?AOB roen THURSDAY, Jt'LY W, I02K THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Lane County Farmers Union News ___________________________ ___ ___________ _________ _____________________________ F APHIS AND SPIDER • • .. • • • Local Reporters Canary J. U Northup Central .................. .... Ray Bower Cloverdale . Mrs. L. J. U< tcheU Coast Fork Mrs, Geo, Kebelbeck Creswell Mrs. M, A. Horn l'orto» _ Mrs. Ada J' nnlngs t a .. Mrs B. Baker Hadleyvillel Mrs. M Gillespie Jasper Mrs. Grace Jones Mrs. C M Koster l/'ran e Mrs Lawrence Mlllcaln McKenx Sit Vernon Mrs. V. A Reynolds Silk Cr v k ' Bulah S n lth K B Tinker Trent ____ V .'.I . . Mrs W K. P ost * • • • * • • • • • • • • • • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANS COUNTY UNIT nO. 14 ________ EMPLOYMENT DEMANDS • OFFICKRS OF LANg COUNTY • 3H 0W SEASONAL PEAK CANARY LOCAL 189 • FARMER'S UNION • • . • e Haying Is on now with an excellent • Ralph Laird, Creswell, President. • crop and good weather for saving It. • Will Wheeler, Trent. Vice Preal • Brother Ptlelph. Sr,. S2 years and a • dent, • Civil War veteran. Is spending the • Betty Kappauf, Cottage Orove, * Oregon Agricultural College, Cor ( 'nt w<>rni a liave madri a pp««aratter» ‘ summer at the home of his son near • sro.T reas. • In all the val v> parta of Latte county ▼allis. July 15.—Hop growers who • Portland Ore . July 13, (Special i Canary. • N. A. Horn. Cottage Orove. Door • and a re d oin g lit Ur H damage to gar len have bten directing their sprays a- • < McNutt Bros, have rented -otno of Midsummer fa raring and construct on • Keeper gainst the hop aphis already this • amt other ( lupa, according tu County activities with unusually K Fhftrhn Among the lug of wheat h a r v .t has In. r> used (ito • durtcr. 1 • cnee for use on a logging railroad combat in the red spider, due to the • vropa which they afa attacking art* iluman ! f >r men during 'lie past week • O. L. Clement, Chaplain. * contract. hot weather. report the authorities for • ck ’V»r. u ljd fa . potatoi»«, beuta» to* according to report* from vur'ous di Button's logging camp has resulted the experiment station. No control • ma I oca and bear* Tb«y art} aUo at­ trlcta i . ' . t i i . l at Li. headquarter, operations after a brief shutdown for measures have been a p ito si against • tacking alt aorta 1»f flow» rìig planta. • it.re today. the Fourth of July. the red spider this season so far. but FROM STATE MARKCT AGENT • In»* ml.ng roa« buahr* They «arr» ca- Although a number of tam ps have acme growers have already sprayed Sister Herrington, who has been Dy C. K» Spence ptelally fond of whit«« rV’v«*r and aro returned logging sine«« the 4,h of July tw ice for hop aphis and may have to quite It. is better and was able to eating the clover out of lawn mixture« • • • • • • more than t o per cept w II rama in s e spray .gain, att.n .l Sunday school last Sunday. CLOVERDALE LOCAL tu Motti* Inatanraa. Of Interest to Shippers closed indefinitely the report» sh»«. A combination spray to control both The Sunday school Is growing In Suw.uill operations white generali ‘ Corn.taint» h ate c u e to the Stain County Agent Ftetrvhar I* rtronv pests has been shown to be practical. numbers and Interest. Sunday school a i tivi art> largely on a one shift basi» Marke, )g ut r. Kur.llng charge* «f in* tiding poi Mon bran niu*»b ami ar«»*> There were not many present at the The formula for the spray ia conwuer- next Sunday at 10 a m followed by as compared with many two aiitfts of the Expreaw «'»un pun y on weighta of Hate of lead apray for Ihe control of lal concentrated limiysulfur. 2 gal­ last meeting of our local as most of devotional services led by Sister Best- poultry, veal and other product» of the cutworm« It«« »tate* that In a year ago and c',irtalluw»p4-h.- ause of lons; calcium caseinate, 1 pound; sul­ the fanners were tired from working er. and a short talk on “Evolution" b, from country shipper«. moat n o m the worm« < an be «en­ mhlaummer m I uki I owd ^ B reprflta ha* Sf fur (sublimated or dusting sulfur) 5 In the hay Vice-President Petty a p -' jlrolh,,r title of them wan that a crate of tr«dle»t by lifting polwoned bran in a «li > du are cordially HBQwrartfc'' reduced eutpu! without pounds; nicotine sulfate. 8 ounces; pointed the following members as invited to attend, 'aualng any u no n ploy in»« it t. It« port« P^ultiy that Wright.| ¿H| pound« at atoll«, blit that In aggravated »•«•»» or delegates to the County meeting. Mr and water to make 100 gallons. "hipping point *.m w««lghv<| At 2f»S where It | h deal red to aerure reault« The new Kiddle Creek road will be from the var ous dlatrcta follow and Mrs Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Rine­ The powdered caseinate and sulfur completed this week. McNutt Brow. ’ Portland More than tut) in n have ,,,u n '," by ,h " »XF»c»« company lu • ’ once. both poloned bran mash and hart. Mr and Mrs Sellers, Mr. Maybe are first thoroughly mixed iogether [outfit goes from here to Notl where ^ , , ht,r„ whrg , I'urtland« but th e express cburg.r Br»«">«’B of trad spray should be usml and Mrs. L. J. OetchelV and then water added slowly, working Ithey have a »mu* contract. ¡harreal to fill order« for men from w*r* <»H«v«**l «*» 'he shippers weight. Following are directions for prepar- There w ere two weddings on June the mixture into a thin, homogenus Neighbor Frank Turner has sold Pendleton and other district« Many * Bo«ber WB* * ahlpmenf of veal that '"a »nd using poison bran tnaaji and paste The commercial tim esulfur is M(ss Gladys Morgan of Clover- 200 d a te s of strawberries from a loggers are taking harvest .obs and w ,**b«d “tore In Portland than at arsenate of lead apray prepared by poured into the spray tank, and water Jal* an<1 Blrch Edwards of Notl and ” “T'Zr an acre at a price that some difficulty has been experience I "hipping P«lnl. but the express coin- 'he county ageatl added as the tank la is ruling, filling the sul­ sul- Mlss Velma Parks of Cloverdale and ___ , . . added, ranged from «2 40 to «4 .*0 a crate. >1« in 'tilin g the few calls for loggi re Hint t“ "y cb“ r«r«l «» bail» of Portland, Poisoned Bran Meek fur paste is poured through a strainer »*- T- Skogse« of Portland, were mar started picking May 13 and is it'll (were listed here last week 9 o m s lW*l*h* •fl°»°w ln g Is the official rub ( Mix together, dry. 1« pounds of to remove the lumps The nicotine / i « - - Mr. and Mrs. Iaharu and five child picking two crates a week On the shortage of experm red farm help Is ln< of ,b*' ,,ub,lc Service Commission coarse bran, t, pound (able sa lt and sulfate is added last, Just before h* ,h *',n n,*o reporUd Consmin labor Is well ,hl<- It 1« Official Kxpre»s pound white arsenic When these ren visited over (he Fourth at the l“ ’,‘ 4 ,7 h ‘* spraying. r« l.n n ^ n i . *B * ‘’h'* «»Inner and a prise of a'em ployed There are no unemployed -’® materials are thnruugtSy silted , all or Some growers obtained good reeuRs Morgan home Mrs I s a fe n is Mrs icrate of strawberries to the fastest ; sawmill workers here. I “Vnless otherwise specifically pro hart of the mixture ran be prepared last season without adding the sulfur Morgan s sister i picker. Miss Herrington (picked 5 Seattlr- Ten logging camp« •m -, ’ W**' pb* r<’'* based on the »<* n by adding enough A nutaber of the youne folk gave • paste says the station. “If thia prac- * crate* In five and one-half hours and ploying a total of more than 1200 men ••’«“•I w e'iht of each «hlpni' nt. warm water to make a coarse, crumb- tice is followed, he sure to add the » surprise party foe Thelma Me- won the prise Mr. Turner has also lesam ed 'ogging durng the pun week. *’ ,h# *lwo 11 *• «'•«'•»»d for transput ly mash, which will readily fall apart ca'cium caslnate to the tank after I t , Feck Saturday evening, this tieing her i canned 75 quarts from this field. However, more than 50 per coat of the , ,al,OB when scattered over the ground la fuU and then add the nicotine Just sixteenth birthday. Vegetable and fruit crops up and sound camps will remain closed for the Making a Nsw Rotate I The poisoned bran mash la dlatrlbu- before spraying In place of the cal- j — — —— _ i down the valley are looking fin«, | resent and no further damand ft»-; The 1'. S Jlepartment of Agrlrul ,w*1 broadcasting over the Infected cium caseinate, one-half pound of hy­ Springfield Methodist Church Brother Fhelps hgt been taking '< ggers la expected this month A ture has secured from the high moun “r*B A* •*»• culworme do moat of drated lime added to one gallon of (Ebbert Memorial) charge of (be Canary store the last slight surplus of some t»assea of saw lain dlstrlcta of Peru varieties of po- ,be,r feeding at n'ght, the poisoned skim milk can be used. “Jesus and His Way Side ihilplt week. mill htlp has been noticed and « c in e tatoes that are as yellow at b u tter,k " 11 he scattered In the even- “Growers who use quassia to con­ at 11 o'clock hour. shortage of farm help Is also reported, and a delicious nutty flavor T h -se *B«- trol th e aphis can combine their spray “Jesus. The Interpreter of Life to • Gen. rally the supply of men is equal are being croasej with the American Packages of the poisoned bran with lime sulfur In the oame way as Youth" will be the theme at the S • to demand A large number of rah «pud and II Is g ven out that the ex- ’»hould be pailnly marked and placed FARM REMINDERS the nicotine. Soap Is not necessary to P. M service. ’• « « ♦ . e . , . 1 ru « ' “ " '" U i'tlo n -■ ■ , - |..riin.-r.i pFMriMB a new varl*•••• ""•) BBBBBl Bt i. in in.- use when the calcium caseinate is Mrs. J. T. Mroore will sing at the ------------ shipped to Montana points »rum her., w | have the flavor and color of the •'<*» Chickens should not be allowed used, and soap should not be com- mornln8 hour The Junlor c h o ,r pro- lo s s e s In barn yard manure may be U»t w»t-k Imported stock. wlRi the site and re- ,o run lB ■ treated fl-vd or garden, blned or used in spray, that contain vWe(| , h(? mu>1(. for lhp evenln8 cut down by protecting It from bleach Aberdeen serious forest fires In Hsblllty of the Northern American lime-sulfur. Arasnats of Lead The church school convenes at $;45 i lng in the rainy season, .keeping It the Saginaw. Wynoorhe, Aloha tlm- »«her and that It will readily adopt Epwori in League at p. m. P. L. [m oist in the dry season, ami mixing ber holdings made It necessary to em- "»«•» '» 'hl» climate. A id two thirds of an ounce, or 10 Moore. Minister at ‘'The church of the ; with land plaster or superphosphate ploy more than 300 men in fighting Oregon Has 77 Co Ooe ati a , «'«M «mnful«. of dry arsenate of lead • TIME AND PLACE OF • Cordial welcome.” to prevent the escape of nitrogen In flrea. In uddltlon to the camps that '* *** ,o on** n of water. It the ina- • LOCAL MEETINGS * the form of ammonia, advises the Ore- resumed logging last week the I'qlson 11 *’ o,,rB "•'«» that Oregon lags terlal Is to be applied to plants that • Canary—First Sunday and Third • ORD1NACNE NO. 454 gon experiment station. Line and Workman Creek iaigging ln ‘‘‘’•‘’P^ratlve movements, and the waxy, add the same amount by • Saturday, Fanners Union Hall. • AN ORDINANCE to improve 17th compeny reopen id ramps to lay with reB**,B nssl^Jled is that the products we'ght of resin fish-oil or other soft Cloverdal Second and Fourth • street from Main Street north to the • FYidays. Cloverdale School House • BRATTALN Property in the Town of! <’omparltlvely few Oregon growers bu» “’tie turn over of men Sawmill “f ,h " BV*r*<« f“r"’ »«> many thal «» of lead arsenate. H|lr Ihor- • Creswell—First and Third Tues- • s prln? /,e,<1» Oregon, by grading an l ’produre certified potatoe seed. Three °P*nUion while gen rally active la * fas'..s logging unu and l,r*' " «,l“' r a ' ln « co-operative ” - Town ot Springfield ...H.ie.u 'lues e i« .q rw eire a a p premium r e m iu m tor — • ......... aasorla- na'e e» ¡ta il to 50 gallons .if water uanebo—First Tuesday. Daneb« • bT ... E ar, I , poison h a . been u s . I with t - . e e€.’are. *1* lnt*B,lon ,o -----------j Improve seed, and a small fee Is aakel to ------------- «■wmlll req u ire t,..,,'» . H i . t .- . In u «linhi ’ t o e . In Ih . . t a t . and *"'d ths 'he | aggregate • School House. i. • to thZ,r mtATTAI ” atirnonenve ' . BnO,ri" .,1)HP ”u> lhe **»«»•“ 8C‘ rC“ X here ° f bU"'n” * *,OBe hy these Food results and Is nlso recommended Dorena—Second and Fouth Tues . town of Springfield, by grading and --------- T acom a- With nearly all larger log "’«»"'»ali«»» would he « surprising < j l>y 'he county agent, • days, Dorena Church. Succession vegetable crops for fall **"« «amps down Indefin'tely in this " bl,# ,,r,,«'*n I» noi making the j • H adlew ille — F ir st and T h ird • f rBVP,,n< ,he roadwav of said street Hadleyviile First and Third between said points IS feet in width. | a H erein . School » » .d t .. ..a '. . \ .........................1“ ““ wln,er b •» cabhaxe, dl' trl‘'‘ "'«•'• who usually follow wmal-’'*r,r’’" no‘’ «' "f B1B»w other stales ' On the Canadian Thistle • Thursdays. Hadleyviile School Sunday of each • «fade, and placing' u ^ T ’ h ) fr^t <'au l‘f,l>w*r. bru.sels sprouts, kale. *«<’" have gpen to the harvest field . | JJ" '?< “•• rB" » p »"'•< >« «'•'•dlly go By Charles Riveli • Heceta—First Orhonl House. H o u se • ’'trlp ' ’"'«'"eh the cent r of said grade. 'b«*coM. and celery, can be set out on of 'h" i'ast udes Nearly all loeal * * “ ,(' I ■ ut them In May • month, Heceta School The Michigan Way , You ran eut them every .lay crushed rock and earth approx'matelv ground cleared of the early maturing ••w m llls nr«* In operation; a fee • Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed • ue-days. W. O. W. H.H . Jasper. • ó t h e ^ . X ò v e m X ' ’ wôik Ì :'^ a y " " ^ ' OP> lnakin’ ’,U" ab,'‘ pla,”, an" P', n “ “ der« ° * « bh*" ” The spud raisers of Michigan have ('B‘ ' h,,m •" J«"», that's too soon. L oran e-S econ d and Fourth • necessary to a prooer and cot^pleti carr’rln* 'h’‘ra ° ut P’omptfy the Ore ««mptlon before July 20th Demand a vell-organl.ed .a .o c l.tlo u through Co‘ ' h« B '» JuT •*- — — . r«> es g“ w rden « I a es .* or m g farm — — ■ I ■ or country lot . 14 for i F I »as I* ** V as plrk.trs I s > V «»a* as •* and s* -1 ^ other .a g> ~~ — u farm — I —EsS-Ok-assa- ee* a_ ”,y '”“r * bT rhance . . - t Improvement of said «»ret. ln accord o Kon berry which al Ifhe potatoes are marketed I T* die • Wednesdays. 1. O. O. F. Hall. VL.ir.nTt. in n .i ..n n .e -J s aBCP wl,h ,h «* plan« s ~«' «•»'' flea t Icn s Hi ay be made to perform double duty, work la slightly | n excess of supply. I through one p < m > A careful estim ate | <,|i( ,h*m ln August McKenzie local, aecond and • therefore, to he prene;ed by -he ,„w n Provision may also me made for sue- There Is nq unemployment In th'« [ in made of the total quantity to be ,b *'lr •»«"». • fourth Wednesday, g p. m • *• ° - ° - cor’ ^ r " ’** W th ,he TOW" * * !■ •« ”■"* seedings of radish and .ettuce. «««’«'“ quantity la shipped every month from | -------- — ------------ • F. hall, Waltervllle. Section Two The costs of said 'm, ; «•»'«•gnated by the experiment station Bp"kan<—A sudden spurt In the de-1 June to December Through th'a plan It Is economy on the part of Oregon • Mt. Vernon—First and Third nrovement «hall be assessed to and,1»» Important all year vegetables. man.F for men featured last week's every member g its the average s.-n average sea- farmers who raise stock to pasture • Wednesday. Brasfield Store. be borne bv the abutting property employment refxirts from Inland E ■ m son i,rite, a par, of his money every 'be stubble field with hogs or sheep. • Silk Creek Meets First and Third • benerttr.a ther.bv- and th*-re *ha 11 n ... . i.n .. .... . • Thursday at Cedar School Hou«e • bp '"«doded a* a ra " «aid >mnroc«. hl’ *» well pla. ed under Oregon p ‘™ «'-»''«ers With logging lun.be, K— month, and overhead expense« a r e / b e experiment station finds. The rrp Dt rf engineers o r r ltin o r j ebsrees COndltloilM do tlO not DOt res, rp.Mf direc fllr o fflv nn the tha* niRTlufuctUrlnC. I. turlng, conMrIlCtIon construction nriil and fiirm farm ffrontly reduced Soencer C reek — T h ird Prtd.v . m« lnrnrre.1 ; conditions tly on I grain ahaftered or 'salged will be ... „ . T .™ FT'day, therein no, exceeding the «um of flv - ground Timbers 2x8 lache«, or or " T k at aeasntiui heigh, and wph Imitate Gary's System readily gathered up by them and con- • Pine Grove School House. • percent o» the contract pr’ce bricks, or special stands are used for wheat harvest a week earlier than Oregon i’ er,e»» *"•«’ « marketable form. Where ^ecrRtary Jardine told Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- • An-o-oved bv the Mayor, this 8th day support«, a stand 6 Incite high being "»tab a ahortage of labor Is being • aesdays Pleaaant H ill High • . of June- 1925 farmers they must follow (he system cona|,l«*rable grain has lodged, hogs the bet. A sloping board is placed ,n »«»me localities here. Thor« O. 0. BT'RHMtN • School Bldg • j of Gary’s steel eorporalinn and in a , ar® u’ "<* “ beep are a good substitute. Maror. from the ground to the entrance to ar* plenty of men to handle the vast measure control production and act • Vida—Second and Fourth Satur- • Pss.erf h*. the Common Council this ¡permit heavily laden bees that drop “mounf of work to be done bu, • days at Aflnney Hall. • 8,h day of June, 192" their own prices on thalr own good«J 1 near the blve to reach the entrance. 1 ----- difficulty is dlatrlbutlon and trans, R W SMITH. If they went h ow » the line with Gary • Secretaries will pleagg send ln • portation of ihe men us needed. Men Cltv Recorder. they would buy together, sell together • time and place of meeting and • I hereby ccrt'fv that the foregoing are going lo harvest work and It Is and operate their <»wvi wholesale • changes of date as they aiay oc- • I« a true and correct cony _ of ,h" ,,, No. 4S5 bard ,o fill logging, sawmill and rail. • cur. e Ordinance ss passed hv the » Council AN ORDINANCE RFAJCLATINO THE r.oid common labor Jobs now A ten, ageuclea. and the who'» Harvesting has started In Eastern ............ r ^ ? ? lf $ — - b— - - - x -• - R. W. Smith. Recorder and Central Oregon and Ihe general WALKS Peeled for some kinds of work until crop Is |n fine condition and Is THE TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD ’he harvest Is over. showing big yields. D^ES ORDAIN / B FOLLOWS: ____ ___________ SECTION r That I, shall be unlaw- fol for any oerson or persona to ride ¡upon anv side-walk In the town of JASPER LOCAL (Springfield, env tandem, blc’v .f e or , , , , i tricycle, rrnvlded however, that news - ■ ■ * ,* * * * 'bovrf and other oersons delivering pa- Everyone o r e s e i.t ... . . per« and tmekages sh ill be permit,'.*! In,.„IlnT / be la"‘ ‘"’Cla' to run uoon thp wn’»' for th^ enjoyed themiiplvw» eatlnft eitrnoie of such delivery, but when ,ce «’ream and cake. It Hm't decided ,telly».... , n made, shall Immediately yet Just what we will" have at our run off again and not prolnag the n,.l t meeting I same. SECTION II. Anv ner«on violating ' for