THURSDAY. JULY 30, 1925 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Mohawk Man In 1-ee Worden of Return» From Crater Lake- W. 0 M .haw k waa a lo u i vlaltor Friday. Hughe» of the First National Hank ¡returned Halurday from Crater I-ah» Mere From Vida Mra. Iturllegh where he had spent a work's vacation W illiam« drove In from Vida Hatur- lie reports that road conditions In the I- ere From Mane —>H A da. :« waa day. vicinity of the lake are very good. Hi from Mabel k iid ä *, on bu»lnoa*. Thurvpen Woman VIMta— Mrs. Visitor Prom Salem Here— Loyal Jasper Man In - II O. Hmllh of Jaeg­ Charlie IIaalIrina of Thurston was a Henderson of Halrsn was a weekend er cuino to Springfield on business local vlnltnr Huturday. vlaltor* with the Howard Freeland and Friday. Visit From Jaaper- Mr». J. F. Hill« ¡Trubert Henderson faro’ lee H e la a Visite Local Merchants -C. ('. Htur of Jaaper visited local merchants Hat- jbrother of Mra. Freeland and Trubert vh l'iit, Crow business mau, was her« | nrday. Henderson. on busines« Friday. Confinad to Bed Mrs. M It Hunt- C retw rli Man Hers, f). w Arn ' ly has been confiner) to her bed for Kat more Perfection Hread. as na­ hart. u.unugxr of ih.» Creswell feed ¡ several days by her physician's orders, tions meat complete ration. I t ’s home and need store was a Springfield ' made. J|, 30 Leaves for Portland Mias Margaret vlaltor Haturday Morris* eft Hunday for Portland where) Local Man Visits Portland Art «he will speed a two week's vacation. Bushman returned Friday afternoon Architect Is V la lto r Graham Hmilth, from a two day hualneaa trip to Port­ E n gin e architect, waa a local visitor land. TOWN AND VICINITY In From Coburg K. M Johnson *u> in town mi bUHliion Frlitay. Mor» From Thuroton- -t'hrla linn* »rn was In from Ttiuroion Hatunlay. Move« to Cottage Grove— II II. Jayne has moved to Col luxe Grove. »•Hern From Marcóla Mra. Frm) Fisher of Marcóla was III town a »hurt (line Haturday, Her» From Mareóla— Mra. Howard Volaomorc of Marcóla waa a Hprtng field vlaltor Friday Marrlaburg People H e r* Mr.! an I Mra Wade Hpurllne of Harrisburg mere In town on bualnvae Friday. Lake Home People In - It C. Italnea M inister Returns From Vacation— and wife were In from Lake Home I Rev. F L Moore, pastor of the Metho Halurday, fdlab Rplcopal church, and family re- Fawver and daughter Grace of burg wore In town Haturday. Harris-1they sp< ut their vacation, Monday, Attend Picnic— M r. and K" l,’1,h M,’rrl" the picnic at the Htafford school house l Hunday. la second mate of the II M Story, a Standard Oil Company tanker. For All Makes of Cara UNION GASOLINE Lena Gurtln USED CARS AUTO BEAUTY PARLOR M. L. REWEY, Proprietor removel by a local physician visit at shedda Mra. George Neet Between Second and of Coburg was a Hprlngfl. Id vlaltor Friday. of Fall Creek passed through Spring-; Main Street. Halurday. field Monday on her way to Shedda Springfield Undergoes Operation Mr«. Clar­ where »he will visit with relatives. ». W endling Man In F. H Agger of ence Katepp of Wendllng underwent n \V. lulling made a busines» visit Hat minor operat'on al ihe Pacific Christ. Undergoes Major peratlnn--M rs it,'day. Ian Hospital Thursday evening. 'Alberta Weaver of Thurston u nd er-]—- , went a major operation at Pacific Local Man Back From Vacation I. Return From Vacation F H Flan ¡Christ Ion hospital, Eugene Moa lay E, Muri hey r* turn* I'huraday even ,.ry returned Friday from a two weeks log from a Iwo week« vacation j vacation »pom In the vlcinltle» of | To V lU t Glad.tone C o n ven tlo n - Attend Moose Picnic Mr and Mr« ,,or,l in. II. t urner attended the Moose ( |,B” j ‘ burch will attend a convention to picnic held at Coburg bridge Hunday. a /a i v u it at Turner Home W A Turn- ”* * * * a ' " l "“ ,ne thlB week-end. Leave for Bandon - W ill Turner. , ' r “ f Meadow«, Idaho, arrived Dentlet'* Wife Returns— Mra. N. W. brother of G. II. Turner left Monday j “ 1 ° **• Turner home Thursday Emery, wife of hr. Emery, local den- evening for Handnn "Vonlng. for a short visit. j list, returned from Portland Thurs- Church Holds Social Au Ice cream Novelty Store I t Bu«y— A large Ing with friends and relatives. shipment of now goods was received w” 11,1 ^eld at the Christian Monday by the Novelty Store. church FYI!fty afternoon and evening Motor to Monroe- Mr. and Mrs. | A program consisting of Vctures, Fred Frese and family, Mr and Mrs. Marcóla Man In Tom Bearden of.readings, and muiloal numbers was Carl Weber and family, M r and Mrs. Marcóla was a buslneis visitor Halur given. • The proceeds of the enter Jack M iller motored to Monroe Sun- day. lalninent will go to the mission fund ¡'day ami visited with the Roy Emigh , of the local church fainlly. Grocery Changes Hands------- Georg, Slurmun has sold Thn West Side Attend Camp Meeting— Local peo­ Grocery and Service Station to A. W ple lit tend Ing, the Methodist camp FALL WOOLENS llryan, m eeting « f C o llag e Grove Hun-lay ARE NOW ON were Dr. N W Emery. Mr. and Mrs" Trent Man Visit« W. C. Gresham John Itoamun. It. W .Smith. M r and DISPLAY of Trent wua a Springfield visitor Mrs. Charles Myers and daughter, Mr. Saturday. and Mrs. J I», Vaughn, Miss Margaret We art* showing now the Visits Cottage Orove—Jim M