The Eugene Shop Lifters “Look With Misgivings on The Building o f a City Across The Willamette R iver” D E V O T E D TO IN T E R « « SPRINGFIELD NEWS «- Of OR S P R IN G F IE L D AN T H E FARM ERS OF T l I W IL L A M E T T E VALLBV “The People’s Paper" L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L I V » T O W N = = = TWKNTY-HfcX '< >NI> Y KAK SPRINGFIELD NEWS M EN EM Hl’IUNGKlEIJ), LANE COUNTY, OREGON, SPRINGFIELD LIONS DEN CHOOSES NEW OFFICERS H. E. M axey, Succeed* Ralph Olppel Ae President of the Srlngfleld THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1925 NUMBER 24 SPRINGFIELD POSTOFFICE IS MADE SECOND CLASS Receipts of O ver $£,000 Causes Ne GEORGE CATCHING C is ts and Increased Service to EUGENE TRIES TO GRAB S. P. SHOPS Be G ranted Eugene, juht without friend i- I lf T la. Il /-I C «U M If «4 --.-r» '---, n now. u n , n seems r c m n to ill u be e u a I city lly Wll IlOUL a a IrlPIK " " * Will occupy south «all Of Offici rx for th e Hi.rii.sfi. ri Den. attitude In attem pting «..grab the 8. P. shops and term inals from ■ Com m encing yesterday, th e begin Well Known Resident of Spring Stevens-Perkin. Building Be- n . ,..i. n .a ilo n a l. w t . . elected at Springfield has brought forth — a --------- storm of protests «..V. and a a iv/v lot M* of .... ah>r '< -he . fie . . ld . - Passes A w a y a t C h ris - - ........ ~ new poMt-office year, the' i ing Erected Especially for FrWay nm.n luncheon l«xi wc-s criticism from the pre««. The Capital a c c u s e s Hprii.gfield S p ri-a fie ld postoffice passed into th e j C'apltal Journal Journal editorially editorially accuse» tian Hospital; Built Big Dam Th« new officers will »»sum. char«« her of "playing the pirate" and "sand-bagging" .Springfield. The second class from th e third class. F . ! M ods-n P rin tin g F lin t. «t th e n est m eeting of the ,iu h IMmiocrat-Herald take« a rap a t her and the Salem Statesm an »'• H am lin, postm aster. has annouac-' a t W e s tfir. Th« rtprIiinflfM N uwm v . hl have n Oftl. nrx elected for the . »suing takes the time to tell her What She thinks about It. O ther papers e«l The Increased ranking wax m ade George C atchina. 69. and an old how htintf (HI m full whoti »• incupì *a year w ere; II K .Max y, p re s id e n t; t hat realize the Injustice Of Eugene’s attem pt, Will, no doubt take because of postal receipt» during t h e ! rli la k v died T h .,r.,i. • y ear ending D ecem ber 31. 1924. th e , ‘ ed T h a r,d a ’r a‘ Iht* aouth hulf of (ho Ht< venM-l'orkliiit W G Hugh. ,, vice p resid en t; H e r up the cudgel In Springfeld s behalf. .Springfield llHH been loyal to the 8- P. and we can hardly be- "m ount of th in e being »8,275. he Fac n e ChrtBtlan hospital a s a < o lic r o lo bulhtln« iiow h« lug c p < U «1 h»rl C ox. lull 'w ls te r; Dallas Alurphy. I $ Hpo< hilly for ihw now Mt* «por «ad com* lion tum or; s itaiph Dlppel, re-1 lleve the S. 1’. will alter plans, the result of m ature and careful U nder a provision of the postal 1r e ,u lt ot con,pH catioas arisin g from iiit-rchtl printing plain. T he now i Y I 7 0 ,,u*hm*“ *“** John ; consideration and give Springfield a "rotten deal" just to satisfy regulations, all em ployees of an Of. Injuries received last T hursday when • Iructur«» will Ink« ta ro of a growing EiOjetie, who hits always been a t cross purposes with her. flee of the third class a re retained he f.Jl from a ladder while inspecting I bUtflarMft whloh haa r«wt»H«««l «Inc« tliu Springfield Is the logicul lixution for the shops and term inals; In service and autom atically advanced the new F irs t N ational bank building, proRpiit nmnagt'iiit nt look Ilio Spring SPECIAL SERVICE FOR she is entitled to them, aud It Is narrow and selfish on the part With the office when It goes Into sec- Mr. C atching fractured his elbow very very finiti plutil two year» ago. allem pt to take them away from her, and we S ee end class. The p r u e n t em ployees In seriously In th e fall, and his hip w as OAKRIDGE CELEBRATION "* C ontrol« fit »or« to provldu betto r ---- 1,0 why the S. P. should sacrifice her own *nf ercats by be- th e local office a re W alter N. G ossler J badly im pacted. The shock or th e oming a parly to a deal so raw.— Lebanou Express. foundation« for heavy 4na< hltiory and Special train s on th e Southern Pa a ss ista n t postm aster. C. W. H am lin injuries, w ith sev eral com plications O ry a n lia tlo n *po< l«| lighting will b« feu tu n * of rifle will carry the large crowds ex­ and Ira Nice clerks. Jo h n E. Nice Is and his advanced age m ade recovery tho now building Tiler« will !>«» ap* pected July 3, 4 nnd 6 at the Oukrldge c a rr ie r of rural route 1, and B urton i im possible. STIR UP HORNET'S NEST proxlm atoly 3000 f « t of floor »pace celebration. P rep aratio n s have been . . . t O. Sankey c a rrie r of ro u te 2. ' Mr. C atching Is survived by hla In tliv nt*« plant aud «rrangom ont« tnnde by both th e railroad oad -onipany , E ugenes attem pt to grab the 8. P. car shops and term inals Ira T. Y o u u g js mail m essenger w ho wife. Meda C atching, tw o daughter» inadtt (o u taltttt tunr« «pat* When the »ml the eltlaena of Oakridge to care front Sprinhgfield has “stirred Up a hornet’s nest.” Eugene pen- m eets all tra in s and m akes connec- Mrs. Maude Florence of C harleston’ bunlnoMi domanda It. for large num bers of people from th e P>«. who are tired of bond Issues and realize the Injustice of the Hons w ith the office sixty-four tim es W ashington and Mrs. G race Brow n f W hile the north h a lf of the Htevens- valley and from the railroad construe- move, art* lip in arm s, and Springfield. Which was presumed, no during each w eek. T he s ta r ro u te San F rancisco- two s ifte r s Mrs I f ° P erkins building a t F ourth and NJaln Hon camps. doubt, to m ake a feeble protest, Is proving to be a doughty an- from Springfield to Foley S prings, :Riddle of Riddle a n d M rs o n T a g o tlls t. I altervtlle. V . I , . . . . U ,‘V* stre e t will he tw o story th e port which A program for July 4 and 5 haw t llt-goillst. serv in g T hurston, W Ben- B urk of A lrdacasb, W ashington; and wlll house the Hprtngfh Id New» will b n n a n o u n n d and along with It the ' h<’ site for the shops and term inals was purchased by the S. P- burg. Vida, Rainbow . Blue R iver. Mc- th ree brothers, E lm er and L ee of he one atoiy A pnrtm rnts will lie fit- Browning Amusem ent com pany wilt 4 a * S p r i n g f i e l d In ,912 and 1913, but on account Of the “dis- Kenxle bridge. B elknap S prings and N orth Bend and A. C atching of Cali­ tn l up In I hr » e c u i .- on I'll I whit« 08 J-.I-. 1 ! a ” >l ’ l : , " ' A ! ' i'b-^ I profession, and had worked In Spring- a rriv e soon. Main stre e t p rip a ra to ry to going hack ®H* th«» train will clave O akridge at field and the vicinity for m any years. to the car barns. C harles E. Croaolv •’ *n H*e evening. Special round- EUGENE'S MISTAKE ------------------------ the conductor, and Floyd I’urkey. flag- Hip fares will be in efect. FUNERAL OF MRS. KESTER He constructed the big dam for th e hatsnever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even h f i n a t w a i k f b c i - i a p f i W estern L um ber com pany a t W estfir, man, w ere the only occupants of thu '' and also built th e flum e for th e old ko unto them ,” seem s to have been forgotten at the home of ____ car T he robber took about »10 and SPRINGFIELD TEAM ®«olk-Ivelly m ill w hich o perated at the it n l v e rb it y hat city of education n, n.ilnem ent and culture, in F u n eral u e r r te ts fo r Mrs. S arah IS DEFEATED BY EUGENE the attem pt on the part of same of Eugone’s citizens to beat her „ . » _ oaglnaw several y ears ago. A cartrid g e clip, coutaliitug two — ■ - K ester who died Sunday afternoon. cartrid g es was found In a cabbage S pringfield's b asih all team wan d a - n ii.ili, Spi.ilgfn hl out of tho S. I*. bhopB anti term inals, where w ere held yesterday a t 2:30 from the L E G IO N W II I U f ll n a t ■ H O L D A LL patch belonging to J. P. Vaughn, Just figt«d overw helm ingly by th e Eu- a site was purchased aome 10 years ago. and where thousands ot walker chapel, with Rev. f . l . Moore i DAY PICNIC JULY 4TH ttorth of the I nr track Sunday morn- gene Fruit G rowers A ssociation nine tlollars were Invested on the strength of the 8. P Company's Of the M ethodist church officiating in te Ing. hut no o th er trace of th e man Sunday on th a local diam ond by a statem ent that these things would be located at Springfield. ¡ In te rrm rrm e e r n t w as a t the L aurel H ill j An all day picnic a t M eyers P ark. Th*‘ I’ro l’<,8al lB. we m ulerstand that Eugene bond herself for cemetery. haa been found. ' score of 13-3. Th loi'uis piav.«i far K ester Up the be enjoyed by below th eir usual stan d ard , an-l fall ’ ’ ^L00.? •iurchu^ ® sit,e whkh Bhe wlJI ‘r«de the S. P. for the Mrs. K t . . . . was born --------- 86 years a g o ! m . p McKenBle’ a ed to pick up at any time during th - J " n n h t I d a l Springfield. It Is a proposal th at, if carried out. n o l p e a r London. O ntario. C a n a d a ? She ° f A m erican Legion an d SIGN WILL BE ERECTED Hlng" Mulligan injured hla ' ' ,OUi ’t W,U FU" Up 8 F “ 'nBt’ a lo t "’«8*1 «nag»” that will keep it m arried Nelson K ester, who survives Legk>n A u iilllar>- S aturday. A fter UNDER SPRINGFIELD ARCH ' P'CnlC’ Fhe>' wiU rf tu rn t0 S prtog -------- back during the gam « when th« iii the courts for a num ber of years, a t there is a strong opposi- her. 66 y ears ago. th is anniversary & d a n te a t t *'e t-eglon pavil- A larg e sign, hearing the won)« lutn p id to catch a fly and fell back- tion to the move developing in Eugene, and Springfield will fight having been celebrated w ith a fam ily 1 j'' to the last ditch, of course reunion D ecem ber 26. E ight children McKetixli, Itjlghway will be awVing Wards. E veryone Is to bring a basket of is lineun was Delo» cannot understand Eugene's shortsightedness; nor can we also survive Mrs K ester. They a re ; under the Springfield arch. It was d a ! Springfield food, and Ice cream and coffee will be Chers- III ., k catch er- I Under8t, a " d why the S' P - Would break at least an Implied agree- Dr. E ugene K ester, and E dgar K ester. chlivt a t the C ham ber of Comm erce C arter, pit by th e Legion. A k itchen Irst base- D elo, and ( art' "’Cnt '' “ v ° f h ®J ■taUncte« « »»»PPOrterS to g r a tify th is s««lf,sh- Mrs. W. F. W alker, and Mrs. Jesse furnished v m eeting Friday evening. At the sam e Thotupaon first ness on the part of Eugene, who has supported her not at all. I ix>rah, all of S pringfield- M ichael ’ be arran * ed an We»- C a ri f««’ the Intersection of the Pacific and base; C. Mulligan sh o rt stop; Sankey, field. It's tittle "to Start som ething”—but we cannot believe the ¡K ester of London Canada Llew ellyn H ansportation of th o se w ithout them M cK ensle highw ays, nnd rem oving a h'ft field; .Meat«, c e n te r field; tthar- S. P. will.—Scio Tribune. K ester and Hugh K eeter of P ortland will be provided, and those w ishing to point of sidew alk which Is In th e way tnan right field , Nine grand-children, th ree great-grand go a re asked to m eet a t th e S w arts was discussed. I On July 4. th e team will m eet Oak- THE GUARD Is KINDLY children and th ree great-great grand and W ashburne m ark et and H untly’s A general discussion on th e ad- ivklge at th e ir big celebration. The The Eugene Guard Is not to be outdone in its i/fo rts to please all p a rts of children, also survive. Mrs. K ester delicatessen «hop. A well filled pro­ v lisb lltty of consolidating Eugene anil team will leave h iv e early Satm-day th e county. In order to show th a t Its feelings tow ards south Lane, as well as j has 'be; n „ re8ldent of Springfield gram of gam es and e n tertain m en t has S pdngfleld wss taken up, but no deft- m orning and retu rn Sunduy evening, tow ards Springfield and Jun ctio n City, a re the m ost kindly and based upon a , since 1904 been arran g ed by a com m ittee. iO ther gam es now scheduled for the ¡ d eterm ination to do th at which will please the g re a te st num ber, w hether or I nite action was taken. I locals arc: H arrisb u rg at H arrisburg, j not th at g r .a te s t num ber may ag ree or not. It suggests th a t the S entinel h niVODCC C n ilB T CDIMnc BAND CONCERT TO BE o y 12, ( miipuny ( Natfnnul G uards alto alto g g eth in s su u g a gesting s e s t i n r th n n s s ih ill t v ,.r ia tn n of the i h . county « /» .m v S kyline P arty Held eth er er too too modest m odest In the e possibility of » a itiv division HELD THIS EVENING A sn o w b allin g party on the lava , j’ “ 1’’ , *’ = W .-d lln g , here. Ju ly Into th ree parts. It would give a county to every section of the county OUT SEVEN DECREES bada was enjoyed by m am bera of tho , * ° dU *' ** “QOHl*. A ugust 2. th a t could rake up an excuse for w anting one. The w eekly band co n cert will ba Seven d ecrees of divorce w ere Also to show th a t It tak es no um brage at th e S en tin el’s mild suggestion A nderson Motor company s ta ff who — tonight instead of tom orrow , J. C. of the possibility of county division. It dor« not h esitate to say th at The granted T uesday by Judge G. F. Skip- P arker, bandm aster, has announced. drove up to Abler S prings Saturday WORK PROGRESSES ON w orth |n circu it court. George Melvin i veiling and cam ped. On Sunday GRADE SCHOOL BUILDING Sentinel Is the best tw lcf-a wcek new spaper in Lane county. W e are T he change w as m ade because m any deeply appreciative of the com plim ent, even though T he Sentinel Is the o n l y |M’,le r w as glven a *le cree Horn Alice th e party visited S isters and Lost ' ——— M iller on grounds of desertion. They people a re expected to leave by Frt- Lake. T hose who tnaile the trip w ere The fram e and ra fte rs of th e new i twlcc-a-week in th e county. w ere m arried July 7. 1918. and have for the second floor of the new county.—C o ttag e' Grove Sentinel. . .. , . Medley, A m erican P atro l ... M eachan custody of th eir two children. The Gavoft(? A G arden M atinw sey, J W. A ndrrson, Guy W hitney building on Main and 4th, also being couple w ere m arried In 1909 and th e , R udolf F rln el Five Pay T raffic Fines Wounded G irl W ill Recover nnd E ugene W alker. built by Mr. Perkins, will be finished wife alleges cruel and Inhum an treat- W a, u ; j , , ! , ; F p „ ows . ' R. "v o lls te d t Only five fines for traffic violations Jeam tte M yers, who Is In the P a­ ------------------- ----- (tiMlay. The building will he rnuiplct- wore collectod a t the city hall this cific C hristian hospital as a r e s u l t ; Find Stolen Gun 1x1 1. Mr. Perking says. March, V ictory of a N ation_____ On grounsd of d esertion N ellie — ------ -------------- I week. H enry Korf, D. O. M erritt and of a bullet wound n ear h e r h eart, E v e re tt Allen M oses A 30 30 W inchester carbine which Cornw ell w as given a d ec re e from Leave fo r Chicago John Doe were each fined for parking m ade la st W ednesday, wll recover. I S eranade. La Palom a ...............Y radler Crned H. Allen of Yoncalla, claim s Dr. J. G. R adabaugh and wife of w ithout lights and Joseph Slaven and atten d in g physicians state. Although I LeR°T Cornwell S ta r Spangled B anner. was stolen from his prem ises Juno 24 L illian G ray w as given a decree wns found In the possesslnn of Jim Goshen have left for Chicago, Illinois 1 J ° bn Hoe w ere fined $2 apiece for th e bullet p en etrated the low er p a r t 1 of thè left luug. nnd the stom ach, l t | fronl L H ' Gray on fHounds of cruel Shields nt Jnspor Monday. Shields w here th e doctor will sp en t th e next ¡«topping too near a fire h ydrant Dismissed From H ospital— Mrs. Na- Is believed th a t she is new com pletely and Inhutnan treatm en t. th an Chaffee of W endling and baby llvivs hero on A s tre e t betw een 3rd th ree m onth tak in g ipost g rad u ate Lela F. G eiger was g ran ted a di­ boy w ere dism issed from th e Pacific out of danger. Open A ir Pavillion Starts anil 4th. C. R tetnhuuaer, city traffic work. T hey will ntaek tho trip by vorce from Lee G eiger on grounds of C hristian hospital yesterd ay . Mrs, Tho first dance on Ihe new A m eri­ policem an, m ade th e arre st. Tho case Hie C anadian route and retu rn via cruel and Inhum an treatm en t. Chaffee will v isit w ith h e r m other, will probably he dropped New O rleans and th e southern route. can Legion d an ce pavlUion wns held M ill Closes Tom orrow N ellie M orin secured a divorce D. W. S cott, a t F all C reek be­ — Miss Hazel Radnhaugh, th e ir dauhg lust evening, proving very successful. T he Booth-Kelly mill will close i . __ , . . . . Trom Bdw ard M oifn on th e sam e fore retu rn in g home. D irector T akes Office !f'ir, will accom pany them ns fa r as T he floor und m usic w as declared by down tom orrow evening until Julv , k , . , , ¡grounds as did also Ju lia Bowen from W. O. H ughes, as tho new d ire c to r A lberta, C anada, w here she will stop many of the dancers to be excellent. , 13 „ , for _ , the annual July 4 shut-down. „ r. . .u . , W illiam Bowen. V isit a t H am lin Home— Mr. and of th e school hoard, was sw orn Into / <,r » visit. A second dunce will be given S a tu r­ D uring this vacation, m any repairs ___________________ Mrs Jo h n H am l.ln of R oseburg an d office nt the bonrd m eeting T hursday day night. T hey will be held tw ice a which have been hindered by the Guest» at Morgan'»— Guests a t the Mr. and Mrs. E m m et R ichards of Invited to V is it Battieohip evening. R. W. Sm ith, recorder, also week, on W ednesdays and S atu rd ay s w orking of th e m ill will be completed. ____________________ , A. J . M organ hom e la s t week wer« P ortland a re v isitin g a t the F. B. took th e oath of office C. A. Swnrfa In vitations to visit Ihe fnmous old th roughout the sum m er. I Mr. M organ’s fa th e r and m other, Mr H am lin home. T hey will leave soon lias succeeded George D itto ns ebalr- b attlesh ip Oregon now anchored at V P arent» H e re -M rs . H ow ara j an 4 M ra. R Mor for Roseburg. P ortland a re being received by local people. Mayor O. G. Bushm an, who is visitin g In Salem today. H er aunt Mr. and Mrs. L eonard Lepley, W ed­ W ashington. His sister. Mr». Rex F. Baby Boy Born— Mr. and Mrs. Geo. will m ake a trip to W alla W alla this nnd cousin, Mrs. Emily A dair and Mrs. nesday. Another Booze Cargo Taken C arp en te r and little son of Edwall, Badgley of D exter are th e p aren ts of A nother cargo of O akridge celebra- week-end expects to v isit the hattle- Norwood Cox will retu rn w ith h er for W ashington also visited. a baby boy, born Monday. tion Honor w as captured Monday «hl while In P ortland. The la st legis- a visit. Mr». M arie Cox, who went R eturn From W alton— H arry Dun­ whon R obert E ndres, of K lam ath , la tu re ap propriated funds to malu- to Salem fo a v isit W ednesday, will bar returned hom e from W alton to­ From W endling T uesday—C. H. Ab- Go to N ew port—Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Fnlls, was a rre ste d on H ills creek tain th e b attlesh ip as a m em orial, also re tu rn Tuesday. day. Mrs. D unbar visited friends In ercom ble of W endling w as a Spring- E lliot and son W allace m otored to above O akridge. He had a cargo of Eugene W ednesday evening. field v isito r W ednesday. Local Couple to M arry N ew port for th e week-end. ten gallon kegs officers say s w orth R eturn From Albany—Mrs. W. R. A m arriage license wns Issuoil yes- »4,000. E n d res Is being heldi In the. Dawson retu rn ed T uesday freon Al- Visit Miss C arney—M iss Velva Renta House—A. P. S evern has V isit From Eugene— Mr. and Mrs. county Jail pending arriv al of bis a v terd ay to H enry T om seth of Spring- bany w here she visited over the week- Hill of Lowell Is a guest of Miss Sybil ren ted th e F. E. F ierce house in the George Bond of E ugene visited friends torney from K lam ath Fulls. field and E dith Benson ot Coburg, ¡end. Carney. S tew art addition. in Springfield Sunday