THVIWDAY, JULY 2, 1925 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Hold efcrwet Merging— The Free Matbmllst charol* ot Glenwood held a «tret meeting here Bunday evening. Thuy will continue these meeting« every Haturday and Hunday evening Oo«i Io Salam —J. II W ill w»nl Oo to Laaburp Mrs. (' F. Kgglman during the summer months. Io Haloin Humlay morning, rulurnlng and Mr». May Craft visited In Lea- ths aam« ovanlng. burg Monday afternoon. Return From North Bend— W C. TOWN AND VICINITY | Working at Eggiman'a— Mrs. Flow ard M errill of Eugene 1« working over tho week-end« at Eggiman'a confec­ tionery. Him wua formerly Ml»» Gladys L«rpl«y of Hprlngfleld Vlefhe M rg ^Aoahlar—-Ml»« (J I s t b Jonas, student nurse at the Pacific Chrltlan hospital, vlalted Mr» Roland Moshler Monday. Vlelt Relative« at Band— Mr and Mr«. Hugh Jolllff and daughter Mar­ jorie drove to Bend Hunday where they vlalted relative«. They returned Monday. Going Io llllnol«— Mr« F. M Ilonrh From Rlaasant H ill— Mr. and Mr«, Mcl-agan, manager of the local Moun l«(t Wodnoaday (or Jai-kaonvllla. Dan W lnlrey were In town from tain Htates power plant returned Hat­ urday from a busines« trip to North llllnol« (or an «iiandvtl vtalt. Pleasant H ill Monday. Bend. In From Up M cKentln—Charlea Marcóla People Haro— Mr. and Mr«. Endeavor Hae Píenle— Hwlmmlng. (Iran i of Thuralon and Marry Th.lnas Carl Hpiara and daughter of Marcola games ami a picnic lunch were en­ <>( W altervllle war« In town Friday, vlalted In town Monday. joyed by the Christian Endeavor so­ Down From Wendllng Mr«. Win. Goes to Rrlnovillo— laaan Whmldnn ciety of the Christian church Hunday Explained Lanlroman of Wxndllng wa« In town left for Prineville Tueaday to trans- afternoon a l the Dexter school J«d: "Well Ham—you look pretty. Friday. act huslnea*. t ground«. prosperous. I guess there are no wolvea hanging around your door up Spend«! W a a k -In d H a r a - llo iiry Oosa to 8t. Loulg—Mrs. Frank A. Vielt at Taylor's— Mr. and Mrs. F Cariar ot W andllng «pani Ihn waak Itetich loft W<«ln«sday w aning for Ft Root and Adiath Mutinagh visited there In tho clty." Sam: "No— no Indeed live In an and har«. Ht Louis where »bn will vlalt. F riday from Ho»- burg ut the W. A. apartment out on the boulevard— From Maroola W. E Hogg«. of Stop at Bpong H D Farrier of Tuylor home. Ml»* Mannagh, u n itre nnd they allow no animals in the Marcola wa« u |H[iiRnxt'lnlil vlatlor i r«Ttlai) I and Lelanft Matthew« of of Mr». Taylor will rum iin for a budding *' « I ’rlday Power« «topped Hunday at tho Bpong week. Leave on Vacation Mr. nnd Mr». Man Caught with Cargo of Liquor W ill Oo Io Newport Mr. a h i Mr», Murphy left Haturday morning ¡ Caught with a cargo of whisky for Milton I ’yr expert Io «pond July 4 al 1 Go to Belknap Springe fir. nnd Mr» Ralph DI,ip il and Mr arid M r» .jf,,r Orrgun, and the W allow a-lhe Oakridge Fourth of July Celebra- Newport. lin rry Whitney spent Munday at Bulk for “ two-week'« vacation. They lion. Fred Smith, a construction engl- Oo to Newport Dais und Juanita r. 'p Spring«. alr/pped at Hood River to visit friends, oner, wua fin'd $600 In Judge Wells ( Flower« led Humlay (or N ew port' I — ......... I Justice court Monday. Smith »aid he I »hare they will «pend a w o k or te n , Attend Amargth Picnic— Mr. and ' New High 8thoo, QOi„a Up ; was bringing in a shipment of liquor day«, i . 3. Swraru wen- guests ut the | Work on the new union high »<-hoolfor friends when he was stopporl by mural i p i nli at . vyera path, up the ¡at Marcóla Is progressing. Plaster. idepuly sheriffs below Oakridge.' progressing. Reglatar at Spang J E Milt's nt McKenzie Sunday. lug work and Interior finishing la ex ’■‘here were 80 pint« discovered In hl« I llyderwond, WnahliigtoQ and II M ( tar. the officers report Jiihnmin of Cnitngi' Qrova «topped at Reutrn From Cvllfornla Mr. and iptcted to start within a few days. the Bpong hotel Friday. Mrs. Ivan Male r«4urnoil Friday even- Ihg from a visit with relatives at Vlaltlng S u ter Mr«. Frank Alex Loa Angel«'« nnder o( I’n rtlan l 1« vlaltlng her. sister, Mr«. T. W. Camay, at W alter­ Visit at Ketsla Home Mr anJ Mr«. vllle. F O. Crowell of Han Dlago are guest« at the John F. Kctela home Mrs Oo Io Bandon Mr and Mr» M D. Crowell la a slater of Mr. Ketels. N«-al | W< ndllng pa»««i| through Springfield Hatudrny on their way to Return From 8eattle Dr. nml M r- Hundon to «pi nd thalr vacation W C. Itcbhan. and daughters Con­ stance nml Roberta, returned Hunday Visit Parents Hare Mr«, Ernest from a visit In Seattle Skinner, of laingvlaw 1« visiting her parent«. M r and Mr». Itobart Hldwell W ill Oo to Portland Mlse Eunice Hh« will return to her home after Parker wil leave for Portland tomor­ July 4. row night where*she will visit with frhnds. Return Frmo Visit {Alton Bneed, «mall «on of Mr. and Mr». A. It Vlalt From Seattlo— D r Howard Snead returned home Bunday after Dnnford of Seattle, with his parent«. vlettlngt hla gvundapr