T1IVK8DAY. JUNE 26. 1»26 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS Classified Advertisem ents SUMMON» FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTM ENT OF T H E INTERIOR IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THlS U nited State« I .and Office. Roseburg, .S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E Oregon, May 28, 1925. COUNTY OF LANE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION N. Lindley, I'lalntlff, Foreat Kxcbangaa va. Notice |a hereby given th a t nn April I Ju m es I). lU trhay, nn unm arried . , ... __ „ 120. 1925 G. G. Sm ith, O regonian Bldg. ' I rn rtla n d . Oregon, filed- application No PAGE SEVEN AXLE BREAKS, CAR GOES INTO DITCH Opposes Bonds Eugene, D ri^. Ju n q 22— (To the E d ito r)—Nearly 2O4M* y ears afo C hrist gave us - th Gulden Rule "Do unto ' o tb a rt aa you would have them do unto y o u ;" also "thou sh a ll love thy Perfect ton bread la mad« by pen WANTKIk—Sm all furnished boni« for - nighbor aa thyself." Now Springfield I lc w ho believe In Hprlngfleld. J 26 p . im , n l 1 a- - < « <•»> «x<-h«ng« the auintiier. Artdn »a A. II. C. M m ln t-fer. b«r h u sb an d ; Mae Hitch w , ’ Tp ii. Eugene'* neighbor. The In terests ey , n unniuri od w om an; L ibel F o rd . |{ * £ £ A ttenda Roaabuig M aatlng Springfield Newa. If. of one a re th e In terests of both. You and l’ K hard line Ford, h »r h u sb an d . , , h<) Jjiv. Nsttollllt F , f(>r ,,le O »»nld Otatin, »hipuin» clerk ut the bfw ’cannot h u rt Springfield w ithout hurt- Support limn« Im luatry und help Muni* RHt liry nnd Jnn It»« h tn the HE1 N W ’4 5 Tp H P. sta tio n haro, atten d ed a imitAIng Wife- ( ■ F Ritchey ml H .»«etili 21 our i !ty g ru * . Buy Perfection broad. t.g Eugene d u e a. P. decided long W HUF* 3 E hm il n tb« R lt'h e- of railroad e lo k o ut Uonehuin over w D atile Ilitch •y, an J 25. N ational Fr ago to build the car »hops a t Sprlng- h e in th e nnknow i the > Wfuk-viul. Mr Olana wai the i io al cf tb I:..-ld, which would ben ’ fit both cities. J. ! It» r. Si rah E. Poney I Ralph DI plo t. D eullat, Vilua e III i: the land ' per So nN ria only rurvtviiiullvo fr J, ft UFA It iua i.,ir. Inti re H ti *• . they sue a S p rln g f ' Id, Iregon. , or httvinp building fid« objec thia i »I -Id. Th« Sprit •at ‘band, i-hopi and local? them I p Eugene and , an lib. two kind, chicli »III l>- sown h»’ of David Du ff. de- riti» bond th e city to ra ise the money to P B C M b PRICES on pint© work Or j<(. M b !r* of flenor tonili and Re ITn N W. Emory. S u tto n ilhi* J îH>f uy the land wl licb is entirely un- I» H oiofi n» » II Olani E TTL ; m e N t n KH«anor Duff nod ti iccessary as th-.- railroad now owns pr< even •metlmu» w ritten E lb n o r D ili an d . S HEREBY GIVEN, that i n i in a b e tte r I ocation. frffk wllb fib In ir Hl wwut H| j F 1U 1 to grow, ! ___ ho wax »oinetlire» known m tied. Wm. G. Hughes. A I- [at© ïf fír C ur bonded it d t btednesa la now Buy | Duff, d o w n e d ; and ’»Un all •’ T II!*- n rouat t r a 'ta u t ho CIRCCÎT c tf the e sta te of C hristian IN 1 r h fir: on of this xrge enough with out uscios* tncrease. 'in p erso n - < or rurtlew unknow n NOTICE TO CREDITORS of Oregt.u f jr Laa* C ounty hi« final iprins eid s good fortune anti try to ml and Having« Bank. Pll Regi t«r. firin rh i’tit heroin. 'Ice Is hereby given th at D arei a f ftnUnd Fox d scented. Renrob »Uitti ■sTT g-ne, I-ano County. O regon, has been mR hwvln< c!o?n m Minina Kdtp' 1«t/*r. h e r hft*ban I Mne Ritch- R ed­ John Itlce, Horace C o .h r. I^-t aa cot be deceived. W tan I Roe Ford, W illiam s, ey : E thr! Ford nnd Rich« hy th.- Court fixed an d appointed a- nro her» by nut It r*d to pre il Stock». Id «Mn ford. Jan o a F. Il If« and SUMMONS tiie day, tim e and place for hearing receive g re a te r benefit by having bnndj M in k Dorothy in»' duty Minted ai d ▼«rifle. Mnrvln McRae Scar n.-. r.rg<- F VM. Ja n e Rllch- »V. hl* wtf objoctlons to said final areonnt an-! th ese g reat railroad »hops wli -re th« ho law office W1 ■ I* k M S< arnbrouith. L f A lbert Funke. for ihe settlem en t thereof. All ob­ is iir o a l com pany long has resigned onih R ’lehev anid R- .-eh-, Bitch«sy, hi» T ¡ • unknown »he, ( rcKon. althltt miele, and brough, H l-11» Ir- iio M< wife- H aiti. • R itchey; , bfituuime» km A lbert S. Funk, (Jecti jection* m ust lie in w riting and filed i thia 4lh day if Juno 192 llom vr D It.-df >rd D afanda r ts . a iniereated in | with the clerk of said C ourt cn or to place them . W et can save ’ncrr-ana AZEL TBVi > n : uh4 all e th e r P< D efendan'a STATE NAME OF T H E IN T H E of taxes, practically get the benefit J ot* 5 and (J, bloc ti. College Hill before said day nn1 {tints. \ l-ntn1-.tr itrix hra n. Clara To John Cochran. It fua o r OR You md each of you Dated Ibis 28th dev of May. 1925. . Just the sam e and do no wrong to c u pari of Etti E W heeler. Atti ■rk, O regon Scarabrough, C hariea Ci Uran. May to ap p ear a#U bei iqnlreJ July 4 11 1* D efendants WM. G. HCGHES. Springfield or anyone eise. The shops Rice. Horn«- Cochran. J n M Red- oniplnl it filed nealnat th. th. ur-Known heirs of A lbert A dm inistrator. ». I ford. Jam - R It. I ford I H. S will be close enough an l both ci tie» i. b, iho t ’tled court and »n ln F rank a . DePue, atto rn ey for lv - . som etim e* known an A lbert S. Mnrvln Melt»« flcnrobroi i t » ro t h* <41 ' M M'IN S six w eek ' from the Fur I b> will Join in building a ccrn .-rclnl cen­ and nil o tb :r persons iniereated the E state. M S carobrough, Kb» I »ia Scarti IN T |tE CIRCCIT COIFR'I* OF 1'liE d ate of th a fi^at publication of thia May 28. Ju n ? 4-tl 1’ 25 te r 'which can n o t be bounded by brough. S'< Ila Irena McCormick an ! STA I E '>*' O'RLOON f o r : . \ \ l ll-iB-i en*. nn.l If you fall r<’ '<> app< ar In : I propwrty. IN T H E NAME OF T H E STATE OF Itoiner 1» It rtfnrd J. JOHNSON. nnd n rm - -r for want th ereo f. tkO OREGON: You are hereby required to IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE e ith e r city alcne, i.'N 'l Y IN T H E NAME GF T IIE STATE OF ( • Nellie STATE OR OREGON FOR T H E Cornwall. plalnO ff »r. le It >' p laintiff will applv to th - Court f it apppar and answ er the com plaint filed OREGON Aon are lien r .julri-1 to | COUNTY O F LANE th e relief dem and. 1 In *a'd com plain., ag ain st you tn th e above entitled suit 'nw at). defcntl.ipi a p p ear anil an» w er the com plaint filed fV Tn ELLA MAE WADDELL, P laintiff I.eRov C or-'w .ll d'-f.-n.l li t, IN t».w1t; For e. d ecree of th is Court ,-id- •g a in s t you In th e ahuvu en titled »utt T IIE NAME ( F T H E STATE " I bi igtpy nnd decreeing th a t the -tain- w ithin »¡x w eeks from the date of vs. the first publication of this sum mons, Within «1« week# from the d ale of OREGON- tU* I tbe owee Ip fee *!ou quieting title of frotu the d a te of f'rs l publication here- The D onation Land Claim of David plaintiff Io the S onlli*« i q u arter of of or for want th ereo f th" p laintiff Dnff, being claim No. 42 N otification College Hill Park, now a p a rt of E u ­ IN T H E NAME O F T H E STATE C ountry Oregon Hi . N ortheast q u a rte r of section t20t will take Judgem ent ag ain st you and No. 7419 in Townshtr. t7 South of gene. i I.ane -u-nmons is published once a J 'F f ’REGCJ-V YO» ^ e hereby required i Thin In T ow nship i2»l South. Range |5 l npply to th " court for th e relief prayed Range 2 W cat ef t* e W illam ette Merl- f - six successive We k in the to a f to a r a;,,J M ’ w tf" ’ com plaint, W eal of th e W lll-ri d t e M eridian In fur In th e com plaint and for decr.-e ag aini,t ain st you in th e above entitled en titled ; decree of dian d l-n containing cei-tnl’-'ni- tso 1«n .ro 10 «/•*«»: n err« : also ai«n be Springfield News a weekly n tw sn an er filed 8& Y°u ,n Lam- C ounty. Oregon. absolute divorce from you and < u»tody »«nnlnr *t the Som hw ent co rn er of ‘ " . * , . , A w , . ‘T* court and cause on or before six a' Thl* aunimon* I* luhllvhad once a of th e two m inor chldren of the mar. tli- U l-an-.r Doff D- neflnn t ano ,, ; ' ' i-ounn O reron w*"k * from ,hf‘ <>“ •« of I*1» Br*t publ! week for six aucceaglve we. k In the ring.- c ’nlm No 41 N otification 7419. Town . iinner»i le c ’ F qiri^’ <'a *io,, of th !" sum m ons, and if you Springfield New*, a weekly new spaper T his sump ct.s 1* published on. - *h'n 17 fl iFh of R ange 1 W est of the wnr, h ‘ , iidJ o nr i h - ’ above en-i 1 fB” 80 ,o a f P ta r ani1 *’>*»er for w a-f of general circulation. T-«ibll> i d at escii week for six con- ecutlve weeks ; W ijlnm e’i ? M -rid fen, ru n n in g th o n c w orth. Judge of the thereof, th e plaintiff will apply to the f is dat- Springfield lu lam e County. Oregon, in the Springfield (Oregon i News, by. E ast alone the South line of «aid • court, alien and th ereo M a ^ - / “ lm V 1 PUl‘“ ,h ' C ourt for the relief re m » n d ^ I t hy order of H onorable 0 . I Skip- o rd er of th e abcjve Uourt m ade May 12. c laim •’Pi’* eh s'n « : thence north 17. | said com plaint, to-wit- for ,n r a » decree aonr»» o’ n* JO H N H. W IL L I\M ^. w orth. Ju d g e of the above en titled 1925 lintel and first p u b lish 'd M n y .d e» 1? min. Wen- 29 54 ch ain s to the jth '« court forever dissolving th e bonds A ttorney fir Plaintiff. Court, ned the dal- of th e t i n t publi­ 14. 1925. of m atri-ro n y now existing betw een N orth line of said .daf-n. th- nce W est Eugene Oregon cation thereof 1« M.iv 21. 1>25 the plaint!*' and defendant and de­ along aid N orth l'n» 21 48 ch ains to W H ITTEN SW A FF 'RD May 21-2S June 4 ll-lS -’ .'pJuly 2. WILLIAMS ft BEAN. creeing th at th “ plaintiff have th - •be N orthw est co rn er of said claim. A ttorney for Fistili ff. A ttorney» for the plaintiff. care and custody of Thom s« J. R Residence and Rost Office A ddress: th en ce South 28 24 c h a irs to the Eugene. Oregon. W addell th - m inor c h ’ld of th» pla!n- Place of beginning, containing 78.99 Eng*ne. O regon Notice of Sale of Real E state May 21-28 Ju n e 4 l l l t t B J n l y 2. Itlff and d 'fe n d a n ’. and such o th er end acres all In L in e County. *"»*»00. N otice Is hereby given th a t tb f f’irth e r relief as to the court raav Also Ixils 4. 7. and s of flection 13 In Town«hln 17 South. Range 2 W eal nnd rslgned ad m in istrato r of the e s - / e''m " i''» « h le . Including the cost* of Ihe W illam ette M eridian In l-ane tate of Jack R odm an.'deceased, wilt, and disb u rsem en ts of th!« suit. T his “um m ons Is puh!l«h-d o n e County. O regon ___________ _____ on and a fte r ________ July 18. ____________ 1925, under and -.lid the whole Iherecr. as again«» lb > by virtue of an order of ll c n s e m ade ’,’ ch WPBk for a’x successive -reek* In -'e frrd n ’ t« and each of them , rn d th a t by the Judge of th e County Court ip ’bl' S -rin g fleH N^y-.^^iy or.d“ “ ^ r th* th e defendants have not. nor have and for Lane County. Oregon, and C. p Sk’rtwnrth. Ju d ee •'»î w . F. WALKER e ith er of t h e n nay rleh l. title or In filed Ju n e 15th. 1925. sell at private jab? C ourt, wh cb o rd er b ears d ate th “ C rii tereat w hatsoever In and to Ihe «»Id g*le. for cash in band, and subject to ,fc b J a T 01 if ,n*.2I® S -ft.nwi b< L Cf FU NERAL d ir e c to r crenP ,. »-■ ■ t h - e o f . and th a t ,-onllrm atlon hv said court, the real h \ r,r’ \ ? l hl' ,'" I 'on ° f ,h ' ’ fJunl!Di,n? SUTTON TRANSFER Full Auto Equip'.i»ot th e p la in tiff, title In and to sai l nrem- ,.r o r e rty of said e sta te described as ” ^“" t o t T pr F'aqTmR * tM M vr b« frre v e - quieted n ro ’nM the fonow s. tew lt: t o t t e r . ► 'S t v . r *• Phon» 57 claim of th e defendant© or e ith e r of r c- section of Town ntn 1« A ttornevs for Plaintiff, W. O. W block them , and th at »he p la lu t'ff have sp -h , „ uth ; f ' rHI1R..' 4 of the WiHam "9d P ost Office address. Eu- Office Phone «2 J n®» ’’hon# • ’ 3 o th e r and fu rth e r relief aa to th e , t u M eridian. In Lane County. Oregon **“ • ’ O r,«on Ju 18-25; July 2 9-18 23 '” ‘p|n e9 ',,tn h -P excepting therefrom a strip of laud ' p ihli hod c u re c# feet cxt(.n. 012813. for NM, N W U , 8E% DENTIST To Sam uel McMurdo ihe above nam ed defendant. N W ', flre. 27. Twp. 16 S ran g e 2 west Your Home When In W llinm ette M eridian h as filed notice In th e Name of the S tate of O regon: È Y if/Z i» Phone 43 Springfield of in ten t'o n to m ake th re e y ear proo*. You a re hereby notified th a t J. W. B aker, the h o ld er of C ertificate of De­ Vitus Bldg., Springfield. Ore. (to establish claim to th e land above linquency num bered 1917 la.-ued on the 16th day of Novem ber. 1920 by the described, h -fo r- E O. Imtuyl. U. Sil • i . T ax Collector of the County of L ane, S ta te of Oregon, for tho am ount of 511.52 tl-i toth' iiv lnne* ioor r>8On’ On , *le Bame being the am ount then due and delinquent for taxes for the JO H N id. WILLIAMS C la im a n t ' n n , „ a ’ . « •D bar together with penalty, in terest and costs thereon upon the real V 'e t o r it H am m iti I , v i . - h u« P roperty assessed to you. of which you are the ow ner as - ppenrs of record, A ttorney for Vet. fltn ta Aid I om., 'W M . G. HUGHES Frank <9-iore« W lllin m « j v it »' s i tu a t e ! In .«aid county and state, and particularly bounded and described as Soldiers Bonus Loana. Mohn . « r " r-g n n . *V I fl»'lows follows to-wit: to-wit: The The E E ast ast 53 53 13 t-3 feet feet of of lots lots 1. 1. 2 2 and and 3. 3, Block Block 24. 24. G G ross' ross' Addition Addition FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE »»»aHL-CTSSEW L. E. BEAN to Eugene. Lane County, Oregon. NOTARY PUBLIC HAMILL A. CANADAT, W. B aker has on You a re further notified th at raid J. paid taxes said Attorn-ay S lat« Land Board, Non coal R eg is'er. , Office at [tem i«»« for prior o r subsequent years. w ith the ra te of In terest on said fi-tato School Fund Loans. May 14-21-28 Ju n e 4-11 am ount* as follows: FIRST NATIONAL BANK Special fo r This Week W ILLIAM S & BEAN Sp'lnpfleld, Oregon Date Paid Tax Receipt No. Amount R ate of Y ear’s Tax NOTICT TO CREDITORS ATTORNEYS In terest N otice Is h er-h y given th at the 880 W llllam ette St. Euije"«- O r®- 11.52 12% Maximum Water Bottles, Regu­ undersigned has tieen appointed by Llcenaed to practice In all C ourts N ’v. 18. 1920 24176 9.93 12% la r Value $2.00, Special $1.29 1918 Nov. 16. 1920 23321 10.80 12% 1919 of th e Htat '. and U nited S tates. Mar. 28 1921 4794 12% 5.97 anient of M attie J. Inm an, deceased; 1920-1-H 5.96 Sep. 23. 1921 18732 12% 1920-I-H All kinds of gravel fo r con­ Apr. 4. 1922 6170 12% 6.34 1921! H crete or road work. We 26459 Jan . 30. 1923 6.90 12% 1921-2-H make a specialty of crushed 15684 Mav 31 1923 6.35 12% 1922-1 II 17936 6.48 Sep. 27. 1923 12% rock and rock sand. Bunk­ 1922-2-H .«lx m onths from th is dale. JE W E L E R 6320 Apr. 4. 1924 12% 6.47 1923 1 H Dated this 27th day or Mrv. 1925. ers at foot of Main on Mill Oet. 1. 1924 18947 6.47 12% 1923 2-H W. W. INM AN. llrpalrlng a Specialty street. 5011 Apr. 4. 1925 14 54 12% 1934 Executor. Springfield. Oregon HENR7 W. CHASE. Prop. W illiam s ft llenn Said Samuel McMurdo ns the ow ner of the legal title of the r.bove ile«- A tto rn ey s fot- Fatato. 'c rib ed property as the sam e appears of record, and each of the o th e r persons M-28 J-4 1118-25. ¡above named are hereby fu rth er notified th at J. W. B aker will apply to the C ir c u it Court of the County and S ta te aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the 1 lb. Lord Baltim ore Linen and R. W. SMITH N< TICK TO CREDITORS FRANK A. DE PUE I lien again t th e property ¡¡hove described, ami m entioned In said certificate. NOTICE IS HEREBY O K I Til t And you nre hereby sum moned to ap p ear w ithin sixty days a fte r the first 2 bunches Envelopes, regular ATTORNEY A t LAW th - I’liitt I signed has be. n di:' ' 1' I publication f this summon«, exclusive of Ihe day of said first publication, and Justice of the peace anil NOTARY PUBLIC I olut«.»: by tli - County Court i-f '¡m "J defend this action or pay th e am ount due as above ahown, to g eth er with costa price $1.00, Special 79c. notary public, Insurance Suite of Oregon f.--- the Coiin’y if ' and lcerued in to '( t. nnd in case of your failure to do so. a tleereo will be Sprlngfle'd L i t . as a d m in istrato r of ;,ie esi.-it ,f Sutton i , nd i f irpi 'o 'i r " the lien of said taxes and costa ag ain st th e land and B enjam in G reen deceased and Hi City Hall Springfield, Oregon Oregon tä uidi lug r.atnad, all h«, ani-' having claim« n,;a. > «.aid ■i emli s above eem aion- is pnhii-died by o rd er of the H onorable G. F. Sklpw orth. e l it" ai» h ereb y notified to i vt . i ., , ip,, e u ’ u Court of the S la te nf Or gon for th e County of I.nnp. thy i,.-ii,.i properly verified ' « - n- • ,t i- - vi m ade and dated th is 12th dnv ' May. 1925 and the date of n inlsfi-Rtor nt th - o t.'a c of i.nk .«.. Contracting and Bulb ii£ th e first publication of th is sum m ons is th e 14-th day of May, 1925 and the H *!:«. tha a tto rn ey f o i- r ie - i- CLEANING, PRESSING fbf I.«,; publication July 18, 1925. GEO. W. PERM t, Bprt'if*("cid, Oregou, on or before . !x AND SEWING .« ■• . -¡j ra r e r« ’n this p rocc-dlng mav he served noon the under- li.oiit'i:i t-om th e d ate o f 'th is ,,0'U c. Corner 5th and r - ,oets Mrs. (J. M. l ’lunnnor ignei rr-'ddlng trilhin th e S ta te of Or-- xon nt the address h e re a fte r mentioned. me ^ 6 ^ore Dnied tills i'nd d-iv oí Jcr.e, 1J25 SpringSield, >->,,cgon C.N.JOHNSON, A ttorney for I’lnintlti. W. J. T j R P L E V . \dndnlR irntnr. THE MODE Pinna and Eatlmn';-* Furnished ■o r to U nite ! State» N ational Bank V raik A. D©Vu©, ‘A d m in istrato r (or Between Gth and 6th Free. Will Help You Finance dul l 8» Bunk B l'g ., Eng O' , Oregon. t.ho e rtn tr M l S 21-2S-J-4 11-18 25-JU-2 9 16. . Your Building. J IS 23 Ju. 2 9-16. ••II w hat yau w ant ta sail, buy w hat yau w ant to buy thru an ”»«•• column*. W rlta or phona TWO M | T h e front wheel of bla c ar was broken, and th e fender and axle bent when Ih 'ist.-a rln g gear on th e J. A. Nel­ son c ar broke Sunday afternoon and th e vehicle ran Into -the ditch n ear C hase Gard< mt. Focr sm all children wer* with Mr. Nelson In car, but th ere were no Injuries. T he aecld»nt occun d about 4:00. ■ of the bank d tion of the hours before M . 'B U S I N E S S D IR E C T O R y Puhiting & “T h e Loop S sÆ V DRUGSTORE SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W . Roof FLANERY’S Drug Store