« *»Af?F FTC H ” NEW DEPARMENTS BOOM DEMAND FOR ELECTRICITY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS This Week’s Crossword Puzzle Tl IV HS DA Y. JI 'I.Y 2, 1925 D inner Quest Miss P earl Nelson Msny Get M arriage Licensee Goes to Colorado Vlrg$l W rig h t Many Ju n e btrdoa will result from ha» lift for Colorado, » lu r e ho will was a .d in n er guest T uesday at thu homo of Mr and Mrs. Poter Nelson th e business a c tiv ity of the m arriage visit hla m other. ¡license liuc.au of the clerk's office this m onth In lamming Ml licenses. naan During the last w e k lie. uses were granted to th e following: Klmbley Hutalad. Ilom esteed, and Nora Nelson t-fcigeiiw; Wall.y- Jacob 1( Irlcti, M arehfleld. and Helen I.,ml»« I »resen. M arabfleld; Alton« Tuaonn, C ollage Gtv've. and Gladys W akefield. Spring field; Robert Stillm an M oulton,* and ¡Violet May S .avey, both of V eneta; C harles R ichards and K lliahelh Swan ton. both of E u g en e;,F lo y d I.. Luce. Boise, and Ruth Tuck. E ugene; C harles A H ansen. Eugene, and A ide Hayes. C ottage G rove; EviV ett K. ¡Chase. Eugene, and R achel I. C rab tree. B pringfleld; Fred N Miller, Eu gone, anil E lisabeth Hoefman. May | wood. Illinois. Leslie I-aw ton Hull. (un i Vi ta P laster K ruse, Cottage G rove; E ugene Goude. M apleton, and Ingle J Reynolds. O akland; and H ans C. R assm assen »ml llelga Rodtaker. both of Jn n ctln o City. • The serv an t prublen». w hich b«v cam e so Intense during the war. also- h as mad« Itself felt in th e building Industry It has been responsible for a considerable p art of th e dem and for ap artm en ts In con trast to sep a­ ra te houses. The boom in ap artm ent building In turn has re-enforced the daiuaud for electrical appliances. T hree-fonrths of th e residential u sers of electricity use electric irons. More than $42 OtW.tXW a re invested in th e irons which num ber 8.500.000. Next in frequency of seu come the vacuum rlennara. employed by 44 per cen t of those who buy electricity. ' T h ere a re 4,300,001) clea n ers; they i rep resen t an Investm ent of $215.000.- 000 Twenty-nine per cent of th e cus­ tom ers of electricity use w ashing j HORIZONTAL V E R T IC A L m achines. T hree and one-third million I. Possessive Pronoun Exits of these m achines, valued a t $412. 4. Political P arty (abbr.) 3. H urried 600.000. a re in use. 7. .Used in eating 4. Fem ale anlnml. (plural) k 10. Negative Suffix to form plural Baby Girl B orn—Mr. and Mrs. Geo 12. Before An Insect Leave for C rater Lake Miss Mau­ Sw anson of M arcola are th e paren ts I 8 C onjunction 13 T herefore rino Lombard, and Miss R m m ajane of a baby girl born at th e Mercy hos­ 1 9 14. W alked To bow head quickly T r a v is loft Monday for C rater lotk« pital W ednesday morning. 15. A rock m aterial finer than gravel I t . C avity containing th e eye » h e re thev will I»,» employed during IS. College Degree ¡13. To force a ir through nose the real of the auuimer. T hurston Baby Bom— A baby girl D epart ¡15. A grain w as born to Mr and Mrs. John T ra -' „„ Con‘v uU jons; spjuini8 >17 To grow old V is it i n g Frienda Here - Mr and vess of T hurston .T ueslay night. gl>ve or serva;,, ' 20. Used to keep cool Mrs. Joe Vocum of Tillam ook are 24. Preposition 21. A - sta ir visiting old friends in Springfield V isit a t Rewey's—Mr and Mrs. C. 25. M easure of W eight 22 Froxen vapor They lived here five or six years ago V Boone of Kerry. Oregon arrived 27. Toward 23. Because a t the M. L. Rewey home today and . , 8 M isu r (Spanish) 2«. O pposite of off CHRISTIAN CHURCH will stay until a fte r July 4. i 30. B onier of th e mouth 28. River in ¡Southern China Rev. F K. Childers. P astor *31. Pale 28 E gyptian Sun Got) M orning service al 11:00 V isit a t Will Home—Mr. and Mrs. Bible School at 9:45. C. P Lang f Spokane visited a t the C H L , R r ; H p i i v n o m i w n t ; H ughes. P o tt.r and Miss PlalL. Mo­ John Will home W ednesday. LMUKCH PLAYGROUNDS The chritch hoard has decided 'o d is­ OPEN TO ALL CHILDREN th ers a re Invited to seud th eir child­ continue the evening services during ren a t those hours with the assurance July and August, but tho morning Twelve cars and tracto rs w ere sold th a t all possible ra r e will be taken services will be hel l as usual. by th e Anderson M otor eompany this ; The R ecreational C om m ittee of the to m ake it wholesome and safe. w eek The Booth-Ke'ly fire patrol M ethodist church m et last evening In the evenings the equipm ent will M A R C E L L IN G -By appointm ent. and J. F. Deadmond purchased road and adopted a few sim ple regulations be available about 6:30 with one of Cull Mrs C E A rcher, If):; W ste rs. L Conch. Leo Lom m ers E verett to govern th e playgrounds. W hile. th e following men or a suhntitM.- n J 2 9. L aw rance an d Louis H owe bought th e church is supervising th e project, charge: M essrs Ira Nico. Gantx. l^oyd. coupes and J. W. Anderson bought a they «-ant ti known to all th a t it is Sm ith. Pollard and Vaughn. " ANTED—R ellahle Salesm an Io sell fo u r door sedan. J. E. Nice bought a everybody’s playground and all a re Building and Loan savings. Good It Is planned to light the grounds to u rin g car and C harles G eveau ami welcome to use It. It Is desired to rom m lsalan Unlim ited larriio ry and add equipm ent as fast a s possible, B W arfield a tru ck apiece Ralph make it a com m unity asset. Call E. II. Peterson. Eugene 780. ,1 a s well as to im prove th e grounds. Cline and A B. M athews bought tract- „ . ore Beginning next Monday th e play Tennis, volley ball.-croquet and horse­ JI. 2. t ........ ................................................... .. will be supervised from 2 to 5 P. M shoes to g e th .r with the slide comprise , i by M esdam es Meyer. Gantx. Pollard. the presnt provision. I Time ix fleeting—Tomorrow- next week next month - anti next year- come uml arc gone while one h i III pltnui lo start action lor t h a t "someth»)'" of case, com fort, peuce and plenty. Tlie YOU of today, In t h e full power of enrnliiK capacity. 1» responsible for the Yol of tomorrow, when earning ability is decreased. Heed these words from the pages of experience, (’all II charity hut sta rt today for the other man the YOU of tomorrow so that in* may live In comfort and without worry. Spend less than you make today and hank the d if­ ference. We pay 3 per cent on saving accounts or certifi­ cates of deposit. C om m ercial S ta te Bank DANCE Every Wedn’sd’y and Every Saturday Night at the Springfield American Legion Open Air Pavillion Your Friends will all be present the night of the 4th I thank you. Special Trains To OAKRIDGE Leave Springfield July 4th 8:20 R eturning Leave Oakridge July 4th 10:30 P. M. July 5th 9:30 P. M. hem CARL OLSON, Agent Harvest Needs BINDER TWINE -MOWER PARTS SECTIONS AND GUARDS IIAY FORKS HAY CARRIERS IIAY ROPE For your vacation see us TENTS AUTO BEDS FOLDING CHAIRS We’re Figliling Your This community has publically called upon The Springfield News to fight its battles in the railroad controversy as well as in other issues. This we are willing and glad to do, but in fighting for you we expect your un­ qualified support. You must be behind us financially as well as morally. See that your subscriptions are paid well in advance. And see to it too that the men you patronise are advertisers in this paper and are boosters for your interests and this commutity. This is no time to straddle the issue. COOKING UTENSILS GASOLINE CAMP STOVES Wright & Son Hardware Paint Furniture :g-g:p-g:o-g:o-g:x:x!-fl-e-o^f;-