TH U R S HA Y, JU LY ». 1»26 T H E SP R IN G FIE LD NEW S ?AOK FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANS COUNTY UNIT ixO. 14 Local R eporter» J I. N orthup • C anary .. Ray Rower • C en tral , .... Mr*. I.. J G .tch ell »'Inveníalo . • Coast Fork Mr*. tie«. K cbclbcck • Creswell Mrs. M Ite m _ Mrs. A«ia J-lining* • Dorena New B uilding Just About Com ­ • Hervta ...... Mr», R. D akar Mrs. M. Gillespie p e ted consumed July 4th • Kaillevvillel M orning; , Believed Set M i- * Jasptr Mr*. Grace J«n * Mr*, c M Koster M iKcnxIv Mrs Law rence Miltcaln Mt v.-rnon Mrs V. A Reynold- Silk Cr» ek Bulah smith T ren t ____ f n T inker Mr», w . K Post V!d* .......... ,• Lorane lic io u s ly . F ire, believed to have been Incendi­ a ry . destroyed th e new F a n n e rs l'n- len hall three m iles east of town about 3: Friday m orning. N eighbors liv­ ing n ear ihe building d eclare they saw a c a r speeding from th ere dow r highw ay ju s t a* th« building hu rst into flam es A five-gallon oil can was found a t th e building. T he building, w ork on which was being rushed for a celebration th ere S aturd ay evening, was not y et com- pleted. K itchen equipm ent. a piano and o th er fu rnishings which had been purchased by th e U nion w ere entirely destroyed T he loss is estim ated over >4.000 with only about half the value covered with insurance • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mt. Vernon Hall Fine Example of Co-operative Union Effort As an in sp ira tio n to e ther K arin K iiln n ix x v ltt w hich are planning on bu ild in g home*. (he e d itor asked the women o f Mt. Vernon loeal several weeks ago io w rite a sto ry o f the u n io n ’ • a c tiv ity iii building its fine new ball. T lie story was w ritte n by • \ ' ,\. Keynolds. but before being published I lie hall burned • down apparen tly the w ork o f a tire bug. Nevertheless th»1 • . a c r i i i c c and w ork done liy ill»' w o n t e i i o f tin- Mt. Vernon local ui • , ajsj ng t |„, m oney and the men in donating th e ir tim e and labor • gQjnjg aa ,, m onum ent to what a fanners union local can tie-1 • tcoIul)Ush w ith itH members w o rkin g together cooperatively. The ;GM. PIERCE DECRIE ú c s t f a s s s :] RICH SUTE TAXES OFFICRHS OF LANE COUNTY • FARMER S UNION Ralph • Will Whee • dent B .tty R appaul, Cottay» G row , ’ Governor, Seymour Jones and GommiKsioner Levins Spoak. N. A Moin. C o ttay . Qrov», O oorK*j • K .e p .r • ! tre nt Joint Meeting of F arm ­ M. C. Jackson, W a lt.rv lll., Con- • I ers Union and Grange- ♦ »»«.-Trass, * ductor, * O. L. C l.m ent, » I Chaplain. p“ ’,’r huv"** " ,ul' * u ‘’ • • Oregon pays the highest per capita tax of any sta te In the union Guvernflt W all, r M 1‘leice told ilic Joint meet- T his ntmle of selling, npdertuken in ilng of Farm er» Union md '.lu n g , as tors follow s; . a lim ited way al first, will grow with ►inl.led at th« U resw -ll | a id.- July I. A little m ore th an a year ago the T hen th is spring our savings ||e aa| j heavy bonded Indebted- seem ed a d -q u u l" to begin operations, experience, • • Mt. V ernon Local of T he F»tm«-r* MT. VERNON LOCAL - - It:. »a has been saddled on ill- people so lum ber wus purchased, gravel. • I Union d fcld ed .they needed larger sand etr. bought and hauled In. A • • • • • bu.'ofe In- «410« In office aud de, lur» d q u arters for th eir m eetings. ca rp e n te r hired and our moat fulthfu' C LO VER D ALE LOCAL that It wus hi» chief purpose io reduce T he Mt. V ernon Local met W ednss- Funds w ere scarce and th e m em bers men m em bers donated much tim e and taxes Seym our Jo n i» . ,'nrmei sp eak ­ day. July 1. for th e first and last bus! tli<» children. Mr «ml and Mrs p ra rtlc rd H - declared . . . organised th e lasdles Auxiliary with a re still selling quilts, giving dances. IHellers. Mr ami Mrs Kull and How ,h " M em bers of th e union d esire to re- Mrs. A. B Serfllng. Mr*. R. M M l ____ ____ t ___ Kull, Mr and Mr». M. ‘h* •>•«•“* '» * •» «ihequal and fourteen m em ber*, and elected Mrs. and will continue to work till the hall a r «> »"•' build a t once but th is will be decided ler and son C harles, of Eugene, visited Thelm a and Nina M. Peck. «»plalne«l his proposed rem edy In tb.r Ralph l-atnl for P resid ent. and llaxel Is com pleted. furnished and alt paid . *» Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds on T hura a fte r a m eeting is held. Monroe Hill, Geo. Hill. Mr». C arl Ittrux««. Inheritance and tim ber tax. Tryon, secretary. T his auxiliary met for -f last week. They bought a new piano, and ex ’•'•’«hart, Mra L. J G elrhell, Flor- P rohibition agent Levin» (praised once each month, usually th>- fourth . W ednesday and worked all d a ' , pieced poet to put on some plays and o th er ,'l,<’*» Lynn and M arguerltta Get. hell, Ihe law pass- d by tho |a»t leglalaturn NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT K oherts and children lengthening the minim um sentence , quilts and sold them, quilted for uthe> form s of en tertain m en ts In due tim e Mr t‘" ’1 Mri‘ T R E N T LOCAL H*»*y Lower. for bootlegging He asked that every N itice is hereby given th at Fannie people, gave basket socials, a fancy The approxim ate coat of the hall 1» M cDermott. A d m inistratrix of the som ething over >3.000 The days program wua w. II a r " " ,M “ cltlx» n of the United Htate« * work b azaar and old tim e dance- esta te of W. T. M cDermott, deceased, ------------ rant,Ml and It waa an appreciative hp,l‘ "» *“ * • b* "»1" “ h l* Kvery cent th at could be saved was h a s filed h er Final Account in th e Feeling ran very high am ong mem lo ite r—O ur beautiful new hall Is as audience that gather»-.I under th e ,n w hatever way poaalble to m a tte r of th e adm in istratio n of said of , he T re n , when , hey ^turned into th e treasu ry , then soon esta te in th e C ount Court of I-ane . . . . . . .. . „ as they had enough saved they p u r-¡it was about two m onths ago )u»t a -hade of the Maple tr ie s af the I'lllMlI curb the m aking and selling of hoot» Countv. Oregon, and th at Saturday, learned of th e burning of the new hall v liquor Ho gave citations of dif­ [chased tw o acres 2 m iles east of ) foundation~ most ev< ryone knows ere grounds August Sth 1925. at 10 oclock In th e belonging to Mt. Vernon local at . feren t Irtvestlgationa he hail mado forenoon of said day a t th e Coon Springiield JUIv 4. The m em bers I o Springfield on the McKer.gie high thia that It waa burned down S .lu r T h« »t'eaker» of the day w ire: 11''» proving w’hal She prohibition laws •art room in th e C o u rt. R„on „ „ |n touch with each «»her and T ut-k.r of Albany. AotMtsaor Den had done, line of which wa« when H ouse in E u ren e, ta.n e t ounty • ------------------------ w»ny, S t a t e I rohlhlHnti Agent Lev- over five thousand people w -r« gath- O regon, h as been fixed as th e agreed to offer them selves for o n e ' tim e and place bv said Court for day's labor for th e rebuilding of the | lu». Seym our Jo n -s. R epresentative „red at on- tine It, o r., of R a i. me H A D LE Y V ILL E LOCAL COAST FORK LOCAL th e h e a tin g o f objections to sahl ^aj| In 1917 and Speaker of the House In . tty parks he had wandt retl am ong F inal Account an 1 The I-adle, A uxiliary will m eet a- 1919. ami Gov W aller M P ierre I horn and not once did he m u le , , esta te . And any and all objections to said Account and the final settle, th e home of Mrs. Je sse Ph.-lps Wed | S everal selection w ere played by ' h i t t e r o n any m an's hr ath. Coast P ork L oral m et on last Thurs- T he Itadleyvllle Local met last ro en t of said e state m ust be filed ne»day afternoon July 15. "C ountry K 'd s" o rch estra from Seym our J o in s praised th.» a r g il- day with a good atten d an ce. P re s l-, T hursday for the regular social meet- t h e ■with th e Clerk of said Court on or b e - ______________ rnenta set forth in the >p< ■-< h of tho dent T runnell In th e ch air. ing T h ere w ere not many out on at-. W alker for* said d ate of h e a rira D ate of first publication July 9th i . ... _._i.n i „ prohibition ugettt an I aahl that in The organixatlon plan was dlscnssed rn u n t of the busy tim e, but thos»» CANARY LOCAL 189 1925 SUMMONS ,1917 when he was rep resentative, he and adopted. I'la * w ere th ere had a good time. F annie M c D erm ott . ! IN THE C IK Cl’IT COURT OF T H E h a il t h e p le a s u r e til voting for tint A dm inistratrix. * * * ------- - * * * A rosolut on of th an k s and apprecla All enjoyed th e refreshm » nta. STA TE OF OREGON FOR bone dry law lie s a il that as S peak­ J 9-16-23-30-A. 6 W ork on th e Fiddle Creek road I s 'tlo n to th e Building C om lttee was nn‘* " r* A. Rtmonaen and to n s | LANE COUNTY e r o f th1 ni- n In th e whole hl«tory of our • T!l" r I I Oi I i i b l l i -„tin,i of th,» sii'ii*r<>ns herein, nation, • co°* a n '1 at H ester s grove. Both [ l and report a m ost en tertain in g pro- *” n n’ ln atten d an ce Next Pnndav th ere week-end T his Niinvtnons 'a published hv order * - To R»rfha F letcher. D efendant ntiov. of th»- H onorable 0 F Rklr-worth.l _ . . . • he « devotional service a fte r th e Mrs S tephen H aley, who form erly named YOU A ltF IIFHFRY H FO I’IIIFO >“•'«- <* lh* above e n tlt'e d Court d u l» 1 Th” «re heavy lim e • Sunday school Mrs Phelps l-a d e r resided In th is d .strict. Is vialtlng her ), rn(>(ir an *, o ,p’ rornplalnt *”*'•" “ • chnm brra on Ihe 9lli day of feeders. A tw o top crop of O regon • Sunday school m eets at 10 a m many friends J filed n tn ln st you In the above .o J " ' v ,M r’- rw inlrlng th at von a n m a r clover used about IfiO pounds of llnxi- • You a re oordlally Invited to attend. M t and Mrs Albert Vaughn from titled Court on or before six weeks J " ’1 com plaint on of he „tone In It» grow th. Mmall grains. • S traw b erry h a rv e s t h as been on Algonia visited fw ith the Johyi M urry's ' from the dale of the first pubHcetton u ”* " ’ w ,e b " fr,,,n ,h *‘ 4s*» of th» o f th is S u m m o n » a n d I f v o u f a ll .o P " h " '« 'l« n h e re o f whl, h «aid much lea. limo • R,Bce ,h e f l t , t of M ar- an d con- , ha iv ,„rth °f •’,,M Summ ons, nnd If you fall » c ” ... app ___________ ___ u»t* to ear snd an sw er . . said com olii'i't of first publication 1» July 9. ,l>un '"gum e because th ere uro no • ,ln u e ,n *om,! flelig •’’rough July nodules ami bacteria In th eir roots, Mrs. M yrtle W right and fath e r of for w ant thereof, tho nlulntlff will 192.5 ---------------------------------------------- C. N. JOHNSON. liming 1» recom m ended hy the experi­ Bellingham W ashington visited brief- applv to the Court for the relief de A ttorney for ” la ,ntlff. • I m anded Ip gri'd ro m p 'sln t »o-adl; Shipm ent of 0 » t . R e celv ed -A c a r - i, wRh M„ r „ M urry and , on m ent station only on soils that aro ¡for a decree of this Court forever R esidence snd Post Office A ddress. I acid o r known to need lime. » load of oats arriv ed h ere W ednesday : ____________________ Eugene, Oregon. dissolving th e bonds of matrlmon»- • for M orrison and Cllngan, grocers ami J. 9 1« 23 30 A. « 13 20 ' r o v existing betw een nlulntlff and de. H omemade Fly Spray Good • grain d ealers. ¡SPECIAL PRICE on plate work Dr. | fendant. anil for «uch o th er nnd furlh- • ------------------------ i er rel'e f as to the Court may seem N W Emery, dentist Button Bldg. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ You, C o n ,,» ,,(io n ttt4 4 t. A good hom em ade spray for flies on ' pqlI„ s (l,„ M arcola— Mr. and Glairy c a ttle have been requested so* TM« Sum m ons Is published once “ SENATE” « Baby Rorn a t • Books on Isditlcal science tell Mrs. O W W heeler are tho parent* , frequently from Ihe college d airy de- >a< h week for »lx siicceslve weeks In [ - us the senate Is s leglslstlv« . I of an eight pound baby boy born Tuee p artm en t by Oregon dairym en that Springfield News by rirder of the 1 1 H onorable O. F Sklpw orth. Judge of [ body rompo«««] of two hensaa i Roy C. Jo n es offers the following said Court, which o rd er bears dnte • day evening a t Marcóla - The word “senate" Is derived K reso dip. 1 gallon; neutral oil. 3 , h/ 7th day of Julv. 1925. and th- • I from the Inulti, “senex," meaning ¡gallons; kerosene, 1 gallon; carbon d ale of the first nuMb-atlon» of this an old man. The city fath ers In • building, S pringfield. Oregon. 1 disulphide, 1 pound: and horse m int. Summons Is Jnlv 9 1925 [ ancient Rome were old men ws Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel, D entist, Vitus 13 ounces. Mix thoroughly in 5 gallon ’ MLTrn.Rv.*'o7'l’^ t m l f f . lected for th eir wisdom ¡container and use in fly »»^ray tw ice n „ ,,,iPnr„ n f f |r „ Address dally or as often ss necessary. Eugene, Dragon. The form ula, says Mr. Jones, was - J. 9-K-23 30 A. B-13-20. subm itted by a leading Oregon dairy- — man. fully tried a t the. college, and BEEKEEPERS 8 E I.L HONEY found quite effective. THRO UG H PARCEL POST ! Young chicks from four to six weeks a re often attacked by a germ A few bee keepers have t r i e d Ihe th at lives in Ihe soil over several schem e of advrtlnlng ex tracted honey years, says A G. Lunn. head of poul- ' n new spapers und m agazines, anil de- try husbandry at the O. A. C. Ex- Hverlng It by parcel post, thus work- . perim ent station The affected chicks ¡ ’»g up a m all order business. This show droopy wings, ruffled f»«thers m ethod of selling Is on the Increase, Tire Repair Service Station F or A ll Makes o f Cars and general w eakness The strong The main factor Is mall order selling a well as th e weak chicks a re at Is to hnve a package that will not UNION GASOLINE Expert Balloon Tire Re- , locked. E xperim ental work Indicate« leak. The best, package is the screw- Oils — Grease — Service th at they a re then not able to dig est top can In- th e q u art and two quart. palling ! hard grain and should In fedi m oist sizes, packed In a n Inexpensive cor- USED CARS (mash th ree lim e « a day. T reatm en t rugaliel m ailing carton. | also Includes moving the chicks to - One bee keeper In Ihe nortjiw est AUTO BEAUTY PARLOR »dean ground and d isin fectin g th e sgartod advertising his honey In two brooder w ith a 10 p e r cent solution ladls m agazines of national clrrula- M. L. REW EY, P roprietor I of crude carbolic acid. Epsom sa ils tlon. with the result that today he Is a t the rate of on- fourth r jml Io tho doll g a big hualness and buys honey Between Second and T h ird on I n l« * h of 100 chicks, and hydrochloric by the e ar lot to tak e care of his Main Street. Eugene, Oregon ¡«eld a t th e rate of one leaspoonful mall o rd er business. One bee-keeper S pringfield 957 Oak St. 1020 to a gallon of w ater, are lno reconi- last year made 100 mall order sales mended. by advertising once In a we