PAGE SIX T H E SPRINGFIELD NEW S THURSDAY, JULY lt*25 n atu ral outcom e la boredom. It you MT. STATES WILL TAKE CUS- holders have supplied, has been kept Vl*lt a t Ditto Homo Mr and Mr» H«ra From Oakland Mr. and Mr«. find y ourself b o n d w ith his com pany TOMERS IN PARTNERSHIP *' h,‘ni* »>"* invested in utility plants D elbert Uucknum and tutall aon re­ Kerl latplvy arrived here Sunday before m arriag e you should be w arn ­ . , and d istributing system s. tu r n 'd to th eir home in I’m ilan d S un­ evening from Oaklnnd, t'allfurnla to ed In ttuie. Complete financial p artn ersh ip Mr. B rew er says th at the Mountain day i v e n in , a fte r «pending the week ipi ml a week with Mr. Lepley'a luir­ T h ere a re uyuty te s ts you might with its custom ers Is to be th e slut I'ow’t r company w aited for end with Mr and Mr«. Ururgu Ditto. ent«, Mr., and Mr». Leonard l.epley. TO T H E D O U B T F U L G IR L W H O IS apply to a s c irta ln w hether or not you of the M ountain S tates Pow er c t v u ® ««rlM It» pre- really love him To begin with, of ENG A G E D . . fe red stock to the ett toitters In order you think m ore tenderly of him when ma la bv ’ M B ........ « » ’ lh ' <" >- ,.u b l„ h, d r „ utar he Is aw ay than when he Is w ith you, made b , C M . B rew er vlce p re s ld .n l D ear M t» Flo: and gen era, m anager In the pas, ....... M * r you do not find him rtall.v sy m p ath e­ I am engaged to be m arried to a if dividends ntlsutr has sold Its coupon gold tic and congenial when he Is with i-erlod. k * u ’ W T ’* * ” very fine young man He Is very notes to It. serv ice p atrons but (or over , „ th ' ’ at ............" you. . . . 1 he known as th e Mountain S lates clevtv, and has all th e fine Qualities I. on the o th er hand, you believe « » • no aecur tlea of th ia kind ,.OWl.r s<. , u r„ (t.H Co, h„ ........ th a t a re considered most essential tu m atrim ony Bn, here is my trouble. I •V<’“ r” 4f *“ *’»*•, **’h Ww * h*n U ¡ ^ . , , 1 ' ‘V T ’. »an I B n , of A t P ike’» P eak W hen I am with him any length of “ d *‘° Ub' n ’Ur when ; »«bet rtpUun of the last Issue. The stock s a lts . The securities Com puuy an d w h e re v e r j c n ., >ou Bre aw ay from him . he has a company has now decided to offer Ils »til rta lly set as a departm ent of the tim o he begins to bore me physical fascination only. You do 7*% cum ulative p referred atoek to Power Company. Mr. B rew er being else tourists go know w hether It is my fault o r is. but not love him with a love th a t will u sers of Its service nud thus to adm it President and S C. Palm er Jr.. Man th e fact rem ains th at there a re lim es lasL all who wish to invest to Tull sh are ager. — they find "A. B. A." Cheque« when I am frightened to d eath when What. a re y o u r reactio n s to his holding privileges in the org an isation readily accep ted —by railroads, A fe atu re of the C om pany's cue I think of m arrying hint and spend­ conversation? Can you listen fo rev er I Mountain S ta te s Pow er com pany Is tom er ow nership to llcy which will hotels, and business houses. ing the rest of my life with him. while he tells you how much he lo res of th e m any u tilities supervise I appeal to many 1» the p artial paym ent T hen If he is aw ay from me any you. and how w onderful you a re ? hy the Bylleshy E ngineering and Man The only identification the holder need length of timo I get so lonely for him plan of Investing w hereby subscrip­ You aren 't bored then, a re you? But attem ent C orporation and It Is to the tions may be made at the rate of 88 furnish is hia countersignature on each 1 can 't wait until he retu rn s. Do you when he sw itches th e conversation la tte r o rganisation th at a g re a t deal tn r sh are a month T his t>lan m akes Cheque in the presence of the |>erson to th in k I love him ? Can you tell me to him self, and tells you how wouder- of credit has been given for th e ru e ­ is poss hie for the cOtnpunp to declare of some method by which I m ight d e­ whom it Is presentid. ful H E is. a re you bored ten ? If you teener ow nership m ovem ent through th at anyone who can save a few term in e my real sentim ents for him ? are. you m erely like him. It tak es out the I'n ited S tates. The Bvllesbv dollars a month may become a profit These Cheques are safe because until I don't know w hether to give him up iu»< v i s v of i it. i i , (or iv r a w o m a n i to v people ' v” »mritni lov. - a «tiiu n d i lots woman started iv to nuiKt* m ake sii.Tr» sh a n holders phariu sharing partn er C uw ards of SO-. «t i of th eir electric gas _ custom com pany's eniflove* s a re nl. Isabel. the owner, and unsigned Cheques which about him self erg ten . y ears ago . Now th ey have ready ready Investors In th e organlM tlon. . are lost‘or stolen may be replaced. • Do you w orry about him when It m ore than 70.000 hom e sh areh olders I doubt very much th at you love rains—aud w onder if he will keep his receiving In dividends not ''tu n than th e man—although th e statem m it th a t he possesses all th e fine qnal- feet d ry ? Do you w onder If he is $4.200.000 annually. T hese dividends w orking too h ard ? Then, you love I In st-ad of going Io Investors In far ties so essential In m atrim ony would lead me to think th at you do. Only aim . In your own heart you r e « a r « i‘>ff Places, rem ain In the 850 com people in love believe that of th e ir aim as y o u r own pro p erty —and th ere 'p tu n ltles served by the Bylleshy com chosen m ate. I can 't see how you need be no doubt In you mind about •tries and con trib u te to local pros­ p erity and uphulldirg. Er< n the can love a man who bores you. Pos­ your sen tim en t for him B ut th e acid te st—Ute te s t that capital which th e 70.000 home sh are sibly you adm ire all th e splendid proves beyond doubt th a t you have J qualities he possesses, but th ere Is a fic k td bint fcr your fireside com ­ world of differ, nee bet,weeu ad m ira­ tion and love—although adm iration panion for life—is when you p refer spending a n evening a t hom e with Why Wait Until and liking a re fine su b stitu te* for , th e m an to having him tak e you out Springfield, Oregon love. September? som ew htre. If he bores you my advice to you P erhaps th ese pointers m ay be of is not to m arry him. regardless of Enrol! TODAY ln Steno- WHY IS IT i value to you In reading your own h is fine qualities. Boredosn Is the graphic or Bookkeeping that nine jieople out of ten wear h eart. I'd like to have a piece of the cu rse of m atrim ony. It is why hus­ Department- • down their heels on one side? wedding cake. bands and wives stray from th eir fire- We don’t know ourselves hut EUGENE BUSINESS ®;de— to somebody else s. It is ini- ____ . _ we do know how to straighten COLLEGE possible to picture a happy fireside S T R E E T LIGHTING COSTS those worn down heels so that with a m an and woman who a re so 72 CENTS PER CAPITA they will give better satisfaction 992 WU. St. Eugene, Ore. tired of each o th er th a t they yawn ---------------------------- — for a longer time than when Phone 666 In each o th e r's faces T h e av erag e cost of s tre e t lights in you first bough: the shoes. Give The ideal hom e is th e one In which li>e i'n ite d S ta te s Is about 72 cen ts Us a trial. Our charges arc a husband and wife never talk out— ‘)cr capita, p er ajin u ia. according to reasonable. We are now delivering Ice on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY und o r |f th ey do. th ey find a congeniality I lh ® Oregon Public U tility Inform ation FOR SALE—Cnroon p aper In large ELECTRIC S H O E SH O P «he»ts. 26x3» Inches, su itab le for of spirit which enables them to s i t ' ^ ‘- re’au Main St. Between 3rd A- ith m aking tracings. The N ews Office. FRIDAY. Phone your order early, the afternoon before quietly w ithout saying a word—con { In t*1® cities of the U nited S tates te n t to be |n each o th e r's company. ! * 1(h • population of 5.000 to 10,000 and keep cool. Tho G rst th in g a g irl should a s­ t h « av erag e stre e t lighting charge per ce rta in about a prospetive husband capita, p er annum , is about 85 c e n ts ; j is Just how she reacts to an unlim ited from 10.000 to 20.000 population. 88 am ount of his society, and just what cen ts; 20.000 to 50.000. 79 ce n ts; and so rt of a line of conversation THEY from 50.000 to 100.000. 6» cents. The a re able to carry . He may be able av erage for the nation is about 72' HOLVERSON BROS. to hold a w onderful line of conversa­ cents. WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 605 Main Street Phone SO tion—w ith som tbody else—and so might she. hut if they have nothing I CALL AND SE E Dr N. W E nter»! of interest to say to each other, th e ) pH . - t M. ,„ d other* - r « f | In Confidence By Flo First National BanR IC E D E L IV E R Y S A N ITA R Y M A R K E T You’ll Have To Hurry We thought we had enough of these useful little book coin banks to last for a long time. But we didn't realize how many people would take advantage of our new "easy way" plan to open a savings account. The little banks are being given out rapidly. Better get yours today, or you may be too late. One dollar, or more, is all you need to open a savings account. We make no charge for the book coin bank. The spare change you put in It will quickly give you a substantial bank account. McCormick and Deering Binders and Binder Twine S. O. S. Implement and Hardware Co. 73 West 9th Ave., Eugene. Oregon SCHEPP'S COMEY » A hodge podge of bow wowisms and Monkey shines, featuring The Mon key Nut Cracker ARDELL BROTHERS Kings of the Kings ROYAL VENETIAN FIVE A Venetian Musical .Melange The First LEW HAWKINS The Chesterfield of Min­ strelsy In National Bank LEO & VIOLA DOHERTY in OF EUGENE If You CIRCUS are thinking of Installing a pressure water system In your suburban home. Investigate »THE PAUL" before making your purchase. Made in small and large sized, for shallow and deep wells, motor or engine driven. Mack Electric and Specialty Co. 80 West Seventh Street Eugene. Oregon ■ 1 ■ ‘ Much Ado About N othing' /'Marriage and Insurance” A Good r Oil-Gookstovc - a “City-Easy” Solution! V isit th e O reg o n StateFah Salem , Sept. 28-O ct. 3 G o by tra in . P.ide c o m fo rta b ly ; arrive safely and free to enjoy th is gala event A v o id crow d ­ ed highways and p a rk in g d iifitu itie a . Lotu Roundtrip Fares w ill make yo u r tr ip su rp risin g ly inexpensive. Come in and get our prices on Paints and Oils We do Painting and Kalso- mining on contract or by the day For full information, ask agent » tiÆ Ä s Vasby Bros. Southern PacificLines CARL OLSON, A gent 321 Main Street J ' W O U realize how “city easy” your kitchen-w ork can be '•> '*hen you me a good oil cook- •' MTific stove. No mmsy fires to tend— simple, n< I'.clc- s, i.//7 t /wE Nto I Änd the fuel problem— presenting the carrying o f wood, coal and ashes— is solved—ju s t be sure you ask fo r " I ’tftrl O il” by a.tmr. T h a t’ s the high- grade kerosene the Standard O il Com­ pany refines and rc-rcfini-, so it burns no smoke, no od o r;— nothing but intense flame that’s a tl heat! Make your oil-cook.stove as effi­ cient and economical an i; should be->- use Pearl O il. O rder by the name that's copyrighted for ju u r protection — always say—“ P E A R L O I L ” . STANDARD O IL CO M PANY (Cak/crris) PEARL O IL (KEROSENE) i