THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1926 By •» « s la t Community News • • • • • • • • • • THURSTON NOTES • • • • • • a • Corraaaanrfanta UPPER WILLAMETTE A wedding of much kiteraat to the realdepta oT the t '( per W illa m e tte Valley wa» that o f Roecoe lb m irti ka and El»le Clayton, wh'ch took pluce nt thu hone of Ml»» Cluyton'» grand- falb er. T A. W egner, at Jaaper. Sun­ Itnv. W. A. Elkina, Thu llu rb lt fam ily, alao M r. and day afternoon Mr«, Krunk t'a m plod I »pant huuday ut paalor of Ihe 1‘b aaan t H ill Chrl»tluu Coburg, the ao"«l» o f M r and Mru, H a n y llu rb lt M r «ml M ia. ('u rlla a -Pries from N u ll vl»lti-il John Price last Humlay M r» vlluNa Baughman anil anti. How- a lii, »ml M r*. Jiihn Price le ft Wmluea- ■lay niurn'o« fur a f»w ilajw outlli« at M v k i-iirle bridge M i« i 'iip utihiiw r, »1111« Itu f.i unit Mini daughter lin n i . from Goshen, M r. mill Mr». H ull unit two ch'ldreti, Mr». Kuril from <*r« -»well, and Al I'l l » in uml Mi»» M artha M o o t’ front l*?i- »1 in . »punt Sunday with M r uml Mr». I* rry Edmlaton. church officiated. M r. H endrlcke baa o f M r and Mrs. Ralph L aird left tor were to taken w ith Oregon that they Spending Summ er Here— M ita Lta been a resident of Pleasant HUI many tb e l* home In P 'm 'a n d W ednesday plan to return next year and look for verne W a lk e r la spending the sum mer years and la now ranching on the Ha.'- »uly »1. a location. here w ith Mrs. A rch ie Davia. Her H«oa iface. A fte r spending a couple of weeks home le at T illam oo k. T b t n.eetinx of th • ladles a u x ila ry O ver one hundred friends and re la ­ Io be held st M rs I'help«' Wednesday, In Eugene M rs. Bertha M anning Is People In Prom Out of Tow n— tive» gathered a fte r dark at 'he home July 11. was poKiponei until Thu rs­ »gain at h er bom. at Pleasant HUI. ul M r. and Mr». Ro»coe H endrick» day. July j«, ,,n a -tcu nt of the -Ice-] T he farm ers of the Upper WH M any people from the surrounding J. L. Bach, to serenada the newlyweds. Members lion b>l.| at the n u ll school building lam ette are very busy baling hay a n d , t' , * n* w , r « in Tuesday binding grain. Much hay has been ) n* r • n<> w *'• Thelnea of W a lter- of the Pleaaant HUI and Enterprise July l i . ,Tan «»»nders of M arcola, C. V . church choir», old tim e frie n d » ' ut At . meeting f the board o' d'- balled In ih e Pleasant H ill district Lansbery of Leaburg and R. W CalU- M r Hendrlt-k» and young folk» »at on rcctoia of Cnloti nlt,h school N ’ 1. the past week. Sw ift and Cooper have pnrehaned' * » <* Cr#ek ’ * re amon« (he luwu Ringing “ favorite old »ong»" 'ut f leanant Hl!> o .ld M nday, J u i/ C; . until lute into the night. M r and Mrs. 11. fj Linton wax «•■ »sen chalnna-i fcr a new Fordson for the summer har- r,B ,to r*- | _ _ _ _ _ — — — —— — — Ile m lrlc k « served Ice cream and cake the T m ln g year -not E. H . 'n l - - r vesting and threshing. iu abundance all during the evening *cle*k Another m c t b i< w ill b-> held M r. and Mrs. C. L. W illia m s have -■■■ — 1 1 -— 1 ■ ; Mrs. C C Jncoby and two children Monday, July ZO. Just com peted extenslvi Improve. ■ who huve been visiting at the home Thu member» of the Pleasant HUI ments at the ranch, building a f r u i t : ¡te m p of Wmelrijun entertained th eir trio m ilk cellar ami Instalifug a com- i wives uml sw eethearts at a bonfire pit to w ater »ya»f m. M r. and M rs. W . L. Bristow are In-1 and ice cream and cake feast in the .Wot, Inian XTove Saturday night July, s tallin g a Rater system, having re<; 111. The evening was spent In vlsICng ently j urchased a 12 11. P. e n g in e ,, uml Hinging around the fin - and feast- pipes, tanks, etc. .In g on Ice cream a n t cake. - M r and Mr». A W . Ivanlels and i Rev. W. A Elkins w ill apeak next Iw o daughter». Opal and N ellie, M r. I Sunday by request on “T he D evil.“ end M rs. Al Pettrson of Los Angeles, I Rev Elkins stated he w ill take bis enroute to eastern Oregon, stopped j sermon entirely from the scriptures. over night Tuesday. July 14. to vlsb I at the home of M r. and M rs. B e rt! On August 2. 9. and 1«. Rev. Elklus John. w ill be absent from the pulpit, going to the officers camp a t A m erican TOWN AND VICINITY Lake. atyour. DRUGSTORE H hvi i u I from liuru allen*tt,u the Hun nay achuol group gu