f ig irr THURSDAY. JUNE 11, 1I»2S m F nvrinofteld niews SPRINGFIELD H. S. GRUDUATING CLASS F irs t C hristian Church Corner 4th and A streets A L L E N E C O L L IE R A LLE N E C ASTLE P A U L N IC E HELEN HOW ARD P A U L IN E C L IN E L IL L A Z A C H E R Y L E N O R A D IL L A R D V E R N A M A N N IN G J E N N IE H O L V E R S O N RUBY HOUK L U C IL L E M A L E A N N A D IL L A R D K E N N E T H D IL L A R D M A R Y W H IT N E Y BEULAH TH U R M A N J w H N COX B E R N IC E JACOBSON E L IZ A B E T H W A L K E R V E R A RO O T AO A C ARR UNIVERSITY HIGH TO GIVE PLAY IN SPRINGFIELD UHCLEWM’S CMN m e r l e m c m u llen M YRTLE HAW TON BERNALD HO LTAN LEN A B E LLE HARPER L IL A O A S T E R HOW ARD HUGHES B ES SIE S M IT H L O IS SP EN C E R ROS E L L A H O P P E W ill E n terta in C lu b —M i - En gin e to all alike. original version of Mrs. Stowe's story and that It has been unanimously ac­ Kerter will eotertanl m em bra of the To eecure the greatest electrical de­ Kill Kare Klub at her b»m<- tbit i-.ftet- cepted by the press, pulpit and public velopment for the United S lates, n < it of America and England. power i-ompanlre aril Consumers must have the active and hearty coopera­ The Harvall revival will be brought Fire underwriters hare found I ha t o l i of state and national regulator/ to Springfield on Thursday. June 18. two-thlrds of the national t're loss Is bod Is. Wlheout such cooperation 8:15 p. m.. In a mammoth waterproof preventable, and Is due to careless­ little ran be accomplished. tent, havt.g seats /o r nearly two ness. thousand people. Mr. Harvall', com High grade piano near Springfield pany numbers nearly fifty peopl«. will be sold to a reliable party at a Telling the whole truth and making traveling In their own train of mo’or cars, trucks and trailers. Two free It understood never harms anyone, it big saving. 810 monthly will handle, concerts on the principal streets dally la half-truths or publlshlg that which a snap, write at once to Tallman Piano J ll-lS Is wholly untrue that dots the Injur Store, Salem. Oregon. of the "worth while” kind. S. E. Childers. Minister Booth Tarklngtou's ‘‘Seventeen“ to I Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.. each Lords Day. Svabject of m o r n lr g b e presented by the seniors of U. H. | In many respects W. J. HarvaB'i sermon. ‘‘The NaNme Christian." ■ g j une 11. at the Bell Theater, is a “V ncle Tom’s Cabin“ Is the moat ifn Evening. "What the Disciple's of p^y O( youth and love and rummer- ; portant of the season's productions. Christ Stand tor." ¡time. Although the play is a comedy In the first place It serves to ox- Christian Endeavor at 7 o‘clock o [ youth. It Is the tragedy of William ploit the masterpieces of tw o of Eu Come and enjoy the fellowship of our Baxter. He fell In love with a Baby- rop’s noted artists. I. e.. Ralph Brunt’s young people. Bible school at S t ^ T a lk Lady, and to woo her worthily elaborate painting entitled "The Ce lestial City." and Harts Verlon s pic­ S. G. Mosbior. Supt. The children o t.^ e stole his fathers dress cult. the Bible school will give their an- , W1UU lB the spoiled child of a ture of the New Orleans slave m art; nual Childrens Day program at the , ,y pical family and is made more »o and secondly It h is brought back into Bible School hour (every ds.y by his very Indulgent mo- prominence the memories of that The following will be given undesr ther. Mr. Baxter can t quite reason grand old lady. Harriet Beecher Stowe, the direction of Mrs. R E. Moshier. w,th w l ,„ e because he doesn't rea lize' and serves to reveal the beautiful I**- Primary Department Superintendent I fhat he tQO >t w llne‘s age fell in love sons really to be learned by care' ll at “What We Th'nk"— By 8 B eginners, wjtj1 Baby-Talk-Ladles. He therefore tentlon. Second to the Holy Book doer Mother Goose Childrens Day Primary throws W illies troubles aside. ¡V ncle Tom's Cabin rank as a sacred Acroetic Reading ..Primary and Inter­ Jane, the teasing little sister and ( Instructor The pulpit has endorsed mediates. Centals, the negro servant furnish it » • a rt>»* moral teacher wor’hy of Song ____ Fay and Eugene Ferguson ¡most of the humor for the play. j mankind s aurnort, while the Board o' Recitat'on ____________ Melba H ar'ls | The cast of character, I, as „ „ .‘ Education in many large cities ha. When the Flowers ar° Sleeping..» ■encouraged scholars In witnessing he Motion song ........_..... By Junior Glr's Iows 1 worthy dramatisation of the story Bong ............. ......Primary Department Mr. Baxter .................... DeVerl Hempy that was Inst-omental in making our Solo _________ ___ James Montgomery Mrs. Baxter ....................Mae MoFadgi n W illie Baxter ____ __ Gordon Stearns country rel’rious, free and happy. Lova Bucharnn ( Like a poorly composed book, «here . 'Jane Baxter .... . Lvndall Elliot | ar* 3'an’r versions of Uncle Sam s Hana Lowoid, a prominent Astoria J-ol* Pratt ......... Franklin Hail i CaW” n o » belnsr forced upon the resident, entered a plea of guilty In Nr. Parcher Kennard Coltjn } Public under embossed cp-erlng which federal court in Portland to a charge Genesis — ....... Arthur Larsen »re detrimental to the g 'o e ’est d -zr“" of violating the tariff act of 1322. Johnny Watson Roger DeBusk They are usually short-lived for the through the Importation of contra I Joe Bullit .... William Noel People of today are not to be hood- band goods into the United States, j George Crooper Hiram White winked as easily as those of not so and was fined 81090 and sentenced to ¡Wally Banks Helen Henna many years ago. It Is a known fact three months in the Mutinomah coun- ¡Mary Brocks Donnlene Oxn«r that Mr. W. J Harvall possesses the I ty jail. Lovvold waa charged by the j Ethel Boke ....... ----------------.--------------------------------------- ----- ------------------- government with having brought 100 cases of whisky and 10 cases of beer to Astoria frcraz Willapa harbor. I Tha urea.. at the recent sss^sa cf the ture, p.'oildin^ f .-r ‘he prpt-ctlon cf n motor vehicle ovrnars through the registration of titles, probably will « necessitate* a special meeting of the • state emergency board To authorize a I deficiency appropriation of between 850,000 and $100.000. it waa announc­ ed by the secretary of state that the administration cf this law would cost the state department more than 850.- 000 during the first year of ita oper- iflo n . No appropriation was provided Rock Surfaced Shingles, per sq........................... 4n the measure to care for this ex TODAY -M cDONALD- Theatre and SATURDAY But not on Friday as the University has Rented the Theater on that day A MIGHTY STORY Gi* ’ OVEAND REGENERATION EY AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR AUTHOR f Roofing Time If you’re going to put a new roof on this summer, see us S6.5O ^ J K in b e r s of the stale Judicial cour- & which w a, reauthorized at the 7e?e£T session of the Oregon state legislature, were appointed by Chief Justice Thomaa A. McBride of the supreme court. Members of the coun­ cil include John L. Rand, Justice of the supreme court; Fred 8. Wilson, circuit Judge of Wasco county; C. M Thomas, circuit Judge of Jackson county, and W alter H. Evans, circuit Judge of Multnomah county. The pur pose of the council Is to investigate and recommend uniform and more sim ple rules of Judicial procedure in tne Oregon courts. I V ith Mineral Surface Roofing, per roll ..................... 52.85 REGULAR PRICES! A Great ... $ 1 .7 5 5 2 .1 0 5 2 .7 5 Evenings ................. 30c Cast $ 3 .2 0 Matinees ..................20c KENNETH HARLAN HELENE CHADWICKB MARY CARR ZAZU PITTS RALPH LEWIS Prepared Roofings, roll and Wright & Son Hardware Paint Furniture Children ....................10c ------COMEDY------ “ AIR TIGHT” IT’S GOOD RENALDO HAGGOT on the Mighty Worlitzer THE GREATEST OF ALL WRIGHT’S NOVELS NOW A POWERFUL, STIRRING THRILLING PICTURE