S P R IN G F IE L D O IV O T S O T O I N T I R I B T O F B P R IN Q F IB L O A N D TM g FA R M C R « OF TH R W IL L A M IT T g VALLKV c. el U Mbrary 2STER N T E R M IN A L OF THE THE SPRINGFIELDNEWS 8 BRING FIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, TWKNTY-HBCOND YEAH CHILDREN'S DAY IS !EI I HUGHES ELECTED SCHOOL DIRECTOR; SMITH CLERK W. *1 Hugh«*« was unanimously Id eiteli in the position nf menilxr of [III«' school Imuni ni lb» «lei lion M ull-' dny evening Mr Huilin» succeed* I Many Children Take Part in Ex- ' erci.e, at Chrietian and Me- ,h,a yrar THURSDAY. JUNE 18,1926 Are T h ey G uilty of Lying and Deceit? expir’ d " W «mith waa re.h eto d | (Editorial) thodiet Churches; Large At- u V i k n / h T m ' ! To Hw,t aoaP h,B own and Justify the personal Interest - - Program. he has taken In borrowing the option money the editor of the tendance Enjoys ■ .I "on ' i r " m m «» Morning Register rises to rem ark editorially that there Is nothing > ________________ ° ' m j"underhanded,” "sm all,” o r "contem ptable" in the scheme of Children's Day service» were hold these Eugene men in attem pting _ to Induce that city to vote bonds at imiii the Methodist unti Christian 5 )) )tS T A C L IP S A U T O to buy a site to trade to the Southern Pacific company for Its « hurí h«a last Munday. .Many children ' TAIL LIGHT AT HALSEY shop site In Springfield. The editorial Is an excuse instead of a of the town partlrlpeted In the pro­ reason for the Eugene m en’s activity in deceiving their own peo- grama and the churches were filled to While returning from Brownsville p |e h k to tiit- benefits of the proposed site over the one held a t lh«< doors. Under the direction of Mrs R E Moshler Ibe t hrlsilan church ITuewU>r ? ’ •■»»«. Prank and Hick Springfield. . I.r o srsm ..r . . . i i b u m u sic and rn sd in sn , b a r m a n , of Hprlngfl« Id. with 8. g . a lv n n l>v Un- . lillilic ii w« re m uch i-u- *,row“ h»kl of North Dakota narrow toyed. NATRON ... . . . . . . . CUTOFF -Th« P eep les Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 22 MANY CHILDREN FOUND DEFECTIVE AT CLINIC Nineteen Out of Forty Girl» had Goiters, Seventeen bad Tonsils and Eighteen Adenoids FIVE FIGHTERS TO WAGE SHOP BATTLE N lartten out of forty girl» ex- Springfield’. Campaign Against arnlned at the free clinic held h e r e , Eugene "Steal” Will be Con­ Friday hud «niter» of various »tuxes ducted by Five Men Elected ° t development. Seventeen of the at Chamber Meeting Friday. Flriu had diueaued tonsils, eighteen bad adenoids anw thirteen were under-, The campaign to prevent Eugene Wf'1 h l » brake? j ,,e a n , jn oth e r columns of this issue) in which he said “ We’re 'Hie elaborate program at the Me­ thodist church was well given and ap predated The Methodist program follows: Music ..... _ Orchestra Hong ................... Congregation Prayer ..... Rev. F. L Moors Hong "Chiidrnn's Day." Reboot hospital staff. Dr. O.. S. Beards- A publicity campaign against the "Tha Ham of Daya," , rP’»l,l l>ts that th» car would only ( jte k e tj a , n (j u 7 ‘\ ,n l?1h i ia 8 W‘, , , a d Tmt l l / .’’ t , H e a ,8 ° ‘8fl? UOtued a,5.8 a y " Mercy Kxrrclsea <>» Eugene and Dr. Rebhan ex- Fifth grad« girls : **°P on ,h* track, )ie opened It up lug that Springfield may confidentially expect the shops.” amlned the glrlg at Iir Rebhan., of. move of the Eugene men to bond that city to purchase a site west of Blab- Hong "I I-ove Little Pussy" June Bert The (all light was snapped off by the , passing train Dirk Rharman, who was The interview of a column length ends with this direct quota- flce The hoy* were u *«n care of street to trade for the Springfield site Motion Hong. "God ~ Is ___ 1-ove Primary >*upils r,d,n« ln back seat, jumped out. tion from Cham bers: "E ugene’s portion will now be to HELP by Dr. R p. Mortensen and several has been started. The committee will Edna June Yarnell r'K'‘’,’ ,ng “ »renched wrist and sever SPRINGFIELD win the shops. They would mean m uch to Lane nuraea at Dr- Mortensen’s ofrice. seek to prevent the passage of the Recitation bond Issue whereby the weight of Margaret Jarrett »• bruises. None of the m«n saw the County and we MUST ASSIST OUR NEIGHBORS ln their effort.” Piano Rolo 1 title Bov» a t'h u n i-a " ' 'rain until It emerged from behind the , / j u e KILL KAR E CLUB M E E T S opinion ln Eugene will be thrown on Song, "Olv» the tn« u n tie noy« a < tisn .. _ Immediately following this Interview __ interview (and before it was given j Primary Hoys PO lo u t f for o r th at m tte r ! C h a m h bers a r a «sat u t In h a f friendly r lo n r llv n a r a n l t I to n! WITH MRS. KESTER the Southern Pacific to compel a re­ lout that m a atter) Cham Bet o out in t the persuit moval of the shops. Recitation .............. ..... Virgil Cyr HELP SPRINGFIELD and ASSIST Eugene's neighbors by taking K|„ Kare KIub memberg were enter. Financing of the campaign will be Bong. "Jesus Little Ones" . Primary LEGION AUXILLIARY WILL F IF C T n r , CAATC c o ,n a v • ,” ,U° n a l a n d of th a t city. Now these shop site prom oters ;alned at tbe bome of Mrg # done by local subscriptions. More Recitation "My Kitty" Jean Lloyd E L E C T DELEGATE FRIDAY want citizens of Eugene to bond themselves and pay for the Kester Thursday afternoon Mrs w than half enough money has been Evercises, "Flowers tn Lif's Garden" ------- land under option th at It may be offered to the railroad in an eC- H Adrian w». hi«h score winner was nign winner, raised to conduct the fight through ........... ~..................... Primary Girls Deiegaies from the Rpringfii-ld Am fort to get the location of the shops moved from Springfield. with Mrs. George Blair placing second, those who have come forward with Recitation, "The Two Commande- erlcan l.cgton Auxllllary to the {tale We *usk you, fair minded citizens, is thia an honorable me- -Mr* Elmer Dross of Eugene was a donations. Five hundred dollars more menta Francis Walker convention nt Prineville June 25, 26 Is likely the sum the committee will Exercises. "And Ro win We" Primary and 27 win b» elected at a meeting ^ o d for one city to use in moving an industry (in which there ,t>wlal *ueat for the aftwioon. "The Stars and Stripes" ............... ; Friday evening, at the home Mrs c. is $100,000 ulready invested)aw ay from another? We ask you, to o ,! , AtlendinK the meet,n* were Mrs need to conduct the campaign mapped if tile Eugene citizens who vote for this $175.000 bond issue to Frank Poindexter, Mrs. Jim Dumpb- ont. Those property owners and busi­ ...... Girls of Intermediate Class ; A. Rwarls. "America the Beautiful" Hoys I All members of the Auxllllary are buy the pro|>osed shop Bite will not be condoning this method and reys- Mr* Wllforti Beck Mrs. George ness men who have not contributed may leave their money with Secre­ "Lovely June" ....... Girls urged by Mrs. M. II. Huntley, presl. becoming a party to a deceitful undertaking? F u rth er more we nialr Mri- rred che8s and Mrs Soug "They Didn't Think" [dent of the organisation, to attend. ask you If Frank Cham bers w asn't lying ( if he was correctly Vlncenl °f Eu**"*- and Mrs. c . B. tary Peery or Treasurer Hughes. Dorothy Mae Potter and Era tx>uk since this si the last chance for the quoted and he h asn't used the R egister’s colum ns to deny it) 1A’y,' aton- Mrs Maude Bryan, Mrs. M. Song, "Mother" ...E velyn Lloyd Auxiliary to choose a representative. and deliberately setting out to deceive the people of Springfield M Peery- Mr" w - 11 Adrian and Mrs. L O C A L S W IN F R O M V E N E T A Iterltatlon. "(’hlldUli Memories"..„ C, A. Swarts. commander of the to further his own ends in this m atter? nefore we accuse anyone Eu*en® Restât. 10 T O 4 IN G O O D C A M E The next “ eeting of the club will be —....... ................. Dorothy Fisher Legion will take up other Important too harshly we ask that the people be the Judge and a n sw e r Song. "Children's Day....... . business before the meeting these questions. We dare the editor of the Register to m ake a ’ ' state league. It was canceled. Crews working on each end of the Neither team scored in tbe first SERVICES FOR DEPARTED big tanner under the Cascades on the As a fu rth er excuse the Register says Springfield has opposed Marl°r,e Johnson and Johnny Mont- inning, Springfield beginning the Natron cutoff expect to moot each Eugene's p la it for consolidation of the two cities and made this *®n>*ry. The children are in the sec- counts in the second, making five Memorial services tor those mom other Friday. Work on the big tunnel | Spirit of competition necessary. We ask when Eugene has ever tmd Krade and Mrs. Roberts was their runs. Veneta made their four count, Little Gerald Burton was Iters of the Otldfeljpwa ttxlgu of ha» been going on for over •a a g year ■ placed any «r g practical constructive I plan before Springfield people ,eacher inning when Carter, v » ( g a O r r h e o n l K »st ♦ ♦ <4 1 ' «1. a I ers ® in I the x ttJ I third U 1IU llllllllK tA U c u V d H U F i Hprlngfleld who huve pussod away ,,n<1 when daylight Is cut through fu r consolidation? We have been told be certain Eugene individu- ansent ’’UI not taray (luring the term. who pitching, slowed down be- durlng the past year w en held h y ; ,b T e will b«< a celebration at each als who adm itted they were only speaking their own opinions, that! Thp record of tbe»e children Is to be cause of an injured thumb. He was re­ the local members at the 1. o . O. F. I'-nd. Six pumps are being run to keep Eugene would work for Springfield in establishing industries h e re .,comm(>n b*x tunnel right field; Meats, center field; San- not interferred with. After the public statem ents of the president noon a, the p,one€r pJcnIc tbere Ills talk was preceded by Os­ key, substitute. of the Eugene Cham ber of Commerce in the R eg isters interview a ,core of 65 CUPID INVADES STAFF wald Olson, explaining the origin of Inst October, there was strong talk here (on the part of people ‘ Rogg Ray of Sclo'pltched for the The local team has scheduled a the custom of these services. The OF SPRINGFIELD NEWS who were euspldous, saying th a t it looked like the president cf ,local team and untiI tbe middle of the game with Oakridge, to be played Springfield hand, under the direction Cooperation they believed seventh lnninK 9pT,ngfield beld there at their big celebration July 4. of J. C. 1‘urker. played s.vcral selec­ Helen ((m olds of Eugene, who since consolidatkWi of these two towns. would hasten bringing about consolidation. There were others - Brownsvl„e 60 At that time Ray tions. the first of the year has berm news EXPECT DANCE HALL Members of the Juanita Rebekuh reporter on this paper, und Kenneth who were suspicious saying th at it looked like the president of blew up and BrownsvtlIe was abk, to TO BE READY SOON lodge met with the Oddfellows at this Wadlelgh o f Fugono; were quietly the Eugene Cham ber of Commerce "had som ething up his sleeve.” :„core aI, slx run, ,n tbe ,agt ba,{ meeting. Ice creum and cake were married at Albany June 10, nt the Now “ Eugene looks with misgivings upon the building of a "f that Inninx although the Spring, American Legion members are plan­ served lalo In the evening. Methodist parsonage. They Intended rival municipality across *the river," says th e editor of the field Inflelders made but two errors ning to have the new dance pavlllion throughout the whole game. to keep the marriage a secret but Register. In other words he condones the tearing down of The rest of Springfield's lineup was; at 2nd and Main street completed in komenne told and this week they have NEIGHBORS AND WOODMEN been receiving the best wishes of Springfield to build up Eugene! Black. Çatcher; H. Cowart, second ,im e for a dane® w «»nesday evening. HAVE MUSICAL PROCRAM many frinds both In Eugene and I base; Thompson, first base; C. Mul­ Bad weather has held up the building --------- j Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wadlelgh ) ligan, short; "Ding" Mulligan, third which was started some time ago. The dances will be given tw ice a base; Delps, left field; Sharman, Royal Neighbors of Amoricn, M od-iare Juniors In the University of Ore-1 week, on Wednesday and Saturday ¡right field; Peterson, center field. ern Woodmen, ami their families were gen an i will continue their iwork ■ evenings, with Roach’s orchestra. entertained with a musical program there tills fall. Which played at the Legion dances last In Recital at the Woodman hull Wednesday summer. A refreshment stand and a evening. The program Included a vo­ James Montgomery, Mary Elisabeth Legion May Have Picnic 'Whitney, Mrs. R. E. Moshier and Mrs. I cloakroom will be provided and will cal solo by Miss Margaret Skavlun, a Legion memberg will meet Friday : ! D. B. Murphy were among the mem­ be taken care of by the Legion men duet by Mrs. D. W Murphy and Mrs. evening at the home of th e com- ! [ in relays. Ray Moshler, followod by another bers of Mrs. Arah Hoyt Rae's voice mander C. A. Swarta to discuss huv ! The press anil individuals all over the Pacific coast have con­ The floor Is being built entirely by vocal solo by Mrs. Railleryn Duncan. ■ pupils who participated In a recital Ing n Legion picnic July 4. The auxl’- demned Eugene and protested the action in attem pting to move 'm ec.')?-s t f the Legion and will be , Tuesday evening. The presentation A quartette of Mrs. I). W. McKinnon, liary will meet with the post nt the the Southern Pacific car shops from Springfield to th a t city. | was made at the home of Mrs. Rae's usod for the summer months only. Mrs. Arthur I'engrn, Wilbur Cook and sniue lim e to elect a delegate to the Many letters and telegram s have been received by the people here Norton I’engrn. accompanied by Mrs. state convention. sister. Mrs. C. P. Devereaux, In Eu- in regard to the action. We quote below editorial comment dttr- ?en(? Civic Club to Meet Norton Pengra was encored Miss In ense n picnic Is decided upon, It ing the last few days of the Salem Capital Journal, Albany e ' _______________ Civic club members are asked to Zelnia Lltherlnnd gave a vocal solo, Is probable that the post will hold Dem ocrat-Herald, Salem Statesm an and HatYlsburg Bulletin: Buys F|ye Room Houge meet at the Chamber of Commerce accompanied by Miss Eunice Parker. their annual muster day nt that time. rooms Tuesday, June 23, for their A piano duet was played by the * * * Dick Miller has purchased a five A social meeting will he hold after regular meeting. At that tim e there Misses Naomi and Iowa Carlton. Ac­ the business Is settled. SAND-BAGGING SPRINGFIELD ! Jdm n i o ' “T V ? 4J " will be a discussion of plans for a companying himself on the mnndolln, J the Stewart addition from J. E. John- community picnic. The club will 1». W. McKinnon sang several darkey The Eugene Cham ber of Commerce is engaged in the neigh- son. The house Is near 16th street, serve Ice cream and strawberries at Grand Jury Called songs. Charles Nnd4ornlk, accompa­ borly occupation of sand-bagging the little sister city of Spring- The sale was made through the N. A. Judge O. F. Sklpworlh has called field, by endeavoring to steal the railroad shops which the South- Rowe realty company. Mr. Miller ex- the band concert tomorrow night. nied by Miss Winifred Tyson, played n violin solo. Sevornl members of the Lane County Grand Jury to meet ern Pacific years ago agreed with the people of Springfield to pects to move from is present loca- Doctor Will Visit—Dr. C. O. Van Mrs. Yarnell’d elocution classes, as­ June IS. There are a half dozen loeate there upon completion of the Natron Cut-off, and for tlon at nth and A streets to his new Valzah of Union will arrive Saturday criminal cases to bo taken up. sisted by Mrs. Yarnell, gave readings which It secured nn extensive tra c t of land, home Immediately. to visit h is mother, Mrs. A. B. Van nnd pnntomlnes during the program. Valzah. Eugene has n boom and the boomers have conceived the idea Band Playe Friday The conrmlttpo In charge of the nf- Junior Brattaln Arrives th at it would be a great stim ulus towards inflation and enable Word has been received from Lake- Visit at K ess e y e —Professor and fnlr wns Mrs. Wm. Stearmer, Mrs. D. With the advent of good weather, them to unload at a profit, If the prospective nnd promised rail- vlpw of the hlrth mornlnft of a Mrs. E. C. Richard of W illamette Uni­ W. McKinnon nnd Mrs. Fred Cline. tho weekly hand concerts will be re­ road shops were switched at taxpayers expense from Springfield gon (() Mr and Mrs Pau, j nrat(nin versity spent Tuesday evening at the sumed. beginning Erldny evening nt to Eugene -hence the proposal to vote municipal bonds for $175, Jr newcompr w m be named O. B. K essey home. Mr. and Mrs. Haa Tonalla Removal!—Esther Lee 7:00. Tho handstand is at the corner 000 to purchase a 200 acre tra c t of land for a site and present the Pap, Fdw.ard nftev h(g two gran