THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HOPE TO CONVINCE THE FAIR MINDED The shop lifte rs say they w ont answer us no m a tte r what we say about them We don’t c a i" Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by w hether they do o r not. E ve ryth in g we have T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS said about them Is the tru th . O ur rem arks have We do not hope to B . K M A g K T . Editor F. C W KSTERFIF.LD. Manager not been to convince them. convince anyone whose sense o f reason lies Bntervd as second class matter. February i t , 1903 at the solely th ro u g h his pocketbook. Hut we do hope postoRlce. Springfield. Oregon to reach the fu ir minded citizen and make him see the injustice o f the ileal these brigands are M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Year In Advance___ 91 86 Three Months — 60c try in g to pull off. • • • Published Every Thursday at Six Months —................. . 78c Single Copy — ...... 6c T H U R S D A Y . J U L Y 2. 1925 • • • T H U R SD AY. JULY T U R SPR IN G FIELD NEWS FADE TWO • • • • • • • • • • • • • Editorial Program I. Make Springfield the Industrial Center of Wes­ tern Oregon- II. Develop a Strong Trading Point; Build a City of Contented Homes. IIL Improve Living Conditions on the Farm. Pro­ mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of Fruit; Work for Better Markets IV. Tell the World About Oregon's Scenic Wonder­ land. Some Springfield M istakes H»2S OOOO CRO P P R O S P E C T# FINE JOKE ON OREGON ELECTRIC Eugene men are preparing to bond th e ir d iy to buy a $175,000 shop she fo r the Southern Pa­ cific, In o ther words they plan to assess the Ore­ gon E lectric properties to a make a Present to Its com petitor. And the S. P. yells about the t a l l ­ ness o f com m on user. Depends on wlio.c dog is kicked. • • • The Bugene cham ber o f commerce is to be cotnpUuicnied in ta kin g up the prom otion o f the Three Sisters c o u n try as a public play ground. T ru ly It is one o f the most m arvelous m ountain aregs in N orth America hut it Is little know n and appreciated even among Ixtne county people. Thousands o f people would be visiting the Three S isteis every year If It were advertised to the ex­ te n t o f m any o f the national parks of the coun­ try. Vice-President Kenney of the tlre a t Northern, report* crop prospects In that road's territo ry the beat In sis year*. U o iu u i. I « o r ll* , Speaking for North Dakota. *a>s h l* stale uvh 1/125 m ight be a tough porlral for Ute gloom pedter. Mlnneop oils Journal. On T h ird and Main Street, a railroad, a street e s s and a street i t i r line cross each o th e r on the T H E GOOD O LD DAYS same intersection. Last week an accident, that m ight have killed a score o f people, was averted Newspnpera often speak of tho good old days. Hot on ths crossing by a hairs breadth. A locom otive wore they anv better than they are today? In tho so-called bore down on a loaded street car and only the good old d ay* the world never .«Joyed the • X r.-l»« of rare presence o f m ind of the street ca r conductoa dodging automobiles; there was no static to exercise One'* who threw the street car in reverse averted a »oral chorda; a bootlrgg. r was Just a plain bum Instead te rrific collision. W hy must we tolerate such a England has been sw eltering in a teni|>erature of a fln u n rlit and If a nran ever dreamed o an alrp InY * menace? It ought to he s u fficie n t to allow a he took a big dose of castor oil Iho next day for a bilious street ca r and a railroad to use the same line o f SI degrees, the hottest in f if t y 'iv e years, it attack T h ere la a m istake These are the good old day*. and bridge fro m Second street to the S pringfield they call that hot they ought to Im port a little o f — Florida Tlmoa-Unlon. Junction, w ith o u t devising a death tra p on a out June weather a a a >. street corner. • • • k id n a p p in g in h o llv w o o o Score one fo r Secretary Kellogg. He isn't go­ The Southern P acific has made in fo rm a l ap­ ing to let the trouble w ith Mexico develop into Confessions of the men arrested In iho 9200.000 ransom plication to reduce the grade on Second and M ill a note w ritin g ctontest. plot tn kidnap M ary Bickford aasure lha film fan that It • • • streets. A tw o fo o t reduction in grade on M ill was no film flam Yet In view of the possibility of an street w ill render th is street nearly impassable epidemic of kidnapping plots In and around Hollywood Judging from the way France and Ita ly look at It would be a wlae precaution If the police would take and useless. W hy should we keep g ra n tin g privileges to a railroad com pany just because she It. If G erm any and A ustria are ever united It w ill fin g e r print a of a ll the preaa agents fur future Identifies- has the nerve to keep asking fo r them ? A center have to be the result o f an elo|>emcnt. phi« Comm ercial Appeal • • • * * e pier has been m aintained under th is crossing fo r l m any years Just because the c ity council did not ; Quoth the shop lifte rs : “ We must save o u r own May we look forw ard lo a time, perhaps 60 years from demand its rem oval. The same sort o f pier was skins.” M eaning we don’t give u d fo r a n y­ now. when the circus w ill carry as added attraction n b u ilt at the same tim e on the highw ay across body else. W ild East show reproducing Ihe hold ups and battles nf the the riv e r but the county would not stand fo r th is , • • • gunmen as they occuretl |n (he lawless early years nf the sort o f a stru o tu re and it was removed. tw en tieth century, before the cities were civilised?— Bos­ • • • And they s till “ look w ith m isgiving on the ton Transcript. So heavy is the tra ffic on the Pacific highw ay building o f a tow n across the riv e r.” a a a that Eugene needs another approach to the c ity T here are Indications that senators are getting ready fro m both the N orth and south. She w ill surely for Dawes' a ttack when Congress convenes. Henstor E d ito r ia l C om m ent have a hard tim e g e ttin g another upproach from K a rris , of Georgia baa had h l* tonsils rem oved.— M- r^- LET T H E BATTLE RAGE the n o rth if the tow n Is bottled up by shops and 1 phla Clnvm rrclal Appeal T he crest pitched b attle last week tn the fastnesses of term inals at B la ir street. If Eugene is to bei a o o the large c ity her boosters say she is then she W est V irg in ia between dry agents and mnonahlnere In A W ashington expert say* the average Am erican fam ily should have some room to expand in. Hut w ith which one agent »«« killed and two o th e r* seriously In consists of 6.1 persona You have one gueaa as to which n a tu ra l barriers on three sides and railroad shops i Jured. tu rn * out to have been a d as h between two group* mem ber of the fam ily makes the .1. You are correct, li e on the o th e r where is this room going to be nt prohibition enforcer*, one national and on* atate. earh ta.—Omaha Be« of which nil «took the other for rum runner*, and started found? e a a • • • ■hooting. A Lyons man named his tw o trucks W illia m and S pringfield has made some m istakes in her re la tio n sh ip w ith railroads. She has been on a bra n ch line ra ilroad fo r m any years when she could have been on a m ain line o f another road. She has granted the Southern P acific com pany every consideration th a t corporation has desired and has not even gotten good tra in service in re ­ tu rn . She has lived on certain definite concrete prom ises o f a ra ilroad com pany that seemingly m akes promises o n ly to break them if it satisfied th e com pany's own ends She has allowed h e r cham ber o f com m erce to be used as a rubber sta m p on docum ents to w hip other com m unities in to the S. P. colum ns, and in tu rn has seen those o th e r com m unities rewarded, even at her ex­ pense. W hy should S pringfield not p ro fit by her m is­ ta k e s — being th a t she is powerless to re c tify them ? W hy should she not about face and do th in g s d iffe re n tly in the fu tu re . A nother railroad is w a itin g to come in to this te rrito ry . L e t’s go o u t and get it — lend it o u r sup- 'pore m o ra lly and fin a n cia lly. It is not a privilege fo r a co m m u n ity to be on a ra ilroad— it is a | T h e re I* nothing surprising about this a * It I* lb« Charles Bryan, figu ring (hat a l least one of them would Some people o f Eugene and the press set up a flriv ile g e fo r a ra ilroad to be allowed to r u n . how l every tim e Albany tries to get the Santiam established custom n f dry agent*, who are a law u n it be running at any tim e.— Lyons. Kane., News. th ro u g h a co m m u n ity and enjoy the benefits o f • w e road improved. They th in k it w ill cut down the themselves. to shoot a* they search, on suspicion, and In th e business. W hat we need is a railroad th a t Science Is doing wonders for the world, aside from tra ffic on the M cKenzie H ighw ay’. T ru th is there vestlgate a fte rw a rd * Being Immune from punishment, w ill appreciate th is fa c t is plenty o f tra ffic fo r both highw ays and the j they are perfectly safe In perforating the Innocent public discovering some things that may not be t r u e — Toledo S pringfield, fro m the point o f tonnage, is on® N ear Corvallis recently a woman driving to her sick Blade more Im proved roads we have leading through i o f the largest fre ig h t shipping centers in W e s te r* e e e the m ountains the better o ff the state w ill be. husband was shot at. scared h alf to death, searched and Oregon. Tom M arshall was a disappointm ent to some In that C entainly we need better connections w ith east­ Insulted by dry sleuths because she had no boose It Is « S pringfield owes the Southern P acific railroad ern Oregon. Its a na rro w view to oppose Albany common pastime for them to puncture tires and auto* he had no patent cure-all for the various Ills of (he body no th in g . On the o ther hand the Southern Pa­ w ith bullets on suspicion. They have shot men dead, politic. Hut curealt* never cure.— Chicago News. in her attem pts to im prove the Santiam road. c ific owes th is co m m u n ity m uch. L e t’s “ put o u t” • • • carryin g home r andy to children and have even shot down, e e a n o th in g more to the S. P. u n til she pays a few o f W ashington has had a le tte r from the school teachers Rev. Dr. John Roach S tra tto n told his New w ith im m unity a U nited Slates Senator. h e r co m m u n ity debts. Now that they have taken to shooting each other, they n f the Aleutian «Hands Inquiring who was elected presi­ Y ork congregation th a t the new R ockefeller • • • church, head ed by Dr. Fosdick. should be called have found a proper outlet for th e ir lawless activities Let dent Iasi fall The least Ihe government ran do Is to send THAT DANGEROUS CROSSING ’ the teachers a good radio set —Cleveland Plain-Dealer. Socony church. W ould the Im m ersions be in oil? the battle rage —Saini Capital Journal. • • • sx. A year ago the Southern Pacific ra ilro a d com ­ The annual loss to the Am erican public, a t­ pany promised the Oregon Public service com ­ m ission to in s ta ll an a u tom atic signal on the trib u te d to c o n im e n la i fraud is $25(\000.000. Second Street crossing. T hat dangerous crossing E vidently B a rn u m ’s b irth ra te idea is now higher s till stand unguarded. T w o dozen accidents have than one every m inute. • • • happened on th is crossing since the apolication | was made fo r remedy- Thousands o f cars cross An argum ent accomplishes one th in g It con- these tra cks d a ily enroute to and fro m S pring- vin es both parties o f the foolishness o f the other fie ld and over the McKenzie state highw ay. T his fellow . • • • crossing is an absolute menace to life and p ro ­ If vou are so proud o f yo u r fine merchandise p erty. The Cham ber o f Commerce shrould re ­ new its demand on the Public Service Com m is­ that you w ant to keep it around to look a t during sion to relieve the co m m u n ity o f th is danger the next year, then don’t advertise. • • • In th is demand she w ill be backed by a strong J "« t w hat the “ tru m p card” was M r. C alkins c o u n ty farm ers organization. I t is evident the S. P. does not intend to fix speaks about in his dealings w ith the railroad com pany we propose to te ll before this co n tro ­ th is crossing u n til she is compelled to. • • • versy is over. T h a t is one of the deep, dark secrets I f the S. P. shops cover a ll the lands the shop o f th is a ffa ir. • • • lifte rs own o r have options on west o f Eugene A bd-el-K rim has a new b a ttle c ry : "T re a t ’Em th e y w ill be some shops. Eugene ought to ask Ju n c tio n C ity and Irv in g to consolidate w ith her. R i f f " It Puts a New Heart In Your Kitchen 1 THE GLORIOUS FOURTH Yesterday and Today A Vulcan Smoothtop Gas Range ,/ * THREE COOKING ZONES Cooking, sim m ering ana w a rm in g zones are always available on the S m oothtop— no heat is wasted. T his Is a vital fa c to r in better cooking because each food can be cooked a t a tem perature suited to its nature. TOP HEAT CONTROL N ot only oven heat co n tro l but also top heat control is available on the New Sm oothtop. Just the ‘rig h t heat” can be obtained fo r every cooking requirem ent. Top heat co n tro l is re latively more Im portant than over con­ tro l because 80 per cent! o f the cooking is done onthe top o f the stove. OVEN HEAT CONTROL F o r oven heat, control, the Sm oothtop Range is equipped w ith an accurate re g u lating device. T his In stru m e n t is absolutely dependable and frees the housewife from any w orries of heat supervision whatever. Sold on Easy Terms A small payment down and the balance Monthly with your Gas bil Mountain States Power Company