PAGE TITREE C a r o f C o rn R seo lvs d — M o rris o n A Lo oks A fte r In te r e s t H e re Drive» to Portland—M. B. Huntley, In From Fall Cr«»k—Frank Klnta- Mr. and Mr». D. 8. Jordon, of Ray­ Cllngan received a carload of cera lay of Kail Craak waa in town Monday. with Mr. and Mr» C. 0 Wllaon drove mond, Washington, are in the city this Monday. to Portland Saturday- They Intend to h. Ill With Tonsllltla— Mrs. J Fulop la lake a trip up tha Columbia'on hoard week looking after property Interest Dr. 8. Ralph Dlpp'i, D entiti. Vito» They own the Willow» apartment III at her homo with tonsllltla. the battleship Oregon. bouse here. They made the trip by building. Springfield. Oregon. III With Rhaumatlam -Dun llold- In From Jsspsr—Jim Aubr«y spent In Front Land««- Mra, II P. Coburn Drives to Marshfield M/x Clara motor rldgo of Dcxtor la III at hl» homo with of Landa» wa» In town Monday Saturday In town from Jasper. Fawver drove to Marshfield Saturday If you want Springfield to grow, rhoumatlsm. H ere-H arry i ’ " h h-r father Bd Collin., who ha. you must trade at home. Buy Elsa Sutton III— Kisa Sutton la III V isits Old Frlands Hhe returned SPECIAL PRICK on plate work Dr W»»rin From W »lt»rvllle—M J ¡•been fls.'Hng lu-re< Perfectlon bread. J-26» at his homo. Fisher of Good land, Kansas visited C. N W Emery, dentist Sutton Bldg Tuesday ev< fling. W iarln wa» In town Saturday from A. Swarts Monday. Mr. Fisher Is now In From Camp Creak -tieorg» Hand Waltervlll«. on a motor trip through the west. Drive to Portland—Mr and Mrs. arson was In towu on business from Harry Stewart drove to Portland Fri­ V ls ltln g R e la tiv » » - John Conloy, Cnmli Crank Saturday. HAVE US PUT V la lt In Seattle— Mrs. IJ J Mitchell day. Mrs. 8t< wart will remain there front Grosham, I» vlsltlng relative» In YO U UP A G ALLO N and son, James, left Monday by car Qussts at Olnnor-M r. and Mr». J Spilnglleld for a few weck». Hu la the rest of the week for the rose for Seattle, Washington where they (estival, while Mr. Stewart returned to K Trotter warn Sunday dinner guest« i b brolher of P. Conloy. of our delicious leu cream. It will visit friend». SprlngfUld Sunday evening. of Mr» Moy Craft. Down From Mareola Charles Hag. will make a perfect dessert at Works at Store—Harold Phillip« Move Mara From Olandala Mr and ta and daugbler Mr». Fred Wrlght jig taking the place of Jam ea. Mitchell ome or a splendid refreshment NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr». II li. Cowden have moved ham wer» In town from Murcolu M'mduy. j at the Cash and Carry grocery dur- The undersigned M. D. Bissell has from Olondals. anywhere. It com es In all h i-n appointed administrator of Uu Repairing House F. Knecht, living | nK Mr. Mitchell's vacation, estate of Leah E. Bissali by the Coun D riv e to Newport Mr. and Mr». io ar Hendricks bridge, la doing some flavors and will keep hard, in Ice C re a m S ocial a t G le n w o o d — Par ty Court of lame County. Oregon, and Carl Wyman drove to Newport Sun repair work on bla house. all person« having claim» against -aid of I th I I e ’ ’ n school the ---------------- Olen- M M r ent» n iH s i l t r o i children of ------- -------------- --- ------------------ the box for a full hour. You day. Rents House on A Street Jim Cow- wood ------ --- .llslrl. I sponHorr-l an Ice cream e-la te will pr-sent sam e au.v verified make no mistake when you buy at the law office of Whitten Swafford In From Camp Creek Cbarln» Iden hus rented a house on A street i social at the school Friday evening ,315 M * W bldg.. Eugene. Oregon. Eggiman's Ice cream. Every­ Malar of Camp Creek was In town ¡between 3rd und 4th from Mrs. Mary j 1 Soralns Wrist at Mill—Clarence ' on or b.-ole "lx months from d a.e of body likes IL j II. Palmer. K sprained his wrist while . . . band- . . first publication hereof Friday. I Cooley Dated and first published June Goes on House P a r ty -I t J. Park'r. ling lumber at the Booth Kelly mill Pith, 1925. Go to Roseburg Mr. and Mr». I’aul M D. BISSELL. llanford drove to Itooeburg Saturday I with Miss Helen Klhlun of Eugene j Saturday. Administrator. aftwrnoon, returning Sunday. | left Saturday morning for Twin Rocks! v li lt , _ Hev. 8 J Whitten Swafford. W to .(ten d a house party there. ((f (hr A„hlMntl Metho. . (So to Itoaeburg — Mr and Mra. (I II. Turner drove to Comstock ond ! Go to D e x te r— Mr. and Mrs. J. C. (list church spent Saturday and Sun­ Perfection bread ,1» made by peo Roseburg Sunday, whore they visit'd Parker und (luss Parker visit'd nt the day with Rev, F L. Moore. pie who believe In Springfield. J 25 relatives. W. E. Iloldredgo home In Dexter Sun ..G o ss to Rase Show—Mrs. W. A. S h ip m e n t of Goode R e c e iv e d - A day. , Taylor left Tuesday morning to at­ now »hlpmrnt of good» was received Goes Home After Visit Miss Irene tend the Rose Festival In Portland by Ilia Novelty »tore Friday. Other Norton returned to her home In Suth­ She will vlalt her brolher. A. B. Har­ shipments are expected thia work. erlin Sunday evening after visiting rington. this week with her cousin, Miss Mary T illa m o o k M e rc h a n t Here— Ira C. Smith, who operate» a novelty »tore Elisabeth Whitney. Telephones: Office 413 Res. 2076 In Tillamook, vlaltad In Springfield Go to D ra g o n C ity — Mrs. W. II. Pol­ Friday. lard. with her children, visited her slstnr. Mrs. Lottie Crawford at Oregon Stop at Huntley H o m e - Ikr. and City Sunday Jewel. Mrs Pollard’s Mr». T. For»»trem of Astoria »topped small daughter, will slay there tin- O s té o p a th ie P b y e le ls n sod S u r­ This Is a changed era. at the home of Mr. and Mr». M B. geon rest of this week. Huntley on their way (o California. Changed conditions con­ 7 West 7th, Eugene Oregon Returns From Study In Portland— Office 404 M. W. Bldg.. front us on every turn. Ad­ EVERYTHING FOTOCRAPHIC Ill at Home—Nelson Kester, father Dr. Eugene Kester returned to Spring- Eugene, Oregon vances In Medical Science of Hr Eugene K esler of Springfield. Eugene, Oregon field Friday evening, after a week of 1» serloualy III at hl» home at 4th —the Progress of Phar­ Osteopathy stands for the truth atudy of X llay and ultra violet work wherevFf It Is scientifically and H street». macy—new rules govern­ la Portland. proven. ing Commercial Activities, Stop at Whitney’» Mr and Mra. Brotherhood to Plcnle—Member« of Frank Norton of Sutherlin »topped at all of these must be met the Methodist Brotherhood have In­ the Harry Whitney homo Thursday by the Modem Pharmacist. vited their friends and fam ilies to a evening on their way to Portland. We strive always to keep picnic Monday to be held at the Meier abreast of the times—and Hae Major Operation- Ml«» I-urlle (-amp up the McKentle. This Is the Jon»« of Marcola underwent a major last Brotherhood meeting of tbe*Jrejr. feel that our business re­ operation at the Pacific hospital lust flects the Influent« of mod- E n te rta in s a t D in n e r— Ml ■» Anne Thursday afternoon, • em innovations. Oorrlo entertained three sorority MOORE & MOORE ure Goes to N e b ra s k a to r V ta lt— A. C. rlsters from the Alpha XI Della house | Tailors for those who de­ I la I n left Sunday fur Litchfield, Neb­ at dinner last Thursday evening. They sire to be oorreetly groom­ were Ml«« Augusta Hamilton. Miss raska fur an extended visit. ed in every detail; using If you like to trade at a Mary Donaldson, and Ml»» Hulda the latest styles of the Spend Week-End Hara— Mr. and shop which keeps pace Oulld. world's foremost designers Mra. Charles Chendler of W endllng with the new ideas—then It has ever been our privi V is its F r a n k S h s rm s n H o m e — S h e r | »pent the week-end visiting friend» we invite your patronage. lege to serve a distinguish­ man Brownfield, of Bellfleld North . here. Save time and money by Dakota. Mr«. Lauretta Balslnger and ! ed cllentale. Miss Bryan Has Operation—Miss Mrs William Brownfield are visiting! coming here first. Special Notice to the Crystal Bryan 1» In the Pacific Christ­ at the Frank Sharman home Mr I Ladies. Bring uS your past ian hospital recovering from a major Brownfield, Mr. Harry Brownfield of - season garments and let us operation performed Friday Sprlngfl'dd and Mrs. Balslnger are show you how they can be children of W M Brownfield, who remodeled Into up-to-date Return From California Ml»» Lily fashions of today. Bchlewcx and her mother. Mra. 8. died last Sunday at Brighton TOWN AND VICINITY EGGIMANN’S Films Kodaks ‘Today W e Have to Run to Stay Where W e Are’ Dr. John Simons at Baker-Button Kodak Shop 4. Tailors For Men and Women «a Schlewe. of Lodi. California, returned Will Return to America—In a lelter to Springfield Friday from a visit recently received by J. C Parker from covering two week» with relative«. his son. Errol, on board the Battleship Go to Newport - Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ Arlsona. he slated that the ship hod left the Hawaiian Islands June 3 for lon Adams, with Mr. and Mr». Charles Bremerton. Washington. There the Carson of Junction City, drove to New­ ship will undergo repairs for about port and back Sunday. one hundred days. Go Fishing Up M c K t i u l e - Dr. W C. P re p a rin g fo r Im p ro v e m e n t— A stag­ Ilebhan and Dr. Italph Dlppel »pent ing around the burner at the Booth- Sunday fishing up the McKeuxle near Kelly mill Is being put up preparatory Thompson's resort. to replacing twenty feel of the wood J R stum From California V isit—Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Fritts returned Sunday from Sun Dlago where they visited Mrs. Fritts' mol her. Mrs. J. W. Kemp for several weeks. en conveyor neurest the burner. A steel cotw tyor will be put In to lessen fire danger The work will be done during the 4th of July shutdown. We guarantee the servioe. 8 O/zcrc’r a dealer near Phone 250 S o u idho's a specialist- on M ILES 36 West 8th four , LOANS I a s p e c ia lis t on in- without Commission or Brokerage Charges Unlimited funds to loan on good city property on monthly Many From Up MeKenxIe Friday Many, residents of the McKentle val­ ley visited In Springfield Friday George Platt anil lacwrant o Gossler of | Thurston. Wayne Yarnnll of Leaburg ond Harry Thelnes of Wnllervllln wore among them. Go to Rose Festival—Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Nadvornlk drnvi Io Portland Sun­ day to (be Hose Festival. They re- tam ed Tuesday. Miss Bose Prlwlat sky. a niece, went with them, to Port­ land, from whom site went on to Dickerson, North Dukota. whore she will visit for two months. U. S. L. b a tte r ie s For All Makes of Cnro UNION GASOLINE Oils — Grease — Service ••T h a t’s Exactly How 1 Started M y First $ 1 0 0 0 !” You'll be surprised at how quickly you can save $100(1 after you once start . a Havings account. lly depositing only one dollar or more, you can ( open a savings account to­ day. Take home one of «he little book banks and let It help you save the loose change that usually seems to just evaporate. Before you realize it, the small sum you started with will grow into a real bank account. You cannot begin too early to Instill the habit of thrift in your children. And the best way to encourage thrift Is to have a savings account. 41 Years of Helpful Service SINCE 1883 AUTO BEAUTY PARLOR M. L. REWEY. Proprietor »tween Second and Third on aln Stret. Springfield ♦ T h e First National Bank OF EUGENE payments of $14.66 per $1.000. Old or run down buildings not considered. EMERY INSURANCE AGENCY 37-iith Ave. W. Phone 667 neighborhood "Red Crown' d ea ler’s Eugene, Ore. You’ll L ik e- Just a few hunches nbout picnic lunches. M e.hnv A' making a special of lunches for folks who are going out for tin day or (lie week-end. You will appreciate the food wo prepare for you. DELICATESSEN DEPARTMEN Here you will find a lot of good things to eat....^..things that have been prepared to speed up appetites on these hot days. Salads, Pastries^ cakes, cookie«, doughnuts, cold meats, und many other dainties for your table. LUNCH DEPARTMENTN ¡creating g a solin e mi- j— p ir~ ■ - J leage — lo o k him up. If yo u derive a p a tern a l satis­ fa c tio n in seeing your dollar« »V /*— y o u ll l e t an extra thrill from"buying MlltS initead o f just gasoline for your car. Have the dealer tune up your car t o Red Crown"—the economy run gatolme with the extra mile* in it — and use the Red Crown Mileage Card. You'll soon learn to get t o JO extra miles per tanktul from "Red Crown’. . hese dealers’Sell "Red CroddMILES Bangs Garage ____ Corner 8th and Pearl, Eugene Eugene Vulcanixlng Works . 957 Oak St.. Eugene B. F. Goodpasture ....Corner 7th and Olive, Eugene Johnson Motor Co., ..Corn. 9th and Pearl, Eugene Geo. Davenport Service Station ..W est Springfield Mooney & S o n ..................................W est Springfield , O. J. Loffer ...................................... ................... Dexter Frank Blair .........................- ......................v J J. O. McKinney ..... ............- ........— ......... i a *l Creek Win. Clarke & Son ........................................... F. E. Clayton .............................................. — Vitin Harry H ayes - .................................McKenzie Bridge I- Clapper ...... ......................r ........ ..............Bhie R ver 9ioan & Kuhn T l . .............. ........McKenzie Bridge ......Coburg Drury & Son Once you've tried Huntly’s lunches you will become a regular patron here. Morning, noon or night you 11 find things as you want them. HUNTL Y DELICA TESSEN Main Street Between 4th and 5th Open Sundays Festmg?in t>Z-hy miles (TAM BXfOOnS' OM FA H Y • »»»» s