If The S. P. W ill‘Double-CrLv/ ~’'ringfield, What Dependable Assurance Can the Would Be Shop Lifters Have? ■ O K V O T ID TO IN T IR E B T O F S P R IN G F IE L D AN O T H E FARM ERS OF T H E W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W K N TY -H Kt < IN I > YEA It L KPitiNCFIKLO. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, LIONS TO HEAR ADAMS CN OREGON FORESTS T i l l ILSOAY, JULY 9, 192C L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NU M B ER 25 T H IR T Y BLOCKS C EM EN T REV. CHARLES H. BLOM ¡W ILLIA M EATON, AGE 86, SIDEW ALK TO BE B U ILT NLW B APTIST M IN ’S T E ^ PASSER AWAY SUNDAY! E J. Adatim, nerntary to H'tiulnr 15 Blocks Already Down and Applies- Recept.on Held In His Honor Hubert ,S’. Standfield« wilt »«Id real tlone on Hand fo r Many More Springfield Church Tuesday. the Friday noon iihi II um of the Hprluy T h l. Summer Evening field LU in* club on the nutional foreMti "T h« People's Paper** MATERIAL ARRIVING FDR NEW BRIDGE William il. Katon, 85, who died Sun- ¡day at the Pacific Christian hospital »as buried Tuesday at the Laurel Hill _____ ca n el I ry. The Walker Chapel had Nearly »30.000 in Outstanding Or**°" Mr Adama w" tor« ‘y Approximately fifteen blacks of | A reception for IWv. Charles H. charge of the remains. Poles and Piling on Ground and ... „ _ „ . _ ,, . sponsible for the drafting unii pus- Mr Eaton ts survived by three sons, W arrants: Total Expenditures or tbr whll„ r,.„l)bUr, t „ ()r, cement sidewalk haa been laid In . Blom, who with hla family arrived Preparations Beign Made to Springfield thia aprlng. II. W. Hmtth. last TbSreday evening from Ontario, Harvey Eaton of Springfield, Ç. L. by D istrict $76,27800; H igh gun f r the i»«« in taxation In bur- Start Work; New Signal In­ city recorder, has estimated. Prob- i « UH held at the llantiet ,-hnreh t ,,,.« Baton of Los Angeles and 'w. O. School Pupils Cost »85 Each. l«r«" nations) forests located In ably aa much more la now under ion- ,iay evening Mr Blom Is accompa- Eaton of Eugene, and one daughter, stalled on Second Street. ------------ This m„n,y goes to the structlou or h e ll« prepared, he states. oled by his wife a son How ard daurh n ,e total Indebtsdseas of school bur,«,, „f public m ad . fund and Is | Clly o f f . tai. have rushed this work J r H*-len. and’ a niece. Miss Wed.- Mrs. Ella McBee of Lowell. Several carloads of poles and pil­ dhurict No. 1» I» 91O1.M3O15, hulud umw I In cooperation with Ihr n I m I h Mn put In then.- ! ing for the trestle and false working I MANY CELEBRATE 4TH highway«. Io < b o n d e d r < l u n i t out/- 1 o U |,fh « In bull Idlng ,ln g b lK h w a y a , wm IU h M t r t v in «»rrlnr 1« h s * a ft*»,, second, fourth, ftfth, Mark Broom. McKemde farmer. w „ l , Ug't“ " : Neal UUa Hulse and « “by ! traffic but a few days. Steel for the Report in F ull * ,kth ,n<1 * * « blb •"»I»«» convicted the second time in circuit R»beb-t. L ouage Oroveç Carrol new structure is expected to arrive LEGION PICNIC MARKED Following Is the completed financial The n*k’ <*me tor the Sprlngfl* Id W IT H PHA, AKirv n r, . a . u o ''"urt Wednesday on the charge of ayi1 a"d Ik,r‘,th N,coUe 60111 ot Eu . *R h,ng the next few weeks. Plans statement In full: learn will he fiundey with Harrisburg, W IT H FUN AND PRANKS Ilquor D|atrict *'«»’; George Grover Tsnnerhlll. Port- are for a single track bridge, it is Balance on hand Julyl. 1*24. 22.89,; 4« •*”* *81 be played there. On the fol Atiornay John 8. .Medley declares be land, and Florence McDonald, Albany; stated. A basebul team captained by Mrs Receipts lowing Bunday the team will meet New Bell Being Intailed will try Bloom on still another charge. George Moeery and Lilian Horn, both j a 1715 victory , Albert W. From County Treasurer for dlstr'ct r' r “ , or <* bridge , h P bl * about **’" two years Edward ’7 EUl0tt North b°*h Bend, ° f E° gene: bcI1 “ be,n< ln8taI,ed “ the . . . . . . . . with w,«„ green strip*«, e .r .p e s , a no * n H Hendricks L* k»°n. and crossing on 2nd street tbl« It is equipped Frimi county school fund fi.TMi 00 -------- orange and with the word Springfield sewed on Mrk Batarday. The defeat of (he lot-1 go H# f|< fc jng ladlcted ,ln 1 , ’arn<‘u Hetnenway. Eugene; Edward , with a bell and a red light which From county treasurer for state wa" Pr',b* hl>r '•“« Io M r.' . charges for which h. is h a l n e ' E u « ene Dorria Anns swings back and forth when a school fund ........... . 1.220 15 the front have been donated to the !"* •earn by Bert Hall, of I ,.» * , « s h i * * * * ^ b* P>»P « ; he *’ h0'"’ Reynolds. Mohawk; Ray Huff and train 1. near. Southern P ad fic o‘ From County treasurer for eie- against his wife. The 4th of July Daisy Monroe, both of Cottage Grove; Ticials say It will be completely In- nientury school fund 4 170 3fi picnic was voted one of the most en- Frank McAllister and Esther Marie stalled within two days. From county treasurer for high W ILLIA M HICKMAN. AGE 67 Seville, both of Eugene; Fae Smith Joyable events the t-eglon has had. ................. school fund 5,319 «X INSPECT COPCO PLANT IN N O R T H F D W C A I IC ftD k iiA Tnm 8W* r ‘ ’ “ l*» « *1“ « DIES OF H EA R T FAILURE and Violet Mae Brown, both of Glen GIRL W HO SH O T SELF From tuitions 97 50 N O R TH ER N CALIFORNIA In the river as an example to his wife --------- |brook; Russell H. Stroud and Evelyn From all other sources 33« KG DIES A T HOSPITAL 'he W illiam Hickman, aged «7. died as Devore, both of Cottage Grove; Jacob — ----------- W C M d^ gan suocrinte.wfen, o f'* " " ,,laC*,, frO“ ,. ?r - _ « ’ » " I »»rgels and Zelpha i n , year and paid for lack Albany and Earl Smith of Eugene at- ';.'|r-<''",r “ ",K * r J I«" | J— Pb •» 944 A str e e t Mr. i c ^ s o » .' b o t ^ T f N o u 7 \ n d “ ¿X 7 g " ™ i , . . . .-I I I . captured the horseshoe pitching Hickman has been hare only twv>’jjobert Sylvester Dexter and Jennie Tbur8da>' a lK m o o n about 2:00 at the of funds . ............ ..... Expenditures « sllfornla-Oregon company j w # f„ Mrg Hentl,.raon an(1 j verton. j P i ’ a" ‘b°u«b ‘ to be Improving until Power «•____ ' ' "»C” m is. iru n e n nenuerson and i i Salaries for two elm ientnry prln- late that day, when her condition sud- un " Mrs Jack Larson, who ventured to go Funeral services will be held at the M R S B A K E R ITIFS AT » •pale . . 2.570 90 T hl. new new plant, Plant, which which has 1 ... a » e capacity .u ^ i.v . wimmlx«». .. . Walke, chap,., at 10;(M) PrWay Rey M RS. BA KER D IE S A T denly became worse as a result of In- Salary for on» high schiad prln- “I 40,000 horsepower, will be used to SPARKS RANCH FRIDAY fectlon. Funeral services were held The crowd retorned to town In ttaml®* officiating. Burial will be ........................ 2.00» no b«lp »upply a current for Han Francis ' ‘from the Bran Metter chapel Sunday to attend the dance the U g lo n h e l d ,h e Laurel Hll cemetery. - _ _ _ _ _ _ . co. Mrs Lila Nevada Baker. 53, died at afternoon at 4:00, with interrment at Mr. Hickman si survived by three In the evening 4.570 00 On the return trip the party visited »later«, Mrs. J. C. Long of P o w ersJ ,b e s Parks ranch, up the McKenzie the old I. O. O. F. cemetery In Eugene. Salaries for Teachers .Crater lake and the Prospect plant of Mrs. Marv Booth of Silverton, and Fr,‘ia’r- s h ® was tb® wife of George Three Given Divorces * Man. elementary school 990 00 the California-Oregon Power company ; Mrs Elizabeth Williams of Lone Rock T F. - ~ Baker, of The Dalles, road con- Gossler Fam ily Reunion Men, high achool .......... 3.950 00 o,> ,b <* Rogue river. Three couples were grantor dlyor W isconsin; two brothers. Joseph ,ractor on the McKenzie highway. , _ reunion, at which _____ four fam ily lh, road lo the latke Is In excellent ces In circuit court Tuesday. Hoy Htauf Hickman of Springfield and G eorge1 Baker is survived by one son, generations were represented was ___ 4.940 00 condition. Mr. McLagan says. a K fe r was given a decree from V ivien n e;Hickman of Spokane; and one half- ('ecB I,aker. and five daughters, Mrs. held July 5 at the home of P. J. Bar- Women, idementary school 16 338 60 'hough the rIni road around the lake Stauffer on grounds of cruel and In- hrother. James Vest of Gotham Wls- (le o " ert- Mrs- Buprrell, and the net at Thurston. Attending the re- Women, high achool 4.766 00 '» »HR blocked by snow human treatment. They were mar- consln. Misses Flowwle. Juntta and Reba union were Mrs. Barnets daughter. Baker, all of Portland. Four brothers Mrs L. M. Gossler and her fiv e ' —— — — _ riod In 1923. Suffers Stroke on Street and three sisters also survive the de-¡children: Lawrence Gossler and w ife 20.093 60 Goshen Woman Secures Divorce Neva Gasper was given a decree Salaries for Janitors and Clerk ceased. ’Of Thurston, Otto Gossler and w ife , While walking In front of the’ clov ; frOtf11 Harry Gasper on the sam e Mrs. Floyd Liles was given a decree Elementary school 1.159 25 ,.r and Oox cigar store Wednesday xvonnds. She was granted the care ,n circuit court Wednesday of divorce « „ X ^ ^ n t a ^ T h t , * * bF Utah school 1,159 2f morning shout 8:00. James Pugh, of of H*«lr two children. from Leonard H. Idles Goshen farm X X , 9 Angeges was also present. Tow Carloads of Flag Poiss Marl. i month visiting her brother, W. B. 818.81 Otto Gossler and Guy Stevene went Spend 4th In California c . Courtwrtght Two carloads o f flag poles were Census Enum eration to Coast Fork for a fishing trip later. Mr and Mrs. F. O. Spencer, daugh­ shipped from the Springfield lumber j Must Have Perm its fo r Gas Stoves Elementary school ..... ............ 60 00 company during the latter par, of Visiting at Harper Home— Mrs. ter Lola, and Mr. and Mra. O. A. Permits for camping in the national High School ....................... Face Is Cut 30 00 Richardson drove to Slison , California ¡June for the east. One car was made forests musj be gotten when the Marian Hamlin, Is visiting her brother Charles A. Gordon received a large last week, where they spent the 4th IUF og 1S poles, the other of ten'cam per uses gas stoves as well as Bert Harper at h is home in Douglas cut on his chin Tuesday while he was 80.00 with friends. They returned to ,,nd Iwelve foot lengths. In order to. wood, according to an announcement Gardens. Mrs. Hamlin is from Port­ cutting vine maple at the E. W. Le- Fuel Springfield Monday. ,urn out G>® orders In time the m ill'o f N«4son F. Macduff, supervisor of land. Vee place, on Springfield route two. Elementary school ... 270 50 ran three ahlfts. The car» were sent the Cascade National fores,. Many A branch which Mr. Gordon was chop­ Migli school ...... 245 00 by freight to Portland and from there j permits are now being issued for the Fined for Selling Fireworks—G. H. ping flew up and hit him on the chin M other V isits From W ales were forwarded by express to the McKenzie and Willamette countries. Turner, of the Novelty store, was making a cut which required Tout Mrs. S. Hughes of Nanomoyel, 515 50 The Fall Creek. Little Fall Creek, fined |2.50 by city recorder R. W. stitch es to close. Wales Is visiting her non T. O. Thom­ saat W a te r Salt and Wlnberry Creeks have been ¡Smith for selling fireworks. as. Thia la Mrs. Hughes' firs, visit i Elementary »chool 91 44 | ------------------------------ to America since he lived In Pennsyl- | H«s Position in Store—Mrs. Kather- closed to campers. Postal Receipt Gain High achool .................. 95 00 ________________ Visits Niece Here—Mrs. Emily vnnln for three years, over forty years ; Duncan has accepted a position Postal receipts of the Springfield 0( Adair of Salem spent the week-end Buys Cara— Charles Hulres ago. She plans to stay here for the 1,1 lbe J- c - »’enny store In Eugene, 4 I here with her niece, Mrs. W. H. Ar- postoffice for the quarter ending June 186.44 Mabel purchased a Ford Coupe from rest of the summer. 30, 1926 were 21,862.81, a newly com­ Light and Power Goes to Portlsnd— It. F. Sloane o f ! the. Anderson Motor company this rain. pleted report sh^ws. For the same Elementary school 86 97 j the firm o f Sloarte and Kuhn at week. Lawrence Couch and I-ewis period last year they were 2L847.99 Go to Newport - Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. I High schon) 206.00 V is itin g From Arizona^—Mrs. Nor­ Taylor, with Mrs. Taylors parents J <’a ’,,'"',p rcRorl left Tuesday on a hunt- ( Howe, both of Eugene, also bought This shows a gain of one per cent. Mr and Mrs P. Harrington, of E lf | " •“ ,rlp 10 , 'ortlan'1 ¡coupes and Howard Alder of Mabel wood Cox and son. Jimmie, of Parker, 292.97 Arizona are visiting friends here. ------------------------ and Fred Rotienberry of Springfield Roof Burns gene. »p»nt the July 4th holldnys nt Janitor's Supplies Clerks at Cash and Carry- Miss I,ought touring cars. A portion of the roof o f the S. D. Newport Elem entary school ............... Down From Wendling— Mrs. Jonn 84.50 Hazel Murphy is assisting as sales­ Calm home in W est Springfield was High school — ......................... 160.00 —------ --------------------- Purchell and Mrs. E. Keeler of Wend­ girl with the Cash nnd Carry this From Idaho Falls—Jack Ellsworth ; burned off July 2. It was believed to __________ Go to Bend—Mr. and Mrs. W. N. ling were in town Wednesday week and C. C. Christensen of Idaho Falls j have been lighted from a spark from 234 50 , 'onk nnd family with Mr. and Mrs. stopped at the Spong hotel Monday. | the roof The damage was covered by Repairs and Improvements of grounds ,,nrrv W hitney spent the weekend at From Out of Town— Mr and Mr?. Goes on Trip—George Perkins left Jacob Garberson of Brookings and Insurance ' for district .......... ............... 234 50 B,'nd Rn<1 f,co,tf' lako- D. C. Trotter and daughter Mary were Friday evening for a trip to the Three Gerald and Mildred Simmons of Prine­ ; in from W altervllle Wednesday. Repairs of equipment /o r dial- Slaters. He returned by way of ville regsltered there Tuesday. Vla't at Newport—Mr and Mrs. W il­ Here From Cloverdale— Mrs. Madge riet .......... 413 10 liam Donaldson and Mr. and Mrs. M. Mile» returned to her homo here front Klaimath Falls and the southern Go to Sodaville— Mrs. Jesse Smlt- Library Books 83.00 route. Accepts Position In E u g en s-M lss I son an(, (, aUKhter left today for Soda. J. T.TcKlln »ere fourth of July visito^* Broten Springs, near Cloverdale, for Helen Blom, daughter of the Baptist j v)j,p at Newport. the week-end. 730.60 Go Fishing Up McKenzie— Mr. and minister has accepted a position as Insurance Mrs. Jack Henderer fished up the Mc­ bookkeeper with the Bank of Com- Go to Albany—T. H. Hulbert, ac­ Has Tonsils Removed—Miss Ruth Go to Bend—Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Elementary achool ................. 300.00 Kenzie over the week-end. They w enU m erce In Eugene, companied by his family went to Al­ Fisher of Gohen had her tonlls re­ Snned and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mc­ High school ............................. 640 96 bany Monday, returning Tuesday moved by a local physician today. Pherson drovo to Bend Saturday. up Thursduy morning and returned Monday. Flue Fire at Coburg— A flue fire evening. They returned home Sunday. 94296 endangered the house of Floyd Hand- In From Fall Creek—Dale Stewart Principal nnd Interest on wart- V isits From Roseburg— Mr. and chett near Coburg last week The was a business vIsHxfr from Ftelt Goes to Portland—Miss Grace Male rnnlts .................................. 35,316.30 Visit From Albany— Mr. nnd Mrs. Mrs. O. M Turner spent thn July 4th jflro caught on the roof and It was a Creek today. left Wednesday evening for Portland Alteration of old buildings 1,304 06 John Lamberty and daughter of Al- holidays with relatives in Roseburg ! hard matter to get It under control, where she w ill spend a few days. 1’nld for other purposes 3,934 61 hany visited at the N. A. Rowe home M iss Zoe Newman, a niece, returned It Is reported Sent to Hospital—Robert Drury, Totol cost of elementary schools Saturday. with them to spend a few days here. W ill Spend Vacation at New port— son of Forest Drury of Lowell was ........ - ....................- ........... 62.365.10 Has Tonsils Removed—hfiss Mil­ sent to the Mercy Hospital Wednes­ W. H. Anderson and family will leave Total cost, of high sc h o o l.... 13.913.20 W a lte rv llle People H ere— E. C. To Attend Classes— Miss Edna dred Pemher of W altervllle had her day. Saturday for Newport where they estim ated cost to district for each Trotter nnd daughter Mary of Walter- Platt. Mrs. Opal Roberts, and Mrs. tonsils removed by n local physician will spend two weeks at their cottage. high achool student for one villo were in town Friday. Ella Lombard left Wednesday morn­ W ednesday morning. Visiting Mother From Seattle—H. /'■nr ................................. 86.25 ing for Monmouth, whore they will at­ W. Anderson Is visiting his mother, Returns to Her Home— Miss Lena T o ta l expenditures ............. 76,278.36 G irl Born at W a lte rv llle — M r. and tend some of the clnsses given nt the Goes to Corvallis—F. B. Flâner,v Mrs. I. E. Stevens, having arrived IbeBe Harper who has been at Mo- Balance In bank 4.310.04 Mrs. George Quinn are the parents of summer seslon of the Normal school drove to Corvnllls and hark Wednes- here Wedneday evening from Seattle. ¡Credie Springs for the last few weeks Deffctt ...................................... 2,880.49 a baby girl born Frldny morning. [there. ' day morning. ¡H e will stay here for a wetk. ¡has returned to her home In this city. T at °T'