PAGE fight T H F SPRING FfW LD N FW R TH U R SD AY. JU LY 9. 192« WHO WATCHES YOUR WATER? ASKS BOARD To Triangle Lake John A u d e rsuu Painting House Ita le M uw vr« Is paini tug his house at K and 6th street. s p o rt the week end at T ria n g le Lake lorn tel In the rou’ilry. »’«eh household Iv r«tpon«ibh> for Its own water supply ' Almost free? home has Its own »all ' pump or «¡ring It is up te the hotwe-i A Y O V N G t it a n wlk» recently inh erite d a | 1 he closest p trs o a d viso r o f one o f the holder to see that the water Is pure: I mammoth fortune -pcahim; ol w hat his richest men in Am erica recently to ld u that If it is contaminated. it rarely affects frie n d s called his "g ix u l fo rtu n e ,'’ said: his irivnd, w h --e income was over h alf a tu il- mo w than a few people. " I t is not a ll the ‘good fo rtu n e ’ it seems to 1 bou dollars a day. needed no counsel in the Towns and cities supply water to be. W ith it has f e ii. r a sense o f rcspotisihtl ly game o f g e ttii.g . but he eagerly sought help hii 'lrods or thousands of pointe. The th a t w eighs and w . ■ i - i » v s . . h i the game ol g iv in g . T o help men w ith o u t home srhh h g- ts city waterwnpplj M oreover, 1 no longer hold the place among I h u rtin g them w a- the problem w hich perplexed Cannot ftself look after the purity of m y fo rm e r friends that 1 used to hold and him . the water hut must rely on the city w a n t to retain. They envy me. and env\ iso­ ’ ! }o I live fo r m yself o r fo r others,— am I to see that nothing harmful conies lates. 1 cannot associate in the '.»me old way. • illru ’ st c o r eg. tis tie ,—am I merely m y own with it Dnw of the first duties of I f I entertain m y friends m oderately I learn keeper o r am I m y brother's keeper F’— these a c ’ty is to see that the water which th a t I am accused o f being m iserly. I f I en­ ate the p ro b le m ' w hich money forces you to it furnishes its citiaen is not danger- te rta in them lavishly I know they m ust feel lace : and you face them ju s t as stpiarelv w ith our th a t I put them beyond the hope o f recipro­ lo u r hundred a m onth as fo u r m illio n s a m onth. There are three great water borne ca tin g courtesies. I find my money is p u ttin g It is giMtd to feed bread to the hungry, hut diseases, typhoid, dysentary and m y friends to the test quite as much as me it is better to find out w hy they ate w ith o u t cholera In past age«, before atten I am anxious to use my money fo r the good bread, to help them get th e ir ow n bread than Mon was paid to the importance of o f others, not alone for m y good. g ive them yo u r bread. clean water, recurring epidemics of "T hose w ho can share that th ou gh , w ith me I'hc highest p h ila n th ro p y is more than char­ these d iseases decimated cities al and help me in that desire are few M v 'good ity . I he curse of the w o rld is p ove rty. T he I most everywhere. Long before their fo rtu n e ’ has b u ilt a w a ll about me.” great w ar o f the tw e n tie th century is going Infective nature was recognise»!, it ' Money is the insgnia of labor. I t represents to he the w ar against poverty. was found that by providing pure w at­ the investm ent o f brawn and brain, l i e who So long as money represents the product o f er the epidemic could be stopped, and wastes it wants. He w ho squanders it upon labor, the getters and givers o f money w ill that the diseases grew much less or his ow n pleasures and pastimes is forced to hnd th e ir o p p o rtu n ity fo r happiness" o nly even disappeared. The lesson was feel the waste even though his resources be th rough the p rivilege o f e nlarg in g the markets learned; but even now vigilance is so inexhaustible th a t he may never feel the of labor, n g h tlv rew arding labor and g iv in g the price of freedom from disease. pinch. ju s t returns to them w ho invest th e ir brawn Two things must he done by every M a n ’s w o rth is measured by his earnest and brain fo r the good o f th e ir brothers as city providing water. The first la to eagerness to help o the r- w ell as fo r the good o f themselves. pick its source so that, as far as pos­ sible. it shall be free from contami­ Mrs. Mattie lost plain brown coat nation. This means that not only shall must keep its water controlled by- missing the target every t'rne. At last, quite fed up w ith the man's tat Hansens Park. July tlh. L e a v e al the water be pure as a usual thing, regular examinations so that any con­ 41. »16. hut that it must be controlled so that tamination will be shown before it bad firing, the sergeant went across ! Nows office. to him and told him to go and shoot —............. has a chance to do much harm. no f Ith can get into It. A few years A0ENTS WANTED—Full or part It 1« most important that city coun­ himself. ago there was a sharp outbreak of The man disappeared. A few gee- j time to sell lUancke Thermostatic cils realise their responsibilities in typhoid fever In a town whose water w as usually good The water came this matter. Most water supplies are ends later a repodt was h.ard from I Automatic Carburetor Control for the spot where Smith had gone |o . J Ford cars and trucks. GUARAN- from a brook which arose in the h ills not dangerous most of the lime. Whei The sergeant hurried to the spot and TEEO to Increase mileage 5g to 100 It was found that during the winter they are suspicious, however, the per cent Write Immediately for BIG a family living in the hills had had greatest vigilance 1» necessary On. shouted: "Are yon there. Smith?’ "Yes sergeant." came the reply: PROFIT offer to P. (I. Bog 1*1, Ore. unexpected contamination can cause typhoid fever Their wastes had been “I've missed ugaln " Igon City. Oregon. J| 9 frosen on the ground thru the cold an epidemic a fte r ye a rs of safety w eaiher (thus preserving the germs) Will Go to H ospital- Mrs. Bud Clark were washed into the stream with Visiting From Bum s—W M. Suttpn of Oakridge will enter the Mercy the first spring rains. The epidemic i here on a business trip from Burgs. hospital this afternoon for a major o f typtoid in town immediately fol­ Mr Sutton has property interest hefe operation. lowed Here we had a source of water which was usually good, but could CALL AND 8 5 * Dr X. W Eraen SINCE THE WIFE BOOBED HER. eaally be contaminated, and was not ' °n pH'i'« on piau and other work *f h a ir V m getting -to t in k e r . thoroughly watched If th e water A LOT ON JO B S THAT USED TO not entirely pure and certain to re­ BE FIXED WITH A HAtRPWW \ . main so. the city must see that it is purified by filteration. chlorination, a , B combination of the two or some other ' approved methods. Above all, the city -v-w! If we’d count the lady aoloists o f which we’re Iestly proud, there’d be a lot of people that's astonished at the crowd. Of course we learn statistics that we didn’t uato know, when they como in bales and baskets on the fam ily radio. My neighbor— right here by me—-is inclined to make mistak­ es, for he bates the high sopran- ner like St. Patrick hated snak­ es; He says it cracks his ear­ drums when he listens at ’em squeal— which in regards Vo song-birds ain’t the proper way to feel. We hear some fiery language at the female oprv-scores— why, my neighbor jerked his head­ set off, an' throwed it out of doors I Sometimes I argy with him, that a thing which can’t be cured, like the fierce sopranner solo, somehow has to be endur­ ed. If anything can make me grab my sword and want to slay —it’s to hear a blubberin’ Bas­ so strike “The Road to Manda- ,ay,” DANCE F rank and Ernest I I thank you. A modern young man kissed a , beautiful modern girl. “I'll be frank with you,“ the young man said after the mbrace was over. I “You are not the first girl I’ve kissed j by a long shot." She lit a cigarette. "And I’ll be equally frank with yau,” she answered. "You've got a great deal to learn, evn at that" And the Band Played On. Chester—"Who on earth os that homely girl Jacks dancing with?" Jim—"Why, that's my sister." Chester—“She sure can dance." ’ ’ s A w J • I / i í ; to íí ' 8 $500 In Ten Minutes Dick Brew ster hnd a deni on it» M il hit« house A buyer had sought hint o u t hut there was u hitch In (he teriutt o f fin a l settlem ent. D ick was a sm art man but a bit inex­ perienced in »uch transactions He thought over the pro­ position fin a lly deciding he w ould have to sacrifice a b it o f p ro fit to close the deal. Remembering o u r o ffe r to advise custom ers whenever |K>sslhle~ Uh It dropped in to ask o u r Judgement o f his action. "Y o u matte Just 1500 fo r m e." s«id D ick 10 m inutes later ns he le ft o u r hank. We had made a very simple sug­ gestion o f A N O TH E R w ay to finance his sale. It was a sm all detail fo r w hich we charged nothing — Only a part of the same s e rv ii* we o ffe r you wheu you bank here. Commercial State Bank This community has publically called upon The Springfield News to fight its battles in the railroad controversy as well as in other issues. This we are willing and glad to do, but in fighting for you we expect your un­ qualified support. You must be behind us financially as well as morally. B IN D E R T W IN E M O W E R PARTS S E C T IO N S A N D G U A R D S H A Y FORKS ’>« í t e 'n We're Fighting Harvest Needs . . -rrf, EB Hard Luck On the range a party of recruits were firing their first course. The ; seargeant in charge noticed that one i of them, a fellow named Smith, was < . »y* 8 y -— Uncle John ,UL' Every W edn’sd ’y and Every Saturday N ight at the Springfield American Legion Open Air Pavillion Y our Friends w ill all be present “A bout M oney See that your subscriptions are paid well in advance. And see to it too that the men you patronise are advertisers in this paper and are boosters for your interests and this commutity. This is no time to straddle the issue. H A Y CAR R IER S X H A Y ROPE For your vacation see us TENTS AU TO BEDS F O LD IN G C H AIR S COOKING U T E N S ILS G ASO LIN E CAM P STOVES Wright & Son Hardware Paint Furniture ehe j