I HI MMONh r f , n PUBLICATION IDBPARTMBNT O F T H E INTERIOR rw«x r u n u i ^ m l i 1 9 i Forest E x ihaagea vt. N oth« la hereby given th a t on April J«me» D. R itchey, nn u nm arried 2o, 1#25 G 0. Hmlth, O regonian Bldg,. 7 ___________ _______ , man and an Incom petent per »on, a n t Portland, Oregon, filed application No. High grade planet n ear Hprlngfleld LOST Mop« blue green check dreaa E. O. Potter, hla guardian ; ' <016016 under the Act of March 20, »0 9 " 1 ....................... Anna K K dmlnlater a n t John Doe |»22, <62 Slat.. 465) to exchange the coat, on m ain » t r e t . Will be sold to a reliable party a t a I t ’turn to Kdmlnlater, ....... « h ... ....a.« » . u „ . »i«-h. er « huaband; Ma<- Rltch W H NK'4, and E% NWt4 B*c 2», Tp 617 "C" HI. or leave at News office ry u„ ,l,Mrrl«»'l woman; Ethel Ford 16, 8 Range 10 W est, W. M within big anvltig fin monthly will handle, 12 J 18. and Richard Roe Ford, her hw tband: the HluKlaw N ational F orest, for the a »nap, w rit« at once to Tallm an Manley RHrbi-y anil Jan e R itchey, hla tim ber on the SE*4 NW% See. 6 Tp Plano Store, Rulem, Oregon. J -11-18. i H W ANTED Hmall furnished horn- for wife: George F Ritchey arid Rosxella 21 8.. Range 3 E ast. W. M. within the Ritchey hla w ife; H a lil’ •R itch ey , an Cascade N ational Forest. FOR HALE Young Jeraey uti l l)ur-1 summer. Addreaa A. It .unm arried w om an; the unknow n heir» The purpose of th is notice I» to al !• N íT I of John C. R itchey. Harah E Couey low all person» claim ing (he land« ham row. Ju»t fr»«h Cheap In q u ire' Hprlngfleld Naw». and J M Couey, her hu»hand, Susan selected, or having bona fide objec ai t i t «Ih J ills LOOK IQ A. Horn and John Horn, her huiband, tlona to such application, an oppor­ ROOMS T o R E N T - Furnished or un ' Honiethlng new al the Novelty Hiere the unknown heirs of David Duff, de­ tunity to file th eir p ro tests with the ceased ; th« unknown heirs of Elenor R egister and R eceiver of the Un —_ S furnished W ith or w ithout board, w here you get th e right thing» nt the Duff, whose nam e is som etim es writ S tates Land Office at Roseburg, O re­ right price, and thu rig h t treatm en t at 4th und (.' stre e t, Hprlngfleld. ten Klleanor Duff and whose nam e la gon. Any such pro tests or objection» , som etim es w ritten Ell'-nor Duff, and m ust be filed In th is office wlthtn ÍI Ju n e 6 111* ' too. who was som etim es known as Ella thirty day» from th e date of first Duff, deceased; and a lto all other . pU|,||, a t|on of this notice, which first IN T U B CIRCUIT COURT n F T H E S upport hom e Industry und help persons or p arties unknown claim ing publication is June 11. 1925 5. The ground plan of a work, aa In STATE STATIC n F OREGON F o il LANK our city grow lluy P erfection bread. any right, title, estate, lien, or Interest I HAMILL A. CANADAY. HORIZONTAL, railroad engineering COUNTY J 26. In the real esta te described In t h e 1 R egister, 1. S trik e Portland T ru st and Havings Bank, 6. T raveling burglar com plaint herein, | Ju n e 4-ll-llt-2S-July-2_ NOTICE TO CREDITORS a corporation 4. Not few D efendants. g. Them (abbr.) (A rchaic form ) p IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE P laintiff SUMMONS To Jam es D. R ltchev. S arah Notice Is hereby given that Haxel 7 S atan 10. To offer objections Couey and J M Couey. her husband’;"¡«TATE OF OREGON FOR LANE va. T ryon has been by the County Court 9. Going forw ard 11. G irl's nam e John Cochran, Rufus Cochran, C lara _____________ _____________ of the i+iato of ____ Oregon In and for l.an- Anna E E i'm ln lster and John Doe LUUNTT 12. A beverage Hearobrough, C harlr« Cochran. May County, appointed ad m in istratrix o f , E dm lnlster. h er h usband; Mae R ltch-¡John M William», 16. On tb e top lllce, H orace C ochran, John M Red­ th e e sta te of Roland Fox. deceased 13. Excited by eagerness ey; Ethel Ford and Richard Roe FYird, j Plaintiff S I MMONS 17. K ing and P atron S aint of Norway ford, Janies K Redford I la II Stocks, All persons having claim s a g a in s t; her hu sb an d ; Manley RW<-h«y and va. 14. M asculine title (abbr) lg. Boy's nam e Marvin McRae H iarobrough Dorothy said e sta te are hereby notified to pre- j ani. Ritchey. his wife- George F I The unknown heir» of Albert Funke. 16. N orth R iver (abbr.) 19. X a tlre A rabia M H iarobrough. Wba le u jh Hcaro- sent the sam e duly stated and verified R ltchev und Rosxella R itchey, his Hom>-times known as A lbert 8. Funk, hrouxh, RUHU Irrn e McCormick, in n at the law office of A. E W heeler In wife; H allie R itchey; 21. P ersonal pronoun and all o th er persons Interested In 16. Vehicle Eugene. Oregon, w ithin six m onths- D efendants L ots 6 and 6. block 6, College Hill 18. G irl’s nam e llotuer D Redford. from thia 411» day of June, 1925. i IN’ THE NAME OF T H E STATE now a part of Eugene. Oregon. 0. C onsisting of th ree lines Defendant» IN T H E i'HO'1 IT COURT OF THE To John Cochran. Rufus Cochran. C lara HAZEL TRYON, |O F OUBOON. You and each of you D efendants 22. Kind of cloth STATE OR OREGON FOR T H E A dm inistratrix. are hereby required to aopear anti «p0 td»e unknow n heirs of A lbert Hcarabrough. C hailea Cochran, May COUNTY OF LANE an sw er th e com plaint filed against ’ j,-un|te> ROlnetlm es known as A lbert S. 23. To open or Introduce (ab b r ) Rice. H orace t'ovhrau. John M Red A E W heeler. A ttorney ELLA MAE WADDELL. P laintiff June 4-111« 25 July 2 you In the above entitle}, court and j.*unk. and all o th er persona Interested 24. Pierce ford. Jam es E llcd fo n l, I '•» •• Stocks, vs. __ : cause on o r before six weeks from the jn ga[,j pr,)fCrty. Marvin McRae Hearobrough Dorothy VERTICAL RUSSELL A. WADDELL, Defendant. d a te of the first publication of this j , N T H E NAME OF T H E STATE OF 1. Tbln flat piece of stone M Hearobrough. Kba laiule Scarie Notice of H earing brough. Stella Irene McCormick, and -Summons, and If you fall so to appear OREGON: You a re hereby required to SUMMONS nnd an sw er . for want u thereof. and answ er the com plaint filed 2. To give notice ereb y - w- given Homer D I l d f i r d Notice Is h ------- - - ----- th e ---- r. _• th,o « i nppear - " — ----------------------------— -------------- 'T o R ussell A. W addell, defendant; IN T H E NAME n F T H E HTATE III’ underslgm-d adro lh lstm to ra have on plaintiff *111 apply to the < o u rt for a^„lt;«t you In the above entitled suit 3. F ruit OREGON: You are hereby required to May IMh 1925, duly m ade anil filed th e relief dem anded In said com nlalhi, wvllhln six weak« from the d ate of 4. M ineral j IN T H E NAME OF T H E STATE appear and answ er th e com plaint filed th eir final account In th e e sta te of to-w lt: For a decree of this Court «6-: the first publication of thia sum mons, O F OREGON, you a re hereby required yo„ yK(| to answ er for w ant ugalttal you 111 the above entitled suit Mcrvlti D Peter« deceased, with th e fudging and decreeing lh at the rlnln- an(1 w ithin «lx weeks from the d ate of County Clerk of lain» county. Oregon, tiff 1« the ow er tn fee simple f i t t ’ » thereof the plaintiff will take a de­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM EN T t ° appear and answ er th e com plaint filed ag ain st you in the above entitled the first publication of this aummona, an I th at the Judge o? the County Court tr> nd»es described In the com plaint , rt.o a gainnt (you quieting title of NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, th a t court and caus« on r - before «lg and If you fall to answ er for want tn u n i for Lane County. Oegon. haa h erein, and deacrlbed as follows, to- i p|a |ntlff to lota 5 and 6 of Block 6, thereof th e plaintiff «dll tak e a d f ; , c - . u r t House. In Eugene. Lane fw ff being claim No. 4J N otification Th| hla summon» I» published once a H ausen, deceased, has rendered and fail so to appear and an wer for w ant th ” N ortheast q u arter of section (201 (>oun(y Or< gon and a l ten o’clock \'o 7<’ 9 In T o w esb 'n 17 South of week for six succeasive w eek' In th e Bled In th e C ounty Court of the S tate thereof, the plaintiff will a o ”ly to In T ow nship (20) South. Range (61 | a M of said d ' e v » « t h « . l i m e a n d n « n » « 5 W " s f o f t h e W 'l l a m e l t e M eri □ . „ «-fl« 1 » K*«.u*a a u r a c i / i v t-FWfiflU neF of O regon for Lane C ounty his final the Court for th e relief 'em a n d ’-d la ta ll what yeu want to aell, buy what you want to buy thro in Maae column». Writ» or phone TWO, ’ ,----------------- -— --------- --------------------- _ ' D t l C I kl V Ç n w . F. W ALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto E qulp'oent W. O. w block Office Phone 62 J Rea. P hone 62-J m s iii-K j ' Ä e.™ wefk T . r . ’i; a i c S r e weeks In DR. N. W. EMERY d e n t is t Phone 20 J Sutton Bldg Raaldance Phone 153 M Springfield. Oregon SHOE R EPAIRING W ork P rom ptly and C arefully D ° " e JOHN A. NELSON 509 Main Street “ T he Loop ,, Y our Home When In S pringfield JO H N M WILLIAMS A ttorney for Vet S tate Aid Com , Soldlera Bonn» Loan». L. E. BEAN A tto r n ‘j’ S tate Land Board. f»tate School Fund Loan«. W IL L IA M S & BEAN ATTORNEYS B60 W llllxm etto St. Eugene, Ore. Licensed to practice In all C ourts of th e S ta t , »uil U nited S tates. D. W . Roof jew eler Repairing a ia,l’V Springlieltl. Oregon R. W. S M ITH Justice o f the peace and notary public, Insurance C ity H all Springfield, Oregon C o n tra c tin g and B u lIJ in " GEO. W. PERKINS C orner 5th and D Streets S pringfield . Oregon Plans and Eetlmatea Furniahed Free. Will Help You Finance Your Building. SB Si «a»'’ C ourt, o ^ o r b^nrs date the Allas Summ ons a DePue, a tto rn ey for ¿o»’ 'i* Jo n e 1925. a r* th* date of o-s o s S« w a l ln T o»n»hln 17 SotiU- R ing» 2 ' e y , , , p O elger, D efendant the E state. i »hr rtr«t ’vr»h!<*'*Y‘,on of th ’s P jm m ons D Î? P T O P T 1 of ,h° W illam ette M eridian In Lan To r ,,,- ndnnt:- In th e ; May 2«. Ju n e 4 -lt l«-25 is June ISth. 1925. l \ IL \7 « V IV 1 j County. Oregon Name of tbe S a t e of Oregon. I’O ^T E R A and th e whole thereof, as again»! t h ‘ , You are hereby required to appear SUMMONS Attorr®*’^ fe*»* r»t»1nt<*T. defrndB"ti, nnd ”ic h of them , and th a t inn(t aniW e r the com plaint filed ag ain st ] x T l}p p jp c T tm COURT OF THE and Post OU'ce a ld r - s s Fu- the defendants Have not. nor have „ hoye p n tltled suit on ot n ■ r i f O O X TOR ' W U ' ,-lther o ' th .m any right, title or In ^ f o r e the 20th day of June. 1925. said Eene, Oregon Ju.18-25- J u 'v 2 9-16-23 Call tcro st w hatsoever tn and to the said da(e h eln r more , han glx w eeks from . n/« Cornwell n la 'n 'l’f t - L. Rov ,r < ’ th ;-« ° f. and th at of , he o. (lpr „ „ „ s u |t pro.l >■ Tilt C ornw ^I ninth .t tto. SU TTO N TRANSFER Notice of Sale of Real E state the p laln tlfr« tltlo In and to ra >1 nrq-n- yl(llnx for publication of sum m em here ~ I e » ov C or- w ll defendant IN lies he forever qltletrd against the an- herein be published for a period of r . Lo: 2 in Section 23 of T ow nialp 16 first publication of th is Summ ons Is no, ip ,, than Rix w e’ k«. In the S-wlni T his s u lr !£ons Is published once v-r,t i, -r m 4 e a st c f the Willam- Iju n e 4th, 1925. field News. » new spaner print. 1 and < a r ^. w®ek, f°T. ™ n secu ,iTT weeks ette M eridian, in Lane County. Oregon IT T T F R . FOSTER i!- IMMEl.. published in S p r l n g f l e i L a n e C ounty tx cept)cg u e r tf r o m a strip of land O regon. order of the above C ourt m ade May 1—| gp f , e ( wide extending through said A ttorneys for Plaintiff LAD IES! T ry that expert FRED E. SMITH. 1925. Datel and first published May | 0^ an(j excepting a tra c t h -re to 'o ra R esident an l P ost Pffico A ddress: 14. 1925. h a ir c u tte r a f Anderson’s conveyed to Nellie T. M atlock, and ex­ Eugene, Oregon. « Attorn?.v for Plaintif*. W H ITTEN SW AFFORD. cepting a strip h eretofore convened to J. 4 11-1S 25; Ju. 29 16. 445-6 M iner Rl-'y . Eugene, Oregon ! lia r h fr Bhnp. A ttorney for Plaintiff. i T. C. Luckey, an d.’Xcentin? t> tra c t D ate of first publ'catlon hersof is | R esidence and Post Office A ddress: heretofore ccnvevrd to Rov Stien. A. A. ANDERSON May 7th, 1925. N O Tff'E FOR PUBLICATION ELMER ROBERTS . M-7-14-21-2« :J 4-11-18. 1 Eugene. Oregon. A dm inistrator. BARBER SHOP D epartm ent cf the In terio r LN T h e CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Fred E. Sm ith. U S. Land e p ic o at Roseburg. Ore COUNTY A ttorney for A dm inistrator. gen. Mr.y __ 11. ____ 1925. J-18-25J1.-2-9-16. Notice Is hereby given th a t R irh a rl J W. BAKER. P laintiff, ) Lindsay, of M.ilm’wk. Oregon, who ou VS. v Summ ons for P ublication In Foreclosure DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL May 14. 1920, made horn- «trad e u trv SAMUEL McMURDO, D efendant \ of T ax Lieu. R eturn From H oneymeen— Mr. and ¡No.' 012613. for NMi N W H . SE U Mrs. W a lte r G ossler retu rn ed from D E N T IS T To SaniU’ . l McMurdo the above nam ed defendant. NW% Sec. 27. Twp. 16 S. range 2 west th eir honeym oon In S outhern Oregon W illam ette M eridian has filed n o th -- th (, N lm e of the S tate of OreBan Phone 43 of In ten t’ou to m ake th ree y ear proof. 1 You are hereby notified th a t J. W. Raker, th e holder of C ertificate cf D a-! W ednesday e v e rtn j. Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. j to establish ibllxh claim to the bin ! ’'b o '” jjnquency num bered 1917 Issued on !he 16th day of Novem ber, 1920 by the ; describe _____________ ied, before E. O. I rn iel, 1 . ..n -rax 0 o nectpr _ o[ ___ the ________ County _ of _____ Lane, _________ S tate of ___________ Oregon, for ______________ the am ount of $11.52 (\>mni('r”r. »!. Lukene. J ' r . son, on (|,e sal)le being th e am ount then due and delinquent for taxes for th e 1 th e 19th day of June, 1925. y ear 19L7 to g eth er with penalty, in terest and costs thereon upon the real 1 * C laim ant name« »« w itnesses: ¡ p roperty assessed to you, of w hich you are th e ow ner a s ap p ears of reco rd , | \ Ic'or lb H sm m ltt. Jacob N lc'olson. gj!uatP j ln sai^ cottoi v and state, and particularly bounded an and described as WM. G. HUGHES L" k ,PT<\r “K " llliuln SertVey- n '* of follow to-wlt: The E ast 53 13 feet of lots 1. 2 and 3. Block 24. 1 G ross' A ddition FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Mohawk ''"e g e n . I | to Eugene, Lane County. Oregon. NOTARY PUBLIC HAMILL A. CANADAV. You a re fu rth e r notified th a t said J. W. B aker has paid taxes on said Non-coal Roglsier. I prem ises (or prior or subsequent years, with th e ra te of In te re st on said , Office a t May 14-21-28 Ju n e 4 11 am ounts as follows; F IR S T N A T IO N A L BANK He never appears as a favorite SorlnpHeld, Oregon A m ount R a ts of Date Paid Tax Receipt No. Y ear's Tax N 0T1CT TO CREDITORS in the fashionable show, but he’s In te re st 1 welcome to watch the blowout N otice Is h er. by given th at the if he pays fer a ticket to go— 12% 11.52 urtderslKtiid has been ap poln'ed l’v We stand him along with the 12% 9.9? 24176 Nov. 16. 1920 the p robate court of l ane County. Ore 19i8 yappers th a t stay outside of the 12% 10.80 23321 Nov. 16. 1920 gon, executor of the last will an 1 test 19.9 ring, but—in spite of his comic 12% 5.97 4794 Mar. 28. 1921 am ent of M attle J. Inman, deceased; ¡1B20-1-H whiskers—he’s the salt of the 12% 6.98 16732 Sep. 23, 1921 39: 0 2-11 .11 persons having claim s against the All kinds of gravel fo r con­ earth, by jing! ♦ 6.34 12% 6170 Apr. 4. 1922 1 state of said M attie J Inm an are 1921-1 H crete or road wor.k. Wo 6.90 12% 26459 Jan. 20, 1923 He’s never an artful trickster j hereby notified to flic the sam e duly ■ 1921-2-H 12% 15684 6.36 make a specialty of crushod Mav 31 1923 th a t feathers his nest with men ' verified wi*h the undersigned w ithin 1922-1 H 17936 12% 6.48 Sep 27. 1923 : 1922-2-H —but knows how to feed the rock and rock sand. Bunk- s'x m onths from this dat?. 6220 12%. 6.47 ~ ! 1923-1-H Apr. 1. 1921 porkers th a t fatten inside his I Dated th is 27tli tlav of Mav 1925. ors at fo o t of Main on M ill 6.47 12% 1S947 Oct. 1, 1924 11923 2-H pen. We couldn’t exactly call W. W. INMAN. street. 12% 14.64 5011 Apr. 4. 1925 him a king in the social deck, Executor. i 1984 H EN R V W. CHASE, Prop. but he knows how to grow pota- W illiams A: lim n Said Sam uel McMurdo as the ow ner of the legal title of th e above d e s­ ters th a t we can 't do without, Attorneys for Estate. cribed property as the sam e ap p ears of record, and each of the o th er persons by heck! M 2SJ-4 11 18-25. above named a re hereby fu rth er notified th a t J. W. B aker will apply to th e While the law provides special C ircuit Court of the County and S tate aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the NOTICE TO CREDITORS favors fer sons of the gifted lien against the property above described, and m entioned in said certificate. FRANK A. D.EPUE NOTICE IS HEREBY GICE.N That Ami you are hereby sum m oned to appear w ithin sixty days a fte r the firs t class, there aint no statutes pro­ ATTORNEY AT LAW the pndc 1 signed has been tlu !' ip- publication of this summon», exclusive ot the day of said first publication, and vided fer the feller that mows NOTARY PUBLIC pointed by the County Court of ‘he defend this action or pay the am ount due as above shown, to g eth er with oosts the grass—but, so long as he finds contentment in whiskers , S tate of Oregon for the . Coim 'v . r . ‘ and accrued Intereat, and In case of your failure to do so. a decree will be IS 1 adnilrfistrator 1 L it. as of tue e stn t - of , , foTeciostng the lien of said taxes and costs a g ain st th e land and Springfield Sutton an’ crooked backs—and so long in Groen decoasod and that r im u r ts i 101 ^.. njainln as he feeds the “people” he can Oregon. . Benjam Buidllng prem ises above named. ~ all I”-; son« having claim s a sa .a >• Mild tend to himself, by jacks! Thlfii «ummon8 i» published by order of th e H onorable O. F. i^kipworth, e sta te d ie hereby notified to pr”s.-” t lodge of the C ircuit Court of the S tate of O regon for th e C ounty of Lane, th e Bare» properly verified to ‘..-j s.l- - ! ««M order was m ade and dated this 12th day of May, 1925 and th e d ate of m m lstrato r a t the office of Eiunk A. th e first publication of this sum m ons Is the 14th day of May, 1925 and the Dt-Pue, th e atto rn ey for the e s t i'« In CLEANING , PRESSING of the last publication July 16. 1925. S p ri'ip C n d , Oregon, o n .o r h e ' »ro tlx ate All AND SEW ING process and papers In this proceeding m ay be aerved upon the u n d er­ I m ouths from the d ate of this uOlke. signed residing w ithin th e S tate of Oregon nt the address h e re a fte r m entioned. Mrs. G. M. P lum m er Dated th is 2nd day of June, 1J25. C.N.JOHNSON, A ttorney for Plaintiff. W. J. LEPLEY, A dm inistrator M .. .1 n .„ v T H E MODE F ran k A. DePue, A d m inistrator for Room 10 U nited S ta te s N ational B ank Between 5th and 6th th e estate. A ddress Bank Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. M 14-21-28 J-4-11-18-25 Ju 2 9 16. J-18-25 Ju.-2 9-16. . 1 *" Uncle J ahn SPRIHSFIELD GRAVEL CO.