I TH E 8PRINOPIELO NEWS Pane Three THURSDAY, JUNE 1 8 .192S J rolled during the tour years. Cora with their certificates. | High grade piano near Springfield John gave a selection on the piano. I The gymnasium was decorated In ¡will be sold Io a reliable parly at u ¡Miss John's pleasing touch and ac •[ the colors of the class of 18J&, the big saving fill monthly wdl haiiillti. curacy |n piano music has made her a front of the rostrum was hanked with ■a snap, wlrle at once to Tallinnn Plano favorite at Pleasant Hill In the must flowers, gifts to the graduating clast, Store, fhtlem, Oregon. J 11-19 cal circle«. A reajing by Orval Gulley ( —— —— " ■ - • and advice to the Juulora by M ildred, w ill Oo to Oregon City—Jack WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24th Mornlngstar were much appreciated. Klntaley. Charles Dougherty and F. E. Dr. 8. Ilalp'li Dippel. Dentist. Vilua Miss Mornlngstar a advice to Juniors K<>es. members of the (I A II, will building, 8prlngfloane. out sh am e— A detective. other In whom she believed, a rriend The class will by Kay Olson was j . “Oh. 1 see." I munnuretl. and back who was willing to sacrifice her own filled with humor and lake o ff . on the s |M p L E F I X T U R E B E S T •om ewhere In my subconscious mind, I reputation for the sake of another different members of the school on I ! I saw the lean man with the cap and Mile's loyalty to me was beautiful and ((,„ fgru|tjr. a cane was presented to FOR CONSTIPATION cigarette. 1 had noticed him once o n , inspiring Even Mrs Fisher wus Junior class by the Senior class HERRON & ARNSMAN the train and again in the lobby. Oh. touched by the fineness of It. There | n c|o stn< Gladys Wheeler gave the In Slniple buckthorn bark, mtig- she ha 1 been clever **» » «“' « of Ouse eloquence about - valedictory. ' “ Koon Kapers" nesiuni sulph. c. p., glycerine, “Did your consort also tell you how the whole business. I etc., as mixed In Adlerlka. Is ex­ the inn episode ended*“ I demanded "Then, who Is responsible for the j A short but Inspiring address was cellent (or constipation. It often rather calmly distance that has grown between us?” by Dr. E. V Stivers of Eugene JANIS <4 CHAPLOW followed bv a few words from Prlncl " o r k s 1,1 h o l,r o r ,e,w n n d III “Just about you leaving the hotel Mrs. Fisher inquire«!, [-al Marlon K H a ls, when he present n ,'v e r KClpes. T h e p le a s a n t an d “ Il Pays to Advertise" in the gray of the morning." ' (To be Continued) ed to Miss Mary W heeler her scholar •' h* tit'll of th is eM lcuailt “Two o'clock. Mrs. Fisher, is scarce-j ........ ship at the Bible University. " 111 «Urpri«? you. Adlerlka ly morning" EICHT SENIORS GRADUATE helj« any case gas on the stont- Willa & Harold Browne •Let us not mince wwrds.” she FRQM PLEASANT HILL H. S. H C. Wheeler, Chairman of the a c h . unless due to deep-seated Preaentlng answered tartly, “I know what I — ... board mado a few remarks In praise 1 causes. Often removes m atter No longer throw aw ay their "Rag Art" know, my young woman I've sus- Sunday night, June 14. Walter I* of the Pleasant Higg high school and you never thought was in your worn shoes. They bring them ! peered my husband ever since the Myers, of the Bible 1'ntverslty gave presented the members o( the class system. Flitnorv’s Drug Store. here to bo made servieable night I saw you two together In Pen- the baccalaureate address to the gra-l again: a s good us new in fact. ALPHONSOS COMPANY Our m achines will m ake a pair sacola. But only recently did I have duates of the Pleasant Hill high sch o o l! "A Novelty In Figures" the forethought to engage someone at the Christian church. The church! of shoes give double service. Why waste money on new shoes to help me get at the bottom of the was filled to capacity, the Endeavor ! u n n ecessa|lly ’ Save the dif­ situation is impossible! I shall not room opened and extra seats placed In Clifton, Kemp A Haynes ference and use It for other U sh er, but things have gone too far." the isles. Miss Julia Swafford and jig » -? In more Immediate needs. she resumed the conversation. Miss Gertrude Dilly dressed in yellow “ Dance Varieties" Im x’rpontttid "1 did not object ot him having a were ushers. The eight graduates.' Other Features too ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP little fun with the girls as long a si four boys and four girls marched in 1 DEPARTMENT STORES Main St. Between 3rd A t 4th he did not select one subject. The I pairs from the rear of the Endeavor altcatton is impossible! I shall n o t1 room as Gertrude Dilley played the ‘ permit the present status of things to'm arch and took their seats in the first I continue Do you think for one minute row of the center isle. Thelma Parks that 1 would have the world look upon eave a musical number. Prof. Myers me as a discarded woman?" she drew choae as his topic the Five Principle« her sables about her with a frigid of • Growing Life. These he gave aloftness •» follows: But 1 want to tell you that you have ! First. “Leave the Past Behind.“ Ranges — Radios — Manus — Phonographs — Rugs broken up my home. If it were not When the things of the past draw A new showing of dresses of printed and plain silk crepe Chairs — Ice Boxes — Dressers Beds for you anl your angling for my h ua-jow attention we turn o f backs on the all the wanted shades and styles at a price you «an afford THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY band, this thing would not have hap- future, we do not grow or make pro- - 11th 12th 13th gresa We must not be content with to pay. Priced at pened." All Prices Reduced the victories we have won but always "But Mrs. Fisher, really." I began. “Kindly do me the kindness of not look to new victories. This Is true interrupting until 1 hage finished. of nations as well as Individuals. "Do NctN Be Satisfied As I was saying, yon have stolen j Second- Phone 33 858 Pearl Street lay husband and before he flagranti? i with the Present.“ Robt. Callahan in charge deserts me I shall take action........ ” j It is the people who are not sails- •You m ean .’ I aUmntcied. surely fled with the present who are moving y'U are not considering a .separation?“ I the world forward. We do not stand Ct editions then were w r ist than 1 J still, unless we grow and continue to! had imagined. igo forward, we go backward. | . “What would you do .in or slm illarj Third -Stretching Forward to the Atedia tatio n s Sallie Faces a W ife’s Wrath SILK D R E SSE S For Sum m er Dissolution Partnership Sale CLOSING OUT Greer-Callahan Furniture Store c in um stancesT’ She hardly waited Things That are Beyond.” for my reply, hurrying cn. h-sr words , Ag ,ong a, w# |Q {h# l-U'ngly coherent. “Certainly I shall' wi„ KTOW,n< On)y (h<> |)f< CM a separation and 1 intend to have , hal ugeg today gnd pIans #nd buUdj| , the world know t h , resr.o...' There for tomorrow is a life of achievement I was no giving in no gentleness, only Those tha, ,,Te for today gre drl(u d s ste e llik e determ...atioa. and drtgen by chaD(,e You wouldn't «leet'on my name., „ ,, , . , . „ ... Fourth Have a Great Purpose.” wt rid vou Mrs. F.sher 1 tell you i t s I [rot ,he effort but what Is« a . a horrible m m! i l i.-a!. . s : . It v o u l.ln t . . . . . , , .. , I gained by the effort In life that counts I d - l»’r.” 1 [leaded. Man must have God and his teach j “Don't talk to me of fairness. My ings in his life if that life is t* be its husband wan true to me"— I winced best. . at the alligation,"—until you deliber­ Fifth. Make an Earnest Effort.” ately used your wiles upon him." We never gain anything without “One moment, please." it was Ellie, the cost of an effort. The Interest who had evidently been sitting upon put Into the effort make life what it the sun perch, leadirg from the room is. in which we had been talking. The commencement exercises of the "I am Ellie Mitchell. Mrs. Fisher, Pleasant Hill high school were held In and there are some things you have the gymnasium Monday night. Thelma said to my friend here, that must be " heeler, a U. H. 8. and Normal gradu­ retracted.” ate played the processional as the “Indeed.” she drew herself up in an teachers, graduates, and Dr. E V. attitudi of antagonism, “and what Stivers of Eugene marched from th e ' right have you to interfere. Miss M it-jrear of the gymnasium and took their' chell seats on the rostrum. The four gradu- "Just this, that the things of which ating girls wore organdy d risses in you have just accused Sallie have pastel shades. Mary Harden as salu- beer, absolutely without foundation. tatorian gave the address of welcome. That you do not know your husband; Arthur Lindley in giving the class that Sallie Is as blam eless for his history, said as Freshmen they numb­ flirtations as the strangest girl whom ered 15. Mourlce Dilley who has he passes. j been forced to stop school the "And how do you happen to know past sem ester will graduate in j so much about him?" she demanded 192*5, and Verna Manning grada-| “Because 1 know your husband. Mrs ’»«t Wednesday. F r ................ a„ .„.,.o,cn , .H K ,Ka> Ob,° n and f0r:i J- bn ’ »• me before he forc'd his affections up- on Sallie It would be the same with any girl who had the slightest ac­ quaintance with Warren Fisher He has reached the age in life where­ at the swish of a skirt he's off in a cloud of dust. He's terrified at fac­ ing the future without a last wild fling at Youth and it’s a thrilling ad­ venture. Often when men reach a susceptible forty, they feel that i f ; th ey can get the attention and interest o f a young girl that old age Is not an . imminent condition. It's usually noj hard matter to find some girl too, who’ll believe them in their beautiful love making. A man with the ex­ perience of your husband, for In­ stance, can say things so beautifully, go personally, so different from tile com plim ents the boys our own age are capable of bestowing. They make you believe that you are unappreciat­ ed, that" she paused for words to ex­ press her meaning, " that they are .misunderstood; that with you as a pal and a stimulus, they could have scaled the heigh ts and accomplished J wonders. Oh, I know, and I won’t! have you abusing Sallie." Aa she stood there silhouetted against the casem ent doors In the fading light of the late afternoon, I marvelled at Ellie. Gone was the girl of frivolous thoughts, of hoydenlsh — — —— — w ■ — ■„ ■— — — Summer School Ask about it The business College w ill be in session thruout the Sum m er Months. All classes will be conducted the same as during the regular school year. Eugene Business College A. E. Roberts, President Phone 666 .. 992 Willamette St. .. Eugene, Oregon Tire R epair Service Station Expert Balloon Tire Re­ pairing Eugene Vulcanizing Works 957 Oak St. 1020 Low R o u n d trip Fares are in effect throughout the sum­ mer season. I t ’s amazing what they will enable you toseeanJdol So go— this vacation. Know Oregon. Visit Tillamook Benches^ ; N ew po rt Ueachei, Coos Peaches, Mountain Resorts, Crutet JLohe, Oregon Caves. And rely upon our agents for full travel information. Ask for our illustrated booklet "Oregon Outdoors.” CARL OLSON, Agent COLONIAL in Oregon for Oregon Homes Official Goodyear G o somewhere this summ er. Plan Io make it die happiest vacation you ever ha«L Southern Pacific j Wood Range Built Tire . , vacation1 A Range you will be proud to own. Priced From $58 to $115. Terms if desired. See the Colonial Range in our window that has been in use for 10 years. Wright & Son Hardware Paint Furniture C /T Y E slSÇ — Beyond the Car Lines I , j P V E N in the country you ' "> ’ ,|iing convenience. A good oil cook- stove*« intense H;tmc, fast as gas, is heat ivncttilrairJ! That •J means a n o t kitchen— and no tires to tend. Noiseless, simple, ¡a ft! The kerosene to use should be the highest grade only— Pearl O il — espe­ cially refined and r t - r t f h . t l for use in oil cookstoves and heaters; Pearl O il hums tltn n — no smukc— no odor— the air stays sweet and pure. Pearl O il won't corrode the r.s al parts o f your oil cookfttnvc. “ Kenisenc” or “ coal ,i|’’ may mean any kind o f kero'.c. i , insist on Pearl O il— by namef STANDARD O IL COMPANY 11 .l