T lll’IlMDAY. JULY 2, 1926 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SEVEN We have a lnrg.-r variety of Iw m » The Only W ay T e rrib le Life Bachelor: “Yea— yea Indeed. Take Coy Thing: (algblng) mad« cookie» than wo bave ever bail L ife la a me for Instance. i| never know Young Thing: "Doctor, will y o u ' gamble.’* before. Kai morn of the Hprtngfleld where the next klaa la coming from." vaccinate me »ome place where the Uaknry'e Perfection Bread. Jl. 9. Bail w hat you w ant to M il. buy w hat you w ant to buy thro 1» M«oo •car won't »hew?*' column«. W rlto or phono T W O IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E STA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE Doctor: (rioting all jprreent tluy CO UN TY _____________________________________ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ) The undersigned M D. Blaaell ban »tyl>!» worn) W ell— I gueas we'll have J. W. BAKER, Plaintiff, VS. Summons for Publication In Forecloaure T o TRAD E Muli’in property to trade F o il HALE Ford Motor at A. street be'n appointed udnilolatrator of the to give It to you In a capsule." SAM U EL McMURDO, Defendant > of Tax Lien „ t v Ire »tatlon Jl B 1 «»tale of Leah K. Blsaell by the Coun­ for HprlngfleM properly. ty Court of l.aiiM County, Oregon, and Yep— W ell Matched To Samuel McMurdo the above named defendant. Win Vaahy, #60 7t¡> A I.. HI. W A N T E D - Small furolnhed bom« for all persona having claim« again«! '■aid Jl. ». »uiniiier. Addrcaa A. II C. c; J d a t e will present «ante ¡Ju'.v verified Wedding Oueat: "Ideal couple— so In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that J. W. Baker, the holder of Certificate of De­ Springfield New«. If ” 1 lh,t *nw office of Whitten Swafford ■ ulted to each other." TO T R A D E Ih m . Ill Medford for .,^4 ,¡8 1 5 M. A- W. bldg . Eugene, Oregon, Second Guest; "Righto— «he'» a linquency numbered 1917 ls»uu or brute alx month» from da'.e of Tax Collector of the County of Lanei, State.of Oregon, for the amount of *11.62 graHH widow and he la a vegetarian." the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the NO TIC E TO CREDITORS first publication bireof. Jl » Box 415. Nidlre la hereby given that lluxel flrat published June Dated and year 1917 together with penalty. Interest and costs thereon upon the real D E P A R TM E N T Op T H E IN T E R IO R property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, FOR HALE O il TRAD E — Cheap, Iota Tryon ha« been by the County Court lttli, 1925. of the State of Oregon In and for Lane M D. BISSELL, situated In «aid county and state, and particularly bounded and described a» United State» Land Office. Roauburg, B and 10, blk. 2. Valley View Add. County, appointed administratrix of Administrator. follows to-wlt: The East 63 1-8 feet of lota 1. 2 and 3. Block 24. Gross' Addition Oregon, May 2», 1926. Phone Eugene 3,1 of write 88« W. the eetate of Roland F.oX, decerned W hitten Swafford, Atty. to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. NO TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N All peraona having claim» agalnat J 18 25 Jl 2 9 16. You are further notified that said J. W. Baker has paid taxes on »aid nth. Eugene. Jl. 9 Forest Exchanges »aid ealate are hereby notified to pre. premise« for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of lnteront on said NO TIC E O F HEA RING F IN A L Notice Is hereby given that on April aent the aame duly stated and verified amounts as follow«: IN T U B CIRCUIT, COURT O F T IIF . et the law office of A. K. Wheeler In ACCOUNT 20, 1925 G. G. Smith, Oregonian Bldg,. STA TE O F OREGON WUIt LANK Eugene, Oregon, within alx month« . . , Portland, Oregon, filed application No Year'« Tax Date P a li Tax Receipt No. Amount Rate of In the County < ourt of the State of o iS0I5 under the Act of March 20, COUNTY from thia 4th day of June. 1925 Interest Oregon for Ia n » County. 11922, (42 8tat„ 465) to exchange the Portland Trust and Havlug» llenk j H A ZE L TRYON. In the matter of the estate of Lath- NE% , and N W '4 gee. 29, Tp a corporation . 11.52 12% Admlnlatratrlx. ,erlne M. BogurL deceased. 15. 8 Range 10 West, W. M. within 1818 Plaintiff HUM MONK Nov. 16. 1920 24176 9 93 12% A. E. Wheeler. Attorney Notice 1» hereby given by the under-1 »he Slualaw National Forest, for the 1919 va. Nov. 16, 1920 23321 10.80 12% June 4 It 15 26 July 2 signed administrator of »aid estate timber on the 8E '4 N W '4 fcc. 5 Tp. 1920 1-H Mar. 28. 1921 4794 John Cochran. Itufua Cochran. Clara 6 97 12% that he has filed hl» final account 21 g Range 3 Ea«t, W M. within thel92O-2-H Sep. 23, 1921 16732 6.96 12% Hcarobrough. Charlea Cochran. May SUM MONS therein, and that the »aid court ha» Cancade National Forest. 1921-1-H Apr. 4. 1922 6170 Rice, Horace Cochran. John M Red 6.34 12% IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF THE ¡fixed July 25th. 1926, at ten o'clock The purpo»e of thl» notice la to al 1921-2-H Jan. 30, 1923 26459 6.90 ford. Jam«» K Redford Ida B Stock», 12% S T A T E O F O R EG O N FOR L W E i A M at the Uhauibera of »aid court a» [ low all person» claiming the land (1922-1 H May 31. 1923 16684 Murvln Melt«« Hcarobrough Dorothy 6.35 12% the time and place for hearing objec­ «elected, or having bona fide objec 1922-2-H Sep 27. 1923 M Hiarotirough. Eh» I.o ijh Hearn t . n . 'N T Y 17936 6 48 12% tion», If any, to «aid final account. N ellie Cornw ell, p la in tiff tit L ilt '» ' tlon» to »uch application, an oppor-1923-l-H Apr. 4, 1924 6320 brougn, Stella Irene McCormick, and 6 47 12% JOHN T. BOGART, tunlty to flic their protest« with the|923-2-H Co' nwell, defendant — Oct. 1. 1924 18947 6 47 12% Homer D Radford. Administrator Register and Receiver of the Unlt»1i924 To Ix>ltoy Cornw ell defendant, IN Apr. 4. 1925 5011 14 54 12% Defendant» T H E NAM E OF T H E S T A fE OF Fred E. Smith. Atty for Admr. State» Land Office at Roseburg, Ore--------------------------- To John Cochran. Itufua Cochran. Clara gon. Any »uch protests or objections Said Samuel McMurdo as the owner of the legal title of the above dee- Jr. 26. Jl. 2-9-16-23. Kcarahrough. Charlea Cochran, May OREOON: must be filed In this office wtthlncrlbed property as the same appears of record, and each of the other persons You are hereby required to appeal lllca, Horace Cochran. John M Red­ 'S ummon » for publication "" thirty days from the date of flrstabove named are hereby further notified that J. W. Baker w ill apply to the ford. Jam«» K Itedford Ida II Slock«. and anawer complaint filed against IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E publication of this notice, which flrstCIrcuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the OF OREGON FOR T H E M urvln McRae Hcarobrough Dorothy you herein on or before six week« t g T A T E publication |s June 11, 1925. lien against the property above described, and mentioned In said certificate. M Hcarobrough. Kba IxiuU Scaro front the date of ftrat publication here. (-/tr-tc-pY OP* I ANF H A M IL L A. CANADAY, And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty day« after the flret brnugh. Stella Irene McCormick, and of. or for want there«» the plaintiff N Llnd,eyi ru in 'tlff, Register. publication of thia summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and will take Judgement agalnat you aad va. Homer D Redford. June 4-ll-18-25-July-2 defend this action or pay the amount dne as above abowtr. together with coats James D. Ritchey, an unmarried IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE OF apply to the court for the relief prayed and accrued interest, and In case of your failure to do so. a decree will be OREGON: You are hereby required to for In the complaint and for decree of man and an Incompetent person, and H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costa against the land and appear and answer the complaint filed absolute divorce from you and custody E Anna°E "udm lni.“^ ' . ’»^ John D o e IN ^ T T E O F OREGON FOR LA N E premises above named. agalnat you In the above entitled «utt of the two minor chldren of the mar­ This summon« la published by order of the Honorable O. F. 9 k loworth. j Edmlnlater, her husband; Mae Ritch- - 01 N T T . within a ll week» from the date of riage Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane, This summons is published one« ey. an unmarrird won,a n . Etbe| Ford,John M W illiams, the ftrat publication of thia aummon«. • nd «aid order was made and dated this 12th day of May, 1925 and the date of Plaintiff SUMMONS »nd If you fall to anawer for want each week for six ewMstCBtlve weeks | and Richard Ho(, jrordt h„r hu,band: the first publication of thia summons is the 14th day of May, 1926 and the va. taka a de- In the Springfield (Oregon) News, f a Manley RHchev and Jane Ritchey, his thereof the plaintiff will take late of the last publication July 18, 1925. May 3 order of ■ the » « above — ■ Court » made « • » IS. wife; George F Ritchey and R ostella'The unknown heirs of Albert Funke, All proceaa and papers In thia proceeding may be served upon the under­ Ritchey, his w ife; Hattie Ritchey, an sometimes known as Albert 8. Funk, unmarried woman; the unknown h e irs ' and all other persons Interested In signed residing within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. the Northeast quarter of aectlon (20) C.N.JOHNSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. of John C. Ritchey, Sarah E. Couey Jan» 5 and 8, block 8. College H ill In Township (201 South. Range (6) * Attorney for Plaintiff. and J M Couey, h rr husband. Susan Park, now a part of Eugene, Oregon Room 10 United States National Bank Weal of the W illam ette MerldlaO In Address Bank Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. Residence and Poat Office Address: A. Horn and John Horn, her husband,, Defendants lame County. Oregon. M-14-21-28-J-4-U-18-25-Ju-2-9 18. Eugene. Oregon the unknown heirs of David Duff, de : To the unknown heirs of Albert Thia summon» 1« publlehed once a ceased: the unknown heirs of Elenor Funke, sometimes known as Albert 8. week for alx aucceaalve week In the Duff, whose name la sometimes writ Funk, and all other persons Interested Springfield New», a weekly newspaper ten Elleanor Duff and whose name la In said property. of ganaral circulation, published a ll LADIES! Try that expert Isometlmea written E lkn o r Duff, and Springfield In lame County, Oregon.! IN T H E NAM E OF T H E S T A T E OF who was sometimes known as E lla , OREGON: You are hereby required to hair cutter at Anderson's by order of Honorable G F Skip 1 ■Duff, deceased; and also all other appear and answer the complaint filed worth. Judge of the above entitled Barber shop. 1 persons or parties unknown claiming against you in the above entitled suit court, and the date of the flrat publl-1 sny right, title, estate, lien, or interest within six weeks from the date of tatlon thereof 1« May 21. 1926 A. A. ANDERSON In the real estate described In the . the first publication of this summons, W ltil.lA M S « BEAN. complaint herein, ¡and If you fall to answer for want Attorneys for the plaintiff. BARBER SHOP Eugene. Oregon Defendants. thereof the plaintiff will take a de- Tn James D. Rltchev. Sarah E rree against You quieting (title of May 21 28 June 4 11 18 16July 2- Couey and J M Couey. her husband; , plaintiff to lots 5 and 6 of Block 6. Anna E. Edmlnlster and John Doe , College H ill Park, now a part of Eu Edmle|»ter. her htmband; Mae Rttch gene. Lane County, Oregon, ey; Ethel Ford and Richard Roe Ford. This summons Is published once a her husband; Manley Ritchey and week for six successive week in the Jsne Rttchev. his wife George Springfield News, a weekly newspaper R’trhev and Rosxelta Ritchey, “ " .o f gtneral circulation, published at ¡w ife - H attie Ritchey; ¡Springfield In Lane County, Oregon. W. F. WALKER Call Defendants „ order of Honorable O. F. Skip- IN T H E F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R OF T H E .T A T E worth, Judge of the above entitled l - N •• an-1 each of you cour, ard , he dat(f of the pub„. O F ORTG SUTTON TRANSFER F ull Aute Equlp’ oent . are arc nereUy apnear and herehv required to ap-near amt cat!on thereof' 1s M a y '« . * ! « » '' — O r so people used to think in the lfith century. answer the complaint filed against i JO HN H. W IL L IA M S , Phone 67 W . O. W . block you In the shove entitled court and Attorney fir Plaintiff. ¡cause on or before six weeks from the Office Phone 82 J Re* Phone 82-J This is the 20th century. But w e are still Eugene. Oregon (date of the first publication of this May 21 28-June 4-ll-18-25.July 2. superstitious; for example, when w e pay fancy ¡Summons, and If you fall ao to appear I J and answer for want thereof, the prices for c a a te m lubricants in spite o f the CEO,. N, M cL E A N plaintiff will apply to the Court for Notice of Sale of Real Estate dr n w emery fact that the best crudes so far discovered fo r the relief demanded In «aid complain., Autom obile, F ire and Life to-wlt: For a decree of this Court ad- Notice Is hereby given that the d e n t is t IN S U R A N C E the manufacture o f a motor oil are obtained Judging and decreeing that the plain- undersigned administrator of the es- Surety Bonds.. Phons 8)7 Phone 20-J from wells an the Pacific Coast Sutton Bldg tiff 1» the ower In fee simple of the tate of Jack Rodman, deceased, will, My business * ls \to protect yo«r Residence Phene I M M premises described In the complaint on and after July 18. 1925, under and business herein, and described as follows, to-'by virtue of an order of license made Experience explodes the anti-Western 860 W illa m e tte 8t. Eugene Qregon Springfield, Oregon w|* ' I by the Judge of the County Court in The Donation !-and Claim of David | and for Lane County. Oregon, and oil superstition Duff, being claim No 42 Notification ■ f||Pd j une 15th. 1925 ge,| at pr|vatb No. 7419 in Townshto 17 South o f , aai P. for cash , n hand ani, gubJect t0 Zerolene actually lu bricates better— and Range 2 West of the W illam ette Meet- ¡confirmation bv said court, the real SHOE REPAIRING VASBY BROS. because it does it lubricates more cars in the dian. contalrtng '90 10 aeree; a l’ o be .properly of «aid estate described as Work Promptly and g'nning at the Southwest corner of follow«, towit: Pacific Coast states than any other oil m a d e Painting &• Decorating Carefully Done the E'eanor Duff Donation I.and Lo: 2 in Section 23 of Town ship 16 I Claim No 41. Notification 7419. Town, south of range A east of the W illam ­ — low and high priced cars alike. The most in all its branches •shin 17 Sou'h of Range 1 West of the JOHN A. NELSON ette Meridian, In Lane County, Oregon advanced refining process is this Company's Willamrdte Meridian running thence excepting therefrom a s trip 'o f land 312 Main Street 509 Main Street patented high-vacuum process, during the use 'ï® , S °u,b l|np of said wide extending through said 5 --1 Claim 28 88 chslns- thence north IT ,ot. convoyed t0 the Lucky Boy o f which Zerolene is submitted to 15 positive deg 12 min W est 30 54 chain« to the . „ . , ' North line of «aid claim, thence W est M ln ln * 1 «nipany. and excepting a checks for quality. Zerolene's special filtration along «uld North line 2146 chalps to i tract heretofore conveyed to Nel r-i through 40 tons o f Florida Fuller’s Earth gives 'he Northwest corner of «aid claim. Ne T. Matlock, and excepting a strip DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL thence South 28 74 chains to the ! hprelofor(, conveyed to T. C. Luckey, you an oil that’s absolutely pure and safe. u DENTIST place of beginning, containing 76 09' Your Home When In and excepting a tract heretofore con­ acres all In Lane. County, Oregon. Phone 43 Springfield longer vorking life fo r your motor Also Lots 4. 7. and 8 of Section IS veyed to Roy Stlen. ELM ER ROBERTS. Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. In Tow n'hlp 17 South. Range 2 West lil ■ Zerolene will increase the gasoline mileage of the W illam ette Meridian In Lane Administrator. Countv. Oregon Fred E. Smith, * o f your car, reduce carbon accumulation and nnd the whole thereof, aa against th-■i Attorney for Administrator. lengthen its working life. defendant» and each of them, and thnt J-18-25-J1.-2-9 16. JOHN M. W IL L IA M S the defendants have not, nor have Attorney for Vet. State Aid Com., WM. G. HUGHES either of them any right, title or in­ W h y pay tribute to a superstition? In s is t Soldiers Bonus Loans. F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E terest whatsoever tn and to the said IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E S T A T E OR OREGON FUR T H E * ■ o n Z e r o le n e — ask for it by nam e. premtaes, or any part thereof, and that U E. BEAN N O T A R Y P U B L IC CO UNTY OF LA N E the p lain tiff« title In and to «aid prem­ Attorney State Land Board, , O ffice at ise» be forever quieted apalnst the ELLA MAE W ADD ELL, Plaintiff Get the Facts! State 8chool Fund Loan«. TS. claim of the defendants or either of FIRST NATIONAL BANK RU SSELL A. W A D D ELL, Defendant them, and that the plaintiff have such Springfield, Oregon A series o f independent and impartial reports WILLIAMS & BEAN other and further relief na to the SUMMONS ATTO RNEYS Court may seem equitable. showing the experience o f large users with This Summons is published once To Russell A. Waddell, defendant: 860 W illiam s«« 8t. Eugene, Or«. Zerolene has been collected in our booklet, each week for six successive weeks f and disbursements of this suit. This summons Is published once Benjamin Green deceased and thnt Buidllng Oregon. City Hall Springfield, Oregon all pe;aons having claims gga.j.it s.-tld each week for six successive weeks In estate , m hereby notified to pr«a nt the Springfield News by order of the the same properly verified to ad­ Honorable G. F. Sklnworth, Judge or ministrator at the office of Flunk A. said Court which order bears date the Contracting and Building DePue, the attorney for the e»,.i>>-t in|tB th dav »f June 1925. nnd th" date n t CLEANING, PRESSING GEO. W. PERKINS SprU iff’eid, Oregon, on or b efire t-1x the flrat rnbllentlon of this Summons AND SEWING mouths from the date of this uO tkc.'is June 18th. 1975. Corner 5th and D Streets Mrs. G. M. Plummer Dated this 2nd dav of June. U25. i PO TTER. F PSTER * 1MMEL. Springflield, Cjregon W. J. I.E P L E Y . Admlnlstrutor • Attorneys for Plaintiff, THE MODE Plans and Estim ates Furnlshe Frank A, DePue, Administrator for Resident and Post Office address, Eu- Between 5th and Gth Free. W ill Help You Finance the estate. gene, Oregon. Y o ur Building. J-18-25 Ju. 2-9 1«. Ju.-18-25; July 2 5 18-23 I Classified Advertisements • b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y STORKS wOltivt ONLY in REPUBUi . . . “The Loop A J ti <4 *4 SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W. Roof Insift on STANDARD OIL COMPANY ZEROLENE