T IIVRSDAY. JUNE IH. 1925 TIIE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE POUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L PLANS UNDERWAY FOR • Local Reporters • • LANE COUNTY FAIR • Canary ..................... J. L. Northup • P U B L IC A T IO N CANARY LOCAL 189 LANK • • C O U N T Y U N IT NO, 1« DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 • O F F IC K R S O F L A N K C O U N T Y • * F A R M E R S U N IO N * MANY FROM LANE AT O. A. C. FARM DEMONSTRATION Mom than Kjo farmer« from lain« • Central _______ . Ray Bower • Plan« for «he Lana County Pair, . Cloverdale county worn In attendance at the The aunual school meeting was • Ralph L aird. Creswell. President. Mrs. L J Oetchell • The Children’s Ih»y exercises al Ihe September Si to 16 »re vrugre»»li»r • C om * Fork Mrs, Geo. Kebelbeck • (arm demonstration «1 Oregon Agri, held at the school house lust Monday. • W ill W heeler. Trent. Vice Preal- hall were well attended. The childrens rapidly »nil many new features are • Creswell cultural College at Corvallis Wsdnaa* Mi». Bori Williams was elected as di­ • dent. .... Mr» M A. Horn • being planned according «o announce­ • Dorena ........... Mrs. Ada Jennings • songs and recliallons, the two ser­ rector to succeed Grant Balea and • Betty Kappauf, Cottage Qreve, day, The delagallon was cottductM mons by Rev. I j r s e and the bounti­ ment of ihe Secretary. Kelly C. Brau- • Hócela over the various demonstration tracts Mr». B Baker • ful dinner served by the Indies present Claren« e Peterson wap elected to au»' • see.Treas. • N. A. Horn, Cottage Grove, Ooor • I »Rowing drainage, cereal an I fora«« atetter That there shall be something • Hadleyyillel Mrs. M. Gillespie • were enjoyed and appreciated by nil. ceed C. I». Vanvalen aa clerk new and interesting, day and u lg 't. Is • J a s p e r _______ Mrs. Grace Jones •< The Culp ('reek camp closed down ( • Keeper * , rups and the elects of crop rotation the plan of those in charge. Many , Ijer^ne Mrs. C M. Foster • ! Brother and Sister Grovew-have gone Saturday, keeping only enough men i > • H. C. Jackeon. W altervllle, Con- • i a„|| to North Bend whore Slsier Groves Over 6o member» «>( lame County do the pick up work for a few day«. J * ductor. Improvements are already being made , xtcKenaie Mrs Lawrence Millcain • underwent a serious operation f»r ' boy» and girl» (lube member» were In the Fair Ground in anticipation © t:» Mt vernoa Mrs. V. A. Reynolds • Mr and Mrs. C. H. Jennings and * O. L. Clam ent, Chaplain. tumor. Sister Groves’ many friend« j present yesterday and nearly ’half a record breaking crowd. A rest cot-1. Sl)k er»ek daughter Ruth Kngland, Clarence Bulah Smith • here hope «he may »>x»n be realored i bare enrolled In ihe summer abort Starkey. Florence Land. Lout« Dodge tage has been completed and new . f r o n t ____ E II. Tinker • to health. course for club worker» Tho«e who and Mr. and Mrs Glen Jennings and fencing and walks are under construe- • y i d a _____ Mrs. W. B. Post • Aberdeen More than 60 per cent Brother Les Austin ha« a new car. have enrolled Include: Molly Cochran, sons, motored to Ros burg Sunday to tion. New features In the pavlliloas i of logging camps in the Grays Harbor » * ! 1 ----- 1----- f I Saturdays malls were delayed «bout attend the camp meetings. Barbara Dunn. Junction City; and barns will facilitate the hand- 1— 1— 1— ¡district are now closed and they will ' "burg...................... • four hours by a derailment of three ling and display of exhibits. The races • • • • • • • • Mabel Mosby went Io Marcola Sun .................... - .11 Pearl EIRol. Junction (B y ; Barbara remain tloan until about Julv • All • freight car» near Potter's crossing; and other amusement fcatares will be * CLOVERDALE LOCAL Hansen Junction ( By, Vivian llulery, day to visit for a few days. 'saw m ills are operating. Labor turn „ , caused by a low Joint In the track Mr. ami Mrs. Lot Wagner attended . _. , lunrllon City; Klvlra Jnnaen. Junc- o f the best and there will be some- . . . . • ■ • • • • : over la almost nothing. There Is no The damage was repaired and Ihe thing for verybody, Ctovenlale Local me» in regular aes the carnival at Cottage Grove Salur ¡linn Clly; Margaret Muhr. Junction surplus of labor |n Ihla disi riel The premium lluts win be ready for »Ion June U . The question of conaoll- trains w* r’’ running on their regular (Uy City; Rather McDaniel. Kugrne* distribution June 20»h. They win con datlon with the Creswell Local was schedule by the next day. sin ce , h(l ra,n ba< reaaed , ha ranl, . Florence Olson, Junction Clly; El- tain complete Information m rejrard dtomsaed and It w as decided to poat-. Neiahbor Gow *ax • t new I an, busy with their hay thlt e eanor Paddock. Eugene; Hasel Poln* to exhibit., premiums, award* and P ~ e decision a abort time longer a . ^ recto r in S ll.co o . district and Judge I W(wk TRENT LOCAL ¡dexter, Eugene; Mildred Treanor. other features of tnterest to anyone all of the Information desired had not er *"* r*** ‘ c,t 1 ' j Mr and Mrs. George Pilcher made •¡C resw ell; Helen Walson. Coburg; Intending to exhibit or participate in been obtained. The Library books m> nt la on foot to i oneo l< at* .idjai. nt g bua„ |neaa trip to C ollage Grove Kenneth t»unn. Dunn. Junction (I City; . , 'Kenneth ty ; Marl Ma Over a dosen ladles met at tb^ home , , Kapna(b W„ay. r. K, the Fair. They wm be mailed, upon have arrived and a number of members districts In thia Jocall y and u , a Eu T b ,.maa wlnn> Coborg; r r . n rl. request from the office of «be Secre- proved their Interest in them by tak- « « ‘‘e school and a high schol at some Mr a„,i Jo||n Jann|ngB B„,| of Mrs. E II. T in ker. Thureday tary County Court Him». Eugene. Ore- htg home a book. i****'™1 P>“r’ Th‘" '• • children of Cottage Grove and Mr B “ > «'««»'»• • Coldren. Grace Mitchell, a daughter of one of ? hat ra*rlta much Intelligent dlscu»- j Hnn(ng!,., Mater and husband. Mr I Tr*B‘ Local auxllllary. Mr«. Je»«e gen. Anvone desiring anv Information ta °«r members, was reported as being ,un “ nu coopemuou. »nd Mrj ot Sb„ (.'ranch«-« Phelps was elected president. Mrs Flrwt Christian Church reganl to the Fair should communl- '» * member of the visiting com- **“ ° ltTBr Co* « • ' spent the evening with th .lr uncle y ,nk,,r »'«■• -prealdent. Mr. R. J E n r t'orner *th and A Ht cate with the secretarv • mlttee requested that flower» and pa- M ends #1 < »nary over Sunday. She c H j ennln|I„ Bnd fB,„||y Tuesday ,Uh »» retary treasurer A program H. E Childers Minister ___________ _ per» or hooka be sent to her . ° n her w«y hntne froni »’«»«I»«* Jim Redford was a Cotage Grove e»»"»«“ «« *■« «PPolnted «’ *<>«1« M Hermon topic '-Opening Iron ! Visitors present were: Mr and Mrs. wh,'r« sh* ™mpleted high school at v|B„ or hwre Tuesday “ Pro«r«”1 <°f »*»• coming year Mrs. Il A M I*. M "Climbing up for Gales ' Raise Money »or Organlxatlon !iw » « e « ,n h i.h ih i. „ . . r N otice of the program for raising Halbrook. and Mr «"d Mrs Wright of high jh ls j e s r The children who were conditioned Tlnl“ ’r' * " • , U ’^• ■n,‘ Mr* JestK ' Bible school St » «6. Hupi H. been sent th e Creswell. An Invitation was extended Mr- I*helps. Sr., arrived for a visit |n |h<> e |t h , h ,fTB,|e examinations took <'"n», Hule Ihe committee The n e x t , ' ' organisation funds has il lasses for all ages and This work I»’ «hem to our local to meet with i ’ *'«> hl« «on and family of Canary Mr th#m Thur, dBy rr1dBy meeting will be held at the home o f , « •'' r Irnme. Christian RJn- president of each local Creswell local for local an all meet ®3 y e a n old and a G A. R. . tn thf Mr* Jeaac I’helpt, Wedneaday. after this rfiatrlrt district. should be undertaken at ____th0 once that 'he Creswell for dav an all day meet 1 dvavnr al 7 P M Come and enjoy the ! veteran. Everyone Is Invited to attend the ls Mr" K V Sw ,n definite reports w ill b e ready at t h e i lnK ° n ls t- . q. Mr». C. F Hyde will be hostesses with ¡meetings. Countv Convention next month. Three Mr.. Morgan. Mrs. Rinehart and «nd Mr«, »ylveater. 8r.. returned go<.,a| >m, „ , ntr1buti bln« western counties have already asked Mrs Maybe were appointed as a spec to *he,r suburban home near Mulino- for , h(, pro4 suit »gainst Itulh Honey for divorce hale and hearty for a man of his has been offered Oregon in some time. ¡In*- Mrs Jesse Phelps will assist Mrs Jor- on grounds of desertion They were years. We did not lesim Mrs. Sylvest­ Let us make the most of the oppor­ dan. i married at Goahen October 11. 1110. er’s age but she is a very charming CONSTRUCTION WORK tunity by Immedlale and progressive 1 * _____ and the husband claims the wife hag • lady and It was a real pleaMire to NOW AT HIGH PEAK MT. VERNON LOCAL action Betty. M. Kappauf. * FOR HALE—Carbon pnper In large refused to cohabit with him for Ihw ¡meet them both. County Secretary. ____________________ Mr* and M*ra J*R McPherion/Mrs’ 1 Brother Sylvester h a . been picking M.ny Loggers Recently Laid O ff sheets, JlxJ» Inches, suitable for past year They have one child 11 making tracings. The New» Office years old Broom Get. Bail Lena IMvis. and daughter. Marjorie, ’ ‘r - ’ h-rrle. for over a month now Find Em ploym snt on Mark Broom, held on a charge of left Tuesday morning * auto for Bar- < nd _\h " e * re ’ ,m » » " * b’ rTt" on Projects .v ia i a u i ( M / u J > u n vs u u ca v assn * /* • a ««en • . .... t h i* ▼ 111 lb operating a moonshine still and pos- ney to attend the Rhinehart Reunion | 1 ne* , ‘ I Som e of contractor M cN utts equip Portland. June 18— (Special) That ‘ „ , , , „ session of liquor, was released from which meets June 1» 20-21. ment is arriving this week. a large majority of the several fhoua- This Is the twenty-second annual custody on 18.500 ball Saturday. Six work has been much delayed this Bnd ,O„ „ B r, cen„ y off >t thousand dollars was the ball put up reunion of thin fnmTly and there are co n « camps have either gone to the in circuit court and 12.500 In Justice usually over sevwtrty-TIve people In spring by the rain. Sister Bester I. enjoying . visit p(n„ dl. , r)c, B BmpJr, of court. H. C. all of Cheshire and attendance. from her mother Knowing sister found Bmployin. nt lBr, ent service offices their bonds and he was »gain turned Miss Irma Laird returned last week Haying will begin here ln a few rBrloUB northwestern cities re- over to the sheriff. from Sedro Woolew. W’ashlngton. days. There Is a very b eery crop due celV(.d „ 4b h-adquarters here today ------------------------ where sh e had been teaching school to the frequent showers. Almost without exception (he reports Picnic at Lowell Bridge Workmen began laying the flooring Brother Sylvester and Potter made , how thBt thBre Bre few „„employed Honoring Mrs. Mac Castle and her in the new ban Tusday. a successful Initial trip with their |()„ eri( flr dtatrtcU. children who left Monday evening for ■ . ,. . meet wagon last Friday, disposing of A Burplu, mpT1 reportw, from their home In Charlestown. Washing- M any June Brides » practically .11 of their meat, which , he pln. r, urtb • ^ of Eug(.n„ : apd Oof)rgi --------------- • Fridays. Cloverdale School House * 'Los Angeles and Helen Zinlker, Eu- j] • Creswell—First and Third Tuea- gene. • day«, Creswell. M. W. of A Hall. • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth M u tt G uarantee Postage Phone 11 414 Main Street • Thursdays, Hebron Church House. A new postal order has been r e -' • Danebo—First Tueeday, Danebo celved by Postm aster F. B Hamlin an-1 • School House. nounring that after August 1, all send- - , Dorena—Second and Fouth Tne»- * ers of insured and C. O. D. mall must I • days, Dorena Churoh. guarantee both forwarding and return ! • Hadleyvllle — First and Third * postage. • Thursdays, Hadleyvllle School. * ! This new move Is expected to ex- ! • Heceta—First Sunday of each * pldate shipping, since these packages , • month. Heceta School House. * are now often held for days w hile; • Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- * notices of postage are being sent. a v s u TIRE PRICES are going up! Springfield Garage • nesdays, W. O W. Hall. Jasper. • Lorane—Second and Fourth • Wednesdays. 1. 0 . O. F. Hall. • McKenzie local, second and • fourth Wednesday, 8 p. m. 1. O. O. • F. hall, Walb-rvllle. • Mt. Vernon—First and Third • Wednesday. Brasfleld Store. • Silk Crerit Meets First and Third • Thursday at Cedar School House • Spencer Creek—Third Friday, • Pine Grove School House. • TTent— Second and Fourth Wed- • nesdays. ITeaeant Hill High • School Bldg. > Vida—Second and Fourth gatur- 1 days at Mlnney Hall. ' Secretaries will please send In ' tim e and place of meeting and changes of date as ifaey may oc­ cur. SHCOWVKV Mrs. Young Passes • Mrs. Maggie Young, aged 68, of • Marcola. died Friday morning at the • Pacific Christian hospital. The funer- • al was held Sunday from the Modern • Woodman hall In Marcola, Rev. Nor • man Workman officiating. Thp holy • was ln charge of the Walker chapel, •-w ith Intprrment at the Laurel Hill •¡cem etery. • Mrs. Young was survived by one • sister, Mrs. Mary Enoch, of Lewiston, • Idaho, one brother. J. W. Hendrex of • Gresham, and one half brother, David • H. Camberse of Marcola. Come From Portland— Mrs. M J McKlln and MTs. Howard Cotton of Portland came down Wednesday to visit friends. They wll return the first of the week. . F o r T m e F a m il y S P E C IA L CHILDRENS SPECIAL FRIDAY and » SATURDAY LADIES FRIDAY SATURDAY S3.S5 $4.50 $2.50 MENS SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY 646 Willamette $4.50 $3.50 THE HUB Eugene, Oregon Phone 593-Y W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan 662 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon