THE 8PRINOFIELD NEWB THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1926 OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST • One of the moat spectacular fir« s In years, which for a limn threatened the main huslneas section of Tbe Halles, destroyed two large ware houses bordering on Rn alley hack ol Hecond «treat, at a total loas of ***,- 000. The gasoline flailing boat Nan«- moahu, owned by the Burka Flah com­ pany, was run down In the Columbia river entrance In a dense fog by the Oregon Oriental freighter West No- iti d i I urn and two members of her crew ware drowned. Irrlgatlonlata of Hood River have received from the Klainath Irrigation district nt Klamath Falla an offer to aid ‘.I fighting the appeal of a caan from lln- supreme court of Oregon to the l ulled Ktute« supreme court by Ihe Pacific Power « Light company. PAOE PTV1 -A - ------------- Inspect Saw m ills Beranada Band O. H. Jarretf. superintendent of Members of the Eugene City band the local Booth-Kelly mill, with D a n 1 seranaded Springfield band members Correspondante Neilsen, superintendent of the Wood- Monday evening as they were praettc- llng mill, and Edgar Martin, Booth- tog. Heveral numbers were played by Kelly engineer, returned Monday the visitors «1 thwcorner of Main and Brief Resume of Happenings of ¡from a w tck’a survey ot Northwest- 4th tsreet. ThU move was made by UPPER WILLAMETTE THURSTON NOTES , i »rn mills. ¡the Eugene band to promote frtendll- the Week Collected for ------------ lies« between the two cilles. Our Readers. Hr Ashton and family spent Hun E D P U R D Y ’S P H IL O S trwtn <’row of Trent who was seri- i usly Injured rlevgu moot In ago when day ut William Rennies’. From Portland—Ted Lenhart, who he fell from a tree while gathering latwrance Haxter who |a working Iittr liny ertipa will ha th» rule Io _ at , ",f « " W «"«I» ,»» has been In a hoapltal at Portland ar- m oss wus iak> n to (he Pacific Christ- "( • H tflr »pent Sunday w ith home ftlks. ¡c o *« I ««“ •»« no reason why our r(ve<, ho[ne gaturday to gtay a {m r Lincoln county this year. ’ Ian hospital In Eugene Tuesday and Tad George from Vaughn vMted * “nn"1 P“1 beU« on tb e lr ,days with his father, John Lenhart I'll usually good crop« of «rain arc ' will bi operated on It Is hoped by IBs parants last Sunday. calve-»." wiM) wag (nJured at the lnjll last rcportdl by Hllvorlun farmors this an operation the crushed vertebra* Season. Mr-. Harvey Hadley from Hedley- ...................... " " " ' . which are new pressing on Ibe spinal A lbuny blub school s tu d e n ts coat vllle visited her mother. Mrs. Taylor I cord causing paralysis can he so lifted (ho «11»»r lr t (74.94 cacb during tbc laal Needham |«»t. Sunday. as to relieve this pressure. at bool year. Ml»« Mildred Price motored to Mc­ Mr. an Mrs. M. E. llayea left tiatur- II coal 3249,0(17 43 to conduct tho K enzie Bridge Monday where ehe , day for Roseburg where they will Salem public schools during tho Iasi will be telephone operator for tho Th Douglas county court has adopt­ visit several days at the home of Mrs summer. school year Alldu, 14 yar-old daughter of Mrs ed a resolution asking the bureau of Hays' mother. Perry Price, Harold Baughman and Mr* Robert Jskewayw and aon Kmttin Frederickson. *»< drowned In public roads for the allotment of road lurol*. previously approplratod for the Johnnie of Wendllng are spending the Jay Gram left the first of the week Heaver creak, near Helena for the McKenzi» bridge where they Hcollsburg'Rerdaport auction of Ihe Since January 1, 117 llccnaea to Cmpqua highway, lo a new section of summer In Ihe home of Miss Uerthu are employed as fire wardens for the wed have been laaued In Jarkann noun work on the Reedsport end of the Manning Mlaa Manning has gone to summer. Eug'tii- for a few weeks and will visit ty and 27 divorce cnniplalnta tiled. iroad. Mr and Mrs. Aren Shough spent In Hprlngljeld before returning to Ida Ward. Id. Elisabeth McCloud. Id. Monday night at McKenzie bridge. Harveailng of grain I t under way Pleasant lllll. BARGAINS IN add Allcen Coray. Id. eacapad from I in some parts of Umatilla county, ac- Mr and Mrs. John Price spent Sun- A good crowd attended the Trent Ibe atate Induatrtal achool at Salem I cording to report« received at Pendla- Annual Sunday school picnic held ‘ <'n,r *,t ^'kArles Hastings. The national foraat office« at Ku I inn. Favorable growing conditions st Rattlesnake grove Saturday, June I Mrs. Rosa Baughman from Eugene Tents, Folding Cots, gene baa begun «ending out Its look­ ¡during th« spring and (he hot wave 27. A splendid program waa given ” peDt Sunday with her parents, Mr i outs, which la somewhat earlier than ; have combined to hasten the ripening In the morning. The Trent band, the IMn<1 K Edmlaton. usual. i.f grain, and farmers predli* an early Army Blankets, Pack high achool quartette, Ihe duet with I ,tay Never, who la employed at the | The Cweey lumber mill waa destroy­ harvest guitar acrompanlement by Chester "Milan'« sawmill had blood poison In I ed by a fire laat week. The mill waa Oregon pensions have been granted W heeler and Wayne Elliot were all *’*• hand which caused him to lose ; located near Mtextiani In tbe INue sa follows Chsries H Groves. Port Sacks and Outing Goods much appreciated An Impromptu pro- aeveral days work and to make sever j mount atae land, ( t la month; Wllltam P. Morris. gram by reqeust waa given In Ibe trips to a physician last week, H e, A ilteefllvtg. « M a d te m trb ati "od Portland. (I I a month; Arthur F. afternoon. Races were a feature of b^ter now a etewe handing contatntng tbe port- Marr. Portland, ( I t a m o n th ; H e n ry the afternoon ae were also tha hall | " ’IK«® Weak has moved his family . ofTh*. w ere |w *c< tcally d o rtro y ed t y Y. R oger«. P o rtla n d . ( I S a month. gasne betw een Trent and Pleasant UP ,0 ,h* Wllllan sawmill. J ease I. Miner. Portland. (IS a m o n th ; fire a t 9 L IW e l, Hill In which Trent won by a score of ,n ^ Mrs. Ray Baugh with the , Tdae n r e at She Bridal Vatl Ijunfoer A aron Johnson, T n m s h i ( 1 * a m onth. EUGENE 646 16 lo 6 and a close game between the Thurston orchestra motored to Frank- j Hourii«eeat«wn O iegng i M aoons ma« at t <>«n*any kwnriu« camp near Handy. Is elderly men and the young girls. The **n last Sunday and attended the Sun- Willamette now tawhw control A half nillllo® M a rs h fie ld t a Io la «rttb fUaneo lodge ORE. Ice cream soda. pop. candy and mtacel 1 school convention, teed ttf hast b ase beam destroyed la c a le b ra tin g tb e SWJi t u a r tv e ra a ry of laneous booth proved very popular. ' The la d les AM met with Mra. Tgy-j St. ib e o rg a g la a tlo a (R th e ledge T w o F Is * olm oot d estroyed tb e (g ant n< Preparations are being made for lor Needham laat Thursday and tach- ■ Mxndred and f if t y m en w «a* present th e (V o d v a l drmpsitan. weekly nrva the neighborhood picnic which Is held eoanforta. at th ia «went fro m O a rd tn e r. P o rt O r ­ p a t a r a t P rin e v ille T h e loss w as eott- annually In th« grove behind the **r. and Mr«. Harry Harblt from C o i ford. P ow ers. M y rtle P o in t. Lang lois. nialedt a t hrtw eeai (boot) and 36000 A high awing la being bur< * * re *» Thurston Sunday, ' Coquille. N o r th Rend and o th e r (dwree. Circle ranch lla y tn g l» « a n at Sure«* H o m e last fixed Basket dinner with lee cream *one “nd Theda Rhodes, and Mr ' N J. Wnnott, representative In a m weak. Thia year's y(
Ji>»1Jk3fX^3JJ*’^yvrj*-» ' The first forest fire of the year In Sales of mills of the W est Coast S P R IN G F IE L D M E T H O D IS T Klamath county was of Incendiary Lumbermen'« association hold up well, (Ebbert Memorial) Pleasant, origin, according to a report made by according to report Juat Issued for the At Ihe 11 o'clock service the theme the Klamath Forest P rd ectlv s asso­ , week ending June 20. when the aggre­ will be "The Heart of The Gospel Refreshing ciation at Klamath Falls. gate bookings of 113 reporting mills Message." at 8 P. M. some of the boys Soft, Tho logging camps of the Hammond was 110,921.936 feet The new business will present the Hletory of the Ameri­ Tha n ® as*A SU RU.V a U T IM tr Jkaerf I.umber company, located at Mill City was 3 per cent above manufacture«, can Flag In slides with the pastors Delightfully and lairson. rloaed down June 30 for which amounted to 107.279.027 feet. The place mesaage on "The Patrlotlam For the ten days to give their employes a Shipment« aggregating 117,960.139 feet Perfbmed to Buy th e m Hour" were 6 per cent above hookings ch ance io celebrate July 4 Special music will be give» u» Ihe All Individual«, firms and corpora­ A celebration Io mark officially the co rn in g hou • and in the ovenlnc the opening of (he Mount llond loop and tion« taking sand and gravel from the Junior Girls Choir will sing. All at Use it after bath or shave— the completion of tho Hood Rlver- navigable streams In Oregon will he After the game Prevents chaf­ W hlte Salmon Interstate orldge will rcqBIred lo pay royally to the ataie “The Church of the Cordial Welcome.’’ ing, and offsets presplration. at the rate of 10 cents a cubic yard. bn held at Hood River July 4. Cool and refreshing. Finis This was announced by ihe state land Farmer« of the Pendleton district Constable; (to man In mill pond) generally expreaaed the belief Ihnt board after It had entered Into con­ you read 7"— wheal has not been materially dam­ tract« with eight corporation« In Port- "Hare-—here— can't aged by the hot wave, but all agree laud which are desirous of obtaining Don’t you see that sign—no swim­ In the desire to see lower tempera­ rand and gravel from the W illamette ming allowed? I am going to arrest river. you when you come out.” tures. At a special election held at Falla i Th« man: "Ha-ha-ha—that's a Enrollment for the summer session of the normal achool at Monmouth Ctty to authorise Ihe sale of the muni­ great Joke on you. I'm committing 77i* ««ton» has reached 1077, and reaervatlona cipal light plant there were 67 ballots suicide.” cast for the sale and 26 against. By have been made which will Increaae this number of 1160 before tho middle this election the majsor and city coun- Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel, Dentist. Vitus ! ell are authorized to accept the offer building. Springfield, Oregon. of the soaalotis. ' of (16.000 cash and lights for street Whether or not the Albany achool I purposoa to the valuo of (750 a year district shall Issue (35,000 In bonds ' for two years following the transfer, Io provide funds for tbe purchase of made by the Mountain State« Power the old Albany college enmpua will be j company. decided at a special bond election to Manufactured product» made In be held July 10. Oregon establishment« In 1923 show­ Fresh Fruits of All Kinds * The North Morrow county fate at ed an Increase In value on the basis of Hnardinan la assured, as the county Don’t fret and fume preparing that Fourth of July picnic factory price of more than (140.000,- That people who start trading here find good reasons for court haa promised an appropriation 080, or 62.7 per cent, over those of for fair premium« which will nniount dinner. In our store you will find wholesome and appetiz­ 1921, the department of commerce an­ coming back. We know our servic^ and our prices are lo about »000 Dates for the fair have nounced In making public a nummorv ing dainties—put up In special containers—to make eating- not yet been fixed. right. Buy here a few times and you will see and know of the biennial census of manufac­ The Control Pacific railroad has for­ ture» for this Btate. The aggrogai • out a pleasure for all. Cheaper at these prices than you why our business is continuing to grow. mally asked tho Interstate commerce valuo of Oregon manufacture» In 1923. can do it at home. commission for permission to con­ according to the department, was * struct a new line fo track from Klam (363.912.000 as compared with (223,- ath Falla to Cornell, Cat. a dlatnnco 664,000 In 1921. of approximately 40 miles. and*we absolutely do not sell you something that you do A campaign ngalnst the white pine The 1926 imcnjnpmcfit of the drawl blister In Jnckson county Is being con­ not want. Army of the Republic and sessions of ducted by T. H. Mallory and R. B. other patriotic urganltatlons afflliat Fehren of the Oregon AgriculturaJ col­ ad with the draw l Army will he held lege. under direction of the depart­ at Marshfield, It was decided at the ment of agriculture. The cultivated PHONE PHONE encampment at Oregon City. Engtieh black currant and the wild Hugh C. Mitchell, removed ns dll c- gooseberry are tho objects of attack. lor of hatcheries of the state fish <( u- I A force of 30 men aro now camped GROCERIES — HAY — GRAIN — FEEDS — SHINGLES mlsslon was named to head an ext a- ! nt Woodruff Meadow« engaged In de- slvo Investigation of the salmon in­ | stroylng gooseberry and black entrant Corner Third and Main Streets dustry In the Columbia river for Hie I bushes. The wnr on Ihe funpas will United States bureau of fisheries. he waged until snow falls. Community News By Special Buy a Tent and go CAMPING THE HUB OIL SPECIAL! 10 DAYS ONLY TOith ati/our> $1.29 Oil a Gallon $1.00 5 Gallons Gas Free - - ask about it ! U. S . L. BA TTER IES DRUGSTORE GEORGIA ROSE TALCUM ¡1 J M. L. Rewey, Proprietor GATE5 TIRES Springfield Garage FLANERY’S Drug Store It’s a Fact You Save Money This Store will be Closed all day Saturday July 4th S - « E FHONI GflOCERY - 9 4