THE 8PRIN0FIELD NEWS THURSDAY. JULY 9, 1925 TOWN AND VICINITY - Go»« to C«ac«d« Mr and Mr» G«g On Vacation Mr I K Murpny of A. Hwurt» liruva to Ca»cade reau rt the ( aulì and C arry aturo la un bl» v aia tiun Ulla wo'k . / Bnuduy. Vlaltlng From Longview - Mr. and Spand July a at N « w p o rt— Mia» El lon T om seth and Harold Lyon« apuja* Mr». Cocll t ’ulklna a re vlaltlng friend» boro from (heir home in Longview. July 4 ut New port Go to N o rth D a k o ta M r. and Mr». Go to N e w p o rt Mr und Mr». W. A. Huy Houk I« ft thia weok fur North T aylor wore w eekend vlaltura at Hakola fur an extended vlalt. N ew port. H as M ajor O peration Mr». ('. F. Go to P o rtla n d —Mr». J F. Kotela Kgglman u n d trw e n t a m ajor opera- left T uexluy m orning for Portland i lion nt the Pacific C hristian hospital for a »hurt vlalt. thia morning. Haa Major O peration—Mlsa Doro­ C bem aw a B tu d a n t H an a— All f red ¡K>u. atudent at Ur» L'heruawa Indian thy Mathew» of Ja sp e r underw ent a school visit« d J, II. Will Friday. m ajor oim ratloa a t the I'actfic Christ- tan hospital Sunday. Go Up Mohawk Mra C lara Faw ver, R etu rn s to P ortland IJew elyn with Mr. and Mra. F. W. Strubbln K eater left Hunday for hla home In »pent July 4 a t the Stafford school. P ortland after atten d in g the funeral Dismissed From H ospital—Mra. Ida of hla moth« r here. Green waa d'-amlaed from th e Mercy Back From Mitaoula— Mr. aud Mra. hospital Monday. Wm. H ancock returned Sunday even. Vllta B ro th er—K. E. K epner »pent Ing from Ml»»oula. Montana. They the week end In P ortland visiting bla will live a t the A m erican Hotel. brother. R eturn to North Bend—Mr. and Visit P o rtlan d Mr, and Mr». H. K. Mr«. Lew Kimball of N orth Bend, Maxey were P ortland visitors Friday who have been visiting here returned and Huturduy of last week. to th e ir borne yesterday. C e lf b r a te at B an d p n — E ugene V isits B itter Hera— Mr. anti Mrs. W alker, with hla fumlly, «pent the Jo e laiLotitlf, of Richmond, C alifornia July 4th holiday» a t Bandon. a re vlaltlng a t th e home of Mr». Ther- PAGE THREW H»r» From Band— W. H. H orn and Vi»lta P arent»—Mrs. M. L. Rewey Mias Susan H orn »pent the week-end left Sunday I n Goble, Oregon, to here from Bend, retu rn in g Sunday. vlalt her parents. Go Up McKenzie— Mr. and Mra. P. Vlalt M other H are—O rlo N ettleton who la «mplnyed a t W estfir, spent the O. Woods sp en t Sunday up the Me- week-end h ere w ith his m other, Mra. Kestate. G eorgia N ettleton. Go to C orvallis—Mr. and Mra. F. B. F lanery »pent Sunday a t C orvallis. Mrs. F lanery stayed th ere for a few day» v is it Vlalt a t Flanery Home— E. Engle- and daughter, Ruth, spent S a tu r­ day a t the F. B. F lanery hom e from P ortland. M V la 'ta D a u g h te r» O v e r W e e k -E n d — T elephones: Office «13 Res. 2075 O r.John Simons Osteopathy stands for the truth wherever it la scienti­ fically proven. O s te o p a th ic P h y s ic ia n and B ur­ geon Office 404 M. &. W. Bldg., Eugene, O regon O steopathy stan d s for th e tru th w herever it is scientifically proven. Reuben Sm ith city recorder, «pent the Mr. and Mr». J. R ctrun From T rip - Mr. and Mra. week-' nd In P ortland visiting hl» W Shaw »pent S aturday and Sunday Halla» Murphy retu rn ed Sunday even­ on Coglll In Springfield Mr». La- Go tn P o rtla n d Mr. und Mr». It E. a t O akland. ing from a vucallon trip to eastern M ushier with Mr and Mr». H O. Hoah- lx>nde and Mrs. Coglll a re sisters. < ’regon Spend Week at Newport Mr» Wit- ler sp en t the week-end In P ortland. Go to O akridge Mr. ami Mr». Mil- III W ith Whcoplng-Cough Kylu bur Lloyd, with h er two daughter» Go to Bandon- Mr. and Mra. Nor- ton Cyr. with .Mr, Cyr’» father. Joseph a re »pending thl» week ul N ew port.» ¡Sm ith, »mull »on of Mr. aud Mr». It. Cyr. who 1» via'tlng from A»htand. ! o Sm ith of Ja s p e r la seriously lt> man Howard left Friday night for und Mr. and Mr». W ilbur Lloyd »pent Itandou to »pent the week-end Im proving Houae llen ry Fan dr cm ¡with whooping cough. th e 4th ut Oakridge. « 1» b u h lln g two room s onto Ilia houne D riv e to N ew port—A ustin und i Fined for P arking N ear H ydrant »outh of W illam ette height« V ie lt a t Page Home— W It. Catnp- ¡"Chick" M cPherson, Steve Edward» ! Mt a. E Mnye» » to was fined «2 at b< I! and Mr. and Mrs. Alden W. t'ainp •ind E tb n er G riffis drove to N ew port) Goea to Tilam ook W. C M cLagan in city luill thia w»elf for parking hell a lii th ree children visited Mr. Salurduy, • of the local Mountain State» Power ! h< r car to o c|o»e to a fire hydrant. and Mrs. I,. K. Page the lira t of the p lan t left Tueaday evening by ear for To N ewport Friday - Ira Nice, with , week. Mr». Paige left w fb them gmvahea F o o t L e w i» K. poevar of Tllumook, to be gonu arv eral day». M r. aud Mr«. J. T. Honaldaou left Frl-j T uesday m orning for W elder, Idaho. ' the C. M. M Her lutnber company of day for N ewport. They retu rn ed S u n .' L ater, she will retu rn with them to Many Go to O akridge O v e r » e v e n Murcolg «ina»hod hl» foot Monday day. Sacram ento, C alifornia, th le r home, ty ticket» to O akridge for the July 4 : when he dropped a »lull of wood on It. He came to Springfield for medical Every service customer of Mountain States Power local 4'ulvbrnllon w*r« »old at tho Haa T onsils Removed—L ittle Mar- ’ for a short visit i tn u tm e n t. Company now has the opphrtunity of profit sharing partv tin E lder cf Kiddle had hla tonsil» re L VlaHt P a re n t» H ere—Miss Maude nership in this large and growing u tility organization. moved h ir e Friday afternoon. G orrte «pent the week end h e re with R eturn to Longview Mr. und Mr» M other H era- Mr». Cleat Vlalt 1 K rneat S kinner retu rn ed to th eir A limited amount of the Company’s 7% Cumulative Go Fiahlng Up W illam ette— Hr. W. h er parent.«. Mr. and Mr». C. I. Oorrie. W eaver v tilted her inothar, Mr» Fred ¡hom e In Longview Sunday a fte r vlalt- ' C. R ebhan, Hr Ralph Dipped Levi S*he 1» from Portland. Preferred Stock is to be offered to the Company’s patrons. Frill», over the Mr». week-end. ilug Mi». Skinner»' parent», Mr aud N ret, and J. C. McMurray left jiu lu r-! W eaver 1» front lloueburg. Subscriptions may be made on a cash basis or on a Mr«. R obert Sldwell »Ince Friday. d iy m orning for the upper W illam ette * convenient Pairtial Payment Plan, w ith small monthly Fíenle at Beavey'» Mr. and Mr». for a fillin g trip lasting all thin week. P arty C ora to Bandon Mr». Ralph payments. <’ E Sw art», with Ml»» Edna Sw art« ! Dlppet and d u ughter Patty. M ra. W . j Store S uperintendent H ere—W. M. and Mr and Mr». C K. W heaton »pent Proceeds will be invested in extension and improve­ |C. Sunday picnicking at Seuvcy'a Ferry. 1 Rebhan aud little d au g h ter Bobby, Bush, su p erin ten d en t of th e P ortland ments required to meet growing demands for additional i Mra. Levi Neef. Nadln« M< Murry and d istrict of the Skaggs C nlted store«, ' service. Vacation Tbl« Week Mr« Guy Htppi I drove tn Har den for tho was a business visitor here July 4. On ( The Company's Customer Ownership Policy means Over the McKenzie P ass—C. A. wc« M from the F arm er« Exchange morning. home investment in modern properties that you can see, Liver ills are more numer­ W ilson was am ong the Springfield atore. Mra R i . B runelt 1» taking and the payment of dividends to residents of this com­ Cilvoaote Received A carlo ad of people who spi n t tho week-end n ear ' ous than all other human h cr place for the week. munity. i reo»nte for the C arbollneum W ood' the M cKtnzIe pas». ailments- If one feels de­ Maahea F inger Wltllum Lindley of Pre»ervlng company wa» received at i Complete Information on Request pressed. blue, generally C am p Creek m aahed the first Joint of the local depot S atu rd ay The Spring Vlalta O regon- Mayor G. G. Bush- : good - for - nothing, the the little finger <>n hl« left hand off : ft. Id mill and G rain Company re- i man motored to I’ >rtlan