries follows Muggins. Joe Huber, Boxeman. Monl. 77» B n l- » o '* I pour Into iny car." reported on the meeting. ' W’ednesday. Sept. 23. 2:20 I r o t 3 heats Thursday Sept. 24. 2:14 trot. 3 heats Killjoy—"Huh— that's nothing Clem Buy your supply of Lifebuoy soap The matter of selling share« In a Name of horse Owner Kill Schukti. J. W Merrill. H llshoro Glover went from here lo the slat now at the W hite Front Grocery 2 service station was discussed and j Alicia McKlyo. A Edstrom, Oakland, 1 Oregon Bond. Scott Wolf. Medford. penitentiary on a half pint of hootch.' r cakes for the price of 2— 15c. much Interest was taken in same , Lady Smith, H. G. Cox, Canby. Nadine, M C. Keefer. Pleasonton, Cal Practically all present pledged them­ No Limit, L Bailey, Sardis, ft. C. Royanna Mac, M. C. Keefer. Pleasou» Hal Ancel. T R H ew ’ft. Gresham selv es to buy one share each. ton. Cal. • I Plans are underway to raise fu n is Lilas Del. WI4 Williams. Canby. TIM E AND PLACE OF • for a state wide organization cam- M< W ells, C. It. Morgan. Ixia Angeles, LOCAL MEETINGS Canary—First Sunday and Third • pa gn. Cal. , Saturday, Farmers Union Hall. • I Our next regular meeting will be on The Northern Joe Huber, llozemnn. Cloverdale— Second and Fourth • Wednesday nicht. August 12. All Mont. • Fridays. Cloverdale School House. • members are urged to he p resen t a« Slnco Belts, Joe Huber. Bozeman. • Creswell—’First and Third Tues- • matters of Importance wll come be­ Mont. — as necessary as Baggage — • days, Creswell, M. W. of A. Hall. • fore the meeting. The Exod'lo. 11. M. Dunsmore, Great WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5 There will he ¡«oTnethlnir doing. • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • Falls. Mont. T R A V E L E R S' • Thursdays, Hebron Church House. • Watch for later announcement. Thursday, Sept 24. 2:17 puce, 3 heats A » » r ie a a *!±L Cheques • Danebo—First Tuesday, Danebo • Georgia Hal. H Q Cox. Catibv. What Becomes of All the Milk? I’oll-'tinca, E. \l Thninn , Gr- brim, • School House. What b com es of the o «•ans of m 'lk ! Dorena—Second and Fouth Tues- • fii neral Paxton. Fred Woodcock. produced annually by t .. 26.000.000' G reshsm . • days. Dorena Church. Hawn D illard, G. K. H ow ltt. Portland • H adleyville — F irst and T hird • cows being milked In thl: country? In Hal Si Inwnv. C. A. Packellhnm . Che- • Tliur-days. Hadleyville School. • the f'rs t jlc c e , old bo y kick« over • H eceta— First Sunday of each •jth e bucket, which with ither sp illa>«n halls. W ash. c rq , of the • month, H eceta »ehoot House. * take« awav about 7 r tton illtc. F C K napp, Lewiston, Idaho • Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- • , gran I to tal, according to l'e n n v Val. J. J. Kad I'-rly. W ith L lnnle olive I) 11. H. Davis, Salem. • nesdays, W. O. W. Hall. Jasper. ¡m at's nt the United St at ■i Depart LEGLOVA d UORALOFF Fonrth ¡ment of Agriculture and • Lorane—Second iti ihan Facts A b ou t A 'B 'A C heques M ere de pendable stat Qua! tying • W ednesdays. !. O. G. F. Hall. "Chic Unique" im iv rr-o ily uac'I and .»< rr p te d how- mere estim ates are to b • McKenzie local, second and Em: ! yui' nt Chief --(to crowd of ap- yr” r o m n te t ajgtia»iirr in p re te n ce n f ac* st ever, for llie rem ainder, » pi o r i.le n tilie» you • fourth Wed»< tday, 8 p. m. I. O. O. ] lean'. ) "This Is a i d»>i‘ >'l' I'11 1 •rtfe to I m v c o n •I*«' perann herauaa th e y < »«• & 3U R LE Y CORELLI the totol m-odnrtlon wa 111.CR»,201,- r ->t In; ua»d u n til they have be en countar- • F. hail, W altcrvllle. I III I tiave Io be (ill. <1. I want a man Th-? Yank ■.I’ d lit : Scot a . <’* 5 0 , and 0100 European M arkiinian de • Thursday at Cedar School House • purposes, an«1 4 per cent for fie ling time; neither friend nor foe cun turn' c om pac t, aa«y to c a rry , h a n d y to uaa Luxe, w ith Rem ington • Spencer Creek—Third Friday, • calves. him from his course; n man lhat the R ifles Of the manufactured products, world knows when It crosses his path, • Pine Grove School House. • Trent—Becond and Fourth Wed- • creamery butter utilized about one It Is at Its own peril—that's the kind , RALPH SEA&URY • nesdays. Pleasant Hill High * fourth of the total production, farm ¡of a man 1 am looking for." “ The Illustrating Mono- butter about 11 per cent, eijeese of Voice from thn rear—"I'm th« guy • School Bldg. loglst" • Vida—Second and Fourth 8atur- • all kinds 3.6 per cent, Ute 3.4 I—I can drive a truck." In , per cent, and condensed and evapor­ • days at Minney Hall. “Smile« and Sketches” • Secretaries will pleaap send ln • ated milk 3.7 per cent. From the Farmside Inn SPRINGFIELD, OREGON • tim e and place of m eeting an«J GORDON & DELMAR "You said there wus no sigh t life Buy your supply of Llfebufty soap • changes of date as they may oc- • up here. Alnt there though? Moaqul-1 In now at the W hite Front Grocery. 3 tees— bedbugs -crowing rocks, etc." , "Songs as you like Them’ • cur. cakes for the price o f 2— 15c. lMr 2 5c M K FLANERY’S Drug Store 3ÉSÉS For T ravelers A B A First National Bank