THURSDAY, JULY 30. 1926 TUB SPRINGFIELD NKW8 FA CE TWO buy ring« Ih» b .ll »v»ry Ilm « breakfast, d inner and aupp»r." PROSPERITY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS The resident of the American Hankers' Assorts* Pabltafced Every Thursday at tlon. Mr. W alter W. Head, of New York, cites the 8prlncft«M. Lane Coanty. Oregoo. *>y following figures to show that America Is enjoy­ peopcE was a ll w o n d c k in ' T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS W HY OLO MAH SklN N tR WFNT ing great prosperity: -T&TM 6 POST e r « < e CW .Í» DAY H. B M A X E Y . E d ito r F. C. W K S T E R F IE L D Managat 110,000.000 pereons, occupying 3.700,000 square — - put c o n e to find o u r «•red . . .«-ond cl»« matter February 24. 1WJ a t t h . »»lies of territory and possessing wealth estimât a ie r r u a . muuu • iWrt i UW ilibl T b A T S VIMBRE tHl at t«n,i $300,000.000,000. poatofftca. s p r in t ile « . B reto n HE P IL L * H l i Bank deposits aggregating approxim ately $40,- M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E 000.000,000. One Y ear tn Advance------ $125 T h ree M onths ------ 50c O utstanding Ilf«* ittsrance of m ore than $70,- Btx Months ____________ 76e Single Copy ----------- - - 6c 000,000.000. 5,000,000.000 auras of Improved farm lands T H U R S D A Y . J U L Y SO. 1»2S valued at $77.000,000.IMH). 24,000,000 milch cows, 40,000.000 head of other Editorial Program i attic, 40,000.000 sheep and 00,000 noo swine. Mon* than 3.000,000.000 bushels of corn and Make Springfield the Industrial Center of W es­ bushels of wheat produced in c tern Oregon. year. Develop a Strong Tradin g Point: Build a City More than $00,000.000.000 worth of m anufac­ of Contented Homes. tured products turned out in a year. in. Improve Living Conditions on the F arm . Pro­ T he Boy W aa Right More than gallons of crude oil mote the Ra sing of Purebred Livestock and Mr». F lake— “ M y, my »Uih wui. I- produced in a year. the Growing of F ru it: W o rk fo r B etter M arkets crtu l clothes th a t ta ll woman u»«i More than 250 000 miles of m llroad. IV. T e ll the W orld About Oregon’s Scenic W onder- ih .r o ta wcarlug. I wutnler wiicr>< More than 250.000 miles of commercial le t land. »II« llveeT" graph lines. M r. ttynl<— " M y « ulws would be SOO.OOO miles of telephone lines. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? 20.000 daily anti weekly new spapers to dls- ■juat bryouti h«r tiu»b«nds Income. ' ~ . j * „ n - in sem lnate inform ation anti to bind our people by L ittle Geo. Wash Only wo advantages will aerne « « ties of common knowledge ami for a common having the railroad shops located west of th at “ Young T h in g —“T h a t horrid old M r. city instead of at Springfield, as we see it the l'u rPO8e- . . . Dr«x«l Just »aid (hut billing Mild voo sale of real estate anti the oportunity to count a m g «ml« -»Uh the Uun.ymuon, Hid ANOTHER PROMISE BROKEN few* hundred more people inside the city limits. (you find I I so?" People are not so essential to a large town The Southern Pacific com pany has a franchise M ere .M an --"O n ly (he «nolng " — which draw s county wide patronage as to a to operate street care on Main street which upecl- ED P U R D Y ’S P H IL O S am aller one with only local activity. As a town a Ties that a 5 cent fare shall be charged We can't **l told Ed Billow s If he was going few hundred more people added to Springfield find where this franchise has been amended. Bui m ean m ore than the same num ber added to Eu- so long as this is an agreem ent m ade with the up to O'« elty to a«» the sights to ba gene. If the situation ha been left alone and the railroad company, of course the Southern Pacific sure and cal Ion my maid»n aunt.” shops built in Springfield. Eugene would likely is not bound to abide by it. C ontracts with the A nsw er Pitas« have had the opportunity of counting not only the Southern Pacific are only to bind the city, shop employees but also Springfield inside her Of course street car fares are fixed by the Pub- She— " It Is the women who pay— cltv limits in a few years. The way the situation lie Service Commission, but franchises are made and i a y - a n d pay. you know ” H e --" T h e n tell me— why Is 1 that has developed now she may lose the opportunity by cities, and they should be lived up to, changed the men are alw ays rb o keT ' of counting either of them. or cancelled. As far as the payroll is concerned, anyone W h a t W o m e n T a lk A bo ut fam iliar with the trade situation here knows that Remember. “ It shall be unlawful, during th “ First Cat— "W h e re la M r. Pack. I Eugene will profit to the sam e extent with the . shops and term inals located in Springfield as she nnv . . . . tobacco, ' ‘ r plpn ~ tt„ m m atches, afrh ' haven't seen him all evening?” any . lighted cigar, cigarette, Second C at— “ I don't know — but I would in Eugene. firecrackers, or any lighted m aterial, on any for- suspect he Is lost In one o f the folds The shop site com m ittee m akes m uch of the e8t private road, publlo highway or railroad of his wife's second chin." benefits Eugene will reap from the location of right of way In the sta te of Oregon carshrops there. This is m ere cam ouflauge This law was passed by the last legislature. B L O N D E BESS O P IN E S . • • • T hey m ight just as well argue th at a m an i s ' “ I may be dumb— but I em not as richer by taking a dollar out of one pocket and dumb as Osn who thinks a falsehood E d ito r ia l C om m ent putting it in another. Is a w ig.” ..................................................... • • • "B IG B R O T H E R ” S T U F F I T h e bro th erly love between Eugene and Springfield Reason For II A SAMPLE OF OUR FAVORITISM .«eom* to have ferm ented u ntil It ha« passed the 1-2 of F ather— "E a rly In life , my son As a city we have passed laws and m ade string- 1 P*‘r c,>nt prescribed by the Volated act. and la adopt the ‘ea rly b ird - policy und you en t regulations to keep out m otor bus competi- 1,able to reauR In all klnda of trouble.— O akridge Review v.f I succeed." tion with the street cars operated by the South- • • • Sonny— " I don't think I h e lle r, dad ern Pacific company. A m otor bus in the town a d v a n t a g e of s m a l l n e w s p a p e r s O nly yesterday Betty called me a of Springfield m ust file with the city recorder a an Mhteal , t, ndpoint tt can falr,r rlahn, d tha, poor worm ." certified schedule of trips and m aintain these tbe country preaa and small city dallies have a marked trips and also pay into the city treasu rer 5 cents advantag0 orer the b,E mnt ropolitian newspaper., A Gold-Digger. Ehl? for each trip w hether passengers are carried or The gmai|Pr papers a re conducted by th eir owners who F irs t Cakeeater— "H o w did you not. This law is so effective th at no m otor bus are personally known to the people and business men ot l i k e th a t French girl?" can operate. Second C akeeater— "Too franc the com m unity and read In nearly every fam ily. In the past the city has made just such fool T h e owners, editors and publishers are fre e r to express regulations as these to help out a railroad com- ,helr convlctlon, than the M