PAGE KKVEN DEPARTMENT O P T H E INTERIOR Make Annual V isit SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION jgr and Mr». C harles R lvett, of IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OP T H E United H tatei laind Office. R oieburg, N O T Ice FOR1 PVB1 R ATION N ebraska. a re visiting their STATE OP OKKOON POR T H E F orest p i . h a n ie . daughter, Mr». W P Tyson, of Hprlng COUNTY OP LANE N. Lindley, P laintiff, ••II whM you w ant to eell. buy w hat you wont to buy thro *•«•» Notice 1» hereby given th a t on April field. They form erly lived In Hprlng va. _____ _________ column». W rit» or phono TWO Jam es D. Ritchey, an ____________ unm arried 20, 1825 0 0. Smith, O regonian Bldg,. fteUJ.where Mr R lvett constructed and man and an Incomprte.nt person, a m ., Portland, Oregon, filed application No. ownfcd ge¥#ra | building». The trip 1» E. O P otter hl» guardian; 016016 under the Act of M arch M .i annually Mr. and Mr» NOTICE POR PUBLICATION High grad» piano n»ur Kprlngflold , Anna E E dm lnlater and John I m e '1822. (42 Hint., 465, to exchange Hie , m ad« he re «»»»«••P W aa 4 I Notice la hereby given th at Ja«per Mnnley RMchev and Ja n e Ritchey, his tim ber . . on . th . e . HEM . J 11-18 P lano Store, Halom. Oregon. W I»ul cf Marcóla, Oregon, who on w|f0 0eor){F y Ritchey and Rosxtdla I 21 8 . Range 3 E ast, W. M within the Sioux City, braska. • K bit SALE Young J»r»i v an I Hui Ju n e 22. 1820. m al» hom estead entry n , t (-h«.y hl« wife; lla ttle Ritchey, an Caacade National Forest. N o 012948 for NEL4 R E 'i. «<’<’ >9- „ „ ,11Mrl|„,| w„ ,„ a n; the unknown heirs I The purpose of thia notice la to at I iam cow. Juot fr»»h. ( ’hoop Inquire iTwp. 1«. S Range 1 Weal, W illam ette (jf J()hn (. |n „ .hay, Hnrah E Couey low all persons claim ing the landi Dr. 8. Ralpb Dlppel. D entist, V itus ‘ at 186. 6th J ** ,R j Mcrldl in ha» filed notice of Intention #n!) j M Couev. h e r husband, Su»an selected, or having bona fide objec. building, Springfield, Oregon. nfflWCaPoIr ~oi horn rim ip e e la e le i o make th ree y ear proof, to »»tabllsh A „ o rn and John Horny h e r husband. tlons to such application, an oppor­ ¡claim to the land above d--«crlbed. be th e unknown heirs of David Duff, de tunity to file th eir p ro tests with th e Anna Hill. I’hone 11H J. J 11 LOOK j for«- K O. Immel U. S Conunlaalonei ceased; the unknown h»lr« of Elenor ni-glater and R eceiver of the Un «—» KdOMH TO KENT Furnl»h»d or tan nt Rugen». Oregon, on th e 20th day of Duff, whose nam e la som ethnea w rit­ State« Land Office a t Roseburg, Ore­ Som ething new gt the N ovelty Store ten E lleanor Duff and whose nam e la gon. Any «uch protesta or objection» furnished. W ith or without hoard, June. 1826. C laim ant name« as w lto esseo m ust be filed In thia office within w here you get the rig h t things a t th» som etim es w ritten E llenor Duff, and at 4th and C alreet, Hptlngfleld A lbert Bush. Nclaotl Bu»h. Norman j who was som etim es known a« Ella thirty days from th e date of first rig h t price, and the right treatm en t Juno 4-11-16. W orkm an. Thud T. P ark er, all of Duff, deceased; and also all o th er I publication of thia notice, which first too. Oregon person» or la r ile s unknown claim ing publication is Ju n e 11. 1925. IN T IIH CIRCUIT COURT OE T H E Murcola. HAMMILLA CANA DAY. CANADAY, HAMILL A any right, title, estât», lien, o r in te re st STA TE OP OREGON POR LANE Non f o a l R egister. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL R egister. In the real e state described In the COUNTY „ . MEETING Ju n e 4-1 l-18-25-July-2 M 14 21 28 J CM . com plaint herein. P ortland Truot and Having* B ank, Defendants. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OP T H E Notice la hereby given to th e legal u corporation n ita Sarah Notice hereby given given that th at H axel' To To Ja Jam . a D IJ. R R ltchev, itcn ev , B« ra„ r E - STATE OP OREGON POR L A N E ¡volera ol Behoof D istrict No. 19 of! v PU intlff SUMMONS Notice Is Is hereby Trvon has hern by th - County Court Coney and J M. M Couey. <'ou" ’r- h er husband; COUNTY. Lane County, S tate of O regon th a t the VM. ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said John Cochran. Rufus Cochran, t lara of the S ate of Oregon in and for Lan» I Anna E E dm lnlater and John Poe John M W illiams, County, appointed ad m in istratrix of Edm lcl-ter. h er hnsband Ma.- R t h SUMMONS Plaintiff D istrict will be held a t City H all; to Kcarobrough. C harlee C ochran. May . e . ™ - - , '. æ ' e a . W ï t S Î T l « ’» begin a t th e hour of 2 o’clock P. M. 1 Hico. Ilorac» Cochran. John M lu d and ’ «• All persons having claim s against her h usband; Manley R f 'h 'Y 1 p The unknown heirs of A lbert Punke, and close a t 7 P. M. on th e third Mon­ ford,’ Jam.-» K Redford, Ida II. Stocka „„Id c ’l s l e nr.- hereby notified to nr.-- Jan » Rltchev. his wID- ^ G e o rg e Marvin McRae Hcarobrough Dorothy j , s o m e t i m e s know n as A lbert S. Punk, day of Ju n e being th e 15th day of M Kcarobrough. E3*a I.our- Hcaro- sent the «am<- duly »tilled and verified R 'tchev and R oaiella R .tchey, and all o th er peraocs Interested In June, A. D„ 1925. This m eeting Is called for the pur L ots 5 and 6, block 6, College HIU hrougli. Hlclta Irene McCormick, and at the taw office of * E W ha ler In w ife: H attie R itchey; Eugene. Oregon, w ithin six m onths i D efendants, Hom er l> Redford IN T U P ‘ name op T H E STATE Park, now a part of Eugene, Oregon. pose of electing one D irector to serve from th is 4th day of June. 1825. Hefnttdanta IAj'Toc^«-ra..<) £ To the^nknow ni heir, of A l^ r t th ree (3, years and one Clerk to HAZEL TRYON serve one (1) year and th e tran sactio n To John ('ochrun. Itufu» Cochran, < Jara A dm inistratrix. John Lenihan of Chicago has of business usual a t such m eeting. H carabrough, Charlea Cochran. May . ’„ v „ K ^ t J r c o u T ^ p ^ a n d ^ * ^ / ^ « . lust set a record in High School Dated th is 25th day of May. 1925. Rice. H orace Cochran. John M Reti A. E. W heeler, A ttorney Juno 4 II 18 25-July 2 baseball by batting out 18 safe ford, Janie« K. Redford, M b B Stock», ra e s e on or h eC re six week» from the t n OP T H F 8T A T F OF A TTEST: ones in 19 times at bat for a sea­ R W. SMITH. D istrict Clerk M arvin McRa« Hcarobrough poro tti v date of the first publication of th is, IN T H E NAME O F T H E 8 IA I KUi- Geo. DITTO, C hairm an Board of son’s average of .947. He hit 5 M S -a ro b ro u g b . E ba Ixiula Hcaro- Summon« and if you full - «o appear OREGON: You a re N o tice of H earing singles, 12 two base hits and one . a d a n sw e r for want thereof, tho uppear and answ er the com plaint tiled D irectors. ».rough, S te lla Iren e McCormlck. and! the th s t Is hereby given C andidates for election m ust file home run. » Notice plaintiff will apnly 1» lb* C ourt for against you In th e above entitled su t H o m e r D. R edford on have' IN T H E NAME OP T H E STATE O P . unde rslgned adm in istrato r» , ....-nandel In «»Id com t,lain;.; within six w e ik s from the d ate of P etition 10 days prior to date of elec­ tiled and OREGON: You are hereby re q u ir'd to May 15th. 1825. duly made eatnt . of For a decree or 'h is Court ad- the first publication of this sum mons, tion to have nam es prin ted on ballot. Ju. 4-11. appear and answ -v th - com plaint «•*» th eir final account In th.- and d e c r e e in g th a t th e rlaln- and If you fail to an sw er for w ant Meyer Funeral W ednesday the with Mervln D Peter» deceased above entitled «ult tn fee sim ple of the thereof _ the plaintiff will take a de- ng» Inst you In the A ,n « i v C lerk o f luine county. Orevon, e»cf is th» ow . F uneral services for Mrs. S arah NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM EN T ----- quieting title of ■ s * t *you w ithin six we ka from th e d ale of »J th at the Judge of th e County Court , r-m l«.-« d esc rib ed were -heiJ a t the vow fa ll to a n sw e r for w a n t ||„ an I f°r • snd take a d-' ll.y h is ord er flx rd J u n e 20th, UJ!*5 a- w it- m lniH trator of th e e s ta te of C hristian , <„ «• .» „ n aa H ansen, deceased, has rendered and t a l k e r chapel W ednesca, at 11.00. S tate In terrm en t was a t th e Mt. Vernon final cem etery. jg*1,” ' Mrs. M eyer is survived by five Classified Advertisements fore- la u g h te rs. Mrs. G. W. Cody, Mrs. the Georg Sw earingen and Mrs. F ran k E u’ Sw earingen, all of M onmouth, Mrs. ted* as George B arnard of Richm ond, Call­ hearing fornia. and Mrs. Ray P eters of Bel- and lingham . W ashington. F cu r sons, W. I’1’; H M eyer of Covina. C alifornia; L. E. May 21 28 Ju n e 4-11-18-25,July 2. w orth. Ju d g e of North tin» of »«’d claim t>* nee V »«’ Ix-e W P eters, jeetfons m ust be In w riting and filed c u r t and lh» dal "f J ’' * ' J ' ? 1 puhl M eyer of Springfield, C. N. M eyer of I sio n - se'd North I'ne 2’ 4« chain« to A dm inistrator« estate of ___ „ with th e clerk of said C ourt on or ra tio n thereof 1« M»v 21. 182“ gs|,, j BV a n j n m(>. R eedsport and R. F. M eyer of Deer- the N orthw est co rn er of said claim, IN T H E CIRCl IT C O l RT OF T IIE ,, M ervln D. P eters, d ectaafd . WI14.IAMS A BEAN. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE ( o ate{. this 2Sth day of Mav. 1925. th e n c e South 23.24 chat»« to th e horn also survive. A ttorneys for the plaintiff- I Fred E. Smith. ! place of beginning containing 76.09 COUNTY V,'M. G HUGHES. A ttorney for A dm inistrator» Eugene. Oregon I.ela F. Geiger, P laintiff A dm inistrator, acres »11 In Lane County. Cr»eon. Mav 2I-2S Ju n e 4 11 IS Cut Foot May 21 2» June 4 11 lS 26.July 2 vs. Allas S im m ons DePue, a tto rn ey for Also Lota 4. 7. and 8 of Section 12 In Township 17 South. Rang» 2 W e s u l.e e Geiger, D efendant . . the E state. W ylie W illiam s, of M arcela, cut a To Lee G eiger, d efendant:- In the May 2g j nnp 4.11.18-15 the W illam ette MerldlBn In Lan ¡N am e of the S la te of Oregon. . --------------------------------------------- large gash in his foot n ear th e ankle, . ounly, Oregon. severing th e tendons, while cutting You a re hereby re q u ir'd to appear SUMMONS x s n l the whole thereof, as again»« th „ . . . H I .......................... — , »nd th a t and answ . er the com plaint filed ag ain st IN THE CIRCUIT COURT GF TDK wood Friday. He was taken to the •cf»-ula»ts and each of — them t*-» have you In th the e jjh above , r OF OREGON FOR LANK Pacific C hristian hospital for tre a t­ he defendants defendant« have h a v e not. nor h a y « >ou o v e entitled ault on ol STA’IE i- lth e r of th -m atty rlg h ’. t1tl- or in ^ b efo r* th - .O h dav of June. 19.5 sat 1 ( .v^yq-Y W. F. W ALKER Call (crest w hatsoever In and to the said d ate being more than s,x week» from Xellfe Cornwell, plaintiff is L iR o y . m ent. rrc m ls r , r - - » f t IW e o f . and th a t the date of the o rd er lly claim of the defendants or eith er of thereof p lsln t'ff will apply to th - Phone 57 them and thnt the p la'n tlff have such court for th e relief dem anded In sa id , ° Y o u ° a ie hereby required to appear ’ »»t him self in the rig h t hand Friday w . O. w block ' and - fu ............. rth er - rrile tow it for decree of a b -; Office Phone 62 J R"» *><>“ • • ’ J ................ ......... f ( as to the com “ i “1 plaint, ; nowrC 25. snd . th e d ate of the herein be published for ( n a 4 kt period of once who failed - th e exam inations or a re T sum m ons is published I I 4» V . n / \ 4 I n a a 4 *» *« ,« a { wr w - A a b a C-«s»4w«r» » his •* ’ not less th a n six week«. In the Soring field News, s n new e w s n a ^ r “ p rin te d 'a n d eacil w£ek, f° r. ?*,* ,S?n !ec“ ULe WeeÌ R ° n Probation, th ere will be second J published In Springfield. Lane County. ,n ,h e Springfield (O regon) News, by exam inations a t the high school t o rO T T F R . FOSTER * IMMEL. f ir - - ,- , e rd er of the above Court made May 12, , . Oregon. A ttornrva for Plaintiff. 1925. Datei and first published May »n<^ Friday FRED E. SMITH. esldent and Post Office A ddress! 14. 1925. A ttornry for Plaintiff. Eugene. Oregon. W H ITTEN SW AFFORD Make Change at Mill 445-6 M iner Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon. J. 4 11-1825; Ju. 29-16. A ttorney for Plaintiff. Date of f'rs t publication hereof is A section of the main floor on the R esidence and P ost Office A ddress: 1 May 7th. 1925. south side of the Booth-Kellv mill la Eugene. O rtcon. M-7-14 21 28:J 4-11-19. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION being evt out and a storage well D ep artm tn t of the In terio r IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE hiillt. The w 11 will be approxim ately U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore- COUNTY ! 28x44 feet, and wil be used to hold on. May 1.1. 1925. J. W. BAKER. P laintiff. i Notice Is hereby given th at Richard VS. 1 Summ ons for Publication In Foreclosure shop cants. T he work will be finished i this week, according to J. C. Parker, SAMUEL McMURDO, D efendant. S of Tax Lien. I, m ade hom estead entry ' m ill w right. N<4 NW 14, SE L To Sam uel M cM urdo.the above nam ed defendant. 012613. fur your ’ Sutton Bids- Ph0"* Residence Phon» 1M M S p r in g fie ld . O regon LAD IES! T ry that expert h a ir c u tte r at Anderson's Barber shop. SHOE REPAIR IN G W ork P rom ptly and C arefully Done A. A. ANDERSON JOHN A. NELSON 509 Main Street BARBER SHOP —--------------—----------------- “The Loop , 1 ^ eroT g^ n ’-r llX u r a .I o m nubmhV; ¡’ j h ! » •ummons Is, published^purru- ^ / ¿ ^ c ^ o r p Surety Bond».. Phone 6J7 My buaineae ‘la \to p ro tect bualnesa 860 W illam ette St. E u g e n e ^ re g o n a'u’o o e ^ '/e w L k -sin Uf f V d ^ 18 Y our Home When In S pringfield JO HN M. W ILLIAMS A ttorney for Vet. B tate Aid Com . Soldiers Bonus Loans. L. E. BEAN Attorn-iy S tate Land Board, R-tate School Fund Loans. W IL L IA M S & BEAN ATTORNEYS 860 W IIBsm ettn St. Eugene, Or«. Licensed to practice In all C ourts of th e S tate, and U nited S tales. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL D EN TIST Phono 43 V itus Bldg., Springfield. Ore. W M. G. HUGHES FIRE , AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office a t F IR S T N A T IO N A L BANK Springfield, a In the Name of the State of Oregon: You a re hereby notified th a t J. W. B aker, the holder of C ertificate of De- to establish claim to th e land above linquency num bered 1917 issued on the 16th day of N ovem ber, 1920 by the described, before E. O. Immel. U. Sfl j Tax Collector of th e County of L ane, S ta te of Oregon, for tho am ount of *11.52 the sam e being the am ount then due and delinquent for taxes for th e y ear 1917 together with penalty. In terest and costs thereon upon the real th e 19th day of June, 1925. C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: property assessed to you, of which you are the ow ner as ap p ears of record, Ictor H. H anunttt. Jacob Nicholson, situated In said county and state, and particularly bounded and described as -ank Sporpa. W illiam Seavey, all of follows to-wlt: The E ast 53 13 feet of lo^s 1, 2 and 3, Block 24, G ross’ Addition ' Mohawk riregon. to Eugene, Lane County. Oregon. You a re fu rth e r notified th a t said J. W. B aker has patd taxes on said HAMILL A. CANADAY. prem ises for prior or subsequent years, with the ra te of In terest on said Non-coal R egister. am ounts as follow s: May 14 21-28 Ju n e 4-11 Y ear’s Tax Oregon 1 D ate Paid Tax R eceipt No. A m ount NOTICT TO CREDITORS N otice Is her* by given that the undersigned has been appointed by the probate court of L ane County. Ore gon. executor of the last will and te s t­ am ent of M attle J. Inm an, deceased; 11.52 9.93 10.80 5.97 5.96 6.34 6.90 6.35 6.48 6.47 6.47 14 54 R ate of In te re st DRUG STORE 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% One p in t bay rum , $1.00 value ... 12% 24176 Nov. 16. 1920 1918 23321 Nov. 16, 1920 1919 4794 Mar. 28. 1921 1920 1-H 16732 Sep. 23, 1921 1920-2-H 6170 All kinds of gravel fo r con- 1 Apr. 4. 1922 1921-1-H 26459 Jan. 30, 1923 estate of said M attle J. Inm an 1921-2 H crete or rood wor.k. We 15684 May 31. 1923 1922-1-H make a specialty o f crushed 17936 Sep. 27. 1923 1922 2-H rock and rock sand. B unk- 6320 Apr. 4. 1924 six m onths from thia date. 1923-1 H 1 ers at fo o t of Main on M ill 1S947 Oct. 1, 1924 jew eler Dated th is 27th day of May. 1925. 1923-2-11 6011 W. W. INMAN. Apr. 4, 1925 1 street. 1924 R epairing a Specialty Executor. H EN R Y W. CHASE, Prop. Said Sam uel McMurdo as the ow ner of the legal title of the r.bove des-¡ S pringfield, Oregon W illiam s