I S P R IN G F IE L D — THE DEVOTED TO INTERBE1 OF «P R IN Q F III.D AND T H I FARM ERS OF THE W ILLAM ETTE VALLEY 1 T E R M IN A L B F IU N a ra S L O . LA N E COUNTY, ORBOON. | S PR IN G FIELD TEAM BEATS COTTAGE GROVE PLAYERS H a rd Fought B a ttle OF THE NATRON SPRINGFIELD NEWS L oi u. Library TWENTY-8BCOND YEAH GIRL SHOOTS SELF NOW NEAR DEPTH W ESTERN R es u lta In P la yin g The P ira te 11 to 6 S core In F a v o r o f Local S luggers T H U R SD AY, JUNE 25, 1925 (Salem C apital Journal) CUTOFF "T hz PeoplZ’s P aper" k L IV I N EW SPA PER IN A LIVE TOWN N U M BER 23 ! M ovem ent is Started por Qoun^y Division , Defending Eugene's e ffo rt to steal the proposed Southern P acific ahopM fro m the little slater c ity o f S pringfield, the Eu- SHOPS AND T E R M IN A LS Jonnett« M yers in H ospital in a ««me which »«« i i - '- i y ton Cottage Grove Revives Old MAY GO TO K LA M A T H W ith W ound Above H eart In- "»t*«l until th e eighth Innin«. Hprin« gene Guard nay»: F ig h t in R etaliation to E u­ dieted Yesterday in Her Bed- 111,1 11 fr,,,n ,l" ’ "*•»*■ Grove nlnt j„ ,,1(,|r pff„rt to secu re location ot th e S outhern Pacific carahopz and gene Men’s E ffo r t to Move Vice P residena Shoup and General room at F ourth and D Stroeta h> 1,11 11 * Kun,,“ > “ I U*M ' ottagc ti.rnilnalz, In accordance with plana launched a num ber of y ears ago, the Tie Plant, Shop and T e rm in ­ M anager Dyer Intim ate T h at . - - __ JOrove diam ond. ! people of Springfield are well w ithin th eir rights. In th e ir effo rts to obtain ; als. I May be Division P oint C arlor, Hprlngfleltl'a p itch er atruch (b(, Kb(,pil ani| term inal* for this city, th e people of Kugene a re on equally Ml»» Je n n e tte Myers, lg year old adopted d au g h ter <»f Mr*. A H Myer* o f 4th m ix ! 1» HtrvciM I h hi thu t’aclfte ( ‘hrhlun hopttut mm u run uh of « huh« I wound from u r« vojv.»r HUM« • <1 ubou; |e u t th'- first th re e men up to hat. ,„ und ground of right. It I». o r should be. purely und solely a question c i i A county division m ovem ent Both team s «cored once In the second ,„nipetlrli gflehl lidded one „„i,,,, (o r ||| reeling In th e m a ile r o r for charges of u lterior m otive* o r (S pecial)— Paul Hhoup, vice-president w hich w ould split Lane C ounty point hi both th e fifth und wlxth in bail fsllh on e lth ir side. We ot Kugene and Springfield have to live neigh- of the S outhern Pacific, w as Inter- three Ways is on fo o t in C ottage iilnir* At th e # nd o f the Movrnth. b<,rg t(> (.tt( h other. Wo oiypit to keep on neighborly term «. Each Hide to viewing bustnoM» men here yesterday | Grove as a re s u lt o f Eugene noon yesterday. A ttending phy»tci«D4 C arter «prettied hl* ankle und wa* re the present com petition ought Io concede to the o th e r fairn ess of thought and with referen ce to th e rail situation 11 men's action in “B u ttin g in to ’ I duerd bv hi ljx*. I Mi ring the eighth. of motive. T he effort Is not In the hands of unw orthy men on e ith e r stile. ¡becam e known CttlUV »IIUWU today I AV»— tv— a-<- w-» la. thrr<* I * M lig h t vhutico tiia t «¡1« Mr. Shoup, in com _ pany with G eneral >>ou ern I a c ific shops and . M;>rit»r*leld Mir ill mad«* a»»«» v-iggaaa UMIIH'I *». Z t ’r o , , _ _ eight « «•(»untern, may m over , ,ir for y, Cottagn! T h is logic m ig h t !><• good If the Southern Pacific had not only Manager ¿yer and o th e r S outhern te rm in a l location. C ottage four for (‘«»tinge Or„ Grove Cottage,* T he bullet p e n e tra t-d tb« low er d o v e added one m ore run In at , S p - rln g | fid had ....... already officials, conierreu « in ferred w w h ith se v e r- 1 Grove m men th a this w ould in th , e • ninth Innin promised ; >r< > 1 1 1 1 to i n locate l o c a l e the i n c shops m , d i , but, . — - j r pacific a d i i , orneiais. o sever- e n s say ay m a t t m is w o u ld purl of tho left lung and the upp«'r,but It wan too lot te to help 'h e ir »n<1 bn««*; I> Mulligan, th ird ba*e; a ll iniproveilientH. No occasion fo r hartl-feellng on S pringfield’, part? There i s '« * « « «« th e S outhern Pacific in the fo r th e ir rights. a 'te m p tn l suicide, a lm e Ih» b u lb i <’ Mulligan, »hurt »top; Delps nnd wns nlmiMt very n ear the h eart. How- Sankey, left field; .Meats, centi r field, everv occasion fo r it. N a tu ra lly S pringfield objects to being vent the northern inea a re blocked --------------------------- The m ovem ent is a revival o f • n r . a younger b ro th er of the «1*1 Hharm an. right field. robbed of her principal asset, especially as any development in ’ In' a‘ ‘ 1 c am the one Started several years ««« »aid to have left the loaded go il i T h e Ini «I team will play a retu rn S pringfield w ill react to the benefit o f Eugene. ' Although th e Southern Pacific vice- a S ° when C ottage Grove and on the dri-> e r in the Kiri's b ed ro o m ,'< «me with V eneta th ere Sunday, o n “ We ought to live on neighborly term s.’’ says the Guard. Then j^-ggakeot (lid not m ake a n y such ith e south end o f the county a t- «tid tie- Kun may have d l» ch ar« el sc - Jiilv 4, the tesin will m eet OakrldKe Eugene should practice the golden rule in her relations w ith ad- prom ise, business men who m et the tem pted A J *- * rm *’ to fo N esm ith coun­ cldentally when sh e attem p ted to r > th ere ut th eir big celi b ra tk n. move II The siri has not been uhle ; 1 - 1 ■ ¡Oinlng c i . , . , and c a s e . « . n s p lin , « . p ia , p ir a ., fo r h . r own I « 0 ^ . W a s « o . « c o . ty. The Cottage Grove Sentinel to glv« an account ot th - «hoollng 4L‘S ENJOY SOCIAL M EET aggrandizem ent th ro u g h the ruin o f her neighbors.____________ jg beUeT e. am II wa« d i c l d e l f i . Id w ith a pipe lin e was made by the m eeting of th e Springfield in this city. The sh o rtsig h ted n ess of “ Why the county se a t overlooked O th er repairs of a general n a tu re w ill 1,1 w a r n th e men not to «train them Eugene W ater board at th e m e e tin g • K - - — - — ---------- Com m erce In M orrison , ce rta in Eugene men prevents th e town« asking for the general offices of the also 1«. taken care of. ¡selves, or tak e undue rlaks In th eir u ,e cUy council W ednesday even i ‘ ham ber of T h u railroad com m ttt-^ will (w orking In harm ony for th e location road la y e t a m ystery." l.r tì . work. W I log J. W. M cA rthur, w ater board welcome all suggestions and criticism « th e shops here w here Eugene would | “The resu lt of th is action by Eu- LEGION DANCE P A V ILLIO N ,,,f ,,H' ■ nglncer. m ade th e request to c ro s i ’ t'h'eTampalgn being wage.: proflt as much a s In th at city T his gene lg th a t for th e fir8t tim e yeai> the end o f F ifth stree* and o th e r against Eugene raen in a tte im .i i f to attitu d e on the p a rt of th ese E ugene N esm ith county, with C ottage Grove TO OPEN N IG H T. JULY 1ST LEGION DELEG ATES CO s tre e ts and alley s on the plat. men is a very dangeroue one for Lane ag th e county seat, has been seriously i steal the shops from Springfield. The new pipe line being put In from TO STATE C ONVENTION New inform ation on th e shop s i t e , county and the upper W illam ette m entioned, T h o A m erican l«e tt -’ 30 " " inch line. The to tal » co»t or t h e r a n r , a g i com pany will be dls- ' . (»f the Æm. rl< ...... an ................................ . " » I l lin e , le e — • ■- first. The refresh m en t booth and post BY AM ER IC AN LEGION l'°“ nty now is th e tim e to go a fte r check room a re p ractically completi«! inewlay m orning for Prineville to nt th e Im provem ent will be about »350. tugged. --------- i,L tend the sta te convention th ere toiluv, 000. W ork will s ta rt as aoon as the j The rg liroad com m ittee Is thankful uiiil the flour will all be laid by the Mr. and Mrs. W alter G ossler, who “It could be said w ith equal force ¡Friday and Saturday. ’ Mrs. C. A. bids can he opene I ami the c o n tract jor ,j,e per ce n t support It has w ere m arried last week w ere e n te r - , th a t If th e w estern end of the county last of thia week. Thi* com m ittee In S w arts, who w as to charg e of the floor 1« taking extra n " '" " ,* ” p r* ,' ent 1 , l*»t says Mr. M cA rthur. T he council |,gd from th e com m unity since the Gained a t a surprise p arty in th e ir w ishes to be set aside tn a new county lim e to finish the floor In the be«t po.t- i nr. i u n i g m i „ i i .« o i I prom ised adtlon on th e franchise as fight developed. It prom ises th e fight honor a t th e hom e of Mrs. A. B. Van Snow is th e tim e fo r th e effort. ness. aoon aa th e proper ordinances could for S prlgfield’s rights will be waged V allah Friday evening. A p a rty o f ! “If th e south end and the w est end kllile »ay , sanding, polishing nnd ru b ­ Many cars full of L eginnnlres ,iraw n by th e city atto rn ey . relentlessly to the la s t ditch. bing will tak e at least two days. th e ir friends. Including m any A m erl-, should Join forces, they would have passed through Springfield W ednes­ The council Instructed the stre e t Klei-trlc lig h t, have been placed and can Legion and I-egion A u z lll ls r y ’ «ood chance to get th e n ecessary day m orning headed for th e M cKenrD com m ission to s e e , th a t all w eeds O TH ER RAILR O AD S HAVE th e o rch estra stan d will be com pleted m em bers, m e t a t the C. A. S w arts 36 per c en t of the vote in the old p a rt pass, nnd th e convention. wv^-e cu t on th e vacant lots and F riday night. A ladles real room Is EYES ON S PR IN G FIELD hom e and proceeded to the p arty In of the county. stre e ts. If property ow ners do not also Io be constructed “V otes cast In the p a rt th a t would — -— I a body. A ttend Eugene P arty comply th e w eeds will be cut by the O ther railro ad s as well as th e S o u th -! a m ahogany rocker, g u aranteed to be laid off for N esm ith county would Mrs. W. H. A drian, Mrs. Maude city and assessed to the p roperty. ern Pacific have th eir eyes on Spring- hold two. w as a p resen t to th e new ly count as coming from th e old p art ot W IL L A M E T T E H IG H W A Y TO llryan, Mrs. Eugene K ester, Mrs. C. Fred Hinson, who has w orked as a field R epresentatives of two roads i m arried couple. Gam es w ere played the county so fa r as a proposed w esr. BE W ORKED ON T H IS YEAR K. W heaton and Mr». M. M. Peery putronm an for th e last six y ears, w as wer0 , he c)ty durtn g the week, sub hv the guests, and re fre sh m e n ts of ern county would be concerned. V otes were Springfield m em bers of th e Kill granted a 10 d ,y ’ leB re of ab8ence scribed for the Springfield News and ice cream , cake and coffee served. c a st In th e west end upon N esm ith P rep aratio n s to s ta rt work on th e Ka re Club who atten d ed a m eeting w ith pay. requested th eir nam es not be m ention- Those atte n d in g th e p arty weTe; Mr. county would count as coming from W illam ette Valley highway from Lew- )agt ev „nlng a , th , homo of Mrs. ed In th e paper Bnd Mrg c A Sw arts. Mr. and Mrs. the old p a rt of the county so far as ell to O akridge la being made by the Frank |»o|n d e ite r In Eugene, H u rts Hand "W e a re deeply Interested In the H n F reeland. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd N esm ith county wounl be concerned. county surveviwH o lire , A gthur , Mr„ IMrw)n Voran gn(, Mr, F>gnl( A rchie Gould, em ployed w ith tho Springfield situation and wish to keep W esterfleld, Mr and M rs M I “If th ese two portions o t the county H uberts, of Springfield, h a . been sen t wt.rp gpw.,n| for eve„. S tew art F uel com pany, had th e end our people Informed as to all the ! R ewey, j j r and hfrs j m L arson a re serious about w ishing to be s e t to the bureau of public re s ,I. office In ,ng. and Ellgenp m em bers of th e club of one of his fingers »mashed yester- developm ents." said one. Both ex­ Mrs. T ru b ert H enderson. Miss Maur- off into counties by them selves, and I.in la n d and | . m aking profiles and ,,ng w, re Mr„ G p o rr,. Blair, day while handling som e wood. The pressed them selves vigorously th at Ine Lom bard. J. B. H eiterbrand. W alt- th ere is plenty of te rrito ry and w ealth sei-urlng engin eerin g d ata from th a t M rg y in cen t. Mrs. J M Dum ;f |ngl>r .had already been p artially am- Springfield was In the right and that. e r J Scott. Paul Myers. Arnold T om -' in botb a c tio n s to w arran t auch ac­ office. The bureau of public roads phrlFg M„ K r(|, ( .h0HH Tho putated. m aking th e injury very paln- Eugene would profit little even If she Seth, Oswald Olson and F. B. Ham ltn. tion. the feeling a g a in st E ugene is will cooperate with the county on thia evening was spent playing bridge. such a t th is tim e th a t th ere is quite a fUl’ ». A won th e shops and lost th e resp ect project If it |a built accordnt« to Iti of the re s t of the state. liklihood th a t such propositions could plans. Q U IN T E ^ E N T E R T A IN A T Meat M arket for W est Springfield Injured a t Mill be put over.- Four or five m iles will be co n stru ct BAND CONCERT FRIDAY S urprise L ittle Girl W. W. W aite, sto rk buyer of sp rin g John L en h art was injured at the “It would be som ething of a joke if ed th is your from Lowell. The county S everal little friends of Miss P earl field, has leased n shop In th e new mill y esterd ay afternoon when a piece E ugene's a ttem p ts to get all of the bonding project c arries »386.000 for building built by O. F. B evere In W est I of lum ber going through the p laner 11 '¡tebrani! gathered at h er home Tues- I A ‘ 1111' ] ’ '* l,f “n '1 ' ,r s - S outhern Pacific’s pay rolls cen tered th is piece of run 1. Sorlngrield. n ear th e Junction of th e stru ck him In the abdom en. He was « «urprlae p arty i u | P “ n “ 8 “ u rPhy’ K M oshier, In Eugene should resu lt in the loss yf i D. W. M cKinnon and O. B. K essey half of th e county. Pacific and McKenzie highw ays, a n d 'ta k e n to the E n g in e hospital w here x- honof of h e r seventh birthday. P re m iu m L 'r t s R eady special Thtsi atten d in g the p arty w ere: ‘m tertalned the crow d with “And it m ight fail to get the pay «111 o p erate a meat m arket th ere. Tho ! ray s w ere tak en to d eterm in e If the Hazel N esblt, Luilell W illiam s. Mar- .m usic at th e band c o n c » t F riday rolls and yet lose h alf the county. shop will be opened In th e n ear future, j hip bone w as fractu red , but th e re ­ The l.une C ounty fair prem ium lists g aret J a r re tt. M ildred M organ, P atty night. Tills w as the first y in cp rt for T h at would be alm ost too much of sults from them have riot y et been a re now renily for distrib u tio n and Dlppel, Jew e 1 H ildebrand. H arlan several w eeks, since they had been ¡a joke. learned. Call Off V eneta Game nnyone who d esires a copy and has not Duncan, Robert M eLagan, Billie Bur­ discontinued during bad w eather. j T here need be no hard feelings on had one m ailed In him may secure L adles of the Civic Cln'i tre a te d the Tho gam e w ith V eneta which th nett and Billie N esblt. ¡the p art of E ugene In case a county Go To Lodge Convention •me nt the S e cretary ’s office. Kelly Springfield baseball team wns to h a .e band m em bers w ith cake and ice division m ovem ent should be started . E ighteen m em bers of the N eighbors B ran stetler, secretary of tho fair played Sunday wns called off today -o Move to New Location—Mr. nnd n t am, and sold th ese reu esh n jen ts to IV,., .. ‘V ........ V } , , _ _ ___ A ¡L et it be such a-frie n d ly com petition hoard, was In Springfield th is week, by the Veneln m anager. T. II. Hui ¡of the W underaft drill team under Mrs. J. H. Will moved Monday from t’-e crowd. as th a t of Eugene with Springfield." lie reportH th at copies hnve been b«rt, ninm iger of th e local nine, Is Mrs. W ilbur Lloyd. C aptain, leave to­ 118 Main stre e t to 638 8th street. Residents- of W iHame’te h eights. — - ------------- :----- j south of tow n declare they could h ear m ailed out on th e ru ral ro u tes hut attem p tin g to schedule a gam e w ith , morrow m orning for P ortland to at Going Evst July 2 IliFI the fair board has no know ledge one of th e Tw ilight L eague team s o f :*end n convention of th e lodgo there. th e concert from th e ir home», and Mr. nnd Mrs. O. B. K essey will Vizit W inznreidz—Mr. and Mrs. T h ey will re tu rn Sunday. T hree who wmilil » « n t a prem ium list In the Eugene. If possible, the gam e will could distinguish th e w ords of the states, Oregon, W ashington nnd C all-!Jol' n K n |r i’l ° n nm> »on ° f Los An- VCCR, n„ m bers dup to th e ex(relnely leave here by train Ju ly 2 for Chicag*», state: eitles. pleycd here. w here they will Vnsi't j/>r several ....................... ' ‘ there, ‘ jK*’les visited at the John W inzenreld oul(.t Wra, hpr , haf fo n ila will he rep resen ted w eeks bfore going on to Indiana, home W ednesday on th eir way horn ._____ Hawllzn S eren ad ers nt Church w here they plan to buy a S tudebaker from P ortland. jMeBee took h |s p aren ts to N ewport to Buys Ford Coupe Vizit From Boize— Mr. and Mrs. .1 coach. A fter a visit w ith Mr. K essey'» The llaw llan Serenade™ will pre- McBo« to * his p aren ts to N ew port to W. Mni-hcn of Rolse visited friends •H e rb e rt C lark, of th e C om m ercial fa th e r In Iowa, they plan to drive sent an t n tertallim en t consisting of «Ptnd th e ir vacation this m orning, h ere W ednesday. T hey are form ei . Visit . . . From Hollywood Mr. and S tate Bank h as purchased a coupe th e ir new c ar back to Springfield, by m usical num bers played on t h o , ^ e w" ' retu rn Im m ediately Mrs W arren R anney of Hollywood, , hp A nderson M otor COInpnnv, way of S alt Lake, arriv in g here some H aw aiian sle.d g u itar, S panish guitar. | w l|| Qo to Coburfl Mr M, s resid en ts of S pringfield. --------------------------- --- .C alifornia a re visiting at the home o f ' anil j A Pa]py has boUKM R sednn tim e in A ugust. Ukeleie, Handsaw and plano, vocal (¡ u T u rn er Intend to spent the Shipped L am b, to P o rtlz n d -W . W. Mr « « n n e y ’s uncle. T. W. C arney, a t o th e r purch asers th is week w ere A nnd w histling solos, duets, rendlngs, week-end nt Coburg visiting ucqualni;- W aite, local sto ck buyer, shipped a I "'■ -Uervllle. The R nnncy’s a re drlv- B Math» ws of T hurston, a tra c to r n hum ernus Im persotm tlona, and sk its Mil* «■, R eturn From N ewport—Mrs, AI double decked car of lam bs to P o rt-!,np '¡'rough Oregon. W ashington and , n B eers of Reed a to uring e ir and P nt (he C hrltlnn church tonight. M ontgom ery retu rn ed Sunday even­ British Columbia. land W ednesday. W arfield of K itsen S prings a truck. Due of the main featu res will he the | R eturn From Collfornla Mrs. B. 0. ing from N ewport, w here she «pent vrieiil soloist and w h istler by a stud- C oartrlghl nnd d au g h ter I1,inline have a week. Mrs. M ontgom ery m ade tho Mrs. I. L. Steels of M arshfield Is ent of the I.o-i A ngelis School of B|rd re tu rn « ! from, Onmpton, '('allfonnla Jz s p e r V isitor H s rt'k M rs . L. II. visiting h ere with her parents Mr. nnd Moves Back to L eaburg—Mr. and tip with her daughter, Mrs. H erb ert W histling. A sk it, "T h e H aunted w here they have been for th e past ^ lo o re h o u se of J a s p e r was in tow n Mrs Dan ___ ________ the Zim m erm an of R oute 2. Mrs. H om er C raft have moved h a rk Sineed of Eugene. S he said year. H ouse,“ Is nlso a s ta r num ber. ^shoppln g today. She will retu rn to h t r home this w eek ., to th eir hom e in L eaburg from Hebo. w eather w as fine all during h er stay. I ' I B O O T H -K E LLY TO CLOSE MASS M EETIN G FRIDAY mov. , oj t^e southern Pacific, EUGENE ASK PIP E LIN E Mi-mbcrs <>f th'- 41, who met M o n d ay DOWN FOR TW O W EEKS TO T A L K SHOP S IT E S coming as it did on th e eve of the CROSS C ITY S TR E E TS evening at the W oodman tre a te d them-