PAGE EICH' THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1»2S THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS In From W altsrvllls W. C. Tholnes I was in town from W altervtllc th is | Mission o f Mercy From Mariolo- Kanrgv W allace morning. in from Marcóla W ednesday. Go to M tpelton—Mr and Mrs. T o n s ils R em oved M r » C , .1. H arry W hitney and Mr. and Mt*. W of M an illa had h er ton sils rv N. Long spent Sunday at Mapelton ......... ...... m ured Monday by a local physician. * Expected to R eturn Mrs. H arry R eganllng four d eaths from dlpther- In From Fall Creek Mr and Mrs S tew art, who has been vlalllng lu la in New York, "none of the p atien ts Frank K lntsley were In town fro n P ortland this week Is expected to te. received an titoxin e a rlie r than th e j Fall Creek Sunday. lu p m this evening. th ird day of the d isease.“ Of throe : m ore children who died, one was n e t' Fr°"' W a lte rv llle -F re d and Wal W alteryllle People Hero- Mi and *een by a physician for six d a y , a fter ‘*r E“ ,,o n Wvr* ,n trom Mrs Art Easton were in tow n from th e disease started , an o th er for four W alteryllle today. days and th e third for "several days.“ ; Springfield V isitors A. E H urls of F ro m T h u rs to n W edn esd ay Mrs R eports suc h a s these a re very com- t am p Creek and M E Golden of Fall C harles H astings of T hurston spent mon. and a n of g reat Im portance In Creek w ere Springfield business visit- W ednesday In town. view of th e many sm all o utbreaks ut ore W ednesday. dlptheria In Oregon latelv. Out of Hospital Elsa Sutton wa« Visit In City— Mr and Mrs. Lew dtxmtaeed from th e Pacific C hristian Dipt berla antitoxin has been In u-c for alm ost th irty years, vet In Oregon, Klnib* 11- cf N orth Bend, a re visiting hospital Sunday. ' In 1924. 107 d eaths from dlptheria A n,hon-V Saul oi Springfield for a few Masons Have Last M eeting The w ere reported, and th ere w ere prohub- * eeks- last m eeting of the M asonic bulge un ly more How many of th e -e death« Will Visit In E ast Mrs Mike U rie', til S eptem ber $ was held by m em bers w ere n ecessary, and how many could whose home is several m iles east -f have been avoided* It has been town, expect to leave soon for a visit of th e local lodge T uesday evvuit'g D elegates from sev eral eastern cities shown th a t when antitoxin is given 'n in th e east as well a s the Eugene lodge, attended the first day c f th e d isease, only 3.2 Mrs. H. W, Wade, foru.erlv of New Orleans, is now in N.-w York Leave on V acation— Mr. and Mt«. the meeting. per cent of th e cases die, while by from the 1’ 'i?; • to champj i the second day the percentage has W alter Scott and d au g h ter Je a n left B ro th er Dies George Sharm an. bro- ■ a mill!. i d. liar drive for the leper rlxen to 7.6. If the an tito x in is de­ Tuesday m orning by ear for a m onths tile r of IMck S harm an a ift F ran k i colony in •?.-• M ai Is, H er hus­ band, l>r. W ade, is acting chief layed till the th ird day, seventeen vacation in Montana. S harm an of Springfield, died Monday there. out of each hundred die. and the p er­ evening a t h l, home in W fttenbun- In From O exter— Mr and Mrs. J. E. centag e rises to tw enty-four for the W isconsin, according to a telegram i fourth and thirty-four each ror th-> Johnson of D tx t« r w ere In town Wed received by Frank Sharman Tuisiay ,, ,, ~ “ , , , ,, Mrs lllrs n l> le. Af lUolt, K a n su . fifth and sixth days. This gives soots nesdav. Mr. sh arm an was the first of a f a i n t l y „ , fc . , ,, , . . . . . . . .. has shrlppvd her household efwxs in idea of th e im portance of im m ediate of tw elve children to die. . R eturns From P o rtla n d - Miss AI: Springfield and will reside here a< attentio n M ortensen retu rn ed to h er home here Go to C onvention- Mrs. Mary G a- soon us she can find a location. T h e g e rm of dlp th eria lives only o , S a , uri!ay evening ir u .„ a vtsil gill and Mrs. C. F Egglm an lefi Mot- a sm all a rea of the body, usually in I'd rt land. day for Oregon City to atten d the the thro at, m outh or nose. The dam ­ Too M u ch C o m p e titio n age is done by a poison o r toxin. Visit a t Murphy Home— Mi-.- H ate) s la *e encam pm ent of the G. A 11 the 'H onest, Teddy.“ cross-exam ined which it m anufactures and which is Murphy of Eugene visited Mr. and first of ,he w ie k - Th*’.'- will spend hl« big sister, who had given him a the rest of the week In Portland carried all over the body by th e blood Mrs. ptullas Murphy Tuesday. dime to slay aw ay from the parlor tending the Grand Lodge of (he while her beau was there, "didn't you This poison a ttack s the tissu es of t ‘:> Attend Picnic Mrs. Lida McGowan N eighbors of th« W oodcraft, body, notably th e nervous system and even peek through th e keyhole*-' th e heart m ude. accounting for thy and Mrs. H. A. K orf atten d ed the an- “ Naw." w as the d isg u st»4 reply. T onsils Removed —Edith' Hire had "Pa an' ma was In the way." p araly sis often following d lp th eria. uual P. E O sisterhood picnic in ijtt- her tonsils rem oved W ednesday. and th e frequent d eath s from h eart gene Monday "evening. failure following exertion a fte r the A chance fo r th e O cean S w ells Viit R elatives H ere—Mr. and Mrs disease seem s to be over. Beard M eeting Postponed—The (Ad In Visalia (f'al ) Delta) N. D. P arr of Jun ctio n City v lstte l A ntitoxin is an antidote to the pois­ special m eeting of th e school boar ! M A N T E D — G ir l fo r lig h th o u s e on. destroying It as It Is passing th-u Mr. and Mrs. N. E. P arr h ere T ues­ which w as to have been called T ues­ keeping Might have to w ash a bit. th e body, before it can a ttack the day. day evening was postponed uni 11 to­ body tissues. A fter th e toxin has one? New Shelves Built—A new set . . night. At this tim e th e new m em bers Dr. S. Ralph Dippel. D entist, Vitus attacked the bode, antitoxin can no S e lv e s have been built in at th e Mor- wl" tak e ,b * o a,h of o ,flce- ■"'* lt"> building, S p r in g t- Id. Oregon. longer netitralixe it. for the dam age !• ' r ison A t’lingan sto re and a re being rem aining school bu sin ess for the year done. T h erefo re the an tito x in m ust painted this week w,,l be cleared up. be given early enough to forestall dam age of th e body bv th e toxin. Ant!- New S ‘S" B oards Put Up—Two T rucks Are W arned—G ravel tru ck s to iin Is a perfectly* norm al substance. new ■i d to th e p ro ­ p erty «o served, and -aid co sts to be en tered as a lien against said pro- p erty In accordance with the provision 1 of ordinance No. 101. Pa.-v d by ’ he Common CouneU j th is 24th day of Ju n e. H25. Approved by ih e Mayor thia 24lh day of June. G. G. BUSHMAN, Mayor. ! Attest by the Recorder this 24th day j of Jnn°, 1925. R. W. SMITH. Recorder. | A busineBs property, a home or a vacant lot you'll insist on a condition in the contract to purchase th a t the seller furnish you with a TITLE INSURANCE POLICY If you believe >n buying where you get the best, then eventually you are going to be a custom er of ours. Why not begin now? A visit will convince; you. Arrived CAMPING DAYS ARE HERE you will be wondering what to fix for the trip to points on the river or in the mountain«, down to the coast by the Ocean- Goss to Coast Fork Dean Woolsey I In F ro m T h u r s to n — Chris G ram w » t In lown from T hurston W ednesday. spent Sunday on the l'o a si Fork. Y ou W in / When You Spend Less Than You Make and Bank the Difference Bank It Her«: We Will Pay You 3 . That Help» It Crow— Reiolve Now To Do It Commercial State Bank saaniamnaa We’re Fighiine Your Hallie This community has publically called upon The Springfield News to fight its battles in the railroad controversy as well as in other issues. This we are willing and glad to do, but in fighting for you we expect your un­ qualified support. You must be behind us financially as well as morally. See that your subscriptions are paid well in advance. And see to it too that the men you patronise are advertisers in ibis paper and are boosters for your interests and this commutity. This is no time to s’raddle the issue. Call us and give us your order- We will have it ready for you when you start. PHONE PHONE 9 - WHITE FRONT GROCERY ■ 9 s