PAGE SIX the depot when they gol off the Iraln. on IXigel Hound are doaed for over vest good. Enough m< n here, 4TH OF JULY SHUTDOWN the Fourth and resumption of ope«a j Bl# B, nd oiatrlet Enough men in TO BE BRIEF THIS YEAR ___________ i ta tto o s A ‘‘Lesson” About Married Men Ions will depend largely on w em l/T harvest started May neid« CALL AND 8*CK Dr N. W Kmerv Portland. July 3. (S p ecial!— Con­ conditions and the log market There | „«tilde holp within three weke. «n or' • nn plate and othar work. »( trary to runioraelrculattng for sever­ are few unemployed loggers In Seattle Si. Maria -No attorta»» of non al weeks past th« Fourth of July shut Everett or Uelllughain. Close to a Elk Rlvar Wuoda »perennili all downs of fir sawmills on the weal thousand berry pickers and canning runnlng full liunded roast will be brief this year and for U<‘‘orv h*1»’ w ,r* J,,bM rro1" Telephones: Office «13 He» SO78 the industry as a whole will not aver h*r" U" wo* k C ollett and high Th» TeM school boys seeking work have ('rest­ age more than five daya, according to Fon: (Just home friun College) — reports from 41. employment service ed a slight surplus of help in this "Puhllclty I» ■ greal Ihlng, dad, Il city. offices In various northwestern cities can ».'compilali anythlng " Osteopathic Phyalolan and Sur­ Spokane- Large surplus common rtwelved at 41. headquarters here to­ Firm ar Brown: "Well let'e sre tt geon labor. A few logging camps have day Some companies report that they tuwk» thoa» ben» lay more <>»<•'' will remain closed for two or three closed for over the Fourth and there Office 404 M A. W. Bldg.. weeks, while necessary repairs are Is a considerable number of woode- How It la Done Eugene. Oregon men In (he city. made, but the majority of large plants Diggins: “Did you see those two Walla Walla—Harvest starts late Oaleopaihy Blanda for the truth will be down leas than one week. next week More men than will be young girls |n town last week who wherevet It I» eclentlflcally The holiday close of pine m ills ot were walking from New York to Han needed now In this district. proven. the Inland Empire will be even more Pendleton—More men than Jobs Francisco?" brief, the reports indicate, and will here but harvest which starts In I Hamuelson: "Yea. I was down to average not more than three days. about two weeks tuay take care of i Condensed reports from the various the balance. districts follow: Yakima Toppenladv l.xrge isurplus I Portland- The Fourth of July shut­ of help. Migratory workers conildg down of Portland and Columbia river sawm ills will he brief and the logging and going In large numbers. And so Bill«'» autor had been War J "He adores you Salty«, but b«‘a ren Ftohcr ' afraid of the pace. He doesn't think As I turned back the paces o f the j he'd ever get *o the point where he'd last few months. I wondered why 1 : look with approval on your apparently had not realised It before. The fact reck leas escapade» and when he hears that she had received a wire saying the sweet little story being bussed her lover could not arrive the morn ‘»round through the kindness of Mrs. Ing after I reached the Divines and Fisher he'll still worship you but hu again, the queer way her face had might be afraid to attempt the grade, gone white when she read Mrs. Fish- "Oh I don't blame him. A man can't er a letter. Why then she must have marry a girl who’s chasing around suspected that Warren Fisher was the a nd getting gossiped about. 1 see now- one who had caused »11 of the etn how dangerous It all was " barrassment and for whose ungallant • w x s «- Ellle < a s .frankly amased. behavior. 1 had been asked to leave ..YeSi KI11< , u „ you , through - the Divines. Oh. I know f. Isn't going to be easy Just then Ellie entered the room, but I'm certainly not getting any kick camps which are now operating will She sat down leisurely in a chair op- out of the way we-ve behaved.'' posit» mine, looktd at me sadly and ..A„ r(Rht sult your„ i f n ut for also be closed bu. a f. w days. Al­ remarked. "I'm off of mismated hus Jus, different. Sallle. live most no sawmills or camp Jobs have bands for life You talk about un |earned this much from uor little ex been offered during the past week as appreciated wives hut the neglected ..rience with the gay and n|, y "You mean If I were pinlrg away you were a heroine this afternoon. ,,:Ue help o( any kln(, IU)W of for him and expecting him every | never dreamed anyone could be so wt)rk minute in Miami. Well, any girl who brave.” Aberdeen—Labor turnover last thinks she's first in the affection ot "Sallie. that wasn't anything. It week was at Its lowest point of the a married man. can expect to be made was a relief to get it off my chest." year About 50 per cent of lugging rldtcalous. After all. when you come she made a wide gesture as if to brush canip8 p„ Or>ya " „ „ b o r n»w 7 lo a ,'d right down to iL why should I be the comgllments aside. “I didn't do dou;n. others will close ..........« . . . July 3 . aboat surprised at him making love to yon anymore than you would have done for short period, probably not more or any other, girl? I hadn't as much if you'd heard me wrongly accused." than four days. All sawmills operat claim on him as his wife and he was don't know about thaL” i looked Ing and shutdown will be brief. It is untrue to her." at her with shining affection. reported F»w unemployed men here. “Never mind. Elite, please don't "Bllle." I said breaking the silence Tacoma—Little or no labor turn­ bother to explain. It's all been hor- of the dusk, “you see I have Father over In the logging or lumbering In­ rible but let'# hope everything w ill'to go to for advice but you with your dustries of this district last week. A turn out all right.' i family away and sorter drifting about few unemployed loggers In town but "Sallie, 'can' that Pollyanaa stuff. 1 m worried. What are you going to not enarlv so many as is usual at this It doeen't go. What I do want do -I” time of year though, is a cocktail so big it would “Go mix me that cocktail" and with Seattle— Nearly all logging camps fill ah ice tea glass. I need something, a bright laugh, she was skipping Mrs. Fisher is certainly not the most through the room, the echo of her stinmlatlng creature in the world? voice dying away like little silver Ellie threw back over her shoulder as bells. she reached the door. “Join me?" (To be Continued) “No. thank«. I’m not going to fo o l. ------------------------ A DUTY EVERY MOTHER with that staff any more. " BANKER'S WIFE ADVISES “Good Gosh!” she exclaimed, gonna SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE OWES HER CHILDREN reform ?" She came back and sat on the arm “ I had stom ach trouble so Children who are taught or the chair. . „ .. bad everything I ate soured and habits of thrift early In life You told me yourself. Ellie, that f o n u e d g a 8 W a s n iis e r a b le u n . will seldom be found the way to get the most happiness y j j trjed Adierika. Thlg heltx-d am ong the failures later wr.s to do the things that t h e f lr s t d .. A d lerik a h elp 8 on. YOU thought would bring it to you. a n y c a s e g a 8 o n th p g to m a c h o far. re been about the Jaggieat unje88 d(M, to deep-eated causes, S tart your child on the person In town and right at the pres- T h e Q U IC K a(?tion w jl, 8 u r p r ise right path with a savings ent moment I can't say that l m bub- yo„ Because Adlerika is such account. You can start with a deposit of only one mg ver with joy. an excellent intestinal evacu- So you think yonjl try the other a n t , t , g w o n d e r f u i for COnstipa- dollar, or more. We’ll be r" P a" THURSDAY. JULY T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS j " J 11- 1 caDt 937 tion—*1 ofter works in one hour m surpr se Sport-j because a n d n e v e r gripes. Flanery’s you re been in love for some time and plrUK Store it makes an awful change.” “But Ellie, he doesn't love me.” FOR SALE—Carbon paper in large We spoke ot Curtiss Wright though sheets, 26x39 inches, suitable for neither mentioned his name. making tracings. The News Office. 41 Years of Helpful Service SINCE 1883 Avoid the rush get your hair cut early before the 4th. glad to lend you >a hand­ some little book coin bank to take home. It will su r­ prise you, as well as the child, how rapidly the bank a c co u tt grows Just from the nickles and dimes the little book bank collects. Shop open late T h e F ir s t Thursday and Friday. Closed all day July 4th. N a t io n a l Anderson Barber Bank Or, John Simons Wenatchee—Small fruit picking' finished. Plenty of help. Palouse D is tric t ICE DELIVERY —Outlook for har- : \Ve are now delivering Ice on MONDAY. WEDNESDAY uud YOUR SHOES W IL L LIVE FRIDAY. Phone your order early, the afternoon before and keep cool. SANITARY M ARKET HOLVERSON BROS. 006 Main Street I'hoi.e KO SAVED!! much longer and give you better ser vice If you bring them to u* Io have them resoled or repaired. We use only the best and tuost durable leather, while the quality of our workmanship j Is the highest. If You arc thinking of iiutiaillng a preMstirt* w ater system in your ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Main St. Between 3rd & Ith I suburban home. Investigate "TH E PAUL” before making your purchase. Made In small mid large sizes, for shallow and deep wells, m otor or engine driven. Mack Electric and Specialty Co. 80 West Seventh Street Eugene, Oregon WEDNESDAY. JULY 8th With the beginning Minstrelcy of 1925 Co. featuring Lola White America's fastest lady buck dancer, and Bobby White A demon In blues Althea Lucas & Co. An Artistic Triumph Miner d 4,Brown In their comedy hit of vacation days bring In your c ar and let us put It In shape for your next trip. Racine Tires, Batteries and Service Guaranteed Work Jolliff- Scaiefe - Motor Company ______“ I Give In ”______ Billy Carmen presents an original “ Musical Fadeout” “ Behind the B ars” Phone 19 2<)fi South Second Ave. The Sunbrite Pair Mowatt & Mullen Once just a Summer necessity—Now ^unsurpassed for all-year cooking! H E modem oilcookitove, w ith its wonderfully effi­ cient «pecd-humcrs, perk l ted oven, and broiler«, heat con­ tro l, sim plicity of part«, etc., gives you city cookstove service ntty. wfure, and the ycar-'regvi// N o mussy fires to tend—noi.vcle««, timplc, mfe! But remember there's a hig differ­ ence in kcroacne and that the efficiency o f your o il conkstove depends very largely on the kerosene you use. “ Pearl O il” mean* the "b e n " oil fo r o il cookstove« and heater». I t is refined and re-refined—tli i '» why it’s cleaner-burning, deliver« I ime lhat’s all A m / and why it won't corrode the metal part« o f your eg -i, inent. Enjoy your oil cookstovc to die utmo«t— be «rnryou order “ Pverl O il” by namet T K aw STANDARD OIL COMPANY (l ,ntt) PEARL OIL (KEROSENE)