PAGE FIVE TH E SPRINOrnBLD NEWS T lirn S D A Y , JULY 9. 192ft Go Up McKenxio— Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Male left Tuseriay evening for | a trip up 'he MrKenxie. vlvsd by Ms wife, five daughtwrs s u l tf-rao sons. kk J Mr* Roy Davis, Vu» ta uy Davis, Mr. ai:*t Mr« WII iitlltqa of Centralis, Washing ' ent« t<> California, crimp) <1 ut i of Mr und Mr K. J Ena I hi ■ok < I id. Spend 4th 00 PER CENT OF FIR WILLS RESUME CUTTING! Il * * .. r Get Blackberries— Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wyman went, to Lowell Wednes­ day. wrier they got eight gallons of ' ‘ * * * * v. ** » ~ W-M * • * * •♦• » at Newport— Mr. and lr-> M. M. Male and daughter Grace pent the w ek -en d at Newport. They sterned 'Sunday evening. Holiday Shutdown I t Brlof Thia Year, Many Logging Camps S till Closed i Jasper Man Here—F F. Hills was town from Jespt-r Wednesday. r, rid, J u ly 8. fSpoclol)- -P o l To Bandon—Mrs. Trilli« and baby lowing th e’ briefest Fourth of July left Wednesday for Bandon to spend ahutdown in three year*. 80 per cent »f fir sawmills on the west coast re sumed cutting Monday morning, ae- From Out of T ow n- Ja me Hart of cordlng to telegraphic reports from R M- la F o l l e t t e W altervllle spent W ednesday In the va rotis districts received al 41. Springfield. headquarters here today. The la» , Head „r ,h e progressive wing In 1 Hert Frcm Tur"er~ 1>r Mrs. J. turnover waa one of the sm allest ex­ Ra"’ ° n of Turn‘>J’ reSli,,prp,i « perienced In yefces. Logging. however th - senate for many years, now laid " the Spoag hotel Wednesday. Is comparatively Inactive, the reports to rest. Party leader »re wondering show, and not more than fiO per cent what will berbme of the progrehnive . m ovem ent w ith th dropping of La- Portlin<1 v i»lto'’ H e r e -E ffie Me- of fir canipa are operating. Follette out of the ranks. G<’Vfcrn vl’ ,ted here fronI Except for two plants all pine saw ­ Wednesday. m ills of the inland Empire are again cutting and a large majority of them I were closed only Saturday and Sun-| day Several wood» operations In the j pine country are reported temporarily ' closed Reports from the various dint- ' n» TU» «*<* fila HUsraWnUtAsr r«W riots follows: Portland—Fewer men* are looking The place V iew , nt the new three ryUnder Southern Pacific type Incnmotbe which Nonthern Pacific Company b placing la for work in Portland than at any tim e' to buy them mountain w n lc e . T hl. I. the numi powerful »Inale unit lorom nthr hullL tu li length » h » of the tocom otl.e this year. Only one Portland saw ! Is shown at the top. Lowest left Retail showing Ihr (lie driving wheels on one side anil (he feed water heater. mill that was operating before the I Lower right Front »lew .how hig the three cylinders, one on each .Ide and one lu the middle. Fourth Is still closed and It will re­ "They are the moat modern dovel- i of one. The locomotives weigh sume cutting Tuesday. Logging along r e g o n shippers and travelers oproent In locomotive construction and 682.400 pounds and have a tractive have the world'» most power­ are good evidence of Southern Pacific ! power of 88.530 pounds, or weigh the Columbia is at a low point and i loggers art» generally employed in i ful single unit freight and efforts to develop and Improve It. 115.58 pound, per one horsepower passenger locomotive at their other industries. facilities to keep p ec. with the prog Their hauling capacity Is one-fourth service. Aberdaan—Five logging camps re- resa of this Western country." J. H. j more at a speed of 25 miles per hour The flret of elxteen new thrae- per cent grade than that of opened today and two or three others a cyltnder Southern Pacific type loco­ Oyer, general mauager, aald In com I on the most powerful locomotive hereto­ wit] rtsom e next week. Four out of 1 m otive. have Just reached the Pa­ menttng on the new titans of ’fee fore In use by the company. rails "The West requires the bc»st of 18 sawmills on Grays Harbor are cific Coast and are being placed lu $20.00 RANGE .......................................... The locomotives are 101 feet 1 Inch down fftr repairs but will reopen very | heavy freight and pae.enger .ervlce transportation, for Its products move . $35.00 DAVENPORT BED, LIKE NEW In length anil 18 feel 3 Inches In many miles to market. The new loco­ by Southern Pacific Company In the soon No unemployment of any kind height. They have a 4-10-2 wheel ar­ $133.50 $185.00 NEW RANGE .................. Hl.klyou aud Sierra-Nevada moun­ motives represent our ityislre to take advantage of every worthwhile Im­ rangement and a total wheel base of In 'his district. County and cltv work tains 87 feet 2 ’4 Inches Each of the driv­ above avxerage of past two years. Th« locom otive, a r. of a distinctly provement In railroad Industry." ing wheels Is 83*4 inches In diameter. The ou'stsndm g feature of the new Tacoma—Nearly all sawm ills In Ta new type, developed by the American The tender has a capacity of 12.000 con a and vicinity are opera inq after Only $23.50 laico m o tlv e C om pany In c o -operation locomotives Is the third cylinder, $150.00 Phonograph, Cabinet Size gallons of water and 4.400 gallons of IkCbritf holiday. Little -ton rife in with Southern Pacific's mechunlcal placed inside of the main frames and ................... $1.65 Suitcases ............................................. fuel oil. experta Everyone has something of slightly above and between the two crews is reported. Other that. r. small $2 00 and up BEDS, ,..................... ................ In addition to the sixteen three- the »mall hoy'» Intere.t lu locomotives outside cylinders The adding of the rurplus of common labor tnv.-» ar-- n-> at Bargain Pricsa LINOLEUMS ..................................... cylinder li>. rnuo'Jvps. the Southern third cylinder has an effect similar to and wherever the now locomotives unemployed here. M jst logging have been seen they have attracted that obtained by increasing the num­ Pacific Is further increasing Its mo­ U Upr still do v t tive power by building in its own ber of cylinders in an automobile en­ unusual lutereet. both from the pub­ shops eighteen 4-8-2 mountain type (rattle— T w -aty per cent of Pugrt lic and railroad employ«« on account gine from four to six In addition to providing Increased locom otives to be used in Its trans­ Found logging camps resumed logging of th e l/ .lae, power and design. The new locomotives will all he In power aud economy In use of steam, continental passenger traffic. These to lay and several other companies service before the peak truffle move­ the third cylinder will distribute the locomotives have been making through have announced intention of putting stresses on two driving axles Instead runs of 816 miles. ment in the fall. on fallens a n l huckers immediately General resumption of logging is still uncertain, however. It is yeported. week w l'h en'herlng In both ears. principally because of log freight Mr. an t Mrs. Will Carr and grand­ By Special rates Practically all sawm ills on the daughter Marlon of Portland are at Corresoondents Sound are again cutting after a I'l-m ant Kill on burin ss connected brief hoBd.iy. There are scarcely any with Mr Carrs' property across front unemployed men In Seattle. ('. I W illiams randi. They report Spokane — Nenrlv all »-amps and that lam Iso Fleming, who Is staving THURSTON NOTES UPPER WILLAMETTE sawmills are operating today. There with them at Portland for n f w wei k-- Is .-.ttciiding the C. E. t-onven Is aonic .«.tirplus o f oaromon labor here Wheat harvest is Just being Enjoy 4th at Grove tlon there. Miss Margaret Russell Is spending Miss Fern Enitry has secured em­ tarted with plenty of men in all lo­ this wci k al Mi Ki nxle Bridge as the Many farmers and fam ilies of Enter- calities. guest of Mildred 1'rlce. pr xe and Pleasant Hill spent the ployment In Eugene. Anda Calvert from Junction City fo u rth In the grove on the Circle Rev. W A. Elkins and Ms class of Add new areas of light and spent Saturday night with his sister, ranch where a neighborhood picnic boys look their <1 utters Into the down M rs. Ray Baugh Is held annually. Those present were: w on 's Sunday July 5th for natude Mi s»ers Ilarvey and Meryl Hanen Mr. and Mrs John Palmer and 6 study. delivers touches of color to your living from G lenala spent the fourth with children. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beaver Many friends and relative« attend ; any lamp ed the funeral of W. E. Winfrey Sun- 1 friends at Thurston and two children Mrs. Rose Beaver during this Miss Eater McPherson from Spring- and daughter Miss Hallie Mr and day afternoon at the Pleasant Hilt room. Sale. fb^ld spent severaj dajyw the past Mrs. George Lord and son. Mrs Floyd Christian church. Rev. F. Hornshuk Balance in week with relative here. Lord and two children. Mr. and Mrs conducted the services. .Mr. Win­ Easy Papments Fred Russell and family, Mr. and Harris, Mr and Mrs. Reinhart, Mr. frey moved to Pleasant Hill from L an-1 He passed away Mrs. Walter Platt and sons and John and Mrs. W. L. Bristow. Mr. and Mrs dux a year ago Kilmlston and family spent the fourth C. F. Hyde, Mr an,I Mrs. Andy Olson Saturday morning. July 4. H e Is sur- of July at the Belknap Springs snd four children, Mr snd Mrs. C. E. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shnugh Mr. and Jordon and six children. Mr and Mrs. Mrs. John 1’rlce and Mrs Rosa Baugh­ E B. Tinker and two children, Mr. man, motored to Newport and spent ami Mrs. Bert John. Cora Floyd, Rov the fourth, John. Mr and Mrs. M ofnlngslsr and Shades in new and varied shapes. In all the tones of C TDQ yUtniOT C TK D Friends of Miss Alla Joos who form daughter Mildred, Mr and Mrs. Wilt erly lived her, have received word Carr and Marlon of Multnomah. Mrs. rose, blue and toupe. that she Is critically III In a hospital Frank Storcr and two sons of Port­ Lamp standards in mahogany finish, and polychrome Haa In Portland. effects. Pull chain sockets, dords and tassells. land. Mr and Mrs 1 F Circle and Assembled Jack Harbert and Lawrence Baxter son Taylor. Lester Circle of Cush­ A real “buy" at this price have gone to McKenzie Bridge where man, Wilbur Circle of Florence. Roy- f o r Yea they are employed as fire wardens. Watkins. Percy Wixxlard of Clover­ Vernon Hanson arrived Thursday dale. from Washington. He snd Mrs. Han­ Mr snd Mrs. JesRp Phelps and two son motored to Marshfield Friday to chlldron spent the fourth at the coast. spend the Fourth with his sister, Mr snd Mrs, Morton Bristow and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Beaman and daughter motored to Triangle Imke Shades^ and standards to match above. Weighty*! son, Billy, from Verona aro visiting Friday night to spend the week-end. bases to avoid tipping. Silk cords on pull chain sockets. Mrs. Beaman's mother. Mrs. Besttlah Mr. and Mrs It. J. English spent Harbert. Select yours early this week. . _■ the fourth at Riverside park. Loren E'lmlston. who attends busl- Mr. and Mrs C. F Hyde of Pleastmt nels college In Eugene Is spending this week's vacation with hlme folks Htll, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kinney and A. B. Mathews Is running his hay two children of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Pleasing assortment of new shades in glazed line L'-Roy Woods and Ron of Oklnhoma haler now. and Mrs. U. I). Hyde of Eugene picnic, and sateen. Hand decorated in the latest shapes and ed at Riverside Park July 4 colors. Values $19.50 to $31.75, Dr. 8. Ralph DlppM. Dentist, Vitus The Endeavor Society of Pleasant building, Springfield, Oregon. An antiseptic lotion which has lllll held a social at Woodman Hall With any of the glazed shades selected this had extensive use and given the Thursday night, July 2. Anewer to I « * week’« putito. most satisfactory results—easi­ week you may hove your choice of any Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hays, Mr. and ly applied. Try it as a relief for $9.50 lamp standard In our stock. Mrs. Allan Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs heat rash, sunburn, wlndburn, T. F. Kahler and two sons. Donald Use Your Credit and Ivy or Oak poisoning. We Charge No Interest and Gerald, Miss Lets and Gladys Wheels!" and Mrs. Mary Harden are attending the C. E. convention in Portland O rin Gllli.t fytrtnrr Instructor at Union high school No.n 1 has a posi­ tion i l l the Terminal H o ld In Salem. Mrs W. L. B rlsto a- re c e n tly p u rc h a s ­ 771» ^CXCtgfc Drat ed one hundred :t months old pullets JL E A S 1 N IN T H A N D O A K from Salem. The tonnll' at son of Mr. a r d Mrs. Emery has been quite sick the pits' GATES TIRES Springfield Garage O REAL bargains Easy Terms Community News SALE $1 STOP THAT ITCH .OtìMEC# Handsome Display of Caused by Moth or Ivy Poisoning and Sunburn GYPSY CREAM Will Give You Quick Relief Stylish Spring and Summer Wear for each and every member of the family! \ Bridge Floor Lamps Complete - - $10.85 Parchment Shades FREE FLANERY’S Drug Store f t buy where savings are g r e a te s t Junior Floor Lamps Complete - - $12.95 W ETHERBEE - PO W ER S