r»gc i uree THURSDAY, JUNK 25. 1925 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Scopes Trial for Teaching Theory of Evolution is a Test Case for Katicn “Greatest Question Ever Rais* quiry presupposes doubt, the Iss j«» , m th a t th e theory of evolution necea •d.” Says Wm. J. Bryan. em braces the question of a g n o stld s n ’ runs counter lo the Genests story of the Creation. “Cannot Legislate a Limit Judge Jo h n Randolph N ear, of for Human Mind in Inquiry Knoxville, Tena., states his position In After Truth” Says Opposi the controversey In this way: "W e tion. Comments From the regard |t as equally un-American and th erefo re unconstitutional, w hether It Press of the Country. la kingly or ecclesiastical au th o rity nr legislative pow er th at would attem pt to lim it the hum an mind in Its enquiry Í a fte r tru th ." W ritten Specially for New* By Edward Percy Howard T ennessee's b attle over the rl| and sectarian and private schools a e still left as the unham pered media through which evolution or any o th er Tire • • -e re^ trcr# O fficial Goodyear TAYLOR. LAKE X R IA N S The Unique Revue HALKING’S COMEDY SILHOUETTES SAM BEVO “ The Mtitdcal M oke" SAVED!! John T. Scopes, professor of biology at Dayton, Tenn. high school, on trial there for violating the “ ¡aonkey-Iaw** — or, cha: with teaching the theory of evolu­ tion. It is a test case watched with a great deal of interest throughout the country. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 31 The only act of Ila kind In the world M onkey Law” Judge Some Interesting Opinions liesse» statu te allows that right Th s applies to »«'onomlcs, to religion, to history, indeeil to all bases of human knowledge. Including th e theory t.f evolution. much lunger and give you better a«r vice If you bring them lo us to hnvo them resoled or repaired. Wo u»< only th« he t and most durable leather, I while the quality of our w orkm anship I ts the highest. HANSON X BURTON SISTERS The m agic man and h i* m agical ntaldn EDDIE BLACK 6 .. 992 Willamette St. .. With the beginning Eugene, Oregon of vacation days bring In your car and let us put It la shape for your next trip. F IN A L L Y , GEORGE B E R N A R D S H A W SAYS: Racine Tires, Batteries and Service "W hat W illiam Jennings B ryan calls Fundam entalism . I cal! In- ia n t a lt o j.” • • • • • Now. W hat Do YOU T hink? Guaranteed Work .1 Jolliff- Scaiefe Avoid the rush ’ get your hair cut early before the 4th. Shop open late Motor Company Phene 19 20<> South Setolili Ave. Tfcnndajr aod Friday. Closed aB day July irh. Anderson Barber Shop jO il-C o o k s to v e Work • - is “CitX Easy” and Cool! r T M f UÜWJ 0, 'n o ÚÚ. New Paint Store Come In and get our estim ates on Paints and Varnishes. Let us give you an estim ate on painting your house or autom obile. We have had tw enty years of experience in painting and can give you the right kind of work a t the right price. Come in and give us you order as we deliver to all parts of the city. Prom pt attention given to city or country work. (1 1 j 1 a Wood Range Built in Oregon for Oregon Homes A Range you will be proud to own. Priced From $58 to $115. Terms if desired. See the Colonial Range in our window that has been in use for 10 years. We specialize in painting school houses. Vasby Bros. 321 Main Street Wright & Son Hardware Paint ________________ Furniture 1 I ' ? c k 74?<>R K,NG*‘,,’aF,,d ' r ' <’ il Cpokstove ix ,