PAOB FIVB T H E SPRINGFIELD NEW S THVRBPAY.JUNE IB. 1925 munlly and church circle«. She la a ant Hill high school will be held at graduate of tha Blbla University and the high school building Monday, June Wllllam M, Jardine. Mcmtary of By Special the University of Oregon. Mr. Wheel­ 22 Poll« will be opened from 2 to 7 agriculture, will spend three day* In er has been attending the Bible Uni­ o’clock. Besides electing a new di­ Oregon on hie proaest tour of the west versity the nst two years, specialising rector the matter of enlargln-f Union Be. retary Janita»- w ill,arrive In Med In evangelistic singing. He has lad District No. 1 will be voted upon. ford from Havle. fhU.. the morning o f f * the alngtng at several meetings dur­ June 25 and will leave Portland the UPPER WILLAMETTE THUH8T0N NOTES Stop at Hotel—Monday Mrs. E E. ing his attendance at the Bible Uni­ evening of June IT. Brief Resume of Happenings of Wallace and Mrs. F. L. Mason, both versity. The bridal couple have start­ Price« for supplies to be furnished the Week Collected for ed housekeeping In the Cecil Wheeler of Han Diego, registered at the Hpong to the several elate Inalltutlona dur­ Clifford Hvrrlngton from Hcofleld A wedding of much Interest took house and will be at Pleasant Hill dur­ hotel. Mrs. O. J. Ragon of the same ing the ala-month period starting July visited hl« parents here last week. He Our Reader*. city registered Tuesday. 1 of thia your «how material Increaaea returned home Sunday. HI« sister place at the Pleasant Hill Christian ing the summer. Take Apartment Here— Mr. and Friends are sorry to bear that Mlsa over those for the corresponding per F lossie went with him for an extend­ church Friday night, June 12, when Plan« am hr I nr mad« fur a Fourth lod In 1124, according to bid« opened Lucille Bennett who is taking nurses Mrs. Dave Stevens and daughter of Mlsa Effie Gibson of Eugene became ed visit, expecting to go to Iduho be­ of July mlnbrallnn anil rare 0H m >1 In by the elate board of oontrol. the wife of Allan Prentice Wheeler, training at the Pacific Christian hospi­ Han D d go have taken an apartment fore returning Ent«rprisa nit July X and 4. tal Is III with the mumps. at the Hpong Hotel. A wheat yield of approximately 600,• Jxiren Edmlston entertained for «on of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wheeler, of anv waa the lowest Joshua K Hardy, 62, oldest resident j g<»g (be construction of 20 miles week. Mrs. Walter Edmlston went to Port­ of The Dalle« and a wagon train plo , <)f hard-surfaced road from Medford near of 1X52, died nt The Dalles from and Klamath entraacea of Crater Lake land last Saturday to visit her dangh- ter Mrs. Mlxxle and enjoy the Rose complication« of old ags. national park to the rim of the lake. Carnival. The seventh annual group meeting Tha bid totaled 2256,440. Mrs. Taylor Needham Is attending of rural Hunday school* held by the Tha iargeit an Oregon troop move- American Bunday Bdhool union will ,nBnl ( | nre lha world war culminated the Rose Carnival in Portland this week. be held at Waterloo, June 28. j «peceaafully when the Oregon national Mrs. Margaret Campbell from Eu­ Port Orford expects between 260 guard. 2600 alrong. went Into encamp- gene visited her slater Mrs A. 11. and 800 delegates to the Spanish- | nient at Camp JackNon, near Medford. ,aat 8unda’r American war veterans annual conven­ Eight .perlai train, over the Houth- ern l'aclflo carried guardameli from i me Monday quite III. burglar, who kept tha Portland police travel the last Kunday In June. PI»« Hasel Edmlston assisted Ixive Between 4000 and 6000 acre« of I department In hot water during a long Harrett In ih*lr store In Eug?ne u growing wheat were damaged In a i *ertas of house burglaries last winter, few daya last week during tbelr sale district centering around Helix by a *»« sentenced by Preaiding Judge There will be no church services hall storm that lasted for about 15 Morrow of the circuit court to ten here next hunday as all are expected years In the state penitentiary. Total Value ............................................ — .......$2.69 minutes. to attend the convention at Yarnell. The Oregon public service commis­ Despondency over unsuccessful ef­ Special Friday and Saturday------ The Endeavor will give a party and forts to obtain work la given by friends sion has accepted an Invitation to I welnle roast next Saturday evening. n the reason for the suicide at »taker J participate In a hearing to be held at , of Hike Murphy, aged 40. and un Helena. Mont.. July 16. to consider | " • " < ’ »“ * ®" married . . . r a t e s on wheat shipments from Mon i Friday evening at the church A . w . c - r f l - . , . fee. w a. neriorm '*"» nOrth P®«1» « * » * • toT *IpOrt r the construction of ap-1 tor supremacy In Klamath county be- < 'nK proxlmately 125 miles ot road and a tween the Hill lines and the Southern The Thurston orchestra went to number ot l/yldg«-» will be opened by Pacific. ------ Yarnell Tu j-day evening "to practice the state highway commission at a Sales mlile by mill« of tha West w,,h 'rfid "orchestra there for the con- m eeting’at Purtlaml June 26 and 22. Coast Lumbermen'« aaaoclatlon aggre y‘’"jtlon to be held there next Sunday. ^ A 70 pound rhlnook salmon ha« been ' galad 114,(38,242 feet for the «;„ag a rarity on the Columbia river for 1 ending June 6. the highest reford for many year«, but during the last tw o*gny thia year. Manufactured town nd vicinity wneka a number of fish weighing more output for the week of June 6 waa ! ------ than 70 pounds and two or three more 1U6,S4O,267 feet and shipments amount-J Go to Belknap—Doha)« W ycoft. than 80 pounds have liven taken. ed to 114.721,917 feet. New bualnee jeaae W ycoff in d taMIW and Robert . “Turn her in? Why should I? That Albert Roop, 29, a lineman In the waa 17 per cent above product^»» >ud I Woods motored lo Ählnap Springs otd Ford is as good as she ever was. Since 1 employ of the Portland Electric l’ow shipments were X per cent h* 1(JW" Ol)W Sunday. Rnfmld W ycoff did not re- switched to that new Zerolene V f°r_ For business. ' ¡turn, being ho<* employed at a mill er company, waa killed white working she runs like a clock and seems to have a on top of a 20 foot power pole In Port­ The veterans* bttre'„u haa acoaptt<1 *tta r therh. — »— ’ land. when b»< accidentally touched a the site for « IL^'ju ootl veteran«* hoa- bit more power too.” wire carrying 2300 volt« of electricity. pltal on Zerolene “F ” for Fords gets to all the be«r Goes to Marahfleld— Mrs. Nina Mc­ Mil, Portland. Tw«n Kttpr>«an(atlvea 'of Uie federal pow­ ty flv« «t>rt-a pf land m r e teudered by Pherson returned to Springfield Mon­ ings requiring ^ brication-especially the er commlaalnn will arrive In Oregon tha U niversity o t Oregon medical day evening from Marshfield where wrist-pin bearings and the upper h a tfo fth e late In June to confer with members school and President Coolldgn author- she spent the week end. Her grand cylinder walls that are frequently oil-starved of the public service commlaalon la lied Director Hlnea of the bureau to ¡daughter. Lucille Ohlson, who has when an unsuitable lubricant is used. i-ounectlon with the establishment and cl«»« tbo negotiations. A survey will ¡peen visiting her h erj returned home | maintenance of fedural power projects, begun at once. T h e hoapltal. of 300 Bt that time It deposits a minimum o f carbon, and be­ William Priebe, chief of the Oregon beds, will be for th a treatment of gen cause it lubricates b e tte r , enables the engine ,-rt* City fire department, waa elected oral patients. to develop a considerable margin of Her* Fvóm Raymond—Mr. and Mrs Tho matter of OwetM the North president of the Oregon State Fire over and above what you’re accustomed to D é, Jordan of Raymond, Oregon are Chief« naanclntlon at the annual con i* — ’" “ ’v r bus*- expect from your Ford. venllon In Forsat Orove. Corvallis ■>.»nt of agriculture to remove tlmhet , n'” R They ‘° And it costs not more, but less than most wua aolected a . the 1926 convention from tho Crane jVatrte reserVoW h ltu i,,'yn ,h ® F h° n‘'f ’ * city. of the special Ford oils now on the market. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Community News SPECIAL! Friday and Saturday Also one beautiful Japanese Parasol FREE with each deal $1.75 ER Ay 5 C A S H iC A R R X I'd aç soon M in my dog A Will MiKtre, state Insurance cnnimla- has been turn, a over to th* VhtfcM , * ePk' akiner. was reappointed to the office States attorn, /-general. Thtr action Injures Hand—Denari Goddard had for n term of four years by Govnrnor ' Ulmlnates a s ,r|»a o freeo m r, Odanomi Pierce, Mr. Moore’a present term ex and Inveatlgi /iop « retati» d lo the re 'tb ittrgo splinter of wood removed from tlmbor f hla r,ght hand by a local physician plres June SO. Mr Moore alan la state moval of the water-klP Monday He was working in the C. fire marshal and state real estate com- the re.ervol T baalu. g /X w - ’ I * « * • " *T* nted R mU1. at tm. mlaalonnr. altlmore Dukes. Port- ¡received Im The annual scholarship of 2150, land ♦ * M* ’ laltlmore Duxes, port- receive« the Injury. The splinter - p'.rri '<4 / month; Mnry H. Sears, bedded Itself between the third awarded to a student of advertising Porti *®d' 48O a month; Arthur W. little finger of hls right hand. at the University of Oregon by the Or' Portland Advertising club, was won >4®» Portland, *12 a month; Hen- Vtalt From 3an Dlsgo— Mr. and Mr«. this year by Frank Loggnn of Burns MW'*., Knutson, Vernonia, $15 a and Wnynn Leland of Salem. Th