The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 25, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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TIB HSDAY, JUNK 26. 11*25
A to ta l re g is tra tio n o f 3371 r s g u lt r
ly u n r o ll« ! » tuttuni« w ith a g ra m i
to ta l o f |5 5 L tfo ludlng summer
Brlol Resume of Happenings o
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
Th« TlllHmonk county fs r will b<
hold Maptsuilxtr 22. 23, 24 anti 25
t ' l l l o n s o f O swego vo li-d s boat
Is» 11« o t I lo o ,to o to provtilw an adv
quale »«ter system
The Masotti' order of North Hem
will begin < mist rut tIon soon of a tl»r» i
story rontrel« temple.
linker voters approved bonds of *46
OOti for the erection of a tww schoo
on the west side of tbs city.
The Hal»to Ad club was organlset
at a meeting In Kaletn all* tided by i
dosen advertising specialists
Expenditures In connection with th>
Hslem public schtMds for the year
1024 and 1925 aggregated *640.1*10.
Lewis Victor ttoaeruno, 13, wr
drowned when h« tell from a swlnt
Into the Willamette river at Haletn
In one day Inal week four men a
Port Orford shot 590 sealloua, foi
which they will reetdva a bounty t>
*.', eai 1»
The Mount H o o d Loop road la nov
open tor travel The last snow hurrle
near Bennett puss was removed Wed
The 1925 Vreahytertan Bvnod wll
be held on the I’nlverslty of Oregnt
campus at Eugene the week of Julj
15 to 22.
A Jubilee commemorating the Kdtt
anniversary of the founding of th.
Episcopal church In Tho Dalles wai
held last week.
C E Lee of Eugene was r>»e|ect<<
president of the state convention o
the frat.-rtinl order of Eagles at th«
■* *,
" "&'■ rT “"i
mxt ot u thuWJrMpp
tn* r$i<l»tfHr
| nival
IIM r u ® i« (nr tbs •< bool ywat Jbut
closet! ■
A contract under which the «title
fish cominlaslon was to employ Hugh
Mitchell, director of hatcbarlua, fur
four years al a monthly salary ol
*350, Is Invalid, according to a legal
opinion handed down by the attorney
The Cascades were pierced by a
366i)-f»ot tunnel Friday when twe,
crews of workers met under the sum
mil of the mountains near the north
west end of Odell lake, completing tha
lo n g e st (unn«i of tha Kugaao-Klaiuatb
Palls line.
Mayor Keiser of North Bend re
fuses to accept the resignation of
ch ief of Poll,« Jackson, who, he aaya,
la loo valuable a man for the cltv
to lose Chief Jackaon resigned when
the cltjr council ordered a reduction In
hla allowance for automobile upkeep
The first lookouts tn the Bluslsw
national forest for the season were
Instructed lo lake their posts by
Itnlpli H Shelley, supervisor of the
A new lookout tower la be­
ing built on Belle mountain In T ills
■nook county and a new telephone line
la being hull! l o the station.
Htart of construction work on the
extension of (he Oregon Trunk line
from Bend south to Klamath Palis
only awaits permission from the In
terstate commerce commission. W. P.
Turner, president of the Spokane.
l,<>rtl«nd ft Seattle railway, told mem
tiers of the d ly council of Bend.
A reduction of 2 per cent In Insur­
ance rates 111 The Dalles has been
ordered by the Oregon rating bureau
as a result of the Installation of a
new pumptne plant at tin- city well.
The new plant treble,, (he present city
water supply being capable of turn
I ’dug 7,0on,l)00 gallona of water a
s e s s io n III E u g e n e
O w n e rs o t 600 cows have signet, ui j
A total 'if 526 sea lion scalps, the
,o furnish mtlk to a new moden j
la rg e st n u m b e r e ve r tu rn e d over by factory to tie built suonne- -
I sn Independent hunter, were depot
at Tangent In Linn county
' Hut with Pish Commissioner Eakln a,
Eire swept through 7.000.000 fee, o \ -.torta by P. J, Blackvrtoy of Port­
lumber a, thi> Eastern a Westert land. »bo has spent the spring months
Lumber company's yards In Port'and ■ hunting sea lions ulong the Oregon
with an estimated loss Ilf *100.000
i const from Hscot« Head to Tillamook.
The state of Oregon has »tin mile, A l *5 a scalp lllack.-rhy has realised
of pnve.l roads anil 2000 mile» of mao some *2tl3o by hla spring hunting.
niinin roads, according lo Boy Klein
H e e e l p t s of the public service com
secretary of the state highway com mission from the gros» earnings tax
on public utilities are reduced nearly
M r s E llx a b e lh K a y Coshow. 59. w ifi ’.0 per cent under the Interpretation
o f O liv e r P t ’ o s b iiw . a s s o c ia te Just let ! of the law mad«1 by Attorney-General
of the state s u p re m e c o u rt, d ie d a t het i Van Winkle. The opinion holds that
home In Kaletn following a stroke o tli«» tax uppltes only to purely Intro-
! tate business and that any Income of
The earwig Invasion Into Tlllatnool the m ill,lea from Interstate business
county Is now under control, accord l aving an origin In Oregon cannot be
lug to W D. Pine, county agent, win j taxed.
has tieen active recently In slain pint
Governor Pierce will be ask.-d to
ou, the p e st.
call a »pedal session of the Oregon
Member« of tho Pacific division o legislature to further the Roosevelt
the American Phytopathologlral so highway. The movement was started
clety held their annual meeting a at a meeting of the North Bend cham-
the Oregon agro ultural college at Cor , her of commerce, when a resolution
wus adopted to that effect. Other
vallla this week.
j, j bodies along the route of the Roose­
Contracts were awarded to
Ritchie, «»»rector, for the construe velt highway will be asked to Join in
tlon of the new Smith Packing «tom the resolution asking the governor I t r
pany plant at Baker, which will h« the session.
The public service commission has
erected a, a cost of *26,000.
More than 2000 acres of land In Ih« requested the Interstate commerce
Lib. r’ty Pranklli. anti Creawall ,11. , commission to suspend tart«« already
trlct. h ft e been worju'd over w i l l . M
proposing ,S Increase Interstate
V aT ,on .? barTe? In Gw ’< a m p " ^
00 fre,,h ' rul‘
table shlpmoiHi approxjmately 25 per
against gray diggers In Lane county
cept. The proposed new rates would
The American Mathematical soviet} apply particularly to the state* of
held a two-dsy annual convention at Oregon. Washington and California.
the University of Oregon st Eugene HnlMS suspended the rates would be­
Seattle waa chosen as the meetlni
come effective on July 9^
place for the convention next sum
Prank W. Brown, editor of the Idaho
State Jouanal at Pocatello, has been
Out of eight graduates from th« chosen principal speaker for the
Oregon stain school for the desf a, Fourth of July celebration at Baker
Salem this year four were «ucreaaftt The celebration will be centered about
In obtaining averages which entltlec the dedication nnd unveiling of an Im­
them to enter Gallaudel college at posing Old Oregon Trail raonumi'nl
valued a, »1000. The monument will
The state board of control ha» be erected In postoffice square and
award««! the general construction con has been presented to the etty by the
tract for a new pavilion at the slat« American Legion post of Baker.
tuberculosis hospital to the Choir}
Repvesentattvro of the Tumalo Ir­
City Construction c«»mpany. The blc rigation district appeared before the
waa *18.015
state securities commission st Salem
The start of the forest fire aessnr and urged extension for two years of
In the timber of central Oregon wai state guarantee of Interest on »650.-
marked by a blase which swept ovei 000 bonds, release of liens on unful­
approximately 50 seres of timber lane filled coutracts and other less Import
on the Brooks-Scanlon holdings south ant concessions. Liens on delinquent
contracts aggregate approximately
east of Bend.
Dr. Hans Leonhartsberger. federa *45,000. In return for those c-onces
officer In the public health service a! «Ions the settlers, who bought water
Vienna, Austria. Is In Salem to con under the Carey a c t agr«s> to pay 40
iluct a series of Investigations In con per cent Instead of 25 per cent for
nectlon with the Marlon county healtl the additional water necessary In
developing the n«w project.
M. S. (Captain Kidd) Taylor o f ,h*
No certificate of registration of any
Coot Bay Pirates waa elected presl motor vehicle, or number plate« there-
dent of the Oregon Hospitality club» | for whether original Issues or dupil-
at the annual convention «I Salem rate«, will be Issued by the secretory
A. R. Allen of'Grants Pass was elect of state after July 1. unless the ap­
plicant shall at the same time h* ap­
ed vine president.
One hundred and fourteen mills re plies for a motor vehicle license make
porting to the W est Coast Lumber application for and be granted an ofr
men's association for the week endln» flclal certificate of title to such ma­
June 13, manufa«'ture,l 109.469.249 feet chine. or shall furnish satisfactory evi­
of lumber; sold 109,780.679 feet, nnd dence that su«;h a cert men, e has been
•irevlously Issued. This was announc­
shlppod 114.700.690 fee,.
Tho state highway , on,mins' -n ’to« ed by Sant A. Koser. secretory o f
announced tha, a tempors -y hr Ig state, in connection with tho admin-
has been constructed over tlio Ch-tcr jstration of the so-called motor Vc-
rlver nt Brookings. C t..r/ county, nnd h id e title of registration law enacted
Is now open for trai !<. Tho old br lgt s, tho last session of the legislature!,
collapsed a few weeka ago.
¡Tho law becomes effective on Juw I.
« * «Mi ««»»unni»
»! —
•H o n
W J u t a ln r
Uouiu and P r l- ,
T h« Pleasant H ill w hool board m et
day nigh« the Trent young folk, at the bom« of K B Tinker, Monday
treated the bridal couple to a chlvarh night, Jane 32, with C E. Jordan
Saturday night nflgr the picnic a i chairman. As .Mr»$ Jordan declined
vleantip pug', *ujov‘-<l »Ufther gynd^to, nuaHiy -a« cl. rjk for the coming
fiiK tla llt lJ B’"4i'«nJ' gr«i*e.
; sftr th- banrd reqijt'ated Mr*. Tinker
to agnto ««•'■■ up tli'.t office. Wood
Sunday at the church, They are plat:- hit's were opened and the contract
nine to hold several evening practices given to Robert Mauney who Is cut-
Belmont Russell who Is working at
Ktlverton »p«to, a few days last weak
The annual Pleasant Hill picinc accompanled with an Ice cream feed ting wiaat on the Manning place. Paul
with bta [«rents Mr. amt Mrs. .Fred which was heir* under the auspices of luring the summer at the different Harden was chosen as Janitor for the
coming year.
i tho Pleasant Hill Sunday school at homes.
Miss Ethel Harris from B rooksitha Woodman Grove Saturday, June
spent the week-end visiting frien d s'20. was a deci led success. The day
and relatives In Thurston.
" i was unusually warm and the Ice
Miaa Maude Co ml » to n l e f t F r id a y i cream, soda imp nnd lemonade booths
for Pendleton to attend summer idld a big business. The ladles Hundav
j school « lass netted over *29 at the
Mr. amt Mrs. Georg«, received a few cafeteria booth where many purchas-
days visit last week from thetr daugh- ed thelr dinner. The program waa
ter and her husband who won on their .held in the morning at 10:30. The
honey moon trip, they left Saturday principle addrese was given by At
for Bpoknne.
itorney Howard Brownell of Eugene.
Several from here motored to I A playlet. "Pncle Dick's Mistake''
If you are looking for a place to trade where you can be
Kprlngfleld Thursday evening to see with Roy John as f'ncle Dick. Gladys
t'ncle Tern's Cabin
Wheeler. Cora John. Orlo Glllet, ar.d
aanured of right prifiea, quality goods and courteous tre a t­
Mrs. Beulah Hanson came out from Ho tig lea Kahler, composing the cast
m ent Grays is the place.
Eugene Monday evening to nurde her made a decided hit. The musical num-
alster, Mrs Prank Campbell.
Ibers and readings were also greatly
Misses Veda Gray and Marjorie , enjoyed
In the afternoon, races
You are safe in trading here and you can be assured of
Grant left Sunday for Monmouth amused the young folks until the ball
right prices.
where th>y Are going to summer game In which Pleasant Htll high
school defeat«-d the Junction City high
We have the Peter Pan l*ne of bakery goods fresh every
Miss Gerfevleve Beaman went to 1 school by a score If 20 to B.
Eugene Momlay and registered at t h e , Mr. Bagley of Monmouth was a
morning and its m aking a real hit.
C. of O. for summer school.
‘ guest of Mr and Mrs. W. L. Bristow
Ju< k llarblt who |s working near Saturday. June 20. He motored from
Our line of groceries, fresh vegetables, feed and flour is
Blue River spent Bunday In Thuraton. Moumoutb to attend the Pleasant Htll
The Christian Endeavor gave a picnic.
wetnle roast Saturday evening which
Orlo Glllet who has been Instruct-
Come in and get acquainted and see what we have to offer.
»■»» greatly enjoyed by all.
or and coach ,n the Pleasant Htll high
Several fam ilies from here motored school the past year left Sunday. June
to Yarnell and attended the Sunday 21 for his home near Albany. He ha3
Hi,bool convintlon last Sunpday. Mr. accepted a position In Montana for
Praylel from Leahurg was elected next year.
president for another year, Mr. I l ' i
Mr and .Mrs W. L. Bristow, Orlo
Spores vlct-president, and Miss I.i 1.» GUI««,. Mrs. Dora Harden and MPs
Senvey, secretary. Next year th ?y Mary Har-bn motored to Nimrod
will meet nt WalHrirW*
Thursday. June 18.
pk e n l
Pun Rennie «pent the
Wayne Overholaer of Jefferson, an J
alumnus of the Pleasant Hill high !
w ith ’home folk«.
NathsRe F?’nil«tofj «pent th«» pant school spent the week end at the M .;
w ok In SrHfiirfleld vi«R!nr relatiroi. K. Have homo, and attended the an '
Mrs Margaret Campbell from F«i- nual picnic.
■■ aw.a t ly t f n a M w w . h ;
ir<’ne v ls ite ! her ron and family Sun
Paul and Mary Harden have gonei
to Portland for the summer.
Mr nnd .Mr«. Conklin from Euirene
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P Hyde returned
in tor«»«! out to Thurston Kund/ty to Pleasant Hill Monday nigh, after!
a ten days trip to Portland and up i
Mr an1! Mr«. Iz»uf« Rlzzie from the McKenzie.
Portland hnv« «old their proper*v
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Laird m otored'
there and arrived S’indav evenlrg for to Eugene Sunday to vial, with Mr. ■
a vl«lt with relative* here.
,-alrd's sister. Mrs. John Lewis and
Mr« Walter Edwi«ton who attend'd family enroute, from Los Anveles to I
th** Ro«e Carnival In Portland re- their home in Idaho.
turned home Sunday eveninjr
The young folks of Plta«nn, HWIj
I nwrftnr and Clifford Oogiler went and Trent had n week filled with >
to South Fork Saturday on n fiahlne yav festivities. On the hf-els of th e ;
trln. returning Sunday evenlnr
i-ccrmenc ment exercises which wero!
Cecil Hnrhe*» •• • • tn Coburg Mon- Monday night, came the preparation,
dav to work for hi« brother Harry, for the a nun, olcnlc. Tuesday nigh, .
who 1« III
the Trent baud serenaded the hrids'. !
Born, to M r and M-s. Frank I’m»-- |
Mr ar(| Mrs. Allen W he'b ’
bell. W xlnesday. June 17. a 9 lb ¡w ed n ca la y .n lg h t the young folks met
, |lt t(le woodman Grove to clean up i
* |fo r the picnic and enjoyed a big bon-,
William Laird and wife of Pullman j fire and wienie roast
Washington spent picnic day with th e'rig h t a surprise party consisting c f l
P N lailrd family.
(the Pleasant Hill friends took posses -
" 1 ,'
i —
Community News
It A lways Pays
T o T rade at G ray’s
s rT '
You can help your nation todav—by help­
ing yourself. AB the Individual is pros­
perous—so is the nation. No where in the
world is the fact being dem onstrated in a
more convincing m anner than hei? in the
tin te d States.
We have national independence —thanks
to the wisdom aud courag- of our patriots
of ‘76. Individual ir dependence today comes
by working hard and saving. Saving ac­
counts in the U. S. are greater than in any
tiaton in the world. Is yours one of them ?
JUNE 25th. TO JULY 4th.
$.129 Oil a Gallon $1.00
For All Makes of Cars
Auto Beauty Parlor
We Solicit Your Account
Our Savings D epartm ent Pays 3% Interest
First National BanK
M. L. Rewey, Proprietor
Springfield, Oregon
Main Street Between Second and Third
s a Fact
Quality and Cleanliness
T hat people who start trading here find good reasons for
Is the m otto of the
coming back. We know our service and our prlftes are
Buy here a few tim es and you will see and know
why our business is continuing to grow.
You Save Money
and we absolutely do not sell you som ething that you do
not want.
Fancy Baby Beef for Saturday a t prices you can afford
to pay
Corner 4th and Main
Phone G3
Corner Third and Main Streets
I Ju.
M 1 ! 21-2R-J-4 l i 1S-23-JU-2-9 1«.