Classified Advertisements H r ll what you want to a a ll, buy w h a t column*. LO H T PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 'J. 1925 you want to b u y t h r o W r it * or phon* Pair horn rlmtm-d »portaci»* » I r m i » . C all 137 W . li IB. ,- TWO OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST SUM M O NS FOR P U B LIC A T IO N H I E C IR C U IT C O I’ R T OF T H E STATE OF OREGON FO R THE CO U N TY OF LA N E N. E llu l Iry , P la in tiff, IN v*. Jiinma II. Ritchey, mi unm arried man und an Ini niiip nt. :.t pemnti, am. FOR H A L E - Ford M otor a t A. street iE . O Potter. hla guardian; r . r . i . , - a.Hilon. a •. L ? " " ' ! E K »».‘ n ln ttr J » to . E d iiiln la trr, hnr husband; Ma» Hitch- 'L . j Jah n 'J 0 , the world will hang IL F' ' ’nd» on u yapper, if h- a ca the particular line of «Latter that the *ral public liken; but, the ct |nrks t writer on a duaty, rnuaty she. —If he seeks to peddle sophis- triea peculiar to himaelf. We often prate of “liberty” an’ "personal dedre" but the public that we work fer »imply chuck» 'em in the fire, — for, the facta ia, wo are servants from the klver to the bone. — we have no right to persiflate opinion« of our own I To furnish what “the people“ wants is the system that pre- vai't—which 1» probably the crur al test where buddin' genius fails. Let us jog along, eont»nted— there’s a ni e fcr us to ful, God I ts promised to a»«i-t us—and tnere ’t no doubt He will, — But, ev\. Cod ia jealous-like, of Bill or Joo or Jim, if cither fella»- tried the stunt of knowin’ Him! &rief Resume ot Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Portland probably w ill have a ir m all ' aervlce in the near future, follow ing the call tor bids by the postoffice de­ partm ent on eight new routes. Includ­ ing the Loa Angele-t-Seattle route and the Elko, Nevada-Pasco, W ashington service. S. L. Beck is d rilling for artesian w ater on the John Brice place near T u T R A D E H oi.m pro pe rly to trade Boardman. H e recently brought in P. O. Clerk ......... (or Springfield property. the tenth artesian well on the project Miinh.y Ritchey and June Ritchey, h l. H l »DC Ilglhloa from which local i w ,r„ | (],,o rgi. jr Ritchey and Koezella W in Vanity, B«o 7th A L. l*t. The C rate r lake season o fficially ' for W . A. Price with a flow of three appointm ents can 1. mud«. Home- Ritchey hi« w ife ; H attie Ritchey, an - Jl. » gallons per minute a t a depth of 100 opened July 1. Eow unm arried wom an; the unknown helra study InatructloiiN furnished feel. ‘ o f John C. Ritchey, Surah E Cotley S e v n fire * w ere reported In the T il T it APB- I Ionio In Medford (or rout Description free. W rite (1. A. »nd J. M. Coney, her huahand, Susan A new m anufacturing Industry, to Aihlmaa I* O. Cook. 045 Pa. Av«., Washington, II. C. U m a tilla national forest during the H p rlug flvld hollin. A Horn and John It. rn. her hatband, ’ be known as the W estern Paper Con­ Jl 0. past week. Sox 416. the unknown helra of Iiavld Duffc tie Jl. 0 18 verting company w ill probably estab- r.-aaed; the unknown heir» of Etenor The 26th annual convention of the : llsh a factory In Salem, w ith a capl- F «'lt H A I.Id o lt TR AU E ( d i 'up. Iota TOT'lilK CIRCI IT c o l RT OF THE Duff. who»e name 1« sometime» w rit­ Oregon State Pharm aceutical associa­ '■ talizatfon o f 22OO.MO1, and a plant ten Elleanor Duff and whose name 1» S T A T E OR O R K O O fi F' R THE 0 und 10. hik. 2, Valley V iew Add. tion opened In Corvallis Monday. aonietlniea w ritten Ell* nor Duff, and : necessitating the em ploym ent of from COUNTY OF LANE Phon« Eugen» 23 o f w rite 886 W. Theodore Sprague was crushed to who wa» sometime« known aa Ella EE EA M A E W A D D E L L . P U In tlff 150 to 200 persons. Jl. 0 B ill. Ensen«. Duff, dei cii .e d ; and nl»o all oth»r death under a tree in the W else Broth­ VI. Prospects are bright at Hood R iver perwona or pnrtlca unknown claim ing R U S S E L L A. W A P tfE L L , Defendant ers Logging camp at Cottage Grove. lly appointm ent. M A R C E L L IN O any right, title , „»talc, lien or Interest : this season for an apple crop of large M atthew Vance celebrated his 97th In the real estate described In the SUMMONS Cull Mr» C. E Archer. 1 03W size and good quality. T he yield is com plaint herein. birthday June 2M a t the home of his J 2 0. now estimated at 60 per cent of (be To Itimaell A. W addell, d efend ant: Defendant». aaughter, Mrs. M a ry J. Allen a t YEm- 3,000,000-box tonnage of last year. T h e T o Jam *» D. Rltchev, Sarah E IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Stop at H o tel— Among th« guests at blll. ' fru it w ill run considerably larg er in O E O R E G O N , y o u a r e h e re b y r e t i r e d «’ « u e y a n d J. M. C o n e y , h e r h u s b a n d : Ihe Spong hotel Saturday w ere K F Io a p p e a r a n d a n .w e r th e c o m p la in t £ » " • « George Burnette, 45. brakeman on I size than last year. K . 'm l n l . t e r a n d J o h n D oe Hankle of Band. T. I l S leln haur of fll lied .g a l n .t you In the above entitled a log train near K e rry , was killed h ?r ’T m " ? : - e " J ! Output of the 825 industrial estab- Pori Urfurd, K. W . S td n h au aer of court and cause on or before alx ey; Ethel Ford nnd Richard. Roe Ford. when he fell under the wheels of the her htiahand; M unlev Ritchey and , lishments now in operation in Port- week» from the date of the flral publl Swlaahome, Fred Doudy of Bhannon train. j land w ill have a value of 2216.180.000 cation of thia summon«. and If y o u . Jane . Rltchev. hl« w ife: George F ami Eve-re It Doudy o f W altervlU e. fall ao to appear und answer for want ' and Rn«ze||a Ritchey, h l* A t a special election In Eugene tw o in 1925. The annual payroll of these "**’ w ife : llu t t le R itchey; E, II. Neal of Dorena »topped there thereof, the p la in tiff w ill apply to of the measures submitted to the peo­ I concerns w ill aggregate approxim ately Defendant». the Court for the re lie f remanded In Sunday. ple carried and the th ird one resulted I 240.000,000, this amount going to the IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E aald com plaint, lo w lt : for a decree O * ,_ _ » ___ In a tie vote. this c u r t f o r .v r r dissolving th - bonds O R EG O N . You and each of you 30,000 persons employed. required to appear anil Notice of Sale of Real Eatat* O iling of the M t. Hood I-oop high­ of m atrim ony now existing betw een, are hereby .. _ P erry Plym ale, 13, of Bandon, is a the p la in tiff and defendant and rte «»** i ° mP . . . . u „a Notice I* hereby given th a t the way from the M ultnom ah county line erasing that the p la in tiff have tha *<>“ •" 'b e above entitled court and candidate (or a Carnegie medal undersigned adm inistrator of the es­ to a point four miles east of Sandy care and cu.tody of T h o m .. J. R - * " A r b* f° ? life -ta rin g . Young Plym ale was a t tate of Jack Hodman, deceased. will, W addell. Ihe minor child of the plain <*•’ • of *h* f1™' publication of this is completed. hla fath er’s road camp a t H unter's on and a fte r July 1». 1020. under and t iff and defendant, and auch other .„ q Summons. and If you U ll so to appear T he old battleship Oregon, veteran creek, C urry county, and rescued a by virtue of an order of license made fu rth er re lie f a . to the court m a y '» " * « » r , W' M t ‘ b« " by the Judge of the County Court In Went equitable. Including the c o » t*, P l«ln t,ff *111 •P P ,F * ° 'b_ < ourt for We have a larg er variety of home sea eagle of the navy, was turned over mother and her 13-year-old daughter and for Lane County, Oregon, and and dlabureerntM a of th t. null ”• O-manded In .« Id com plaint. made cookies than we have ever had o ffic ia lly to the state of Oregon by the from drowning in the stream which filed June 15th. 1025, aetl at p rlv a t* This .u m m o n . I . publl.hed o n c e l« < > ^ ‘ : F w « deccee of t b l. Co»rt «d- n a ry last week. flows there. aale, for cash In hand, and subject to each week fo r n il suooea.lve w eek. In Jud« ng and decreeing that the plain- before. Eat more of the Springfield The aphis la appearing on field peas confirm ation by aald court, the real the Springfield N e w . by order of the «Iff •« »be w e r t o fee .Rnple of the ilia ke ry 'a Perfection Bread. Jl. 9. M ounting to over 8,500.000 gallons, proparty of aald e a ta t* deacrlbed a* Honorable O F Sklow orlh. Judge or w etnleaa de.crlbedI In the complaint and the vetch crop of Lincoln connty. sales of gasoline In Oregon for M ay, follow *, lowtt; N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G F IN A L aald Court, which order bear* date th« herein, and deacrlbed a* follow *, to- Maggot trouble ia aertoua on cabbage 1925. more than equaled those of June Lot 2 In Section 23 of T o w n 'flip IB , I w it; ACCOUNT and cauRflower. last year, says a statem ent by Secre­ south of range * east of the W iliam - . JY nuhllrstlnn of this '♦um mon. . I T 1 he n* Donation tarnation I.and uana ii s i m o ot f David Latvia ............... ette M eridian. In l-ane County. Oregon j » um m o n. I rU (m N<> Claim s.o(|fl<.atlf tration figures. and the whole thereof, a * against th« Benjam in Green deceased and that — T he te rrito ry served by the Motor Include Oregon, southwestern Waah- d efend ant, and ench n f them, and that all p-:»on« having claims a f a . j o Mild the defendant» have not. nor have e»tat» ,'ie hereby notified to pr-s»nt T ra n s it company of Pendleton has ' ington. southwestern Idaho and north­ w . F. WALKER ern California. Call eith e r of them any right, title or In ­ the san,t properly verified to ad­ been extended by the acquisition of tereat whatsoever la and to the «aid m in istrato r at the office of F ia n k A. stage lines operating between La F U N E R A L O IR E C T O R W hen a perm it fo r a m lllion dollar nremlaoa. ne r » r eaet thereof, and that DePce. the attorney for the e » U t i In SUTTON TRANSFER Grande and W allo w a lake. hotel was issued by the Portland build­ Full Aute Equipm ent the p la in tiff # title In and to »aid prem­ Sprl .Ft'cid. Oregon, on or before efg Paul Nelson. 81, wad killed by a ing d lrision the m onth of June sur­ ises he forever quieted s r«ln «t the mouths from the date of this a o tL e . Phone 57 W . O. W . block claim o f the defendants or eith e r of prem ature explosion while blasting passed all previous records, w ith a listed thia 2nd day of June. 1J25 I them, and that the p la in tiff have such O ffice I ’hoste 6 24 Rea. Phone 624 stumps on the M cM in n v ille M eat com­ total of 1098 perm its calling for con­ W . J. L E P L E Y . A d m inistrator other and fu rth e r re lie f as to the F rank A. DePue, A d m in istrator for pany's new slaughter-house site, two struction totaling more than 24,696,830. ___________________________ J Court may aeem equitable the estate. Rank clearings also w ere higher than miles north of M cM in n ville. This Summons Is published once I _________ J-lS-25-Ju-2 9-16. GEO.. N, M cL E A N M each week for six successive week« In The recent hot wave did not m ater­ for any other June record and 224,- dr n w emery the Springfield New . a weekly news­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Autom obile, F ire and Life ially affect the fru it crop of the Rogue 608.625 over June nt last year. paper of general circulation, published i T h e undersigned M. D. Bissell has dentist IN S U R A N C E riv e r valley and the quality of the val­ Approxim ately 400 sets of license at Springfield. Lane County, Orcgn by been appointed »rim loistrator of the Surety B°nd«.. Phone 6J7 •b tto n Bldg. Phone « 0 4 order of the honorable O F. S kip estate of Leah E Bissell by the Coun­ ley's greatest com m ercial crop, pears, plates were issued by the secretary of My business 'is^jlo protect yw«r Residence Phone 16* ** worth. Judge of the above entitled ty Court nf Lane County, Oregon, and promises to be the best in Its history. state's office at Salem the firs t day business Court, which order hears date the 29th all peraous having claims against »aid Total moneys paid growers of all on which the half yearly license rate I 860 W illa m e tte 8L Eugene.Qregon Springfield, Oregen day of M ay. 192S. and the date of the estate w ill present same duly verified kinds of fru it raised by members of became effective. M any other appli­ flf« t publication of thia Summons Is at the law office of W h itte n Swafford the Hood R iv e r Apple G rowers' asso­ cations have been received, but could June 4th. 1925 315 M A- W . bldg.. Eugene. Oregot,. P O T T E R . F O S T E R A IM M E L . not be filled as the applicants failed Ion or beofe six months from d ale of ciation tn 1924 reached 23,201.895. far A ttorneys fo r P ln lntlff. SHOE REPAIRING in excess of receipts of any form er to include th e ir certificates of title for . firs t publication hereof. VASBY BROS. Resident nnd Post O ffice Address: registration, as is required under the Work Promptly nnd . Dated and firs t published June year. ... Eugene, Oregon. tsth. 1925. Painting & Decorating new law which became effective Carefully Done J. 4-11-1828; Ju. 2 9 1 6 . John M. Jones. Portland postmaster, M D. B IS S E L L . July 1. in all Its branches received word from the postoffice de­ Adm inistrator. JOHN A. NELSON In From W e s tfir— Charles Stark George W a lk e r recently dug up th« I W h itte n Sw afford. A tty. partm ent that 12 additional carriers 312 Main Street spent the 4th hore from W e s tfir. 509 Main Street i J-18-26-J1.-2 9-16. had been authorized for the Portland giant redwood tree which has lain em I office. They w ill start th e ir duties bedded in the sands near E lk creek at IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E S T A T E O F O R EG O N F O R L A N E Cannon Beach for years, i H e worked October 1. COUNTY for tw o days wtth a team and scrapei J. W . B A K E R . P la in tiff, 1 Announcement was made at Albany II VS. ’ Summons for Publication in Foreclosure before he was able to move the tree DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL by the Linn county court that the two S A M U E L M t-M I RDO , Defendant $ of Tax Lien M r. W a lk e r estim ates th a t he ha; bridges crossing the Santiam riv e r at DENTIST taken nearly 23000 w orth o f lum bei Your Home When In To Sam uel M cM urdo the above named d efe n d a n t Cascadia and Canyon creek on the out ot the log and has cut 30 circuiat Phone 43 Santiam road had been torn out aud Springfield In the Name of the State of Oregon: dining room table tops, w orth approx the road closed. You « re hereby notified that J. W . B aker, the holder of C ertificate of De­ Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. im ateiy 275 each. lin q u e n c y numbered 1917 issued on the 16th day of Novem ber, 1920 by the Royal Anne cherries have begun to | T a x Collector of the C-otWty of Lane. State of Oregon, for the amount of 111.62 A fa irly good fru it crop w ill be pro a rriv e at the cannery of the Eugene i the same being the am ount then due and delinquent for taxes for the duced tn Oregon this year w tth Indies J O H N M W IL L IA M S 1 year 1917 together w ith penalty, intereat and costs thereon upon tlie real F ru it Growers’ association, and while tiona of satisfactory prices. T he proa property aseeHRed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, the crop is not heavy this summer. It AAorney for V e t. State Aid Com., pects are for an apple yield about a t WM. G. HUGHES situated in »aid county and state, and p articu larly bounded and described as is expected th a t thero w ill be quits a Soldiers Bonus Loans. large as that of last year und m F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E follow» to-w lt: T he Ea»t 53 1-3 feet of lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 24. Grose' Addition long run on this fru it. L. E. BEAN financial returns to the growers m t j to Eugene, loine County, Oregon. N O T A R Y P U B L IC Another fire in the Premont national You are fu rth e r notified that said J. W . Baker has paid taxes on said Attorn»)- State Land Board. be better than in 1924, inasmuch as , O ffice at premlKM for prior o r subsequent years, w ith the ra te of Interest on said forest, now makes a total of eight In apple production In the oastern states Ptnte School Fund Loan«. FIRST NATIONAL BANK amounts a» follow *: this area lying between Laplne. Fort promises to be less than a year ago Springfield, Oregon WILLIAMS A BEAN i Year's T a x Date I*ald T a x Receipt No. Amount Rate of Rock and Crescent, according to re ­ Oregon w ill also have a good peat ATTORNEYS ports from the Deschutes national for­ Interest crop. I t Is proving an_ off year, how: est headquarters a t Bend. 860 W lllla m e tte St. Eugene, Or«. ever, for th * prune grow er*. I 11.52 12% The remonstrance of 31 patrons was Llconaod to practice In all Court« Nov. 16. 1920 24176 9.93 12% 1918 T he eastern route of the OregoB f 1919 Nov. 16. 1920 23321 10.80 12% sustained and the Southern Pacllfc T ru n k railroad surveys for th * pro of the State, and U nited States. 1920-1-H M ar. 28. 1921 12% Railw ay company Instructed to con­ 4794 5.97 All kinds of gravel for con­ < 1920 2-H Sep. 23. 1921 5.96 12% tinue the m aintenance of ao agent and posed extension of that road from 16732 Rend to K lam ath F alls Is the choice ot 1921-1-H Apr. 4, 1922 12% 6170 6.34 crete or road wor.k. We station at Alpine, In an order of the 1921-2 H Jan. 30. 1923 . 26459 6.90 12% the northern lines In th e ir extensioi make a specialty of crushed 1922-1-H M ay 31. 1923 6 35 12% state public service commission. 15684 program. W . F. T u rn e r, president ol rock and rock sand. Bunk­ * Sep. 27. 1923 1922 2 H 17936 6.48 12% One hundred and ten vessels of an the Oregon T ru n k has announced. Th< ers at foot of Main on Mill ! 1923 l-H JBWEI j BR 6320 Apr. 4. 1924 12% aggregate tonnage of 281.924 entered 6.47 Oregon T ru n k w ill press the applies i 1923-2-H Oct. 1. 1924 6 47 12% street. 18947 Repairing a Specialty j’ 924 Apr. 4. 1925 12% the port of Portland during June. This tion to the interstate commerce com 5011 14.54 HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Springfield, Oregon was a substantial Increase over figures mission to build this easterly line Said Sam uel M cM urdo as the owner of the legal title o fythe r.bove dea­ for May, when 107 vessels of a total which w ill go by the way of Olene crlbed property ns the same appears of record, and- each of the other persons tonnage of 269.256 entered the harbor. Bonasea, La Pine and Crescent. iibove named aro hereby fu rth er notified that J. W . Baker w ill apply to the A slab of bacon fallin g from its C ircu it Court of the County and Stale aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the People of the U nited States art FRANK A. DE PUE R. W. SMITH lien ngalnat the property above described, and mentioned In said certificate. hanging place In the Raker Packing showing g reater Interest In farm land) ATTORNEY AT LAW And you are hereby summoned to appear w ith in sixty days a fte r the firs t company smoker to the fire grate Justice of the peace and of the Pacific northw est this year that publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of Ikld firs t publication, and NOTARY PUBLIC notary public, Insurance defend this action o r pay the amount duo as above shown together w ith costs started a blaze th a t caused damago at any tim e tn the last 10 years. Is th< 8utton Springfield nnd accrued Interest, and in case of your failu re to do so. a decree w ill be estim ated at 2500 and destroyed a statem ent a t Portland of A. B. Sm ith rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and coete against the land and ton of hams and bacon slabs at Raker. passenger tra ffic manager of tht Buldllng Oregon. City Ilall Springfield, Oregon remises «hove named. Opened to tra ffic December 6, 1924. N o rthern Pacific railw ay. He bases This summons ts published by order of the H onorable G. F. Bklpw orth, ludge of the C ircu it Court, of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane, the Columbia In terstate bridge at this upon the fact th a t farm papei ■ « M or-ler was made and dated this 12th dny of M ay. 1925 and the date of Hood R iver, built at a cost of ap­ readers to the number of 19,500 havt Contracting and Buildiiv, the first publication of this snmmons is the l i t h tiny of M ay, 1925 and the proxim ately 2500.000 by the Oregon- noted the advertisements outlining op CLEANING. PRESSING GEO. W. PERKINS ate of the last publication July 16, 1925. AND SEWING W ashington Bridge company, is pay­ portunlties of Oregon and W ashing Corner 5th and D Streets A ll process nnd papers In this proceeding m ay be served upon the under­ ing. the company having forwarded Ion and have sent Inquiries to th« Springflield, Ctrejon Mrs. G. M. Plummer signed residing w ithin the S tate of Oregon nt the nddress h ereafter mentioned. Plans and Estlrr.s'.oo Furnished checks on a fractio nal year's dividend railroad conducting the a d re rtis in i C .N .JO H N S O N , Attorney for P la in tiff. THE MODE Free. Will Help You Finance Room 10 United S ta te * N ational Bank (or 1923. campaign. Between 5th and 6th Address Bank Jildg., Eugene. Oregon. Your Building. , M 14-21-284-4-11-18 25 Ju-2 9 16. ■ kjk» tilt C IV IL , v a 'l unm arried w m niin; E th 'l Ford to h - held s o o n '» ’" 1 ' / ' V ’ '' “ ' h S E R V IC E (or ! B U S IN E S S . . !J I R E C T O R Y j . “The Loop D SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO, D. W . Roof y