T U U R A P A V, JUNK 11. 1MB Oolng to Convention __ . , _ ,ilo away with It; yet. ns the year vtiJa, The harvest of gooseberries Is over / *-» j d T i i l n P U f ' P ««- ,u* u with “*• ■ '* * .* •» ntti« Plans were ma,Io for local member» at Gaston and though the price receiv­ V U /4 J lU C H V C ,nor, w,,' much, as the crop was much heavier. home of Mrs. (’. F. Egglmnii Friday Every (oori housekeeper reaJIaee v,.ar Yards are being raked clean o f „ Spring honaacican llf , , , grv th,nM avvuniu|B|» d nfieruoon Brief Resume of Happenings of Uovermtr Pierce sent a telegram t o ;ihr Mrs. Rgglman and Mra. Mary Ma­ the secretary of war stating that as ,ng atld n K<.„«.r,u «lean-up week but durtB< ,h„ wim ,r months Everythlnr the Week Collected for executive of the state of Oregon he - -ry ,„ w of u> rra||I1( th„ necessity ot from a ||lc lhe ,,„Unr , , bolt»« g'll | Ian to drive to the convention, would support and cooperate with the ' nl, n u l house-cleaning leaving here June 22. and other» may Our Readers. cleared nut. guverument In carrying out the plans ntae gttind . When houso-clcanlng time con n s Suppose tor a change, we nil »tort for national defense test day on July Mrs Currie Humphry wsa Initialed around we are astonished at the this year hv cleaning ou the mental Klamath county's annual fair will 4. Into the order at ihe meeting Hpeclal amount of dirt and trash we h a v e iBttle. bet's (hrow open the windows be held from September 3 to 5 Inclu­ A Clackamas county road bond Is­ accumulated during (he year guest» from Eugene were Mrs Mary We I and poke Into those dark corners, sive. sue of 5335.500 was sold by the coun­ Unstick anil Mrs I.yilla Fox Bow­ Fire chiefs of the state held their ty court to the combined bid of the wonder where It all c 'isies from \\ e have, been crowding out newi man. The next meeting of tho Every year we religiously d ea n house thoughts anil shutting off new growth annual convention at Forest Grove W ells Dickey company. Detroit Trust organlxallon will 1» July 10. «Ince tho with every Intention of throwing away by an accumulation of trash bets this week company and A. D. Wakeman at par. first Friday, the uaual Hireling day. all the useless things And every start over again Remember the living The U niversity of Oregon medical accrued Interest and a premium of will be the day before July 4 year, we Just as religiously tuck It all space of your mind Is Just like the I school. Portland, will graduate 45 stu 320.200. away again, thinking we may find a living space of your house If you i The funeral of Simon R bane, fifth dents this year. use for It. fill It with unservlcable things, you ’ son Ot General Joseph bans, the fir»', State and county traffic officers Ands It's the sam e way with our can t fill II with things that s»rve. and ! from all sections of Oregon held thetr territorial governor of Oregon, was minds There's nothing remarkable help to serve others. If you spend held at Roseburg Mr. bane died after semi-annual conference in Salem, Paul Henderson, a o e e n .l------ a long Illness due to the infirmi­ about the average person's mind, but your time sorting over anil arrunglrg , Past-Master Goderai, who is »«• The Wheeler Lumber company now If It Is given fair treatment It ought the menial Junk you should have ills- ties of advanced age. He was 53 signing to manage the now «I» Is operating a small box factory in to be as servicable at fifty as It Is at carded years ago, you'll have no time transport haa. oapMaiiaod foe years old. connection with the sawmill at Wheel­ It ought to furnish Io sort over and arrange new treat i 310.000.0e0 and whteè «UI tm- Attorney General Van Winkle. In a twenty five. er. madia tal y eatohUsh aa owMnatefil WENDESDAY. JUNE 17th legal opinion, held that Frank Brain plenty of space and an enthusiastic ure llouseclcanlng the mlrnl may sound ' servie» i a t m i n tTvIoage tati New Announcement of the erection this well is state superintendent of banks, welcome for now Ideas and fresh York— «ärrying both freight and year of a new Masonic temple and a despite the charg- made recently that dreams. And It will— If the space easy, but you will find, once you ha pasaangwrs. . labor temple In Eugene has been the new hankiug code adopted by the Isn't taken up with useless things started, that It Is more difficult than I made last legislature terminated his serv until It resemble» the municipal dump housecleaning the home—and -more The McKensie pass is expected to be Ices in that capacity. tng grounds. important. If you study It cut a little, opened by June 2«. according to G. Probably you'd never guess, hear. V’U '>»? »'«>-' “ »»« «">»«* •>* «»' MEN WHO KNOW A letter received by George C Baer, E. Hoffman of the bureau of putdic manager of the Round-up at Pendleton, Ing us talk.! how much rubbish we called bad luck and despair a re spring j roads. from Lieutenant Oakley G. Kelly. In have hidden away In the odd corners ICS from some smoldering, hidden re- Bench lard 'arms in Umatilla coun­ command of the aerial squadron a: of our minds, Broken Idoaa, old iu**’ *kleh should have been cleared RAYMOND AND GENEVA sentim entality—all 5,w‘r" “* ”• *nJ whlch •» «'ontnml-1 ty have received so much rain re­ Vancouver barracks, stated that b< memories, silly cently that spring planting work has tween 35 and 50 planes would make Just about as useful In our modern fating and killing the go.si things of Dexterlout Comicalities been delayed. the trip to the Round up this year. extstanee as the hideous souvenirs we >'"ur blind Examine your eoll-eiloli The public service commission has The Oregon law. which provides for |„ , |g, upOn keeping In our homes. of Mean, notions, prejudices ad Of In issued an order reducing the mini­ the search of automobiles, boats and , ^ -e „n g now ,hat there Isn't any tons, and see if some of them aren't a HARKINS SISTERS mum rate on electric service in the other vehicles for contraband liquors. space ln a hoIIle for useless things. Uul* Phot-worn Sre If you can't , "Harmony and Class' city of Banks from 11.50 to 51. without a march warrant and without ()Ut how of ug a 5BC01,j throw some of thitn away and m ake, Dr J P Wallace. 73. Albany's old­ filing of an affidavit, la unconatituilon tio u fh , ,o , hP things we have room f°r »nd brighter Ideas our mlndgT id,.B, w. have Spring anil cleanup s e a s o n -a n ex est physician, and a practitioner for al. it was held in an opinion given at DOUGLAS GRAVES A CO. 41 years, died at his home tn Albany Tillamook by George R. Bagley, clr ,on< outKr„ wn of thing» «*«•»» time for a thorough personal in after an illness of six months. cult Judge. never undefgtood which we have al- overhauling—a mental frtahenlng up "I Cotto Have Meat" Oregon pensions have been granted wayg , |ended , o gtudy. gossip w e -------------------------------- Mr and Mrs. William Davidson of Brownsville, who crossed the plains as follows: John b. Herpelink. Port • w should have listened to. conceit. .. q i>ai r h n i„„ri Dentist Vitos No longer throw away their n . h i s h u rt fe elin g s ‘ D lppel. n - n t is t to Oregon tn the early 50s. celebrated land. 312 a month; Rose B. Wilson envy, fancied . slights, worn shoes. They bring them hurt reelings, hnlldlng. Springfield. Oregon Prineville. 320; Arthur W. McConnell. .scraps of thls—scraps of that ZEMATER A DEVARO their 58th wedding anniversary. here to be made servicable ________________ William J. Keeling, Governor Pierce issued a commis­ Grants Pass, s 518; again: as good as new In fact. The Step Lively Gymnasts ss-a u i Ju»t *" we clutter up bur home with III; Frances Frances A. A. Harris. Harris. Os-1 Os broken chins, so do we cluttsr up our Perfection hr ml should be the basis Our machines will make a pair sion to Edgar B. Piper, of Portland, Medford. 312; W "---- Rainier, ■ appointing him a trustee of the slate wego. 530; ; Caloma Wilson. of shoes give double service. mind and spoil our lives with mental of every good meal, is It yours? 530 a month. library for a period of five years. Why waste money on new shoes JERRY MACK A CO. rubbish. Every day we promise we'll J H The state board of higher curricula, unnecessu>Uy? Save the dif­ An old bridge that spanned the Uma­ "Mothers Boy" ference and use tt for other tilla river at Stanfield collapsed re­ which met to consider the controversy A Character Comedy Play­ more Immediate needs. cently. It was constructed In 1883. between the University of Oregon and let. Oregon Agricultural college over alleg j No one was on the structure w hen.lt ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP ed duplication of courses, adjourned ! fell. until July IX. without having arrived ' Main St. Between 3rd it 1th Hearing requested by the House­ at a decision as to the merits of the w ives Council of Portland. In connec- various contentions. tlon with the fight for lower fares on R. E. Strahorn, president of the Ore­ lines of the Portland Electric Power company, has been set for June 23. • gon. California & Eastern, has an­ nounced the beginning of the revision A special election has begn called > of surveys of the Modoc Northern line for June 15 by the Ashland council j preparatory to Its possible construc­ for a vote upon the question of issuing Have music in the open—where you will enjoy it the most tion at least as far as Malin, ths center Ranges — Radios — Pianos — Phonographs — Rugs 318.000 in bonds for the purchase of —on vacations, week-end trips\ lawn parties, canoeing of the great Tule lake region, 27 miles a glte for the southern Oregon normal trips, etc. Wetherbee-Powers now have three models for Chairs — Ice Boxes Dressers — Beds southeast of Klamath Falls. Milo $trohm. an old-time resident of your selection—all sturdy, compact. Play any Victor THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY The largest tales of wheat land In Dayton, was shot and seriously wound-1 Record with amazing tone quality and volume, any place, — 11th 12th 13th Umatilla county for many years were ed by Sherllf Green of Columbia coun­ any time. We are making it easy for everyone to have one, All Prices Reduced made, the deals Involving 2100 acres ty when Strohm sought to prevent the now, through our unusually convenient terms of credit. with a monetary consideration of officer searching his house for liquor, i about 3300.000 The land was In the Warning to residents of Portland to i vicinity of A thena.' Adams and S pot Investigate carefully before accepting ford stations, in the heart of the coun­ Phone 33 858 Pearl Street so-called “free lots” from unlicensed ty’s highest producing wheat district. Robt. Callahan in charge real »-state agents, was Issued by Will Both manufactures and sales ol Mocre, state real estate commission­ In Oak or Mahogany m ills of the W est Coast bumbermen's er. association In the week ending May 30 Construction of a park at the pro­ were the lowest they».had been In many montory overlooking Memaloose is­ weeks while shlpnvnts were above Ihe land, on property donated to the state average. Reports by 113 mills show­ by R. D. Chatfield of Mosier. Is pro­ ed manufacture of 97.031.277 feet, posed by the state highway commis­ sales of 90.189.982 feet and shipments sion. of 112.148,734 feet. The United States battleship Oregon Raptd progress is being made with started on its last cruise Tuesday construction of the new line of the when three boats took her In tow at Southern Pacific company over the Bremer on. Wash., for Portland. There Cascades between Oakridge and Klam she will be turned over to the stats ath considering the difficulties en i ( h it o f its years o f expem -ncr in the m aking of gasoline, as a relic. Leatherette Covered countered, according to Nelson F. Mac 1 (hr Standard ( )il Com pany has developed a . a -« dine that Robert J. Tatro, 30. a transient, was ' duff, supervisor of the Cascade na < not only gives quick starting, speed and power, h u t . I ■«• shot and mortally wounded by a gro-; ticnal forest. Rain, snow and mud a niaxunum of A l l L h J i t i . f t r your lummtr louring. eery store night watchman at Klamath I have hampered the work to a great JUST O UT T O D A V I Falls when, according to the police, ’ extent, he said. I he R ti/ C rtw ’i Ahltast Card just out today — makes he was attempting to break into the ! The state engineer has Issued an increasing your m m in c r mileage and i utting dow n gas­ order authorizing the sale of omebali bew is grocery store. oline costs as sim ple as a-h-c. Philip Metscham of 414 East interest in the Warmsprings Irrigation Y o u saw whai record mileages the expert econom y- district reservoir and one-half of the Twenty-second street. Portland, was run drivers made in the Yosem ite Econom y Run I named by the war department as surplus water to the United States H ow ? I hese drivers used " R e d C r o w n ," the m ile­ Representative Crumpacker’s first ap­ reclamation service for use on the age gasoline, am! they know how to drive to [ i t the Vale project. The sale tnUBt be con pointee to the United States military , mileage that's in "R e d C ro w n .” flrme«! by the circuit court of Malh«-ui academy at West Point. il