The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 25, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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    T l ÎVRSPA Y . JUNK 2ft. 1»2f.
Lane County Farmers Union News
W ill Speak at Joint Picnic of
Farmers Union and Grange
at Creswell School Ground
Wednesday, July 1,
Local R eporters
• C anary ................
J. I* N orthup
• t ’en tral .....
Ray Bowar
. C loverdale . . Mrs. I.. J. Gt tchcll
• C oast Fork Mrs. Geo. K ebelbeck
• C resw ell .......... Mrs. M A. Horn
• Dorena ........ Mrs. Ada J nnings
• H eceta ...............
Mrs. B. Baker
• H adleyvillel
Mrs. M Gillespie
• Ja s p e r
Mrs. G race Jones
• L orane
Mrs C. M P o ster
• M cKenzie Mrs Law rence Mitlcain
• Mt Vernon Mrs. V. A. Reynolds
• Silk C reak
Bulah Sm ith
• T ren t .................
K. B T inker
• Vtda .................
Mrs. W. K. P ost
G overnor W alter M. P ierce will be
iu C resw ell W aineadwv, Ju ly 1. to
•peak a t the Jo irt piculs of th e C res­
well Farm ers Cuio.1 and G range, at
th e (ro u n d s o t th e C resw ell school, •
• • • • •
rta rtin g a t 10 a. m A program will •
be giveu by th e two o rganisations : »
with prom inent ouiaiue speakers.
• • • • •
At noon a picnic d in n er will be held.
Every body Is requested to bring a
T he farm er* of thia neighborhood
lunch, drinking cups, spoons
etai a re all busy cu ttin g th e ir hay crop*
Coffee, Sugar and cream will be and are hoping th e fine w eath er cob
fu r n ¡ah ad by th e two local organiza­ tinues until the hay is all in th e b arns
Ruby Hills, sm all d au g h ter o t Mr.
tions a t the grounds. A cordial Invi­
tatio n is extended to every body. It and Mrs. M aurice H ills, was qul’e
does not m a tte r if you a re not a m em ­ (Sick last week, but Is much b e tte r
b er of these organisation*.
B ring now.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. H um phry. Mr
your friends and have a good time.
and Mrs. R C. H um phrey and child­
ren. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. W eller and
family. Mr. and Mrs. P alm ateer, Mr
PUREBRED LIVESTOCK and Mrs. A. E. Jones and sou and
Jo h n H uniphery motored to T riangle
A d irecto ry of • all th e purebred latke last Sunday, retu rn in g the saute
livestock ow ners in I-ane County is day.
now being prepared by County Agent
S everal from here atten d ed
O. S. F letcher, who expects to m ain­ «lance given at the Mt. Vernon new
tain a service In his office both for hall last S aturday evening.
th e seller and buyer of purebred live­ The Higgins and C arr sttw mill shut
stock. Names of 185 breed ers have down last S aturday for th e P leasan t
been secured and Mr. F letch er re ­ Hill picnic.
q uests oil o th -rs not com m unicated
Mr. and Mrs. Chill W ulsh. who
w ith to w rite him what kind of stock moved h ere a few weeks ago from
th ey have. A purebred b reed er is Lowell, lif t last week for P ortland
anyone who h a s one o r m ore purebred w here Mr. W alsh’s b ro th er John is
fem ales and u ses a purebred sire, sick and is not expected to llv -.
w h eth er they own it o r not.
T h e lum ber for the W allace Creek
bridge was delivered last Monday ami
th e rem odeling of the bridge will be
Save Forage Samples
gin soon.
Now is th e tim e to s ta rt saving
forage crop sam ples to exhibit a t tile
K ane County F air, rem inds Count v
A gent F letcher.
P ut th e sh eath es
aw-av in a d ark place and they will
keep until fair tim e, he says.
a • a
» • • • •
T he H adleyville Local held th eir
re g u la r busin ss m eetin g la« 1 T h u rs­
day night, seyrfre' in terestin g subjects
w ere talked over.
.Mrs. W. I S ta ls spent Monday at
Mira Jess.
c’imonse«t uf Eugene
sp e n t the week-end with h er paren ts.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Sinion.-en.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Leep v is ile '
the M. Gillespie fam ily Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. R lenk visited
re la tiv e s at C ottage Grove Sunday.
_V isits in G oshen—Mi»s Pearl Nel­
son visited S atu rd ay in Goshen with
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Edm unson Sun­
day. with Car! Lowry, they drove tc
T riangle Lake.
D r S. R alfh Dippel. D entist. Vitus
building. Springfield. Oregon.
C anary—F irst Sunday and T hird
Saturday. F arm ers Union Hall.
C loverdale—Second and F ourth
Fridays. C loverdale School House.
Creewell—.F irst and T hird Tuea-
days. Cresw ell. M. W. of A. Hall.
C oast F ork—Second and F ourth
T hursdays. H ebron C hurch House.
Dane bo— F irst Tuesday. Danebo
• School House.
Doreoa—Second and Fouth Tues-
• day«. D orena Churah.
• H adleyville — F irst and Third
• T hursdays, H adleyville School
• H eceta—F irst Sunday ot each
• m onth. H eceta School House.
• J a s p e r—Second and F ourth Wed-
• noaday-i. W. O. W. H all, Jasper.
• L o ran e—Second
F ourth
• W ednesday». 1. O. O. F. Hall.
• M cK enzie local, second and
• fo u rth W ednesday, 8 p. m. I. O. O.
• F. hall, W altervllle.
• Mt, V ernon— F irst and Third
• W ednesday. B rasfleld Store.
• Silk Creek Meet« First and Third
• T h u rsd ay a t C edar School House
• S p en cer C reek —T h ird Friday,
• P ine G rove School H ouse.
• T re n t— Second and F o u rth Wed-
• nesdaya.
P leasant H ill
• School Bldg.
• V ida—Second and F o u rth Satur-
• days a t M Inney H all.
• S e c re ta rie s will pleagp send In
• tim e and place of m eetin g and
• changes of date «» they may oc-
• cur.
C O U N T Y U N IT n O . 14
The best treatm en t for poultry Industry Could ba Made S till More
dis«-ases iu Oregon is prevention. Pro­
Protitabla by Cutting Down
vide com fortable, san itary su rround­
Loaa«a on Rango
ings, keep the house free from d rafts
Give the birds clean, wholesom e feed,
llv Increasing the beef culf crop Iu
and you have reduced th e disease prob
Grvgon, »0111» 10 per cent aud rvdtic-
lent to a m inim um, th e experim ent
I lug tiw sis on the range even 1 per
station has found.
¡cent, cost Of beef production Would be
Range aud exercise for the breed­
m aterially cut down uml the industry
ing stock in Oregon a re especially
! made correspondingly more profitable,
Im portant factors In th e production
aavs II A. L indgren. unliual husband
of eggs of high fertility and hatiha-
ry extension specialist a t th e sta te
bihiy. rep o rts th e experlnn ut station
Beef r a ttle production In Oregon
. Ri-d spiders, which a re likely to
a 829.tlOO.OOU Industry.
strik e at alm ost any plaut In Oregon
low grow ing an n u als to
tall T hree-fourths of the sta te 's an si, or
trees, develop most rapidly and be­ about 45 million acrea, la g ratin g
come moat harm ful in dry w eather. land, moat of which is unsulted to
any o th er purpose. Much of this area
The beet protection so far reported by
the ex perim ent station Is spraying is cuttle range, the economical use ol
with lime sulfur. Most su rfu r contain­ which depends upon careful atten tio n
ing insecticides a re effective If ap­ to efficient m ethods uf production, be
plied thoroughly, and som e g ardeners Haves Mr Lindgren.
use su p erfin e dusting su rfu r.
A verage beef calf crop in th e state
a re about 05 per cent. tin many
G rowers of newly planted on-hards ranchea It ru es as low a s 40 per cent.
may sav e them selves much lu b r In som e Instances range losses run as
trouble from th e flat head borers by high as 10 P«'r cent, and average &
shading the tru n k of the newly set per cent. Methods of increasing the
tree, since the fem ale revels in sun­ calf crop percentage and calling at
sh in e and seek s th e d irect light to r tentlon to the causes of heavy losses
depositing h er eggs. B oards set up on are being sought. Io cut down the beef
the south side of th e tree so as to production costs.
lean ag ain st It offer goo I a n l ade­
(’oat of producing a w eaner calf Is
q u ate shade, th e experim ent station
now around 876. according to figures
rep o rts If the b c i-o s a rc not handy,
gutbered from beef c a ttle men in 10
a very good su b stitu te n« r •«•omni'n 1
1« unties
By in«rensing the average
til by th e statio n (• new spaper wi-np-
, beef crop to 75 per cen ' the average
ped about the tru n k to shade th e tree.
.cost of tht w alter v'»l* w >uhl In re­
placed by 54 50, Mr Lindgren points
Alfalfa which vi- M . as m uch as six
¡out. a fu rth er reduction of 5o cents
tons or more per season, us« a nettrlv
i coul I he m ade by reducing losses Just
500 pound of lim estone per season
I I per « • nt
T hat Is. this legum e u ses nearly as
much lime as nlt.ogen. The n'tre-
gen com es fr t.n the a ir ni-d win n W IN TER SEED GRAINS TO
th ere 1» no In x -n la th n to n.ako this
possible th e crop fails.
On accouni of much of the w inter
The num ber of pigs raised In each
Vote Down Consolidation
litte r is regarded by th e experinv nt grain freezing out In counties down
At th e ann u al school m eeting here statio n as th e big factor In the cost of th e «-alley th ere 1» going to be a
the proposition to Join th e P leasant rre-duclng w eanling pigs In Oregon strong dem and for pure oats, barley
Hill high school d istrict was unani? The feed necessary to produce a litter and w heat aecil this year, rep o rts
mouslv voted down.
is about th e sam e w hether the litte r County Agent F letcher. Any fnrtio r
is large or sm all, and no good evi­ 'w h o has grain ho feels can he classi­
dence ap p ears th at w eanling pigs In fied us pure see«! may have it c e rti­
w lthoul cost.
W hite w inter,
the large litte rs are less th rifty than fied
pigs from sm all litters, or Inferior In ‘je n k in s club wheat anil Grny W inter
any way.
Bern, to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. N orthnp
of Siltcoos, on Ju n . 20, a " t , pound
g irl who has been nam ed Eugeni!
Marie. Miss E rh art, who Is hom e
from P ortland is c a rirg for the m other
and child.
T he P lanet Tie Com pany’s sawmil!
a t C anary h a ’ closed down for a
tim e in o rd er to in stall a plainer.
Mrs. Eugene McCornack is chap“e
oning the young people of C anary at
a Beach party this week.
Sunday Ju n e 21. was spent at P lanet
Tie mill by celeb ratin g the wedding
an n iv ersary of Mr. and Mrs. Jtay
F erris.
If th e people who a re in terested In
th e Siltcoos fourth of J^ily celebration
-VS '
« - \
will come to th e Siltcoos hall Sunday.
Ju n e 28. at 2 P. M.. plans r an be made
as to how the fourth Is to be spent.
* .
T he full equipm ent for th e road
work on the Maple Creek-Fiddle Creek
road has arrived and work Is rapidly
Go somewhere.
• ’« V ç
, •<
n |l
The Siltcoos school children ha<"
» i a (■ ì
For fares, train service anti full
th eir annual picnic at Ocean beach.
E veryone enjoyed a good time.
information, ask agent
* ?p '
Orville De E rh art, of Siltcoos Is
** ■ Î
quite proud over his new sneed boat
which Is to be launched today. It
has been ch rlsten en T N. T. and will
prove w orthy of its name.
Many fisherm en are arriv in g at Silt-
coos lake and are well rew arded for
the coming. T rout and bass fishing
is very good now.
T he dance a t th e C anary G range
h all S atu rd ay night was quite well
atten d ed . This may be the last dance
in th is neighborhood for a while owing
to th e new law req u irin g Lane County
dance hall» to close at 12 o’clock, also
to put up a 8500 bond beginning July
4, 1925.
Mrs. Groves from B errydale who
has Just been operated on in th e N o rth
Bend hospital Is recovering very nice­
S tan fo rd M atheson and his new
bride are visiting a t th e bridegroom s
home a t present.
• O F F IC E R S OF L A N g C O U N T Y •
To ci-courtige people who h a te not
tlp’lr live
alack at the Lane County F air thia
I fall the p u c brad llveslia k u s«K lu tl> i,
has contributed 875 tow grd a Halil
, man
The man will he sent out by
¡the fair board to Interview llvoetm k
i ow ners slid Instruct them as to How
to prepare th eir anim als for show
I pur,Holes
The livestock aaaoclullon has also
¡co n trib u t'd 815 tow ard a showman
U hlp contest am ong the boys slid girls
clubs ut the county fair.
• Ralph Laird, Craawall, Praaldant. * I exhibit' I lo-lol'e to show
• W ill Whadlar, Trent, Ylca-Praal •
• dent.
B atty Kappauf, Cottaga Grove,
N. A. Horn, Cottaga Grove, Ooor
H. C. Jackson, W a ltarv illa , Con-
O. L. Clam ant, Chaplain.
Cut A italta Waadk
W eeds that have grown sufficient!/
to shade the young alfalfa, planted
Many June Marriages
this spring should be mowed, accord­
Marriage licenses have been laaurd
ing to County Agent (1 S Fletcher,
who has Inspected a num ber of ex by the county elark to ihe following.
porlmoniul plots this w o k
Hit tie’ Ini F Barrow. Drew, and Theo. P.
cu tter b ar high on the mower and Smith. Cottage Grove; Clyde Card -c,
j Eugene, ami Agu««s W llcot, ktwlss-
d tp the weeds, he says.
The plots planted In alfalfa arc ihem e; Lyle T aylor Writing and Mae
mostly doing fin«-
Tit«« Grltum nl Lee Sullivan, both of E ugene; Paul
(alfa on the deep soil does very well \ Kirby anil Florence C athcart, both
In Lane county, hut the common vari» 'o f Eugene; Jack S llayllas and lAfV
ty does not. ai-cordlng to the county Duvall. both of O akridge; Henry Con
rad. Springfield nml W inona G eiger,
¡Junction »'By. Thom as Austin Bill­
in g s . W rndllng. and Helen E Frazee,
F arm ers Get First Perm it
Roy H enry und Hazel De-
The Mt, Vernoq F arm ers I'nloti vine. both of Eugene; Roliert l.e«
Were given the first dance hall permit Jones and Opal Hand, bolh of C ollage
In lain«1 County under the nrw state (lrove; It Malleaori anil ta-nn B
law The perm it is to conduct dances W arfield both of Eugene; laiw ranee
In the new hall Jusl erected east of Robertson. Alberta. Cailada. und Ru '.l
llnvnle Eogene.
R prlngrirld. .
At W etherbee-Powers
Genuine Victrola
$1 Cash
$1 Week
No Interest
» ;
Southern Pacific Lines
Again at W olhorbec Powers som nthlug new » it < thing b etto r—In
V ictrolas. A genuine Victor Victrola offcrul at $15 Now «veryom
cun afford to huve music on their outings plciiii - w eekend trips
and Im prom ptu dancing parties. These new Vlotrolas are atnall.
stu rd y , co m p art—yet play any V id o r Record any place, any time,
with wonderful tone quality and uiunzing volume
Handsome wood
ru se finished m ahoguny—wvdght II pound« ideal equipm ent for
every home.
Hear These Latest Victor Records
on This New Victrola
And Taka It Home W ith You
"Juat a L ittle Drink"
"Ah. H a !”— Fox T ro ts
Paul W hitm an's
O rchestra
"M oonlight and Itoaew"
"T he S w eetest Call"
French V oils
For Sum m er
D irector Elected
A t ttbe (annual m eeth ig of high
school d istric t No. 1, T rum an Robf-
n e tt was elected d irecto r from T ren t
to serve five years. D O. Linton was
elected director for F'leasant Hill to
fill th e vacancy caused when S. Over
h alser moved away. It was also voted
to Increase the high school d istrict.
T his will take In D exter and Zion as
they voted in th eir annual m eeting to
Join th e d istrict. C loverdale and J z s it­
er voted not. to Join the d istrict.
n soft pastel shades.
W anted
Eggs and Poultry
These lace-trim med
Voile dresses arc pretty enough to wear any­
where! And they afe priced to appeal, a t
Sher Khan
GG2 Oak Street
Eugene, Oregon