FAOB BIGHT THE SPRINGFIELD NITU’S T I R K H P A Y . JU L Y I» . Itf.'a MACHINE SHOPS AND LABORATORIES MAKE CHANGE IN STYLES FOR WOMEN OF WORLD lows any woman to change Ihe hue Dr. 8. Ralph IMppel, Dentist, Vitus LRtle Boy III- Karl Rubarla of her hair buck Io that of her youth hulhllng. Springfield. Oregon seriously III. within tha short space of fifteen or twenty minutes; and so cunningly It f the preparation compounded that Its Cheap Automobiles, Not Paris* eiterte are quite Indiscernible at artl firtal. ¡an Coiffeurs, to . Blama for 'But not only has science achieved Bobbed Hair; Safety Raxors a natural coloring but a safe one Eliminated the Whisker; Hack In (he bustle era. hair dyra—eon Chemical Advance Brought talking a vsMbetanre e ^ tilq il para­ Hair Coloring. phenylene diam ine were about as safe Io bring in proximity to lb« scalp Woman'» fashions—axil men't loo. as the open razor was tis Ihe throat tor that matfbr—are created In ma- C hem ists have eliminated this in ohine shops and chemical laboratories. gradient and with It Ihe chief grounds This Is tha contention of Jeanne for tuanv women's prejudice agalnet Hufre. beaaiy eptvialts«. who during the coloring of th«Mr lialr." th e last few years has transferred her ''The coming of bobbed hair, the go activities from l*aris to Xew York. tng of the untamed whisker and the Being Parisian. M ie Ruere appar­ ajzuost universal austotn Of coloring ently should know what she is talk Ihe hair—all three are the work of ing about, for all that it heretofore the engineer or th«' .cheinist. The baa been the generaf-opinion that the dressmaker, the hairdresser and other mod^s of women, nt particular, are such folk as commonly are supposed the result of the whim of some creator to be the originators of styles are of gowns or coiffures in the French currying out the orders of n«ces»lties capital - new necessities brought about new “Bobbed hair, for example." said ' erally available automobile. Riding cial flora take th -fr course, rather new mechanical aud chemical Inven in automobiles, as everyone knows. Is than risk his throat to th« unguarde Mile Ruere recently to a representa Ilona." tlve of the press. "Is to my tnind not 'destructive of any colftkr« at all [ razor. Tha luveatton ot the safety the result of a new trend of thought I elaborately or a rtird a lly arranged: | razor and special soups for softening Has Tonsils R e m o v e d lt .iy ?*« c k u m Philosophy has never played any The wind mu ply wastes all the time the heard naturally removed the haz had his ton sils removed Wednesday. great part in the day-to-day life of that has been spent. So this happen, arils to mascultue pulchritude—and women. Xew ideas may have charged ed: peoffe found that they would with the removal of the hazard cam« Little Boy Improved Robert Drury, the fortunes of nations, but have had rather ride in automobiles than not the removal of the beard. who has been gravely ill al the Mercy ride; and so they must find a means A recent development of faahlon. hospital for the last week. Is im­ little effect upon the way women wore ■of fixing the hair attractively, yet in due directly to scientific research. is thetr clothes. Your wedding day llapplncaa Guyety the congratula­ proved. according to his physician. "So it cannot but appear that con a style which would withstand the the rapidly growing number of wo­ tions and good wUhM and your secret resolve to save breezes men with gray hair who are cuhtrlug ven trace and necessity have far more Vleit From Waelngton Mr and "That's what I mean by saying that It. It Is only recently, within th,e Iasi I and PROSPER. Roth of you had a full appreciation of new to do with it. That is the genera-' Mrs. W aller Parka from llumptullp. responsibilities and the effort necessary to make your reason given for the cropping up of fashions come from the marhne shops three or four years. Mile Ruere points ! Washington are visiting relatives cropped hair But back of the reason the chemical laboratories, rather than out, that serious scientific attention here. They arrived her«- Wednesday. dreams come true. — which most certainly Is sound—is from the salons of ihe courturlers and has been brought to bear upon the coiffeurs of Paris." rather neglected subject of coloring the fact that certain new inventions in Perhaps since then the day of "consistent saving" has been The same thing, according to Mile. human hair. Will Go On Trip—Mr and Mrs the world have made convenience a "Woman a few years ago—dndeed a Jack Larson Intend tb, spend the more vital matter. Bobbed hair, for Ruere. has taken place In men's put off and put off and your ideals as yet unrealised? instance, has come in at about the styles. A notable Instance Is the now very few years ago," she said, “had w eekend near the McKensle Pass. It Is not yet too late. No doubt yod are better tpialifled sam e rate as has the lowprlced. gen- nearly obsolete whisker. Our grand­ to choose between looking gray or fathers. said the French authority, ghastly. And the colorings then war« through experience to renew that resolve and adjust your Swimming Party Planned—A swim and hers' too for that matter, wore so very crude, so very unconvincing. | mlng party on the roast fork of the affairs so you may every week spend less than the family the hirsute herbage chiefly because that they perforce chose grayness. W , Is met t<- river Is planned for this income—and bank the difference- shaving It off. with an open razor and "it Is now of course, quite different. evening by Ihe following people: Mr soap that now is considered too harsh The hair tint, a new process of color and Mrs Jack Larson. Mr and Mrs for laundering, was too'm uch of an ing hair, especially designed tor Walter Gossler., Mr and Mr Floyd ordeAi A man let nature and the fa­ human hair, has been evolved; It kl- W eterfleld. Mr and Mrs. Truhnrt Do You R em em ber Henderson. Mr and Mrs. H H. Free­ land. and Mr Freeland's mother. Mrs. H P. Freeland of Salem Commercial State Bank 3 Ci ‘Tuc c’i 'p onz asU 571 DEPARTMENT STORES DANCE FREE Men’s Pure Silk Hose •i Full Fashioned— New Shade« 1 For the seeker after real quality, these full fashioned hose for men will prove very satis­ factory. P u re th re a d silk w ith fine q u a lity lisle heel, The first 30 couples to enter the American Legion Dance Pa­ villion Saturday night, July 18 will be admitted free. Dance starts at 9 sharp. Come early. toe, fo o t and to p ; ca re­ f u lly m ade, no loose th re a d « ; O n ly 75 c sp rin g Only our 571-store buying power makes it possible to offer such an excellent hose at this low price, pair__ Six Prizes I 111 Will be given to ladies during the evening. Legion dances are given every Wednesday and Saturday nights. There’ll be a crowd—the music is excellent and the floor is in A-l condition. I new 98c Harvest Needs BINDER TWINE MOWER PARTS , _ SECTIONS AND GUARDS ’ A w V . '1 . ' HAY CARRIERS ' HAY ROPE For your vacation see us TENTS „ AUTO BEDS * FOLDING CllAlRS ■ , • • COOKING UTENSILS /' v GASOLINE CAMP STOVES Wright & Son Hardware This community has publically called upon The Springfield News to fight its battles in the railroad controversy as well as in other issues. This we are willing and glad to do, but in fighting for you we expect your un­ qualified support. You must be behind us financially as well as morally. HAY FORKS For the Entire Evening Springfield American Legion Open Air Pavillion We're Fighting Your Battle Paint Furniture See that your subscriptions are paid well in advance. And see to it too that the men you patronise are advertisers in this paper and are boosters for your interests and this ___ " • Y* s commutity. This is no time U> straddle the issue. le