Why Not Have Common User1 Over Natron Cutoff? Read Editorial Reprinted From Scio Tribune on Page 2 D g V O T IO TO IN T IR B B T OF B F R IN G F IIL O ANO T H I FAR R iina OF T H I W IL L A M g T T g VALLBV |C . T W K N T Y -H M C O N IJ Y E A R CARL ¡VERSON, SO COMMITS SUICIDE U . L ib r a r y SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD. LANK COUNTY, OREGON, Where Fifty Danced to Death "The People'« Paper* L IV I N K W a P A P IR IN A L I V I TOW N THURHDAY. JULY 16. 1925 NUMBER 26 . B. JOSLIN BUYS COLE Three Places A re |M RESTAURANT IN THIS CITY IPBOIESI Robbed in Night Mr. and Mr». M. B. Joalln of Port- Cash Register Stolen From Luncheonette, Creamery Till Removed and Type write' Stolen I land have purchased the Cole restaur­ LOWERING GRADE ON STREETS ant from Mr. and Mr». W. B. Cole, taking possession Friday. Mr. and Despondency Cause of Shooting Mrs. Cole left Friday morning for Property Owners Object to Himself in Room Monday Portland. Southern Pacific Plan to Re­ Morning; Bullet E n t e r e d Mr. Joslin has been In the restaur­ Three business bufdings of Ute ant business for fifteen year«. Few duce Line on Mill Street Two Skull Behind Right Ear. jelly *e re robbed last evening, a p p a r - changes ____ Feet and Second Street a Foot wilt be made In the estabtlsb- jently by boys, although little of value jment. ___ „ . _ Curt Mur« Ivcrwin, ilo year* old. -Mrs. ______ Joslin, who Is a beauty was taken The biggest loss was from op. r, tcr/ m. 7 ” ' ”en a beauty 7a“r"or Lowering of the Southern Pacific »uiumlttrd «ulclde Monday inornlng I the Luncheonette, operated by Ralph bere railroad grade on M ill and Second Mt th * holin' of hie nleee, Mre. Uoyti Sweeney and Fred Cline, where the j _______ |__________ _ street as proposed by the company, E IKIIott, 9.15 Fifth rtrewt. by shoot i X 7 b 7 ’ : : . ,Hb X , u8to a , , . bu..d s p r , n c f , e l d l a u n d r y «8 was objected to In a protest filed lit« htwa«lt with n 32 rnllbrn revolver w ith the city council at Monday nights Ih aiMinilency la thought to have bean Ing through a window in the. kitchen SOLD TO PORTLAND MAN meeting by a score of property hold­ the <-ausn of the shooting. and left through the back door. There ers The railroad representatives Mr. Iveraon had been working nt Henry Hansen of Portland has pur­ who have asked for the lowering of j were only a few pennies In the regist­ the new Brattain aehool bulbing a* the ” — Springfield laundry from the grade were not on hand to press '••• mu«« most iwsFt»». ui minify urns ueen chased ---- , »iwm er, sine« of me the money baa been a wali hiiiui) und had com« home an j removed the evening before by the 11 ( Markee and will take possession the case and the protest was received usual at 11 o'clock Munday evening, — August 1 M r Hansen, with his wife and placed on file until their ap­ ’ | roprietors. retiring to hla room for the night. The i and throe children have already pearance was made. The till of the cash register at the «hooting took place at 6 20 Monday The buildings, in which ere night clubs ano cabarets at Boston, j Springfield Creamery was taken, al­ moved Into the rooms next to the are undergoing a most rigid Inspection since the collapse of the It Is understood that the Soother a morning while he w«« alone In hla 'Pickwick Club" there July 4 when 60 dancers err.shed to their _______ _____ . . _ the w grade though it also contained but a few laundry, where they will live Pacific ______ desires to lower room. The bullet entered the akull I death Picture shows firemen removing the body of one of the pennies. made mruugn through ' .... — Entrance was maue Markee plans to be a salesman two feet on M ill street and nearly a behind the right ear. lie waa given ( victims. e the back door which was pried open a8 * ° ° n “ » de(j ,he ment would control their actions. Englea lodge of Davenport and Ute Woodman H a ll Company Bicycles Kept O ff W alks I °. , Ol T ,nn' “ xestaurant on Main street be- Mystic Worker« of the World E W Albert has been chosen to su. The Lane ‘-«n« County ‘ ‘' “ "'X Farmers Union k e n | tween 3rd and 4th streets, W. streets, E An ordinance pronimting prohibiting bicycles Mr Iveraon'« wife realde In Daven­ on ........... r . n < " , w®r® ,a ...... .tween 3rd and to 4th to W. E. n oralnance nicyctea The Farmers Union In ! , J' , Nel’ on "hoe repairing EgtP< for ranch property at Orant, and tricycles from being ridden on the port aa doe« alao two daughter», I.II will bold Its quart -rly meeting t-ee,l W M< l.agiin as chief engineer I(, | ’ 1‘OP M r Nelson left a few cents in Paag EMeg toofe over thg gho j sidewalks in the city were passed by llan Water» and Mia Vera Iveron A Woodman hall «tartlng at IP of the oral Mountain States Power the n n » .- w a s n.»t n n . . .. . ni» cash box. but th e m nion**F wan .w » _ , __« „ is ____ the council. r Provision made only »later Mr». Ada Manwarlng and a Plan. Mr M. Lagan ha. been made «> ur chUdren to a subscriber. The ordinance goes S i A basket luncheon furnished by thn ' worg ‘¿ .s co n e'b y’ “"^noh^oV boW T ' “ ° CCUPy “ “ ,p “ r,ment th® * y e '" ‘ ® * “dJ * 0™ « * The funeral was held at 10 o'clock •will rattialn In BpringflH I. t h e .« « .. m mber. w ive, win , on.-,I,me £ ^ ¿ * ¡ £ 2 - - bn" dl" < } « « o< from one to ton d o n .« Wednesday morning Interrm eut waa Mr. Albert has been with ____ ____ ______ llttle.l Ordinance No. 484, providing for In the Laurel H ill cemetery. Iter. plant for four years, und has been norn meal. Important business Is to 's k lll or forethought. J the grading and graveling ot Eigh­ Child erg conducted the service*. connected with the company Yor a he taken up and President Ralph > ___________ ___ PENCIL PUSHERS PLAY teenth street from Main street to the longer period Mr McLugsn hs« been l-alrd urges a good a ll) ndance. C I V I L S E R V IC E E X A M S GAME CALLED BASEBALL Brattain line was passed on Its fina: The convention convention was was to to have been j M A N Y A T T E N D POW ER CO hlef engine r h»re fop «even ysrs. The have been FOR POST OFFICE FOR reading. ! held |n Ihe Mount Vernon haK. which The combined forces of the Eugene a petition was recleyed for a light P IC N IC A T B R O W N S V IL L E j waa burned down on July 4. but has M IL L AND E L E V A T O R CO. For the purpose of selecting a letter and ^Prtogfleld Booth-Kelly p e n c il^ the corner cf Third and F streets i been changed to Springfield. The grealer part of the local force I carrier and to secure a list of eligible pusherg ,* * re defeated by the Wend and was referred to the fire and water M A K IN G IM P R O V E M E N T S of Mountain Slates Power company j persons la -case a vacancy for c le rk . Iln* «xtists in a five Inning committee. worker», with their families attended I uc ccurs In the Springfield post‘ office g“ me pla>'ed “ 1 'Vendllng Monday To provide shelter for the four H A R R IS B U R G H A N D S LOC­ Numerous petitions for the Ban­ • he employees picnic given by the truck« used by the company a new ALS S H O R T EN D OF SCORE ! the civil service commission an- eveninF- The final score was 11-». croft bonding act to be exercised In company at Brownsville Saturday --------v . iTMrMic«* w ilt «oon bp built near th<*. sidewalks were received, inounceg an examination. Applies-' The first two innings went off in building Swimming, basebrt I, races, a big feed strlngfleld. M ill and Grain company A fu r holding ih t Harrisburg base- lions to take the examinations will be big league style, with no scores made Sidewalk building was reported % go- und la D r a dance provl-ted entertain aheria, Il has been announced. • the third. Spring ! ¡ng aneau ahead in goo good shape with the ex- -------- --------- --------------------- ---------------- T h e ,”“ " *ea,n 10 “ 40 M re f ° r *1« In- xecelved until August 12, by the sec- In “ —.......... - Clayton Barber. ov. . u . ¡mg the fnlt'g»- the Springfield Hpringflelil nine blew up retnsy of the Eleventh Civil Service f*e*d Pltc*ler developed a bad arm and ception of a few inenl fur lh,- crowd, whic h waa made new stricture will be south of the r ,ln* ’ - Ihe nine blew up of employee« and their families main plant, and the work of c le a rn g !81 ,h '- g ru e Sunday and allowed their district, Seattle Washington. The age w’endHng began to score. They con Notice ordering the old house on «from from all all the \Ylllsmette W illamette valley valley plants plnnl« the the sround ground for for It was was started started Tue» Tuea- “P I' nents to win seven runs In the I mils are 18 to 45 years. Minimum ‘ nued in ,hls manner until the fifth, the Bettleheim property removed Springfield people who attended the day. ev h Inning Two more run» made l ay Is »1150 for carrier and »1700 for when ,he Eu»«ne-8prlngfield men got j within thirty days was ordered sent plinlt were. V\. < . Mi-Lagan and | I The company buildings are IVX being by Harrisburg In the eighth - finished or women may take frlght run8 from ,he new Wend ing and If It were not removed within 30 a •« S’ w a e i n gras n y m i l I ’ ! I I ■ pars at ,he ,ocal lllanio,ld on n°xtb 6th office into second class has come er and family. civil service regulation for employees, j Phl1 Bl8hop, catcher: Clayton Barber, .street Vernon Pease, of Lowell, was ar- will mean more — help, pay a and Phchbr; — Edgar Martin, first base; - .................. — —'■"> ■«, better e v iie r pa? n o ------------ “— ------------ — «— « . rested yesterday by deputy sheriffs Springfield's lineup for the Harris It Application for a franchise on coun M ill S ta rt« Tu esd ay force.-Kalph Mart ’n. 8ec second e which wtllP'Urg game was; Carter and Delps j * working ° r k.ng conditions for the local forcer Ka|Ph M art!n- °nd base; W infred and brought to the county Jatl on a ty roads for a ‘ power line Several repair Jobs which bail not Till* third b»8* hftSP : • E. p R. R FndlpA lf left laxFi I —__1___________ we » • w Junction C ltylP itch er; Black, catcher; Thompson The Pflfih ca,h rOFIuloe re«i,,,ex ,aken 'xom aU the . MftV. ,hlrd Endicott, charge of larceny. He Is accused of been finished delayed the opening of lead from Springfield to Junction „ the p resentl"x*t base; Sgyder. second base; CJ ’ -“ "xheonette last night was found : Tom Rambo, center field; D. W. stealing silverware and blankets from than the present J base; Spvder, second base; C. the Booth Kelly ml* I until Tuesday Nt n shorter distance made to the county" Mullgan. short stop; O. Mulligan. ' n° ° n ,oday near ,he railroad switch McKinnon, right field. Darwin Yoran's summer home on the one h«R been n ' T 1" ' . mHr|H\ ’o7!d“ X ,n,’nM o nd 7* <7e'M o 7Z IL n ‘ St«Zs Z w e r Ublrd" ¿ .s e f S h a rm ^ r l « h 7 ™ d ? j ,racks * « * «partments. W illam ette river near Dexter. Pease Cars Purchased— The Black Butte is a youth that has caused the sheriffs ” • ........ "!• • .« » tl'““ ’ “ ' T" ' S X i * •“ “ "¡YO UTH CHARGED W ITH lumber empany of Cottage Grove. M. office trouble before. down A portion of th. wooden c a r-' th'' Iu“ ln Un" nor,h of Springfield»! A. Horn of Cottage Grove, and John rl«r "ear the In c le n lo r was torn “nd 'xosalng the river to the Pacific' Lawson and Hardesty umpired. HAVING ILLICIT LIQUOR L iU U U K •H art bought For(1 trucgg from the ------------------- — gtop at Hotel—J. R. Baker of Port- out by workmen during the shutdown. I h'ih w ay follow along the Prairie road Charged with possession and sell Anderson Motor company this week. ! r , nd and M r and Mrs. E . H Black of and replaced by Iron material, to les-!10 J,,n<',l<>n-dty. Form er Springfield Boy May Di< Lyons purchase«! a touring Bend stopped at the Spong hole? Mon- . ° f Intoxicating liquor WflMam i ! I ' Q larence sen fire dan,;» r. , T h e new line would serve farmers e o W < I A es 4 aw — i a* Z ~v a* -- ■ “ a. _ —. — — x wra w t - 'hs well as cities north of the Spring- No hope» are held for the recovery of Z| koski, a youth on the Vitus ranch Car' ani' Ant° nl° Camp° 8 and E ’ L- day. F. J. Renning of Seattle and J. the little son of Rev. L ilia n Gray. ! near Springfield, was arrested Aion- stew art bought raodsters H. Mathews of Canary were hero Lot Will Be Cleared— In a letter field plant. (former pastor of the Free Methodist day and Is held on »1000 ball. The Tuesday. received by the Flower Knalty com I ! ihureh. In West Springfield, accord- youth's father and mother served S«" . Francisco People Here— M r. L. pany from the Bettelhelm helra. It is FREE DANCE TO FIRST . Ing to friends who have recently sentences in the county Jail two years “ nd Mrs r>av,d Mitchell and Mr. and slated ihat the old house on the corn- Go to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. 30 C O U P L E S S A T U R D A Y received letters from her. Mr. and ago on a similar offense. j Mrs- J M Osburne of San Francisco er of 2nd and Main streets will he R| ey Snodgrass and daughter Max­ Mrs. Gray and their son are now In The trial of the youth has been set spenl Wednes;*By evening visiting at torn down Immediately, and Ihe lot The American L.glpn Dance which Portland, where the boy broke ine left Wednesday morning for Port­ . ..... ; ...... .. " ' 7 " ; «'ortianu. Where the boy broke his i for Saturday bv Justice R W Smith I th® H - J' Mitchell and the Dallas I »■lined up. _____________ be the g lv o n rd Saturday | nle Hg0 out to of in ary lnX night " r « ’ III be 1 '"k HOme "O"'« , time ago. Amputation Amputation of the Zllkoskl wag was arrested arrested durlne during a raid Murphy 1,om®8- T h ®X »xe theix land, where they w ill attend the Elks ho ord,na/X ordinary I" In sever« «eterta ways, waya. ¡whole <>n the farm by deputy j -----... ... ... way home from a trip through Wash­ convention. I- i " "ul of f lhe whole limb was necessary, and the on sheriff Leave for Mod » .to Mr. and Mrs. One of the special offers Is that the wound hss refuged to heHl Mrs ' • P X - eriffs ington and Oregon. Earl L eiley left Wednesday morplng first thirty couple on the floor w lll! o ray's a,|drM(( |* g N 8(xth gtreet Has Major Operation— Mrs. W alter ANOTHER BAND CONCERT for their home In Modesto, California, be admitted free. Special prises will i Portland Rauch underwent a major operation W ill Go to Crater Lsl^e— Mr. and after visiting with Mr. and Mr«. E. he given (he ladles. The largest open ________________ TO BE FRIDAY NIGHT Mrs. W. G. Hughes and fam'Jy will at the Pacific Christian hospital Wed­ J. Lepley for a week. .¡a ir floor in Western Oregon makes The third concert of the Springfield '. T ® ‘“ T 118 morning for B xacation nesday Ships Lum ber East ■ ¡dancing a popular pastime these warm band will he held Friday evening at I ' F P *” Crater Lak®‘ They w,n b® Bicycle Found— A man's blcyefe weather evenings. The Springfield lumber company the corner of Second and Main street t i ’1" ? 1 Med'oxd by Mr. Hughes’ Spend Week at Bandon— Mrs. was found lying In a ditch near town shipped three cars of lumber east according to the announcement o r b” >,h® r ' E- Jk « “k“ ®8- of Sapxamento. Maude Bryan, w lttf her daughter. several nights age by Ihe police. It I* Legion to Meet Wednesday. Band Master J. C. Parker. The pro. I " h° ” ” make tF P Wlth ,hem' Crystal, and Mrs. Grace Roberts are at the city hall and has not been | Tho regular meeting of the Spring spending the week-end at Bandon. claimed. gram will be of an hours’ length. I field post, American Legion, will be Receives Poles -------------------------- ¡held Friday evening at the pavllllon. Tho concerts so far rar have been very r H ,’ ,p r* ® Fr<*™ rrwm Boepburg— noswourg— Mrs. mrs. Olga oiga The ( arbollneum wood preserving j wg | attended and the band has p r o - Hankin of Roseburg, formerly Miss Fined for Passing C ar— T. C. H a ll ,Commander »warts urged “everybody R*tu»n From Coast— Mr. and Mrs paid a »2.50 fine at the city hall Wed- 'out" as there is Important business to company received a carload of poles duced high class music. Everybody Is M II1- a r »'8ldent ° f Springfield, arrived Anthony Saul and daughter returned Wednesday. nesday for passing a street ear while be transacted. Invited to th« open air concerts. ,“‘r“ Wednesday. She —•— - Win Monday f r»n North Bend and Marsh here wept • to It .was unloading passengers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ berry before returning to her home field. Return From Fishing T r lp - D r . W. Qo to North O a k p ta -M r and Mrs Saturday. _ State President Visits— Miss Myrtle Return to Roseburg- Miss Zoe New- James, slate president of the Rebec C. Rebhan. Dr. Ralph Dlppal, J C. I Frank Sharman. accompanied by their Has Operation— Mrs. D. H. Mitchell man of Roeeburg, who visited t h e 'cah lodge was a visitor at the local McMurry and Levi Neet returned 9un Return From Coaat— Mrs. Ralph of Goshen underwent a major opera­ son. Lester, left this morning by auto past week with her aunt, Mrs. Q. H. chapter meeting Monday evening. Miss day from a weeks' fishing trip up the for Bellefleld, North Dakota. They Dlppel, and daughter Patty, Mrs. Levi tion at the Pacific Christian hospital Turner, retnrnod to her home Sunday. ¡James vlatted the Creswell lodge Sgpiih Fork ot the McKenxIe. Neet and Nadine M cMurry returned today. Plan to bo gone about a month. Tuesday evening, and Wednesday she Monday from a week at Bandon Surprise Party Held— Honoring her met with the Eugene group, On W ay to Rainier— Mra. Josephine Mareóla Realdant III— Mrs Gray beach. birthday, relatives and frlenda of M r*. . Rapairing Home— W. O. Hughe« le Poley and daughters Eva and Minnie Landers of Marcóla Is In the Pacific E llia A. Stevens gathered at her home I Leave for Weehlngton— Mr. and having the roof of hla home at 5th stepped Monday evening at the Dallas Christian hospital recovering from a Go to California— Carl Nelson, bar­ Sunday for a surprise party. | Mra. Taylor Needham of Thurtton Murphy home. They are on theta major operation performed Wednes- ber at the Morris slop, left Wednes­ and E streets raised and repaired. ■ | left Wednesday for a motor trip way from their home In^Hshland to Xda day for Sacramento. California, where Leave for Visit— Mrs. Helen Howe through Washington the Rainier National Park. in From W altervlll»— Mrs. J. J. ha w ill be with a barber ehop In a and Miss Helen Revee, teachers In the j _______________ Building Nkw House— R H. Nesbitt department store. Peplot was in town from W alterrill« Ixmg Beach. California high school ] R„ urn, p rom C ra U r Lake-Mr« this morning. Here From W e e tflr-D . K. Mitchell Is building a five-room frame house left today for Portland after visiting i^w rance May returned Tueeday ot W estfir stopped here Friday before on B. street between 8tb and 9th. Hara From Monroe— Mrs Roy at the W. C. Rebhan home several frnm crate r la k e »be has been going on to Portland to the Elks cos The bungalow will be entirely mod­ Emigh visited here Wednesday from Mre Helveraon III— Mrs. Pratt Hole« days. ern there since July 4. vention. Monroe. arson Is 1*1 at her home. ,r