Classified Advertisements • • I I w hat yeu w ant to u l l , buy what you w ant to buy thro nn m a*« oolumna. W rite or phene T W O LO H T Pair hum rim med «pucturlea on at reel«. Cull 137 W . 9 IS. C IV IL S E R V IC E Mr« M ulti« I nut plain brown tout at Han««n« Park, July 4th. Leav« at N e w * office. Jl. 9 IS. » » A » ,» » « » « * '» . » » »»»* e^e w»»»‘ < ew»* * apW"« *FA F o il HACK O lt T it A m . (liv e p . Iota It nit'l to. Iilk 2. Valley V ie w Add. I'lc lle Kugrne 33 or w rit« 886 W 6th. Eugene. J, 23 Kat m ar« Perfection lltend, «■ na­ ture'« most «’O inp htg ration It» Itotno i i i . h I p Jl 23. I*. O. C lerk exnm. Io be held aoon tp ««cure ellglbl«« from which local appointm ent* cun be mud«. Home- study Inatrin tlo nu furnluhed. Low co«L Description fre,-. W ille (I. A. Cook, h * fa . A va ., Washington, I). C. Jl. 8 IS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE S3 A T E (H I OR E C U '. l-'oR I H E C O U N Ty , , f (< a n r E I.L A M A E W A D D E L L , P la in tiff va. R U R H K LL A. W A D D E L L , Defendant N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G F IN A L ACCOUNT In the County Court of the Htatn of SUMMONS Or,'B•' « raw er »«Id com plaint on of be- Loss to the docks of tbe Standard been definitely set for July 30. T he week» from the dal« o i 'b e first publl hg.i. »iiiashwtij* Maniov Ktfrhpv und *»* * rpk|’ from the of tb* cation of thin »uinmon«, and If you June Id tih cv bin wif** Osorge F ^’rHt nubHcntlon hereof, which said O il company and tbe Union O il com- Issue w ill be fur $280,000 to repay the full ho to appear und un»w«r (or wunt Rltchev and ’ Rosjiella Ritchey. h ls|»’M ? of flr »t publication is July 9, j pany at W lllb rld g e in a fire was eatl state for money advanced to build thereof, th« p la in tiff w ill apply to w ife :, H a ttie Ritchey; 1925 , mated at approxim ately 155,000. rnada in the county and $700.000 for th« Court (or th« re lie f remanded In C. N. JO H N S O N . Defendants. i Several am ali flrea have been re a bridge at M arshfield and to con- aald com plaint, t o w lt : for a decree o' Attorney for P la 'n tlff. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E ported In the Sluslaw national forest struct highways as laterals through­ thl» court forever dluaolvlng the bond« ¡O F O R E G O N . You and each of you Residence nnd Post O ffice Address, of m atrim ony now exlatlng belween «re hereby required to appear anil Eugeqe. Oregon. out none has spread to tim ber, ac- out the county. the p la in tiff and defendant and de- answ er the com plaint filed against J 9 18-23-30 A. 8-13 20. cording to R. 8. Shelley, supervisor. T h e H arrisburg Junction C ity five- fre e in g that lh« p la in tiff have Ihn 1 you In the above entitled court gml Headquarters fo r the Oregon T ru n k m ile sector of the Pacific highway care and ruatody of Thom«« J It cause on or betore elx weeks from the N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T T he W addell, the minor child of (he p la in ­ date of the first publication of this railroad have been established a t paving has been completed. t iff and drfertdant. and «ueh oiher und Summons, and If yon fall «0 to appear N ltlce Is hereby given that Fannie K lam ath Falls w ith J. J. Hoydar. gen­ sfretch of that highway w ithin the further relief a» to the S M f t may 1 and anaw er for want thereof, tho M cD erm ott. A d m in is tra trix of the eral agent from Spokane. In charge. city lim its of Harrisburg, more than ■eon equitable, Including the coat« p la in tiff w ill apply to the Court for estate of W . T . M cD erm ott, deceased, a m ile long, is all that rem ains un­ T h e firs t forest fires of the season and disbursement« of thia ault the re lie f demanded In said com plaint, has filed her F in al Account In the T h ia summon« la published once 1 In w it: For a decree of Ibis Court ad- m atter of the adm inistration of said for Douglas county were reported at paved In the state. This w ill be pav- each week for six aucresalve weeks In Judging and decreeing that the p la in -. estate In the Count Court of Lane Rosebnrg. four of them being spotted im m ediately. the Springfield New » by order of th r t iff 1« the ower In fee simple of the County. Oregon, and that Saturday, Guy C. H. Corliss of Portland, at- Honorable G. F Sklnw orth, Judge or premises d c g -lb e d In the com plaint August 8th. 1925. at 10 oclock In the In w idely separated sections of the torney for the original trustees of tho »aid Court, which order bear« date lh-, herein, and described as follows, to- forenoon o f said day a t the Coun county. 16th day of June 1826. and the date of wll P relim inary w ork on the paving of E. H en ry Wemrae endowm ent fund. ty Court room In the Court the firs t publication of thia Summons 1 T he Donation I-and Claim of David House . I n Lane County j th. K lam ath Falls entrance tg C rate r can collect $25.000 for attorney fees Eugene, la June 18th. 1826 Duff, being claim No. 42 N o tification Oregon, has been fixed as the Lake national park has been started from this trust fund for proteatlon of P O T T E R . F O S T E R A IM M E I.. 'N o 7419 In Township 17 South of tim e and place bv said Court for by employes for the W a rre n Construe- the fund against the suit of heirs to Attorneva for P la in tiff. Range 2 W est of the W illa m e tte M erl- the heaYfng o f objections to said Resident and Post O ffice address. Eu­ .dlan containing 180 10 a rre e ; also be F in al Account and aettlem ent of sa‘d tlon company. break the W em m e w ill, the state su- gene, Oregon I g ln n ln r at the Southwest corner of estate. And any and all objections T he new girls' d orm itory a t the P>-e“>e « » « « »>»• ‘»«Id- Ju 18 26: Jnlv 2 »-16 •» the Elean or D « ff Donation fotnd to said Account and the final settle. state institution for the feeble-minded W . Allen. Portland druggist and Claim No 41. Notification 741». Tow n- w e n t of sal*» estate must be file d , ___ ahln 17 South of Range 1 W est of the with the C lerk of aald Court on or be-! »t Salem w ill be constructed of con- for 33 years secretary of the Oregoo W llls m e tte M eridian, running thene? for» said date of hearing. crate. It Mas ordered by the state State Pharm aceutical association, was LADIES! Try that expert elevated by unanimous vote to the East along the South line o f aald Date of firs t publication July 9th, board of control hair cu tter a t Anderson’» I Claim 29 88 chains: thence north 17 l»26. salmon tro u t Presidency of that body at the final More than 7.000.000 Barber shop. F annie M c D erm ott . ¡deg 12 min. West 30 64 chains to the are ready for liberation a t the state session of the convention at Corvallis. A d m in istratrix. 'N o rth line of aald claim, thence W est G earhart was selecteo as the place of A. A. ANDERSON J. 8-18 23-30-A. 6 trout hatchery on Salmon creek at ¡»long said North line 21 48 chains to 'h e Northw est corner of said claim , Oakridge, according to Charles J. m eeting for the 1926 session. BARBER SHOP thence South 28 24 chains to the T he state highway departm ent has H a ll superintendent. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S place of beginning, containing 78 09 been engaged the past few days In a tim b er s ile conducted by W . i seres a ll In Lane County. Oregon. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y GIVE»» That »•»«* Also Ix its 4. 7 and 8 of Section 13 tj,;. «„d. reign, d ’ has been ,?u’ * " “ p J L . Toote. Sr., reg ister ‘ he Port_ sprinkling the section of the Old Ore- i land federal land office. 5.248.000 feet 8°«> ' « i l between Lone Tree, three i In Tow gahlp 17 South. Range 2 W est | ppinttc by the County Court o f ‘ be of the W llls m e tte M eridian In I-ane ! g talc m tt of r.f Oregon Oregon for for th th e e *C o ,in of tim tim b b er er in in four four scattered scattered tracts tracts was was m iles east of La Grande, an I . -:lon, 'C o n n *y ’ y r r f f I : of Co,intv, Oregon ¡ L u . t« a d m inistrator of tue eytar- ,f « ,n ,* i of «',367 19 which w ill be oiled. T he macadam sad the jsbole thereof, as against th • B-nJamln Green deceased and t h a t '80"1 ' ° r “ ' under oiling w ill be closed to tra ffic defendants and ench of them, and t h a t , au p. ;son« having dairas a s » ..,-» M i l d I T h e Mosier F ru it Growers assocta- until the w ofk Is completed, probably ¡the defendant« have not. nor have jr«tut<- .* it hereby notified to pres nt i tlon has reported contracting its en- * Call eith er of them any right, title or ln->the sat..« properly verified '.o '¿ 3 a d -’ tire 1925 tonnage to the Am erican a fortnight. Itereat whatsoever In and to the said m in i"Ira lo r at the office of F lu n k A. Some unfeeling man watched the F ru it Growers, Inc. Principals to the premia, .. or a t ' part thereof, and that |), fe e , the attorney for the e»iar« Itf SUTTON TRANSFER banks of Pony inlet, in the out-of-the- deal declined to reveal prices. the plain tiff's title In nnd to said p rett- : Spr: ;ef’, «i,,O rego n, on or before »1g way portion of N orth Bend, until a ls«s be forever q u ie t'd a ra in s t th e 'n .n u th a Irom the date of this uOti,e Edward J. H . Joehnk of M arsh­ Phone 57 num ber of young women had gone in , lalm of the defendants or eith er of Dated ibis 2nd dav of June, 1 j 23 field has been appointed U. S. referee to take th e ir dally swim, and then (them , and that the p la in tiff have such w J L E P L E Y , A dm inistrator I ■other and- fu rth e r re lie f as to the F ran k A. DePue, A d m in istrator for in bankruptcy for the Coos Bay dis­ walked o ff w ith most of th e ir cloth­ tric t by Judge W olverton to succeed Court m ay seem equitable the estate. ing and a considerable amount of This Summons Is published once J-18-25-Ju.-2-9-16. W illia m E. Coleman, resigned. jew elry. T he girls went home in their QEO,. N, M cL E A N ¡each week for six successive weeks In I --------- ----------------------- Completion o f’ the pumping plant bathing suits. the Springfield New. a w eekly news- ' N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Automobile, F ire and L ife paper of general clrculatlen. publlahed T he dn(j erfllgnf(1 M D n fM e ll has for the new M alin irrigation district I Reports from 24 district attorneys IN S U R A N C E a, Springfield Imr.e County. Oregn. by been aprolnted HriJ11|„ tg, ra tor of t h e . * • • announced by the reclam ation Surety Bonds,. Phone 4.17 and sheriffs of the 36 counties In the j order of Ihe honorable G. F. S kip lt g(ate Of i ^ a h E Bissell by the Coun- service, and w ith in a short tim e w ater My business la^to protect you« state, received by W . S.'Levens, state worth, JU<,Ke Ihe above entitled t c o u rt of Lane County. Oregon, a n i w ill be pumped into the canals. business Court which order bears date the 2»th ,a „ ng haT la|mR ,t H , Uahp,.k 45 wa9 prohibition , commissioner, for May, 86J W llla m a tte St. E jg a n a ^ jre g o n day of M ay. 1925. and he date of the e > u , e w |„ game i u , T T cr|f)fd Mrs. M yrtle M. HU eateck. 46. was show that of 158 arrests made. 121 first publication of this Summons la ‘ , «-„■—■ — •»— k illed —» when the automobile driven by convictions were obtained. A total at the law office of W h ltt«n Swafford June 4th. 1926. her husband, Delbert Hilsabeck, of $29.185 In fines was assessed and 315 M. A - W bldg.. Eugene. Oregon, P O T T E R . F O S T E R * IM M E I.. on or beofe six months from date of plunged down an em bankm ent on the $9671.30 paid. Tw enty-nine stills were Attorneys fo r P la in tiff. firs t publication hereof. Eugene-Lorane highway near Eugene. seized and 516 gallons of liquor de­ VASBY BROS. Resident and Post O ffice Address: Dated and firs t 'published June Eugene, Oregon Loss by Ore In Oregon during June, stroyed. ¡IS th . 1925. Painting & Decorating J. 4-11-18-26: Ju. 2-9-16 exclusive of Portland, totaled $233.- i O f the 545 accidents reported to the ’ M. D B IS S E L L . in all Its branches 053.74. according to the report of the state industrial accident commission A dm inistrator. building, Springfield. Oregon. ! W h itte n Sw afford. Atty. state fire m arshal. T he Dalles suf­ during the week ending July 9. four 312 Mnin Street Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel. Dentist. V itus ¡ J-18-25-J1.-2 9 16. fered the heaviest loss reported. $35.- resulted in fatalities, according to the 000. w eekly report of the commission. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N F O R L A N E COUNTY A rich strike of gold, which assay­ Those fa ta lly Injured were Charles L. )J. W . B A K E R , lla ln t if f , l ed at $40.80 a ton. the highest value Shattuck. general superintendent, VS. ’ Summons for Publication In Foreclosure OR. S. RALPH DIPPEL of gold yet recorded In the operations, P rin e v ille ; Hugh B. McCauley, boiler ¡S A M U E L M cM U R D O . Defendant. \ of Tnx Lien. has beet, made at the M other Lode shop w orker, Po rtland ; Robert DENTIST To Sam uel M cM urdo the above named defendant. copper mine. 28 miles northeast of Thomas, gang saw crew, Portland; Phone 43 1 James Theo Sprague, tim ber faller. Baker. ‘ In the Name of the State of Oregon: Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. Soldiers ■ (IM M O N » KOR PUBLICATION I SUMMON» I Among the oeveral thousand per- , eons In the Cascade National forest IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E HTATE O F O R E G O N FO R T H E ' over the Fourth of July week end. S T A T E O F O REO O N FO R CO UNTY O F LANE l-A N E C O U N T Y only eight were found violating the N. L in dley, P la in tiff, Ida Marte T r itt, P la in tiff ' state and national fire laws, accord­ vs. va I _ _ _ _ _ ing to Nelson F. M acduff, snpervlaor. James D. Ritchey, an unm arried S H T ritt. Defendant, . man and an Incompetent person, and Tw enty-four Oregon youths who re­ T o s. 11. t r i t t . T he above named Brief Resume of Happenings of E. O. P a tte r hla guardian; defendant: cently completed courses of m ilita ry Anna K Fdm lnlHter and John Doe the Week Collected for IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E I ' trainin g at various Institutions In the Kdtnlnlater, her huiliun d; Ma« R itch­ O F O R EO O N : You are hereby sum I state have accepted commissions as ey, an nnm nrrled woman; Ethel Ford Our Readers. mone l, notified, and required to ap- j anil Richard Roe Ford, her huahand: 1 second lieutenants in the officers' re- pear and answ er the com plaint of tb Manley llltc h ty and Jane Rllchny, hla nerve corps, the w ar departm ent has above named p la in tiff filer! against w ife: George F. Ritchey and Koaaella Postal receipt« at Portland for announced. you In the above entitled ault within Ritchey, hla w ife ; H attie Ritchey, an six wo k« from the date of the f r a t June exceeded those of the same unm arried woman; th« unknown helru | China pheasants have become so of John U. Ritchey. Sarah E. Coney I publication of the aummoua herein, month laat year by 6% per cent. p lentiful at the state game farm Just nnd J. M Coney, her huahand, Susan , an Portland for the United States depart- ?ra(,ln « Bnd ' Lebanon section of the Santiam high­ m ent of agriculture. M r. K e n t esti­ way In I,In n county, and 65 miles of mated this year's oats crop a t 9,500,- grading for the Meacham over-cross­ 000 bushels, the potato crop at 4.950,- ing section of the Old Oregon tr$yi In 000 bushels, the hay crop a t 1,600.006 U m a tilla county. tuna. '