TI IK SPRINGFIELD NEW* TUVR8DAY, JULY 1«, 1»2B PAGE THREW Has Major Operation Mrs. U. L. burns should bo covered with bland; Oldest Rider waa Rivett House la Slid Norrl» of Wendllng undorwent a powders and ointments and blistered i , —1 major opérai Ion Tuesday mornlng at skins should lie dressed by the family ! Although he didn't look It and A house and lot on north 5th street the Pacific Chrlstlun hospital physician that they may not become received no gold me lal, Charles belonging to Orvls, John and N yle Infecded or leave scars. i lllvett, of Bethany, Nebraska, who Is Hankey has been sold to Louise And­ Instructor Visita- Marriott Hnldow, In Prom Wsndling h. (1. Norrio 0( i M r«. Olton III Mro. Curl Oloon lo Meat rash or prickly heat Is a dis- ’ vls tlrig here, was the oldest man In erson. Hhe has already taken posses­ Instructor In the aebool of pbarmacy W ooding who lu town SuturUay. Ill ut ber borni1. ease of the glands In the skin which ’bn bicycle parade In Eugene Satnr ion. The ale wa made through the ut the Vnlverslty of Washington, Htno From Wendllng Mrs. I'lur v isit Booth.Kolly Mill F.'lgar Mar »pont tho w eekend wlth Miss Mande prodiice the sweat, that cooling m oist day morning. The prize went to O. H. i'lowers Realty company. «•lieu Eolupp woo it Sprlngth III vlotor tin, n tigli» our fop tin, Ibioth-Kolly com- Gorrlo. Hhe loft Mouday for b'-r hoint.; ure on the surface which keeps the Tripp, 935 Fifth, Avenue west, Eugene. body from having fever on hot duys Rivett was born April 29, 1850. and Sutunluy tuny, vlaltui* th" local mill Tuuwlay. In Oregon City. CALL AND SEE Dr N. W. Emery These glands If compelled to over Tripp, May 9. 1860. "n pH: -a on rdau and other work, »f Baby Girl Born Mr. anil Mr». K. j p i, h . » on W IH a m s tt* H a ro ld I’ h ll RjSturn From, Portland- Miss Lu- work become Irritated und Inflamed, Rivett rode In the parade, Juggling I*. Maxwell burn u new girl. born upg a p o lli S u nday fla ilin g on th e so u th elle Ithhtnond rilu rm d Hundiiy from Compulsion Is exerted by Intense heat a piece decorated with flags on hla ■ arly Friday itioruln« Tho newcomer ,org W illamette. Portlund whore sho lias been vlsitlng to much clothing, working In high bead. Me did not m'nd losing the wul*ht1 II Edwards of Needles. California, geon Jail sentence was Imposed on Nick Goss to Portland the patient restless, cross and some­ Mr» A. It Anead otoppnl *here Saturday for iinwlli-al Visit From Medford— Hr. und Mrs. Office 404 M. * . W. Bldg., Mlskulln, of Oakridge by Judge W ells’ loft Hunday for a business trip In , <,wU Buwly w|lh , helr children. time feverish and even nauseated. treatment. Eugene, Oregon Port lumi Justice court Tuesday, on the charge a Parker and Dorris arrived Friday Osteopathy stands for the truth Absolute cleanliness of the skin Is Visits Brother Mr and Mro Wul from Modford Io visit at the J. C. vsw ntlal Dusting powders may b* of illegal possession of liquor. The wherever it Is scientifically Will Viait In Middle West T. arrest was made a fow days ago at Ince Carney «pent tlv w eekend with proven. Oregon )eft here Tuesday for un ex I’alker home before going on to Port- ugwI Hnrt th|ck leatlons of ordln- Oakridge. Mro Carney’s brother! Milton A»hl»y, I ended visit In Kansas City, Fort bind to attend the Elks convention. ury h(,klng powder made wet enough up tile McKenzie. Worth. El Paso and Hun Diego. I Mr»- Uundy 1» a tto u r of Mr. Parker. jto Ht|rk on |h „ gk(n re,lereR , he lu b . ( harter No. 88 Go to Marshfield Mr. and Mr». F ling. Menthol and other special medl- r e p o r t of t h e c o h o , t , o n o f t V .7 ' N'>1 11 Renta West Springfield House C. Perkins and Miss Hello lle d h e loft ¡Clarence W Smiley has Tented » SKINS OF THE PEOPLE AND cine» should be prescribed by the Monduy morning for Murobfleld to FUNCTIONS PERFORMED family doctor, and he shoifd be en- {house und acreage In West Spring visit Mrs. A. J. Perkin». --------- i truatssd with the treatin' nt In all f eld belonging to Mrs. C. A Nott. At Springfield. In the State of Ort-gon at the cloee of bu.lncT. on Written for the Oregon Tuberculosis severe cases lest serious skin Infec- Go to Springs Mr. and Mro lla iry June-30. 1925 At Elks Convention Mr. und Mrs. Hons or eczema develop. Associaton by Dr. B. 8. Herben Hlowart 'With Carl 1». Fisher und John Wlnxenreld uA< spending this Tan In a protection and ev id en ce' family, spent tho week end at Birknap w o k In Portland attending the Elks of New York of healthy reactions. Freckles are and Foley Springs I convention. RESOURCES results of Imperfect tannng, harmless Taking away the skins of the peo­ Visit Relatives Mrs. May Cruft Loans and discounts, including redlacounta as long as unheaded. Go to Klamath F a lls- Mr und Mrs. ple la something uuy summer sun shown spent Hunday visiting relatives, Mr Your skin 1» part of your cooling VC .F. d ft .. in _ items 29 and . 30. If anv * 1 ■••■J ■ '»■■ ■ $172.130.02 Fjunk Ih'WHrs h ft this week for lean do. Behold the blister» and the Overdrafts secured and unsecured and Mr». I> C. Trotter, at Waltorvllle system, keep It (lean and In working 223.04 U. 8. government securities owned. Including Klamath Falls, where Mr Powers will pHt,||„ g ,,t u,« btuch combers Indirect- Him returned home Monday tuornlns take special treatment from Dr. Barr. !ty |„ ,en»e hw»» In items 30 and 35. If any .... ......... ° t ™ r b o n d “ ’ warrant» and securities, including foreign ....... _ 13,85000 Returns From Vacation Trip—Mr. They will b« gone two month». for heat rash, with Its Itching, leads government, state, municipal, corporation, e tc , including those shown in items 30 and 35, If any ............. und Mrs H'dney V. Ward returned Idle finger Into mischievous diggings. 31,991.56 Here From Bend Mr. and Mrs anking house, $14,900; furniture and fixtures. $3,400 00 Hundav from a motor trip to Vai» The sufferng which hot weather 18,300.00 Rea! estate owned other than hanking house ............. c u v e r . Il C . sud other northern ';'<.yd Magill were here visiting rela brings Is not always due to spectacu­ and °F.“ h , n i , to 7 u lt * nd fram banks, bankers ; lives Monday, Mr Magill is a drug points lar stroke nr prostration but may be aZent” t h u T n k ’ and 8^ r0Ted ” - r v e gist at Bend. brought about by various skin dls- F ath er III at Portland F. II Ham lin Exchanges for clearing house and Items on other banks to “ 50.475.55 Springfield postmaster, left Monday i Return From Bend—Dr. It I' Mori eases and Irritations und of these The same city or town as reporting bank ........ 216.03 nd morning for Portlund wli. re hl» father “nJ <«w«F. accompanied by summer sufferers little children Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash item s ....-. .. .......... Percy llu< kn an returned Monday j Infanta rank first The attendant loss John Hamlin Is III. lie underwent 1.00 TotaJ cash and due from bank», items 8, 9, lo and 11~ e v nlnr from Bend. They left here 'd appetite and aleen undermines Ihe major operation Tuesday. ----- ---- ----- ------------------------------------------------ -----$50.692.58 health and this together with oC 1 Saturday evening Opens Garage in Glenwood—(1. C., factors may cause diarrheas and sim i­ Total Newlun opened a new garage nt the Visit Here From Nebraska—Mrs lar serious conditions to follow In the ---------$287,187.20 L IA B IL IT IE S <». 11 llcvere slore building In Ulen- James McIntosh and daughter Gar wake of a heat wave. wood Saturday. He wl I do repair nlta of Schuy er. Nebraska arrived Capital Stock Paid In ......................... ................ Sunburns sho | d he treated with ! 30,000 00 Surplus fund .................. ..........................ZZZZ ’ _ " ZZ "Z work and handle new and used auto here Friday to spen t several weeks as the same respi-ct that you would give 6.000.00 Gur speciality is the ¡»rop­ (a) Undivided profits ..... .................... "ZZ'ZZZZZ........ $9 731 87 guest» of .Mrs. .Mi lni"-hes son and , (1 hums from any other cause. Slight parts. er com|»ounling of pre­ tb) Less current expenses, in tire-i and taxes paid . 6^097 11 3.634.76 | broth'r, Alec McIntosh and Robert redness without soreness can be re­ scriptions, therefore our P E.*’AND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: Flnsd In Justice Court—Henry Tom Plerrle respectively. 23. Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due la y ed by a bath of cold water. Deeper stock contains everything selh was fined $5 In th« Justice court the 8,ate of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds » i .220.672.71 that physicians in this Saturday for operating a truck with Leave on Trip- Mrs. N. W. Emery -4. Demand certificates of deposit o u tsta n d in g __ __ ____ _ 6,192.07 community prescribe- 26. Certified checks outstanding out u chaufferait» l í e n s e The com- left Friday morning with Mr. nnd ; 29.00 Total of demand deposits,pother than bank deposits, subject plaint was filed by K. II Lister, state Mrs. George Emery of Fresno, f a l l ; All worthy new pharma­ to reserve, items 23. 24, 25. 26 ................................. $226.893.78 (raffle officer. fornla Hhe wlll go us far us Port , ceuticals are stocked just TIME AND 8AVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and pay­ land with then», and they will co n -' able on demand or subject to noties: as soon as they appear on Fish Up McKenzie--Mr. und Mrs | 27. Time eertifiegteg of deposit outstanding ______ _____________ 20,658.66 tlnue to North Dakota uud Minnesota the market. Physicians P (1. Woods. Mr and Mr». Leland Total of tim e and savings denosits payable on demand nr for a visit. who are acquainted with subject to notice, items 27 and 2 8 ________________ $20,658.66 Eubanks, and Mr and Mrs. Glae Lyons our stock, equipment and <>f fo lia g e Grove spent Hunday fishing Baptist Service DisWilsard T h e ; Total methods invariably feel I k desired by all people and $287,187.20 up the W illam ette. , Sunday morning services at the Bap sure of best results from State of Oregon. County of Lane, ss. It need not be expensive to Mr ami **** ’ burcJ» have been dismissed In j Hpr^ rt F- C>*rke, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear the medicines which they Here From Grants Pa Knit the most * particular ,, order that members and friends of the tkat the above statem ent 1» true to the best of my knoi^edge and belief. have prescribed when they Mrs. Roy Higgins of Grant» P a ss| * man or woman. Our work church may a lin 'd the American 1-FTHHF. , . .. .. HERBERT F. CLARK. Cashier. see our label on the bottle. atopped In Hiwingfleld Monday to Correct A ttest: Al Montgomery, Welby Stevens, M. M. Peery, Directors. Baptist rally at the McKenzie fish is all of the finest work­ It pays you to be as par­ transact buslnea* beOore iprlng to 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of July, 1925. butchery. ticular as your physician manship and ilet fashioned Portland to attend the Elks conven-1 A. F. FLOWERS. Notary Public. My com m ission Expires Nov. 20., 1928. regarding prescriptions. tlon. jlorreetly n everjr detail. l 'Go on Vacation— F B Flanery. with Our department for re­ Visit Bharmans Here Mr and Mrs 1 ’’’» brifher ln k»w. Ralph Llllev of 'Jutnes Brown and Mr. anil Mrs. Wm Co/vallls, left Monday morning for a making garments is al* PURE DRUGS— Itede of Brownsville visited Thursday vacation trip near ihe McKenzie Pass ways busy, a testimony SUPERIOR SERVICE afternoon at the Frank Hharman M Peery Is assisting at the Han-j that is worthy of your — RIGHT PRICES home before leaving for Alberta, fa n - ’'T drug store during Mr. Flanery • particular attention. M,|„. -¡ab sen ce. TOWN AND VICINITY Dr.John Simons I Commercial State Bank of Springfield Our Prescription Department Is Modern To The Minute Fine Tailoring Mountain States Power Company Would Like Every Customer HAVE US PUT YOU UP A GALLON of our delicious tee cream. It wlll make a perfect dessert at home or a splendid refreshment anywhere, ft com es In nil fluvors iuii I 'Will keep for a full hour You make no mistake when you buy Eijgltnan's Ice 1 ir ia in . Everybody likes It. EG G IM A N N ’S Rhone 250 To 36 West 8th in developing and printing of those celebration prints take them to the Baker-Sutton Kodak Shop EVERYTHING FOTOGRAPHIC 7 West 7th, Eugene Oregon We have been gurpised at the rapid increase in eur lunch business. Perhaps it Is tine (o the large variety of foods offered—It may be that we know just what folks like anyway our good foods are being served to more people every day. We want wife. them (). K. have picnic foods for everyone—*mos( anything you we also prepare hot meats for the overworked house Our Jars of baked or Spai^Bh t4yles—you’ll like either way baked rlglit and suits particular trade HUNTL Y DELICA TESSEN Main Street Between 4th and 5th Open Sundays A Shareholder The Great Public Utility Organizations of the country are rapidly becoming owned by the people. It means public friendship and good will; better utilities, home investment and home dividends. For the Best We never expected it ! Be Mountian States Power Company believes that it should offer 7% Preferred Stock to ita customers when new capita' is required to build extensions and improvements in­ stead of offering those securities to far off customers. This is the Reason Why the Company is now extending the opportunity to its patrons to become profit-sharing partners. The Security Offered has paid dividends regularly with­ out interruption every three months for more than seven years, it is backed by modem, well maintained properties and proven earning power. Subscriptions May Be Made for cash or on a convenient Partial Payment Plan requiring but a few dollars a share a month. Complete Information on Request MOUNTAIN STATES POWER SECURITIES COMPANY LOANS without Commission or Brokerage Charges Unlimited funds to loan on good city property on monthly payments of $14.66 per $1,000. Old or run down buildings not considered. EMERY INSURANCE AGENCY 37-9th Ave. W. Phone 667 Eugene, Ore. Mountain States Power Company Address at any office of Albany — Corvallis — Eugene — Cottage Grove Springfield — Junction City — Lebanon Dallas — Independence — Stayton